Austin Liato, the man behind the two billion Kwacha cash unearthed at his farm in Mwembeshi, has finally reported to the police to answer questions over the matter.
The former labour minister appeared in public for the first time since the 2 billion kwacha story broke on Friday last week.
Police and other investigative wings have been waiting for Mr Liato to appear before them to answer queries over the money .
Mr. Liato appeared before the interrogators at the former Task Force on Corruption premises in Lusaka at 15:00 hours on Tuesday.
Mr. Liato kept police officers waiting from 10 hours until 15:00 hours when he showed up.
He was welcomed at the former Task Force on Corruption premises by his lawyer Nelly Muti .
Mr. Liato was accompanied by his relatives and former defense Deputy Minister Joseph Mulyata.
Mr. Liato who looked calm and collected was interrogated for over two hours.
When asked for a comment on the two point one billion kwacha found at his farmer, Mr. LIATO remained
And fresh reports are saying that Mr Austin Liato has been detained by police at Lusaka’s Woodlands police station.
Police service spokesperson, Elizabeth Kanjela, confirmed that Mr. Liato is yet to be charged. Ms. Kanjela further disclosed that investigations are still on going.
Lawyers representing Mr. Liato have declined to comment on the matter, saying it is too early.
Mr. Liato was detained at exactly 20:00 hrs, after a conducted search by lay enforcement agencies at his Kalundu residence for close to three hours.
cantral obesity
I think when you are rich and obese you cannot enjoy your money. People mock you despite having money. LOL.
so what next? he has come,lets wait and see.
They cant arrest him yet because they have nothing to charge him with. After a couple of weeks if they can not come up with an offence he will be claiming his money back…..
The problem of obensity in Banda’s government went hand in hand with stealing, and promiscuity like Dora being shugged senseless by Mutati in Kasama. I just saw the video clip, Mutati inserted in all of Dora’s three whores! So when she accused Sata of homofimofimo, she knew how if feels from the backside because she wailed like a Rastafarai Wailer.
Imagine aba ba muntu.Why just enjoying weka ? Share.iya weka te best kuti waya nempaga.
Pliz ba-guy,
Share the link kaili…. We just hear that the Video is worse, well meaning better than that of Iris.
I cant wait to see Dora being Banged…..lol
“two point one billion kwacha”; where on earth do the monetary data like that?
Leave the man alone
The virtue of a black man genetically makes them easier to stealIf you are black and male You are more likely to steal than a white person or a woman of any geneThat’s just the way the statistics have been proved i n the past and the only people that refuse this is probably a black man, Iam not being sexist or anything but that is the truth if you look at things in perspectiveThis man stole is not news, I will tell you the this The chances are there are people that have stolen much more money, than himPoint is yes persecute him but this is being blown out of proportion topic after topic, this is a jokeThat is not much money footballers earn that in a week, I will earn that in 3 and half yearsGrow up LT and you peopleThanks
What a load of rubbish. I bet you whorship the white people.
…where on earth do they write monetary data like that?
Mute, for how long? People want answers and staying mute won sort out issues. If killing yourself is a solution, what is the problem? Bane, lets keep the food we eat as our medicine. The fat Albert thing???
they also need to strip open his pot belly, am pretty sure he’s hiding some mulla in there..
Lol….the man is just fat surely there can’t be money there can there be?
Too late! He has already eaten “palibe kantu”. You can’t touch him now
‘@ mushota shut up!!! and have some rest on blogging. wot happened to ur MP in the UK?? were u claim to leave.
I knew big bosses was around.Where else can he take his pot bellied being ? Yeah fat dad is home.
I suspect there is more money in Liato’s belly? Look at the size of it. X_Ray the man!
lol…………you guys are soo funny, I can’t help it. You are making me think soo too, the belly is really big but can there be money there?
Liato has been detained while others like Musokotwane, Mpande and Dorah Siliya with similar cases are free and still making noise.
I understand the temperatures are currently very high in Lusaka and Liato will be very uncomfortable in the cells with that kind of weight. The police must keep an eye on him.
It’s no longer; “more money in your pockets” but “more money in your belly”
Iye pali ma pot belly pa zed.mr Liato can buy herbalife products you can look sexy again contact me for more infor.i believe in zambia when you have apot belly nishi you are rich ati bakudya bwino not knowing in westerners its obesity.awe mwe.is that mr mulyata in the picture ohh he was my teacher at kyindu primary school from grade 5 to 7.
