The seat was contested by four political parties.
PF Candidate Sylvia Masebo Polled eight thousand six-hundred and seven (8607) while Adrian Bauleni of the UPND/MMD pact polled three thousand nine hundred and two (3902).
David Chulu of FDD got one-hundred and seventeen (117) votes while UNIP’s Johannes Mativenga got one hundred and twenty three (123) votes.
The total number of registered voters in Chongwe is 52,166 and only 12,901 voters managed to cast their votes, which is only 25% of the registered voters.
Chongwe Returning officer, John Lungu declared Ms. Masebo of the Patriotic Front duly elected at exactly 03:05, this morning.
The Pf has also won the Nakonde parliamentary seat.
PF candidate Abel Sichula emerged winner with 8,841 votes and was seconded by the MMD candidate George Sinkala who managed to secure 2,116 votes.
Mr Sichula was declared winner around 04 hours this morning.
In preliminary results from Magoye constituency, 36 polling stations have been counted while the remaining four will be tabulated after collection from across the Zambezi River.
So far, the UPND has secured 6,058 votes, PF 2,430 UNIP 64, ADD 100 and FDD 71.
Who cares about Magoye?
Who is excited about Masebo win?
The Govt of the day.
Hahaha ati who cares about magoye,the bantustan do!!Congrats upnd and pf for scooping the respective seats!!to my party mmd nichani chichitaka can we organize ourselves imwe guys atase this situ we are in is pathetic!!!
P A B W A T O……………………….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Imwe atleast PF is second in Magoye
Another two in the bag! Toot toot toot!
Where is Capitalist na Bootfimofimo mwebantu?
Just like i had expected
The downfall of MMD!! How did Mwankolombe win the 20th September elections?
Please editor be a bit knowledgeble. Accross Zambezi river is Zimbabwe. Dont cheat to prepare to rig
Good result, Liato has not helped MMD so much…..I know a lot of people that were die-hard members of the party that are so embarrassed to even mention the name of their party now. More discoveries will show just corrupt this party was and it will be interesting to read MMD bootlicker, engineer and capitalist’s comments.
Tongas at work will never rule this country you tribalist.
UNDP winining Magoye is good news for PF, this reinforces the notion that UNDP is a tribal party and regional party..and other regions are watching…way to go UNDP, HH is the defacto President for Mazabuka…By the way, PF will easily get the majority in parli going by this trend…Once all the pettioned rsults are contested, PF will cruise to majority in parli…MMD is done and dusted …
MMD is dead forevr, UPND is bantustan forever, PF is gaining popularity for ever. I end here guys.
My relatives in Southern province are not yet ready to work with this Sata led government. It would have been nice to see someone from Southern province to be minister but our fellow tribesmen and women are just too arrogant and they will not give or support even their child who wants to work with the PF. Now people should understand why these places remain undeveloped. They simply do not want to work with the government of the day, this all started with Andy and now HH is getting strong at it and will do anything to keep those constituencies to UPND. Good luck to the winners though!
Tongas are good people and principled
congratulations bonse
Nothibg to say but congrats to all the parties for scooping the seats and a big one to mmd for the local government one in chingola!!! Bravo pf viva sata
HH 2016
Weldone Bantustan, thats the way, congrats UPND and PF
Tonga speaking people are dull,they are used to poverty thats why they dont want to work with the government of the day.Look at nakonde,they have changed because they need development in the area,all along they were voting for former ruling MMD,tongas have distanced themselves from the development of the government of the day they thionk HH will rule this nation.They will remain in poverty as long as they remain supporters of HH and the UPND.
Losing Magoye should sound a warning to PF that performace will win you elections not just talking, already more money in your pockets will be 4 months late and even then it’ll still benefit a few… PF needs to implement things such that they reach the grassroot, give people reason not vote for UPND. And if they vote for UPND still that’s when you can say they are tribal… I think Tonga’s are just good business people princpled business people PF needs to give them something for them to vote for PF… With that said! WAKE UP PF NOW!!!
ok this is good for tribal democracy
Does this mean the end of MMD? I feel bad for the former ruling party.Actually this is the right time for MMD to re-organize and work hard because their name is still fresh in the Minds of many people and if they decide to keep quite and stop contesting elections then this will mean MMD into oblivion.Zambian politics without MMD will be a sad development.Can MMD re-brand immediately and hold a mini Convention so that new leaders begin to organize the party.
