Monday, March 10, 2025

ZRA wants share of ‘Liato’s’ K2.1 bn


THE Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) is exploring ways through which it could tax the K2.1 billion investigative wings say they discovered at former Labour Minister, Austin Liato’s farm, last week.

ZRA Commissioner-General, Berlin Msiska, said in a statement yesterday that taxation did not consider whether income was from a legitimate source, such as a business, or not, but focused on the fact that
income had been received by a person.

Mr. Msiska said that ZRA was, in this regard, interested in the various cases being investigated by the security wings such as “the case where money to the sum of K2.1 billion was discovered by investigative authorities.”

Mr Msiska said what was material was the fact that the income had been paid to, given or accrued to the person. He said this also applied to income that was, in any way, disposed of in accordance with a person’s order or in a person’s favour.

“We are mindful that tax avoidance and tax evasion culminate in several hindrances. Tax equity is not attained and invariably complying taxpayers have to pay taxes for those who are non-compliant. The Government is also deprived of the much needed resources that are required for developmental programmes,” he said.

Mr Msiska said ZRA would therefore work, at all times, within its mandate, with the security wings of the Government to ensure accountability regarding the payment of the correct taxes.

And Police say we have warned and cautioned him over K2.1bn. “We have enough reasons to arrest him, we will but for now we have warned and cautioned Mr Liato,” said Elizabeth Kanjela, police assistant commissioner after Austin Liato ended a more than 48 hour hide and seek game and handed himself to authorities. Mr Liato will remain in state custody until he appears in court.

Mr Liato arrived at the former task force offices at 15:00 hours yesterday in a white Land Cruiser VX registration No. ABX 5232 (tinted glasses) driven by his younger brother Steven with others who include former Western Province deputy minister Joseph Mulyata. He was dressed in a short sleeved blue and white shirt and looked calm. It was business as usual.

About 17:00 hours, he was driven in a police Nissan Hard Body van to his other house in Kalundu – not the location of the K2.1 billion – where another search was conducted from 17:40 hours up to 19:40 hours.
Mr Liato was then driven to Woodlands police station where he must have spent the night according to detention orders.

When asked to comment and Mr Liato said “I have no comment” in the presence of his lawyers from Mutemwa Chamber and Nelly Mutti from Lukona Chambers, both up-market firms of high repute and cost.

Investigators did not say what the “procedural” check found at his Kalundu house. Ms Kanjela from police, however, said – in addition to what the Inspector-General Martin Malama said – “police will continue with their investigations.”

Earlier, police questioned a woman from Kaoma, believed to be Mr Liato’s acquaintance but they did not explain the relationship. The woman arrived at the former task force offices around 09:00 hours and left four hours later.

She could have communicated frequently with the ‘K2 billion man’ from the time the money was discovered but police are not speaking.

Former permanent secretary Peter Mumba was also questioned by a combined team of law enforcement officers. Mr Mumba arrived at 11:00 hours and left at 12:40 hours for ‘talks’.

He said he had been requested to come to the former task force offices by law enforcement officers and was happy with the manner the discussions were held.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. QUOTE ‘Berlin Msiska, said in a statement yesterday that taxation did not consider whether income was from a legitimate source, such as a business, or not, but focused on the fact that
    income had been received by a person’ Also collect from the many prostitutes doted all over the country since you dont care about the source.

  2. You guys are full of shit. Why don’t you carry your own investigation you are allowed by the law.If you want who to tax, go to Banda and his family tax them you will realise more than enough.

  3. Sir, tax percentages varies with the source e.g argriculture, corporate, individual, sales of property etc What percentage are you going to use before you actually know the source? Or are just purnishing the Mafia for hoarding the cash.

  4. Mr commissioner-general is just speaking to look macho.There’s so much unknown about this cash and he’s not sure if it is taxable since it could very well be income that he’d already paid taxes on.Why Liato hid the cash and being from the former regime is what makes him look guilty even before he’s proven innocent.

    • The very fact that the money was underground is evidence of guilt of a crime called hoarding. What is not yet proven is the guilt related to the source. So as it is, he is already guilty of one crime, and that does not need to be proven. Finding the cash underground is evidence enough for the first count.

  5. Musiska is barking to impress his boss, shut up fool if you dont care the source of income why have you failed to collect tax from prostitutes you fu-ck with Rb, you can fool some people but not all the people all the time.

  6. I think the guy must wait until the source of the cash is know. I want to strongly believe this money is 100% taxi money stolen from government coffers. It must taken back to teh government.

  7. Ba ZRA – you should concentrate on creating a water tight border, particularly where it is evident that only half of copper being exported is accounted for. The confiscated money is chicken feed if you were to collect what you are supposed to. While you harrass small businesses, the big fishes go free. pull up your pants

  8. Ba Musiska. You dont tax illegal business. Are you trying to please THE SERPENT?  See now, you have blundered in the end.

    However, this money is 100% GRZ money. So let it go back in to the GRZ account. 

