FORMER Labour and Social Security Minister, Austin Liato, has not reported to the police to explain the source of the K2.1 billion that was buried at his farm in Lusaka.
Zambia Police Service spokesperson Elizabeth Kanjela said in Lusaka yesterday that Mr Liato had not been seen and that police were continuing with investigations into the source of the money that was
retrieved by a team of security personnel. A combined team of law enforcement officers on Friday morning dug out K2.1 billion from the former minister’s farm in Lusaka West. “Mr Liato has not yet reported himself. We are still investigating the matter and I will inform you if there are any latest developments but as of now, we are still investigating,” Ms Kanjela said.
Meanwhile, the MMD on the Copperbelt has said the seizure of the money from Mr Liato’s farm should not be treated as persecution or witch-hunt. Publicity and information secretary, Yotam Mtayachalo, said yesterday that the party in the province had no complaints about the operation by law enforcement agencies. He said the operation did not in any way amount to political persecution or witch-hunt. He urged Zambians to distinguish Mr Liato’s case from other matters in which some former leaders are involved. Mr Mtayachalo commended the law enforcement agencies for ‘’the job well done’’ in recovering the money.
He said the party on the Copperbelt had also welcomed the suspension of Mr Liato, who was MMD chairperson for labour, adding that swift action to discipline him was a clear indication that the former ruling party had nothing to do with the money. Mr Mtayachalo said the party would support any genuine measures by the Patriotic Front Government to fight corruption in the country. “The alleged K2.1 billion scam has tainted the party’s image not only in the eyes of the Zambian people but with the international community as well,” he said.
And the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions first deputy president, Chrispin Munyukwa, said the labour movement in Zambia was saddened with the alleged conduct of Mr Liato and called on him to explain why he kept the money in such a manner. Mr Munyukwa said the labour movement and civil society were waiting for an explanation from Mr Liato because, as a former minister, they expected him to lead by example.
He said the manner in which the former minister hid the money raised suspicion over its source.
And Civil Servants and Allied Workers Union of Zambia president, Dave Chiyobe also urged Mr Liato to explain the source of the money. “The source of the money needs to be substantiated. We are interested
to know where that money came from,” Mr Chiyobe said.
..and you wonder why he kept on getting fatter and fatter
Late the Punish this FAT fish, no wander his Tamy is 400m wide. I need an explantion from the President ZCTU.
ni copy and paste from times of zambia. anyway liato is a fool
Are they not one and the same???
I thought that they are one and the same?
money is evil Mr Liato do not temper with it…….
This is why God intervened to change governments. Stealing was the order of the day in the previous government. We are yet to see more of this kind of behaviours.
Was he the only one? No! It`s just that the others have been a bit clever! Pathetic MMD! This was your son! Nothing will change no matter what you say.
Just to let you guys know, I am selling a refrigerated truck (canter) in Zambia, which has a cold blaster going down to -31 degrees celcius and is in excellent condition. Recently imported from Japan and everything works. Give me heads up if anybody is interested. contact: tanganyikaspecies (at) gmail dot com
Ba LT can we have an update on the Chongwe bye election please. It hurts to think this is a party HH is partnering with!
That tells you that these guys knew that the mddd PARTY had no chance of getting thru the last elections thus ending up stealing alot of money for themselves.These fools had really gone to sleep.He did nothing to that guy who died pa manda hill after a hip on glasses fall on him.That was a serious infringement on labour laws and he was there seeing it.Not knowing that he was busy stealing money.Show up chikala and explain yo self.you can run but you cant hind.
I hear he has consulted Katele and Xavier Chungu on how to elude Police!
Get that Fat f.u.c.k locked up please!!
If it was me found with that kide of money by now i was going to be behind …….NOW it it’s a big fish in a country called ZAMBIA
too many stupid people in Zambia, information says money came from bank of Zambia and Zanaco but you keep asking where did the money came from. why should he explain when we can verify from BOZ and ZANACO what cheques were cashed for him to get that money, checks can even tell what services he provided to get those cheques? if it was in states this case would have been closed by yesterday.
The world is too small for fatty Alberlt(LIAOTA).Tell us the source of these ”gludders”.
Just wondering, how much RB stole, if his former minister minister can be in possession of such an amount.God have mercy! Ba swi–ne aba nga baliwina, inonshita nga tulenya fye shiki!
