Saturday, February 22, 2025

Sata meets Pentecostal pastors


President Michael Sata
President Michael Sata

President Sata, met 26 pentecostal pastors from various congregations at State House yesterday.

The pastors who were led by Healing Word Ministries International Senior Pastor Moses Chiluba appreciated the President’s gesture to grant them an opportunity to engage him.

They submitted that as Church leaders, they believed that God raises his anointed in various seasons and assured the President that they will continue praying to God to guide and give him wisdom as he leads the country.

The pastors also expressed regret at some derogatory statements that came from some sections of the clergy within the Pentecostal movement against President Sata when he was an opposition leader.

The clergymen further stated that it was sad that certain pastors who wanted political recognition from the MMD regime went out of the way to utter embarrassing remarks against President Sata.

In response the President advised the pastors to forget about the past and make a new beginning.

The President said with the involvement of the Church governance becomes much easier as the Church is closer to the grassroots.



  1. No Firing with immediate effect or commision of Inquiry Mr Presido for a week no ? Please get back to work and leave religion alone we all have a God !

  2. Tu Temba churches seeking jobs and financial help from Sata’ government after you disgraced the man when he was in opposition, Hypocritical churches ba Pentecost fake individuals.

  3. I know these hypocrites like Moses Chiluba, he hated Mwanawasa during his reign and never prayed for him, is he saying Mwanawasa was not chosen by God? He could outrightly show it even in church, this is why some people left the church. Go on using the word of God like that and you will see what your end will be.



    • Politicians and the Clergy share the same clients. So you can separate politics from religion. Its like the head and tail for the same coin. After all the bible is full of politics. You read about rulers or kings in the bible. How do you separate them from politics?

  5. Chiluba was supposed to speak as an individual not for Zambian Pentecostals. He just went to visit his friend.

    Healing Word Ministries International Senior Pastor Moses Chiluba has been a friend of Sata before and has never been involved in any constructive development for mother Zambia.

    This gesture from Chiluba wont change the perception of Sata as a DISCRIMINATOR of the Non Roman Catholic Christians and a VINDICTIVE and PETTY person who has forgotten that PEOPLE from Lusaka and Copperbelt where he got most votes are not made up of only the Roman Catholic Christians but even the Roman Catholic Christians on the copperbelt or Lusaka are in the minority!

    Hope Sata has not connived with the Roman Catholic Church to remove the Christian Declaration from the constitution.

  6. #7 Sly,

    You are right Chiluba needs to repent for his HATRED and not for Zambian Pentecostals. He is a lost soul waiting to go to HELL! These are lost MANIACS!

    Chiluba you missed an opportunity of repenting of your INDIVUDUAL OMISSIONS and COMMISSIONS!

    You needed to repent of your sins of HATRED!

    Hope Chiluba did not get a BROWN envelop at State House.

    What a shame!

  7. Good gesture Mr Presido… the pentacostal churches are so fragmented, disorganised, pet fights amongst themselves…so it is difficult to have a perfect reps…

  8. Mwiponta

    Its not your your christian denomination which makes you worthy in the eyes of god. Its your deeds. There are good Catholics and Protestants just as they are terrible Catholics and Protestants.

  9. [christian nation] nonsense should be removed from our constitution. Jesus Christ had/has all the powers to compel us to become christians, but our beloved christ chose to give us free will. are we saying he is/was wrong to have given us that? was f.t.j. chiluba more intelligent and wiser than christ?

  10. Ba Sata, set Commission of Inquiry on these Pentecostal churches and find out about how they use their mutulo, most of these Pastors are fake and steal from their congregants. Put them at an arms’ length, they are prophets of doom and thieves in sheep’ clothes.

  11. #11 PanAfricanist,

    Shame on you!

    Quote “The pentacostal churches are so fragmented, disorganised, pet fights amongst themselves?”
    This is ONLY according to the EVIL Roman Catholic Organisation Members and its Vatican Government headed by its Germany Pope who covered Child Molesting Children Priests in Germany when he was its Cardinal.

    The Roman Catholic has been creating confusion and pray for the collapse of the TRUE Gospel in the world!

  12. #14 Dora,

    I heard on EVIL member of the Roman Catholic in Chingola, Zambia, accused the man of God Kazhila that he was a satanist just because of his TRUE humble work in his community involvement?

    This is evil coming from the EVIL Roman Catholic Organisation who has trained Jesuit Priests in DIRT WORK against Protestant Christians especially in the 1960, 70 and 80’s.

    I have been a supporter of the Roman Catholic Organisation but honestly am disappointed with HATRED of and peddling LIES against the Evangelical/Pentecostal Christians.

    The Roman Catholic has contributed to Christianity decline in EUROPE as it has chosen to support SECULAR!


  13. I believe this is just for show at State House. The truth of the matter HE is bais towards Catholics period. He need to withdraw two of his Bishops from his Church for the constitution making process. He needs to balance his cabinet and stop appointing people even when their capacity is limited (Kabwili) or are perceived corrupt i.e. Country representative to Angola, Nothern Province Minister the list is endless. Stop pronouncement in the church which affects the entire nation, Muchinga Province Minister and message to be passed by GBM what a govt.

  14. His Excellency Sata is a true christian and his actions are very encouraging. I compare him to Nelson Mandela. Good-hearted man

  15. I always find it strange when people who call themselves real and Bible believing Christians display such hatred against other Christian Churches. You do not become clean by throwing dirt at others. You become clean by washing yourself. Criticism of others does not make you holy. You become holy through Faith, Hope and Charity. You also do not convert people by condemning them, but by loving them. Some Pentecostals/Evangelicals need to understand that their identity should be in Christ and not in their criticism of the Catholic Church.