  9. ZRA is not an illegal institution to begin collecting tax from money launderers, plunders, thieves and fraudsters legitimising and cleasing ill gotten cash. This means ZRA is involved in untrustworthy business, but we think its an illicit imagination of Msiska who may be a representation of PF govt. As said by ithers wait and establish the source of this money and make a right judgement over it. We appreciate tax is important to the nation however, its required to be collected in normal course of business and not illegal and dubious means of business.

  10. And I thought this man was intelligent. Why do we always end up with mediocre people in public office? Firstly he shouldnt be making any comments on Liatogate, there are people who are mandated to make comments. Secondly how do you make such a comment saying Government taxes money from illegal activities?

  11. BERLIN MSISKA is going too far. Does he think Sata will allow him? I mean, what makes him think that those currently in government now do not want to have a share of the K2.1billion! There isn’t enough to go around. Berlin wait for your turn, next time learn to discover your own loot…then you can tax that!

  12. This government will go down in history as the most entertaining government, the most active government and the least effective government. Too much show, no substance. Everbody is busy chasing thieves, there is so much chaos; meanwhile, the economy is tanking. I know that 90 days has not yet passed and we have to be fair in our criticisms; however, since they took over govt I haven’t heard anybody in govt including the president, clearly explain where they want to see Zambia economically by end of their first term in office. We will all be chasing monkeys for stealing nuts in the playground, while someone is looting our homes. By 2016 Zambia will be like a heap of scrapmetal.

  13. #12 Every penny you put in a bank account is slapped with all kinds of bank charges and taxes. You will notice that even the interest they pay you (or pretend to pay you) on your savings is negated by the many banck charges. So, if Liyato had his money in the account, ZRA would get their tax through the bank while the bank gets their own dividends as they also pretend to pay him interest.

  14. Yeah just tax kaluvumo.Can`t wait for pot belly to be put in the chitakataka.His innmates will surely enjoy the bokosi.

  15. So you evade Tax and they just charge you a fee…Zambia is a rich man’s paradise indeed!!LOL…you wonder why the likes of Wesley Snipes are doing time then…if someone like Austin can afford to bury that amount of money …what’s a 40% levy on his stash!!. 

  16. This is the MOST stupid statement from ZRA balls… Are you encouraging criminarity Ka Misika. Dont get ahead of urself… Wait for investigations to be concluded…what if the Money is already taxed…U dnt know shhiiittt…hence shut the fk up

  17. I agree this is a very stupid statement from Msisika. How can he even say tax doesnt care the legality or otherwise of the money so long it is income? No wonder the country is a haven for money laundering. Just turn up at ZRA and pay 3 billion tax and you can deposit the rest at Zanaco without any questions being asked. How stupid.

  18. Maybe that ZRA building can finally get a facelift from the Liato loot. Mr Msiska, take a leaf from the improvements at stae house and Independence avenue. Thanks Mr. President.

  19. By Zambian standards, the only crime Liato has committed is being caught. That’s why ZRA wants a share of the loot.

  20. ZRA is the most unfortunate institution. If the food is not recycled, it is extremely raw. In Msiskaz previous reign at ZRA, Office cleanliness was seriously compromised from the time cleaning agency “NEMCHEM‘s” contract was terminated.Cleaners and cleaning materials were in short supply. Office stationery became scarce. Printers rarely had usable ink cartridges let alone printing paper, etc. Most utility vehicles were in sorry state that sumtymz drivers had to use extraordinary innovations like using petrol to start up diesel engines! Trade union officials were compromised to the extent that most unionized staff became so disillusioned tht the current splinterd state of ZRAWU has its origins rooted in Berlin’s last episode. Operations were in a mess. Hope he has CHANGED 4 da beta.

  21. Ba ZRA what are you talking about? Once money has been confiscated by the state the criminal forfeits it and he is charged. Evasion of tax could be one of the charges if you want but you cant ask for tax on the confiscated loot.

  22. I am surprised most bloggers  are against Msiska. Msiska is right, burying money is  a very good example of tax evasion. Even Mafia cash loots are prosecuted in terms of tax evasion before they are investigated and charged for their criminality in obtaining the loot. If Liato was paid for a deal, ZRA needs to know the transaction and how much was involved.  

  23. Msiska may be a fool but he is right on this one. The practice worldwide is to tax income from illegal proceeds, but each law enforcement agency can take care of the crime committed. This is backed by judicial rulings and taxing acts. For instance, just last month or so Germany was looking at ways to tax income from prostitution.

  24. Zambia is a blessed and rich nation. Not only can you dig minerals from the ground, you can also dig money in cash

  25. No, ZRA find find something better to. u cant tax money without knowing the source. What if the money was stolen from ZRA. What if the money was stolen FBZ and has already been taxed

  26. Msiska is not the rite person for ZRA unless his excellency wants to fail or wants a disgruntled workforce at ZRA; or unless Msiska himself has repented……

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