I wonder why Liato is failing report himself to police if the money is rightly his. It has been reported that at the time of the operation, Liato was not around but we also need to know who else apart from the DEC, ACC and ZP officers was there from Liato’s side. How do we know that the amount reported is all they found?
No wonder these guys are so fat. Kulyapo fyee
Liato is making fake documents this time, and he will only come when all necessary documents are well forged!
This is not much moneyAlthough that would buy some mediocre flat here in glasgow, could this story please go away
Arrest the man or leave him alone.
You are spoiling my
2 spicy chorizo sausages, 2 fried eggs,
baked beans and Tabasco sauce.
Served with toast.and a Coffee
ushota mwambabobe. Shut if you have nothing constructive to write.
it may not be much in glasgow but sure is down here..if its state money every zambian wud be pissed off n so wud i n want justice. n yo say to this well doesnt concern u as much u dont want this story here.this matter has no facts, ask any lawyer he cud get away with it. this story is kinda annoyin n funny, yet questionable.
Mushota, I used to hate you greatly but somehow, unwillingly, I am beginning to like your stupidity. Maybe it is because I have learnt to cope with your problem. Now I know it is not your fault. Thumbs-up for your foolishness!!!!!
is this the story from the bible about hidden treasury?Comedy of the (century 2011).How?how?
Some people are quick to say we’re underdeveloped because of neo-colonialism by the West, unfair trade agreements etc. etc. but here we are…. The major reason for our backwardness is our limitless greed, irresponsible work attitude and lack vision. Thats why instead of strengthening the law against corruption we instead do the opposite by removing the clause on abuse of office. We need to be pro-active against this vice and mete stiffer punishment like in China where in some cases the death penalty applies for corrupt acts. Not three years in prison for stealing billions and denying zambians access to quality social services.
Guys know that this is an inside job by law enforcement agents.This has something to do the bye elections.liato will come out smart in this case.Just wait and see.Burrying money is not an issue but in criminal law the intention and action has to be proved.in this case there is nothing.If he got it thro using his office as minister the source has to found and i believe that the law enforcement they are now tongue tied because the matter is not easy.remember that before the election there were ruamers that Liato had wanted to join PF.Liato will come out clean because it is very simple to get precious stone from across boarders and sell them to foreiners.
My friend, even if the money is his, there is such a thing nown as hoarding. Hoarding is a crime because it keeps money out of circulation. Money is not just property that one can own, it is also the blood supply of the economy, and must be in constant circulation to keep the economy running. When you put money in the bank it does not just sit there. It is kept in circulation by facilitating loans. So,just keeping that amount of money out of circulation is itself a crime, whether the money is legitimately his or not. If the source of the income is proven fraudulent, that is an additional crime.
Ahh people, the guy was just trying to revive LIMA BANK kekekeke!!!!!!!!!
@Mushota this is way over 250,000 pounds and that would get you an upmarket flat in Glasgow so please dont bul-s-hi-t us please.
People dont you want LIMA bank revived??? hahaha!!!!!
#20 Mushota,
And u were wondering why u ar obese? here is the answer:
2 spicy chorizo sausages = 425 calories + 15g saturated fats
2 fried eggs = 300 calories + 430mg cholesterol
baked beans = 300 calories/cup
Tabasco sauce = 200calories/2 table spoons
Total calories = 1,200 PER breakfast. This is about the total # of calories u need per day, and its more than twice the recomended cholestrol intake per day!
Mushota actually meant
1 turkey sausage
2 white eggs
and some milk
to make her full for 9 months
William Banda had 130million pocket change on him, how much pocket money do you expect a former Minister to have.?
I really do not understand how the police can carry out investigations jn the absence of Liato. It does not add up tp say he has not yet reported to the police, why can’t the police arrest him and interview him? Something is fishy and the whole case is becoming questionable and stinky.
The police must come out with the truth.
There was a lot of money from social security NAPSA in particular ,so many projects the purchase of land $15 million ,building society biulding $98.0 million.So this must be kick backs from this same monies inflating contract figures and getting kickbacks.The should track this matters smoothly.This man should not be spared ,let him be an example.
May I sound caution for the nation not to try and convict in the media. We have not heard a word from the accused. All we know is that money was unearthed at Liato’s farm. There are a thousand possibilities in this scenario, so let’s be careful and be analytical when we have enough information. At the moment all we can have are questions. Until these questions are answered or opportunity to answer is rejected we can not reach an accurate conclusion of what has happened. I have expressed views of anyone found with a case to answer should be brought to book for justice to the nation and the individual to be met. I still stand by that view and let the full process take its course in this case too.