  16. Shaka OZ this confirms it all you some saddist transgender, with a deep rooted hatred for the catholics and anyone who does not agree with your fake christain of sodom. l await the day you will make a constructive comment without insulting the church or our president …………….COULD IT BE YOU WERE ONE OF THE CHILD ABUSERS KIICKED OUT?

  17. #25 USAIN BOLT says:


    than take advantage of THE POOR VULNERABLE Children who are MOLESTED SEXUALLY BY THE so called Roman Catholic Priests in the name of helping and giving to the same POOR they are supposed to help! This sometimes occurs in CONVERTS and PARISHES!

  18. May be we should concentrate on the words of Jesus himself, for He alone is the Way to heaven. He defined Christianity in John 3, ie Unless you are born again, you will not enter the Kingdom of God. Also Romans 8 says if you do not have the Holy Spirit, you do not belong to Christ. Jesus himself said he will come back to take those that belong to him so that where he is, there they shall be also – in heaven.

    So church denomination accounts for nothing. What matters is you personally accepting the salvation God has given in Christ Jesus.

    You dont make yourself a Christian ie a child of God. God himself gives you the right to be called a son of God once you accept his son Jesus (John 1v12). After that live a life worthy a child of God. This is what the bible says. Read it for yourself.

  19. Shaka Oz such hate like the one you have is not healthy. When you preoccupy yourself with hating you stress, you limit your innner freedom. God shall judge us all based on our personal conviction and not based on what your pastor or priest did. Free your mind.

  20. Guys the bible is very clear in Malachi 3:6-12. Kulyamo nabena!! Pipo are duped that there is annointing, what annointing you iddiots. The other guy am told has a hammer, several mecedes benz cars and you call that anointing? Ponk ass born again claimants!!

  21. The Catholics don’t go to state house to seek to be heard by any president, they have channels they use to speak out. And when they speak they don’t speak to gain favor from anyone, they speak for the poor, the oppressed, the sick and also to better the lives of all Zambians regardless of their religious affiliation. Its a church about faith and reality, keep up Catholics for your existence and good deeds will continue even when a non christian President is elected to state house.

  22. Iwe we MBUSHI no wonder your name is MBUZI same na IMBWA. How can you tell the president to leave religions? Which God do you pray to…Get to know that a president is a president of every citizen despite differences in Religion groupings…

  23. #. Sharp shooter. You should know better being in the States about politics and religion. You sound foolish anyway so it is not suprising . Uli fontini . Read your statement again and make sense of it .

  24. Shaka oz …U full of shiit ..u seem to just defend the pentecoatal at all cost…I’m also a penta.. the thruth is Catholis is a mature ‘institution’ with learned and well ‘groomed’ leaders (of course) they have they own problems,…but pentas is I said it.. I cant listen to u, a fake tongue speaking person..

  25. jus fools pass comments over here. fools who have nothing to do out there and doing tumbemba jobds in other countries. stupid people. live the pentacostals alone. you stupid catholics

  26. @ 8 Shi Ngomba quote even one scripture to authenticate your view. As born again christians we believe the Bible actually encourages us to be involved in politics. Some scriptures ” …there are divers gifts … to those that are given the gift of leadership rule diligently…”, ” …speak for the oppressed…” “when the righteous rule people rejoice …” “…for all leadership is ordained of God…”, ” … blessed are the peacemakers…”

  27. LT Which pentecostal churches went to state house. You mention one Moses Chiluba who is not even in any mother body of pentecostal churches. All churches have a mother body or belong to one and leaders of these mother bodies such as EFZ, CCZ, and that of catholics are the leaders to meet govt. or head of state. This is a case of myopic reportage from LT. How does Chiluba represent all pentecostal churches with self aclaimed pastors and in your figment of imagination you thought we will have a LEAD STORYover it. What scatered brains!

  28. Why this divisions in Zambian about anything, from tribe now churches sure. We better change our thinking and reasoning. We are behaving like the Kaponyas we are busy pointing fingers at or kaponyas are half learned now? Jesus won’t ask which church you went to but IF YOU ACCEPTED HIM AS YOUR PERSONAL SAVIOUR AND DID WHAT IS RIGHT, THE BIBLE BEING THE STANDARD. Lets pray and watch lest we fall prey to these unprofiting things. All shall stand judgement including our pastors,priests etc.

  29. To all Church leaders, please continue visiting statehouse and be praying for our country. Do not allow anyone to discourage you. Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord. Men of God, arise and shine for your time has come to pray for Nations. All Church leaders and all politician must work together for the benefit of our Country and our people for this is the will of GOD. We only have one Lord Jesus Christ, so let the Church come together in one ACCORD. God has called us to save and not to point fingers at each other. UNITE WE STAND, DIVIDE WE FALL. Vengeance and Judgement belongs to God.

  30. i think the Pastors should have gone to state house and just simply presented their matter, than go and speak on behalf of the other pastors who were not there. Since we call ourselves democratic, lets not forget that its not possible for all to support the same things,people,ideas…etc..opposition, divergent views will always be there, so there ‘s need for wisdom.the Pastors themselves should realise that….Dont speak for others….
    i also notice in the story that it seems the pastors must have began to go on, and on….and the president had to be the one to remind them in his response..’forget about the past and make a New begining’

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