The practice of hiding money beneath the floorboards, ceilings and so forth did not start today. It was a common rehearsal when Forex started getting very tight in banks during the KK Regime as everyone was going on the black market AKA “Katondo Street” & “Mr Rooster Restaurant” to buy Forex.
Without discriminating any ethnic group, the Asian Community have been masters of hiding money behind floorboards. This exercise was also a platform used to dodge paying taxes as businesses were cooking tax-books and staying at hand to buy forex at any given available moment. If the police went to LITTLE BOMBAY or MADRASS in Lusaka, they would find billions of cash stashed in houses undergrounds meant to be taxed by the Zambia Revenue Authority. (Cont…)
The tendency has not stopped and we still have billions of kwachas underneath the concrete all over by all types of people. The IRONY is that it forces BOZ to go the Mint Factory and print more paper that DEVALUES the power of the Kwacha.
We have a lot of Zambians or Tax-Dodgers & Thieves, FORNICATING with billions of kwacha’s in their houses and farms. The Banking sector cannot grow to provide loans to small scale enterprises when the circulation of money is affecting the Economy.
If this is Liato’s money which is legitimate or justifiable then that’s for him to explain. But I guess most people are smelling a RAT.
little mama…i was your classmate babe..
Mr Liato must be saving that money for extra FOOD, he could have swallowed the money it would have been safe in his huge belly
Mushota are you that bored, do you just sit around waiting to post silly comments. I wonder what you are doing in the UK. K2.1b may not seem like much to you but again i doubt you are rich, K2.1b can go along way in Zambia, it’s money that can buy medicines for our hospitals and more.
Why should he be left alone? Grow up and get real
chikala liato wapya!
Innocent until proven guilty. K2.1 billion is £3 million. Correct? Former ZESCO trade union boss, turned politician and minister. Constituency Development funds are usually around K2.1 billion. Correct? Ministers do not ‘handle’ cash. Correct? Are the people of Liuwa able to account for their CDF?
Have the police found Mr Liato’s fingerprints or DNA on the trunks and the cash?
Following the serial numbers on the bank notes, can the police find out when and where the money came from?
I think the Zambian gov should throw such characters in jail where they belong. How can the whole lot of this chiLiato thing have K2.1 dollar equivalent is about $500,000. Thats is a tons of money even in the USA!
Mushota is right. Most SMALL time thieves are black and male. Most BIG time thieves are white and male. Most reasons for theft is to impress a woman and usually a black woman. White women are the most genuine people on earth and they love with real love. Black women are usually gold diggers. It doesn’t take much but see that the poorest countries in Africa have the largest number of black girls on Internet dating site. The only competitors are from Eastern Europe! There are millions of black girls waiting for the day a wrinkly 70 year old white Glaswegian will change their poverty to a decent life in a council flat!
You are really right. From Mushota’s sentiments, of late, she just qualifies herself to be in the kind of business we have always suspected. I really cry to my knees when I meet our women in the sex industry and how easy they find themselves going out for peanuts. I only hope our lil Mushota is not a ‘pole-dancer’
I told you only hunger will smoke him out, look at him, those chaps are going to love you in prison!! kekeke
shit son of @ò@ Liato
Ichilufumo kolwe people are suffering and you are busy putting money pamus@la pamone..
muchimange, and guy wait for that shit in jail mukachilye.
This man needed the money for food please leave him alone.
Africans by nature can not be trusted with responsibilities Liato is just a clear example.Africans have failed even to build schools,hospitals basic things that is why they go to South Africa or abroad for school or medical treatment.These Africans are nothings but animals.
Please, help me understand one thing. I see people are busy making conclussive statements, has it already been known if this money was gainned dubiously or not.
Dr malama is behaving like his master Sata. he was on the news yesterday saying Liato is on the run. next day Liato is at police volunterily. police jeopardise there own investigations. Liato im sure has more billions somewhere, when he comes out of prison, he’ll go and digg up the remaining billions. why wasnt he under survailance from friday last week?
Legal or illegal this money should have been in circulation. Even in countries where money laundering and drug dealing is rampant the cash still makes the rounds assisting the economy
Yes open that mother fuxxxken belly. I have no kind words for mother fuxxkers like this. Shooting them in public is the best way to solving this problems. Chungu is another mother fuxxxker making noise. Zambia? What have we done we the ordinary to sacrifice our vote and be cheated by scum beg like this?