On the question of the source of the money you’re right. However,there’s another crime called hoarding, which means keepingmoney out of circulation.On that one there is no further evidence needed. And if the chap was innocent he would already have rushed to clear his name and to accuse PF of persecution.
Stupid Nick and Mushota. You will never own such money you *****s. Just continue nicking each other without making some of us vomit. The two of you stink! Hope nature will deal with you harshly for boasting and adultery.
Owee drama continues in Zambia with Mad president.
The source of his money you ask,the guy is peddling in gold and other stones from his native land Angola.Ask Kabindele if i’m lying.
@#26Kalos2121. If you know these whites you will agree with me that they only do it once a month and for two minutes. This Mushota gay guy would love to have it every night like our Zambian women want and yes something like Nathan`s! Nick tafikapo. He would rather go and eat Steak and Kidney Pie on a Sunday! Yuck!
@#26Kalos2121. If you know these whites you will agree with me that they only do it once a month and for two minutes. This Mushota gay guy would love to have it every night like our Zambian women want and yes something like Nathan`s! Nick tafikapo. He would rather go and eat Steak and Kidney Pie on a Sunday! Yuck!
@ Balanced View there is no person who goes to burry legitimate money. Yes, lets not make conclusive judgment based on the media but just to be real, who buries legit money?
@#26Kalos2121. If you know these whites you will agree with me that they only do it once a month and for two minutes. This Mushota gay guy would love to have it every night like our Zambian women want and yes something like Nathan`s! Nick tafikapo. He would rather go and eat Steak and Kidney Pie on a Sunday! Yuck!
@#26Kalos2121. If you know these whites you will agree with me that they only do it once a month and for two minutes. This Mushota gay guy would love to have it every night like our Zambian women want and yes something like Nathan`s! Nick tafikapo. He would rather go and eat Steak and Kidney Pie on a Sunday! Yuck!
In Zambia there are now many billionaires!! There are still many more with more than that amount. Stealing has become part of the game in Zambia. Go to Chalala and see the many mansions that have been put up, check their payslips and compare with what is coming up!! Most of them a just civil servants with a thin payslip. In most cases they are just an accounts clerks. People who are genuinely working hard cannot manage. It is really frustrating pa Z!!!
The K2.1 billion burst of thief Liato was just sensentional news as usual from PF,it will slowly fizzle into oblivion and quiet. The seized money will not be known where it will end up. Infact its now less than K2.1 billion by now. Thats Zambians worry and will soon be superceded by another sensetional news and slowly die away. Out of a plathora of commissions set up, no one is coming out with conclusive definitive end except raising further questions, objections and refutations in the minds of Zambians. There is need to employ a robust pro- result investigative machinery with definitive conclusions to established cases. Zambia is in a hurry to reduce and rid corruption.
The banks around did not have space in their safes to contain Liato,s cash!!!!!!
Number 38, bring your wife , she will never go back to u. Leave us alone
#38, Ba Zambia ubukopo awe sure muleke! Chila bushiku na akasuba ifili mu kalukobo tapali nangu chimo kano adultery and fornication. No wonder AIDS/HIV will never end in Zambia.
Tawakwata ama tall lay iwe chi colour so you don`t know what it means!
Guys the best govt should do is to change the currency you will see how they will panick
@42. Sanchez. What has what #38 Bunga Bunga said got to do with what you are saying wemb ushi we? Ula tall mber chi no call? Manyami yobe!
#43 Ngomba. Walilwala akaswende. I told you. Don`t sleep with your sister iule!
The radar has no teeth. Whatever the case, Liato has commited a crime and the police should have been the fastest to arrest him. What investigations can they still be doing. There can’t be any justification for burrying such money on earth. What are they waiting for?
Liato has always been a thief,i just cannot understand how he got appointed to ministirial position and how people of kaoma had elected him.Looking back at his history from ZESCO,he misappropriated fund when he was union president,So …REALLY A THIEF WILL ALWAYS BE A THIEF.Studpid fat bustered.
@45 your the dull one here. 42 is saying that because he is white and 38 made a degrading comment about white peoples competence in the bedroom. Sorry for your lack of brain usage but use even the one brain cell you have before you decide to comment like that.