When Mr. PF president says he wants to develop his home land Pinka better than chipata that is not regionalism. When Tongas vote for their UPND candident that is regionalism. Why? Why should certain people be immuned from criticism for the same acts while others are condemned to death?
Twachula pafula mwee. When the entire Northern and Luapula province voted for PF where the president comes from that was not regionalism. Why?
#21 Republican “I think Tonga’s are just good business people princpled business people PF needs to give them something for them to vote for PF”
Kindly enlighten us what HH and UPND gave Tongas for them to vote UPND.
Congrates Zambian Jews for voting on principle and retaining the Magoye seat. Zonda mu Tonga uzalema. They’re a blessed tribe and nothing will change that. Long live Tonga land!!!
The voting parten in Zed is simple, people vote for their tribesmen, whether they are Bemba, Tonga or Easterners. This tribes are have the same mentality, but what suprises me is the way the Tongas have been labled for retaining Magoye which is a upnd stronghold, and yet its normal for pf to win in their Bantustan terrirory. Just be fair, this is African politics, thats the way it goes, we dont vote based on issues, but on tribes periods!!!!
there will be a bye ‘erection’ in Chongwe soon. Masebo will soon pass on. Her BUMS unlike Dora are finished. think of it
The only fresh name that people can remember about MMd is planderers and looters. Which zambian has a fresh name about MMd as developers anyway?
At least PF has gained some ground in Southern Province, we used to get less than 5% in previous elections and now we are able to obtain above 25%. We are growing.
deleted as per request
KOLWESTAN AT WORK – tongas cant just be deceived by your so called fake promises-Nakonde they vote for Sata you dont complain whats wrong you Monkeys and your Freddy membe tribalist–kolwes
Magoye ? Some things will never change.Congrats Pf for victories in Chongwe and Nakonde.Welcome back Silvia…good to have you back.
there is nothing wrong in Magoye voting for their own and so was the case for Nakonde. May be it is time we went the route of autonomy regional govts. This way local politics will be strong. I know most people do not understand why UPND is appealing to this region other than that it is led by their son, it is the completeness in the agro-economy policies of UPND. Most people in this nation just vote without understanding how they will benefit from a govt. for instance more money in the pockets is only for those who earn K2m and below in other words lowly paid workers as for the rest palimbechanu.
I can smell alot of bemba kolwestan tribalists blasting their colleagues for voting the way they wanted..what tribalism are u talking about when your pf candidate is equally Tonga..?nonsense..go and rot bakolwe imwe!!
What do you say about the Tonga people. It is difficult to change their mentality. Look at the results of Magoye. They still have hope in in Honorable Home Party (HH Personal Holder Party). Well you are the patriotic Tongas, but remember that Zambia is bigger than Southern Province. Try to put someone outside Tonga land as president, and HH as president, it will work for you in 2016 polls and I will campaign for you. Had the pact worked, this time HH would have been the second person in PF government. But it worked well, otherwise I do not trust HH, something would have happened to make sure that he ascended to the presidency before King Cobra’s mandate. But the good part is that, Zambia is developing and changes of King Cobra will be appreciated after he retires.
These Tonga chaps are always remaining behind like what the easterners did in 1991 when the entire country moved with wind of mmd,they remained in unip.pliz start changing like yo fellows in the western province.
@#36. Assha. You sound a very frustrated person why?
Look UPND won in Magoye, PF won in Nakonde and Magoye. So no worries there. Chances are, as long HH is President of UP N Down party, they will always win anything in SP. But watch out for PF making inroads in EP, CP, CB rural, NWP so no one cares about SP.
Where is Bootfimofimo and Capitalist mwebantu?