Who can win a 100 meter race between GBM vs LIATO ? This could be a best seller !!!!!!
Bamwata ba Liato ebimwalingi biatunehela nsoni yetu babusoko benu, bika kamwanehele zimbongo kuno kwimbo ku Kaoma nakubipangesa? Luenu nabinzili biose katwesu nakutonda yenu kuya mutolongo.
There is nothing African or racial about stealing, it is s social issue. To say that black man is more likely to steal than a white man is to miss the point. If you are talking about petty crime, you need to consider the socio-economic circumstances that prevails even in multiracial societu=es like RSA or South Africa, the black man is usually marginalised and poor.
Liatos case is different, this is white collar crime by someone well of, not stealing in order to eat but out of selfichness to have it all. Nothing African, racial or anything but greed and a corrput mind, punish the chap!!!
Just looking at him makes me want to puke!
Mushota pass us the puke bucket please.
@#35. Zebb. Lets play a game if you don`t mind. I will name an African who has stolen when they probably didn`t need to, you give me a name other than that of an African.
I will start:
Kweku Adoboli.
Dull comment saying African cant be trusted with responsibilities – thats being dull with your own inferiority complex – is liato representing the whole Africa – what about your current leaders do we have not to trust them? speak like human U Clapy other continents worshiper – u mean u cant trust african beacuse of what u seen to liato?????????????shut up
True an African is more likely to steal. That hurt! Ouchiiiiiiiiiii!
I think the best way is for the Govt to change the currency.That is to print new kwacha note.Who knows what these People did when they where in power.People can cry foul.
Liato looks like he has really bin “eating” well………in Zed fatness being a sign of wealth……..kekeke
Now that is a real fat belly!! Yaba! Izapompoloka when the law agents are finished with him. Chikawalala.
What tribe is Liato? I am sure he is not Bemba otherwise the comments where going to be …………..
Why do these guys eat their health away like that deliberately. Theren is no life in that guy. Anytime he can just drop dead from a heart attack or stroke . Poverty is a very funny thing.
Let him now answer to his actions of hiding money underground. If he acquired that money genueningly i bet he could not have hiden it underground, now something is fish about his actions and dealings and he looks suspious.
But you can tell how narrow minded some men are. K 2.1 BN is not money you can put away and claim to have money. That’s just the price of about two S-Class Mercedes.
At the end of it all Liato is likely to get away with a light sentence. I wonder what the maximum sentence the courts can give someone for not banking money. There is a possibility he might show he legally did earn the money. But then again looking at the dull manner in which he concealed the money I doubt he can account for the money properly.
Liato Shud Go to Jail Plse.Let the police search KOONGA AND MUTATI TOO!
Scan the boy”s stomach he could just be hiding more money in it than you have found so far!!!!
Liato needs De-worming. He is suffering from adult malnutirtion. No wonder he has that chi ma tummy. Imbwa ya muntu. Bye bye “cash farmer” .
there is no shame in Zambia. liato must be a respected church goer, but the sense of faithful stewarship is totally missing. the 265,000 punds and liato saga is just a tip of the ice berg. given chance, every civil servant, minister or teacher want to do exactly what liato did. this is just like Iris Kaingu case. given a chance, many bloggger here would want to be in the poistion making a video. in fact that is what happens on a daily basis despite the condemnation.
Well they have the man now, they should conclude the investigations and we move on. Has anyone paid attention, that has a nation we are spending less time on issues which could get this country out of poverty. For instance what progress has been made towards securing a good havest this rain season? One wonders if these happenings are not a way of diverting people’s attention from real issues by the current govt.
That money came from a bank from the serial numbers. Can the police please identify the bank and establish a trail.
It is clear to me now that my fellow bloggers lack analytical skills to review issues. Theft is Theft even if it is one ngwee. It is the principal and not the amount involved here. If i was a high court judge he would give him maximum sentence with hard labour. Micheal Jackson’s Doctor was found guilty for losing one life. How much more lifes has Liato caused to die because of lack of drugs in Hospitals?
From the police station they need to take this thug for a scan. The might just be another K1billion in that pot belly!!
just the head will tell you that the guy does not think.
stupid as usual,always with verbal diarrhea iwe mushota, mp’s in the UK were being vindicated for less than K2.1bn. They had outrageous domestic expenditure eg £2000 for dog food at the expense of Tax payers. The issues is not how much he stashed away but the fact that he abused the authority entrusted unto him as a public servant. Even the so called pioneers of democracy, “the western world”, do not condone people who are corrupt in this sense.