Isuue an arrest warrent, wanted or alive, with a bounty for anyone one who arrests or reports him. Like they did on Osama.
meant @46 not 45
Tribalists who call Bembas thieves are quiet. So its just hatred they have against Bemba people. This Liato thing exposes them, its not stealing that winds them up, but their own inferiority complex.
Kono Liato kwa kuzizilika, kauke mwendi konji ku mu batela ng’aka imu tazise buloshwe. Bukuba bo butulile sikala bo kibwa kaloyawe! Sateni si atezi feela kwa kambwete, kona mumizo o fetelezi kono mwa likocokile ku tezi feela mwateni kahobe a mwanja ka munya!
Imagine wat could have happenend had MMD won the Sept 20th elections, Imagine how much money is in other former govt thieves, Imagine how much money Rupiah Banda stole, Imagine, Imagine, Pliz arrest all former govt ministers in Rupiah regime because they can stabilize the country if the huge chanks of money they have is not quickly recovered. Pliz govt act now, Imagine, Imagine. Others like Felix Mutati are porn actors using stolen public funds. Shame on u *****s!!!!
#47 Mpangula, Awe te sista wandi na sobolile, ni noko! Ama spermatozoa andi achile mu toncil glands yakwa noko, embended live so!
Find him and make him sell his organs to pay back any money stolen for all I care. Yes stealing might have been a part of life in Z before not now. Because of these thieves people I have watched my family become thin with hunger and be laughed at for the fact we have been hungry. We never did anything to them, did not steal from anyone and definately did not bury any hard earned honest money in the ground. People like me could not even bury our loved ones so when a few thieving swines suffer the same fate or worse they will understand stealing other peoples money is not worth the suffering they bring on themselves or their families. Harsh lesson to learn fine but thats how they taught people like me so let them ‘enjoy’ the fruits of their labor
AND any other politician who has stolen and abused the position entrusted to you by the good faith of the people of Zambia, confess, give the money back and seek your peoples forgivness at all costs because the longer you deny your evil thieving ways the worse it will be. Make no mistake that you don’t have blood on your hands because you have more than you can imagine. All the children and people who could have been saved in building a hospital or school, thier blood is on your hands. All the children who grew up orphans without assistence their lifestyles and blood is on your hands. You are and will be made responsible so hurry up and come clean for the sake of your families and the ones who still suffer because of your demonic ways
Italian Bunga and Mpangula. Sanchez and Big Steve are one and the same person and he is a Mod. He had a position in the MMD.
Just checked they read your computer when you post on here so do not even bother wasting your time unless you know a thing or two about computers.
is this witch hunting ? what is dora saying on this matter ? where is HH and we need him to comment on this matter cos he wants a pact with thieves from mmd > UPND do you really have heart for poor Zambian ? my advice is that if you want your party to move forward can you plz sale your party on your own rather than doing a hide and seek game with mmd( useless party jst to frustrute PF effort . Mark my word : God is able and will hear pipoz cry. A zambian child is dying in hospital due to lack of medices meanwhile a STUPID LIATO , hiding 2.1billion in the soil > where is concious ?
ZCTU president is useless just fake promises
and you used to say tonga’s are dull these lozis are worse
You will never see Liato. He’s reportedly crossed into Namibia.
*****s , fools and babarick mmd. a need to investigate all ministers from mmd , there is alot to that . pipo whu have read my comments plz adviz law agencies together with police intelligency to move fast on freezing all movements from previous govt ,
If 2 billion Kwacha can be taken by one individual and nobody is missing any money somewhere, it just shows how rotten the systems we have in place are. I hope the next thing the new government will do is to upgrade all administrative processes in the country to close all loopholes otherwise, 5 years from now we’ll still be right here.
INNOCENT until proven guilty.
The money could have been planted there, literally! Was this what Mr Sata referred to as ‘hidden ballot papers?’
Mushota ……boasting like that, i know its not your first time now this just proves you are an *****.You sound like a thief also, let me tell you ,people him are been arrested just for stealing a chicken which cant even amount to a a flat zambia.All wat the people of zambia want is to have all the bad guys behind bars they have stollen more than enough just like you,only hope the law and time catches up wit you.Liato no doubt he is a greed selfish criminal
Good move.Yes take your time so that you build a strong case against him.
….just looking at him tells you he is a koponya this one
I wonder where James band and his brothers are,they are thieves like Fat Liato!