No# 33 shaka,
Mune ati shani iyo story ya ba nevers mumba?pwilikisha kaili? ati they also have a slut called (carolina rodrigue)
Don’t make us laugh with “who cares about magoye? PF, post, Army, Policy, ZNS, Sata, Lubinda, Scott and others were sent there, guess what ……. landslide to UPND. Call them names the fact is your beloved satana is wanted there …. and Yes MMD remains the only national party, others are regional and tribal, yes including PF
God you are thick you Kapotu. Another two in the bag.
Who cares about Magoye? Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! That hurt didn`t it?
The way things are going, the only way for MMD is down. Who cares about SP?
@ Republican Guard, No matter how much PFworks to develop southern Province, they will never win even a ward election. This is because our brothers from the south want their “son of the soil” to rule therefore they feel it their duty to vote for “own” no matter what it takes. Thats how differently we think in Zambia. UPND will never ever produce a president and HH shall never be president of this nation. People like Magande are presidential material and I wish him all the best in his plotical career.
Guys its not a matter for southerners to vote for their own party UPND, let them contnue doing so since their party UPND is just in southern province. It is not in Lusaka nor coperbelt the cosmopolitan cities. What a shame, leave them alone for HH their president will remain the president of southern province for ever and ever AMEN and period.
You may call a Tonga whatever names you want, WE SIMPLY DON’T CARE, if you don’t like our voting pattern go and drown yourself. All regions vote on tribal lines, how many MPs came from Northern and Luapula provinces? Use your heads to think, we also need a lot of opposition MPs to give checks and balances. For none travelled and ignorant blind tribalists, which provinces are more developed between Northern, Luapula and Southern? You are just bitter because Tongas are not hungry and bought by empty promises and sweets.
Was is a Bemba who stood in Magoye? So what is this tribal talk all about? Indeed how many UPND mps are from Northern and Luapula provinces? Get real pipo and lets debate real issues. Congratulations to all winners, but Masebo has reached her expiry date.
@#49 Southerner. So why can`t UP N Down win anywhere else then? CB, LP, NP, LSK?
The whites in the USA also used to say a blackman would never rule them and where are they today? All you prophets of doom against the Tongas, one day you will be humbled by God and if we were to find out about most of you who post hate messages about Tongas, you go to church religiously- remember-GOD CANNOT BE MOCKED. So repent and spread peace and unity messages or God’s wrath will come to you. In a democracy you respect pipo’s choices.
The answer is simple @ #51Bunga Bunga- likewise, UPND cannot win in Luapula & Northern provinces because they also vote on tribal lines. As for Lusaka and CB, go and read your history on past elections. So my dear, our job is educate our politicians to sell themselves very well in areas where they do not hail from- yet again, this will be asking for too much as people outside Lusaka tend to vote on regional lines. We also need a unifying political figure who shall be loved by all regions- it is possible.
Zonda mu Tonga uzalema!!!!
Leave the Tonga tribe out of this debate, electorates vote for the person who sells themself well. Shame on some of you PF cadres who want to condemn on tribal lines. I commend Sata for moving the SP provincial h/qs to Choma and obviously this will come with developmental programs- so what do you mean when you say SP will lag behind? I’m having a feeling that some pipo are just jealous of others, you need to help the President develop your underdeveloped NP & LP which are no match to SP.
Kalya uzumanana, katuya nobasankwa, utayandi achileke!
Which city is bigger between Kasama and Livingstone? Where is 90% of electricity generated in Zambia?
Chongwe and Nakonde people are sick in their heads-tell me on what basis did they vote for PF,you have been cheated and you continue to shamelessly vote for deceiteful SATA and his PF.For Chongwe people,why continue recycle Masebo,so Chongwe equals Masebo and Masebo equals Chongwe?
Tongas are principled people who cannot be swayed easily. You don’t promise them a deputy minister or tractors in order to vote for the PF. The Tongas want help on animal diseases and irrigation equipment among other things. We want development of our province that includes the road network and Choma-Masuku-Maamba railway. PF promised the country heaven on earth such that they have now realized that it is not possible, hence chameleon behaviour.
Masebo adds no value to parliament, Chongwe pipo you have gongered yourselves, only Masebo and the Chieftainess will benefit, the rest of you mwailasha, you have yourselves to blame.