Liato is really a criminal, he needs to be caged. Iam waiting to meet and gave him peace of my mind.
how can one get so large mwebantu to an extent where they a not he alone is putting on maternity shirts?
indeed its livng to eat and not eating to live, greed can deform people, hey!
@THE SAINT(24). Nice one and point on….. @Mushota am sure you would agree with him. are you balck and african and in Europe? has your poverty died? is he an old man? of course he is.
Chula mbototo!!1
the man will get his loot back..watch the space..
:#Mushota u r being naive by vomiting a milange of racial, gendercentric, and self perceived rich list. I cant find your name on the zambia top 100 richest let alone any credible list. why rouble yourself with telling people how well u r doing? Dont you realise that pride comes before a fall. dont you know that only god knows what is in the offing for you? Did you know steve jobs, a very rich man? did he boast about it? your achievements are nothing until they are recognised by others. if you die tonight, do you think we will even know? probably you will be burried by the scottish council in a foriegn land.
That is him yes! The man has always been fat. It is genetically in-born.
To all of you trying to comment on news items. Get this sense or remain in darkness.I have followed your comment closely. Insults are not a good way of contributing and for your information you can be traced without any difficult if matters got worse, especially the Sata mutati Dora siliya comment is bad and unacceptable. on the other hand commenting on pipo like Mushota is somewhat childish drawing attention from the subject matter to herself. mind you we read Lt from out here and feel embarrassed by unfruitful,unpatriotic and inferior comments from some folks. while others are very good and objective. please my people be constructive don’t just comment for the sake of but for airing your opinion on the matter. we can always differ in our views but we learn from each other,
the intention to conceal that amount of money is what is relevant. those who are poor who will always think that the rich become rich by concealing (stealing) huge sums of money. so the intention to conceal the amount is what should be punished and punished severly!
Look at their enormous bellies, these fat bastards have gorged themselves on public money till there bursting at the seams . . . . prison will deflate them.
I wrote the above comment to preserve the fan for all those who enjoy commenting. vulgar language and talking about people on unproven clandestine activities is tantamount defamation of character one may commit a fund to sort out the originator of the story and that can be a sad development to any of my brother or sister out there. for example here in London organisers of the riot in summer did most of their communication thru the internet and the police arrested a number of them some from as far as northern Scotland who were not even part of the actual demo. Why iam i writing this its because i saw some sensitive stories then Vulgar statements breaching the terms of this medium(LT) the fact that LT is unable to censor you post does mean that its toralable to go on insulting.
Ba LT improve on your spellings. Don’t you have an editor?
18## INDEPENDENT OBSERVER, Mambala & Chi-Kala why don’t you take your money into the Zambian Economy? we know you and your where about in London. Okay you are one lucky Mother-Fu** with a high flying job in the world earning millions of Dollars per year but do us a favour with all your crap. we know your girlfriend that Lukwesa Burka the Zambian News reader at Sky News UK
Definately, after reflecting all over the weekend he has now cooked up a sweet story hence the courage to show up. Let him be cut into half body, head to foot, & further his stomach into four parts as there is a likelihood of finding a further K2b in his intestines.
liato is innocent and will be released. Mind you, the burden to discharge a suspect guilty beyond any reasonable lies with the state. in effect, the police will have to prove that he stole the money and so far so no complaint has been received from anywhere, not even his former ministry. Liato has be taken to court within 24 hours, failure to which they have to release him to continue with their useless investigations. POLICE, ACC AND DEC, dont be too excited, otherwise, u will cry
Sadly, Mushota’s pro MMD tactics have caught up. Your points are usually baseless and you clearly are delluded. You do not even know much about Zambian politics.
Save Liato’s photo and compare it to the one he will take after mukobeko prison in 2050
How many bed sheets can we make from Liatos’ shirt?
LIATO: ” My doctors diagonised me as having suffered avery serious depression upon hearing of such a shocking amount of money being discovered at my farm and I collapsed in disbelief,. When I got better and was finally able to talk and recognise people, I then heard there was a team of policement looking for me. Here I am, and by the way have you found out who put the money at my farm, coz it means am not safe there?”
To be honest, XLAY the chap coz iam sure in that belly are dollars