What charge is Liato going to face. There are many reasons why some people opt to keep their cash from the banking sector. Fear of the unknown. Its common in village set up to hide money under the round, beehives, rooftops and ceiling boards. Our man has still got village mentality nothing else. Let us give a benefit of doubt. The law enforers are supposed to have done their party by now. That cash was drawn from BOZ and Zanaco and the officers that LIATO dealt with are still alive and records still retrievable. You dont need spce scientist to see through that transaction.
Zambian Police is just utterly useless, the money was in Commercial Bank and BOZ stickers with dates on them, surely that is more than enough overwhelming evidence, 3 days and nothing then just go back to the farm and put the money where you found it and pay the guy damages to his property.
If this money was found in a Civil Servant’s fridge, they would have been roughing up the poor fella…Austin is consulting with the best financial brains and lawyers in the land on what course of action to take…a Citizen’s Police is needed pa Zed…this is also reinforces may earlier plea to Sata to shut his BIG mouth until a suspect is proved guilty and is behind bars.
ZP can’t catch those fellas they are just too smart for them!!
this is very aimless statement from ZP…”’Zambia Police Service spokesperson Elizabeth Kanjela said in Lusaka yesterday that Mr Liato had not been seen and that police were continuing with investigations into the source of the money ”’ Has police summoned Liato..if so why go a man hunt.. or am i missing something…
Am beginning to believe that Mushota is serving as an MP (Mental Patient) in Glascow.
All of you are making quick conclusion Liato stole the money. Suppose he obtained it through some transactions and did not want to bank the money. He is a good guy and handsome. He only needs the gymn to have a six pack.
bo ishe Liato!
The fat slob is trying to make for the border either into Angola or Namibia!! Unfortunately, he will not make it with that tummy in the way. The long arm must reach him and bring him back to face the music. Vikawalala!
Those people saying that this money is nothing when they compare it to £ and $ are stu.pid. It would pay a lot of people to cultivate a field to grow Zambian Chilies to export for you to buy from ASDA walmart, also benefiting people are employed to sell things like that at ASDA. There would be a lot of economic activities around such money. Infact removing such money fro circulation has a effect on it. Some people in the developed world don’t think widely, they think that because it’s<2wks wages for Carlos Tevez and such trash, what about the multiplier effect of such money. I sometimes feels ashamed to be a Zambian abroad, I feel like AN IDIO.T ABROAD.
I’m sue Liato tabuleima.
I’m sure Liato tabuleima.
I thought only Bemba’s are thieves. This Lozi chap is disappointing. Is this how Barotse ministers are going to manage the resources. Barotseland needs Northern Rhodesia. Remember the two are one and they form Zambia. This is why there can not be any sessession.
Why allow yourself to let the word see how shollow minded you are?
Check the prison population record you will be pleasantly surprised, that your tribes mates out numbers the rest of us,and if you care to know what crimes have been committed top on list stealing, followed closely by bestiality!!!!!
K2.1 billion,sure is this fair /the firs question will or can be what kind for business can give you that kind of money and at what age did you start that business but still the other question will be why underground banking?
Also as a country we need policies in place which will allow individual to be audited because the is wasting and for sure this guy took from the national funds and other illegal means ,people please twapapata this not okay .
We understand you grow up poor but this still does not justify steal
Surprising that even after getting (we we all don’t know how) 2.1b, the man could not even manage to take himself to the baber shop to have a shave. Akaso Chikala Liato.
ooooooooooooooooh another Gaddaff now in zambia kwena liato are you sure you can compare yourself to Gaddaffi by hinding in your ka village and looking at your chilifumo you can’t fit mu tunnels
Mushota stop telling us about the left overs you got from the restaurant you are working at in Glasgow………
Ladies and gentlemen, i wish to hereby inform you that, investigations carried out so far, indicate that LIATO, hid his money due to the fact that there were and are still uncertainities surrounding the outcome of the 2011 elections. He withdrew all his money and kept it at home and he was noty alone. I know of three indians who equally withdrew huge amounts in anticipation of political instability. LIATO earned his money through the following:
1. ZESCO separation package- k500,000,000 2. Foreign Trips, especially GENEVA – K500,000,000 3. Ministrial Salary and Parlaimentary Privileges – k500,000,000 4. Personal businesses e.g. rentals, cash crops and cattle sales- k500,000,000. the remaining K100,000,000 was campaign funds given by MMD. hOPE U ARE SATISFIED
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