Reading the some postings I get a sense of frustration from the pro-PF bloggers. Fisanga abaume guys. I said before the ballots were cast that it takes a lot to woo people of southern province. Bags of mealie meal, K50, 000 and chitenge materials which work in other provinces can’t work in the south. Sata should not have castigated HH in the rally.Sorry guys thats the way it is.
Congratulations Ba PF, but when others win also please don’t say they’ve rigged. That’s the way life/democracy goes – sometimes you win, sometimes you lose…
eka 2 namba fili ngwabunjaka. Viva bantustans. I feel pity on al those that think southern will remain behind. revisit your provinces, then come and comment. been in all provinces ……..
Zaka zee I feel sorry for pips that don’t know which province powers 90% of the little civilization we enjoy in Zambia by supplying magesi from the might Zambezi and the kafue gorge plus Vic falls. Which province has coal?
hahahaha leka 2 uwa fili ngwabunjaka lol u made my day.for the chongwe pipo very dull i know they were cheated that you RB is no longer presido so vote for masebo very much convinced that those pipo voted for mwakalombe with all their hearts only scared cos MMD lost and wanted the one in power now.i think they dont know what they really want.poor villagers they are easily controlled.
Tongas are principled and will never vote carelessly. They aren’t hungry to cheated by anyone.Long live principles!.
A bunch of Tonga tribalists…wajanta ngombe.
Us Tonga’s are just too conservative. We need to open up a lot more if we are to be accepted as part of the real Zambia. The Bantustan Cliche is all our making. For example, I’ve heard names like Chileshe Banda, Bwalya Mundia, Sampa Mwanawasa, Chanda Ishinde, but I’ve never heard of a Mulenga Haakainde or Haampango Zimba or Haalibonene Imasiku. Let’s go global and marry and get married to them all. My name will then change to Zambian bulu and we may win elections away from Togasland.
@16 point of order, I mean point of correction, Mines Minister Hon. Simuusa is from Choma, Southern Prov. and a fine Christian (well in my opinion). GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
@ 24 TRUTH Dont you think you are being emotional not factual and rational, because Chongwe is Soli land so what do yu make of that my friend. Look I find this tribal overtones disturbing as I have always said, of my four granies one is from Central, another from Northwestern, then two from Northern and married to this beautiful lady who is “half” Western and “half” Northwestern . So honestly these tribal sentiments are not only disturbing but confusing to me.
Some have observed that (especially in Africa) a ruling party only “expires” after 20 years. Zambia scenario :UNIP failed to make it 30 years, MMD after 20 years, and the way things are going for the opposition and as Hon VEEP said in Nakonde 90% of you bloggers will be in your 50s, 60s, 70s by the time another party will take over from MMD, unless something goes terribly wrong with PF and theopposition take advantage of the 51 plus clause if it will be in the consititution. GOD BLESS ZAMBIA. Ala deposter neka,namulala kale bonse?!
Ala sorry bloggers I meant “from PF” I think ndeshipula, nikusila. Na ba MMD bene balichilamo nkonse kowaya MMD, MMD, napa ma sweet I mean lollipops (e spelling iyi), impiya baprintisha shashalapo bafilwa no kwakushitwala, kutampa ukushika panshi. GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
Bloggers ukulala mwalilala bwangu and you are not yet up. How many hours kanshi should one sleep on a serious note aba fya medical, ine nshilala bwangu. Is true memory is affected by inadequate sleep? GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
So you monkey eaters can’t see that bemba always vote for their own. Do u ever support a lozi a tonga a kaonde or luvale in yo areas! Do we ve a UPND MP in northern province? Nakonde voted for their bemba party PF n its fine so what tribal about magoye voting for UPND just focuss on delivering on yo 90days promises very soon even those that u had decieved will wake up un see yo deciet
i am not sure why you should promote such hate between tribes Thank God it is only the minority zambians who have internet facilities. it pains me to see how people would encourage such messages as above. Do you want Rwanda, Congo scenario to repeat itself in Zambia in years to come? It is true that we are all tribal because tribal candidates win in whichever province they stand for. Remember, the earthly rulers are put by God and we must not play his authority.