Community Development, Mother and Child Heath deputy minister Jean Kapata has said women parliamentarians will lobby Government to make all cases of violence and defilement against women and girls non bailable.
Ms Kapata said the women Parliamentarians would table a private member’s bill in parliament to compel Government to make all cases of violence against women and girls to be non bailable.
Ms Kapata was speaking when she and other officials from her ministry donated assorted cleaning items to Kalingalinga Health Centre and also cleaned Female wards at the Health Center to commemorate 16 days of gender activism. “People that engage in cases such as defilement with young girls are a menace to the public and should not be allowed back in the community but locked up,” she said.
She said the Patriotic Front (PF) Government has intensified its progammes to empower women in income generating activities, agricultural input and financial literacy programmes. “It is believed that with this assistance women can be self sustaining and reduce on unnecessary conflict in a home over the usually limited resources thereby creating an environment of peace in a home,” he said
She said her ministry attaches great importance to the role that women and mothers play in creating a peaceful environment. Ms Kapata urged the community to ensure that violence against women and children was discouraged as it compromises their health and affect their potential to contribute more effectively in homes and the community.
She said the visit to Kalingalinga Health Centre was aimed at demonstrating solidarity for women and the importance of supporting good health in women as opposed to violence which in most cases compromised the health of women and children and hindered peace.
And the ministry permanent secretary Elwyne Chomba said to alleviate challenges that led to violence, there was need for both men and women to live in harmony and solve problems and obstacles in a peaceful and non-violent manner.
[Times of Zambia]
Lobby in this way for serious issues like corruption.
I’m sure GBM (aka humpty dumpty) will be against this good idea because if you toughen the law on GBV, he’ll be locked up next time he clobbers his poor wife Chama!
Ms Kapata…at your age…you have no husband, thats why you are talking like that….
we will also lobby in for unmarried women parliamentarians…you are bringing problems in the nation….mutati was seduced because of you single old old women in parliament!!!!!,….lol
And what happens to wives that clobber their husbands? Those women that molest young girls and boys, what you gonna do about it? Lets get real and play fair…there are alot of cases where boys are abused and its never reported…
Eventhough no well meaning person would support GBV, but making it unbailable would be the worst. Lobby in this way againist Foreign Investors who insult, beat and even shoot our people when fighting for improved conditions of service. We can also commend you if you lobby this way in the fight against corruption as it pains us seeing ‘BIG FIGURES’ facing corruption charges involving huge sums of money, driving posh cars to and from attending court sessions. They even constantly apply for adjournments so tht if they are to be jailed, the period for them inside is shorten.
Madam kapata GBV must be GBV regardless of who is on the receiving end. U can make it non bailable if women who batter their spouses are also locked up without bail. Period
maybe those who defile should have their dicks cut, start with those four Chinese!!
Jean iwe, If you lock up the Man, he ends up lossing his employment and the very woman and child you want to peotect will become destitute, eny way you are not married and can not understand why the same women who are bitten end up pleading for their husbands not to be locked up.
I thank God that we have fewer women in Parliament than men. Can you imagine if we had more women in Parly than men? They would be passing such laughable Laws.
Women are battered because of infidelity mostly. I appeal to all men in Parliament to reject this nonsense.
And yes those who defile children must be CASTRATED but only after DNA tests are done and the case is proven beyond reasonable doubt. Women use such accusations against men sometimes to settle scores. THINK………..!
It takes 2 to tango. I do not support GBV but sometimes it comes out as a result of provocation. Let`s leave it the way it is because circumstances dictates it. Making it unbailable is too severe. But castrate tunkubala twa ma chinese and no bail. I agree with Mwine Cishi kulibenesha taa. Tupac wakafwa ku Chibombo
Ba fikala mwachilamo ukuponona ama madam…this is a sign of insecurity. A weak man uses violence to deal with issues with his weak wife. Ni jele mange so that bamichayako yakumbuyu ma boys muma cells.
Lusaka Times please put real issues worthy debating. We want real political issues. You are becoming more moderate. Has Sata and his PF government bought you already? Please remain men and women of velour. Dig out the rotten things that are ongoing and expose them to the public for a reaction. Don’t feel intimidated. We all need to push Zambia forward.Thank you my younger brothers and sisters.
That is a Good move,African men Ubututu,especially nganaba beula awe mwandini ni lekaleka.
Foolish suggestion comming from disgruntled women who is single and dont know the value of marriage. How about the family if the working husband is arrested and loses a job over a bruise he might have caused to the wife? Foolish, get a life and start going to church maybe they pump sense in that empty head. By the way, in Government 10 days in cells is enough to fire you, i believe it should less than that for private sector. Family, please family…
this is why women should not be in leadership. this is a stupi.d suggestion. she is not looking as the issues holistically. i thought she should be talking about murder, rape, armed robberies and the like.
we need drug in hospitals not cleaning materials.ba kapata please twa papata…
:(( we need drugs in hospitals not cleaning materials.
All those chaps against the GBV are the actual culprits! why are you scared when you should support this call so our daughter and sisters could be protected from maniacs like you chaps opposing and attacking Jean Kapata. You should try to understand what women go through after those ordeals you inflict on them! Culprits of this nature need to be kept away from the general public until proven innocent! Mwanyanya guys!
The understanding that men are the domestic violence perpetrators and therefore GBV legislation, is the closest opinion to stupidity. It may explain why the Minister has not been able to wed at that age of her life. What’ll happen to the many battered husbands…and take Zimbabwe (BBC) where men are now targeted for their sperm by women so that the favoured gender can get rich…
this is silly..when the women are busy misbehaving atse..then they should allow them to divorce without the 2 years separation period..ala! vimenso ba Jean..!!
#19 good point.I can’t believe the backwards of many people on this forum.If your daughter,sister or mother got raped or suffered some other GBV,you wouldn’t be opposing this would you? Thank God I live in the U.S.Why would I come back to Zambia when people are thinking this way even after cases of Chinese men having sex with underage kids and girls being drugged into bestiality are coming out?And why does it bother some people that Jean Kapata is single? Being single is not a handicap on one’s mental capabilities.And it’s not indicative of one’s inability to find a husband.Am a single woman by choice and am very happy with my life thank you.And by the way,men talk to me nearly every day.
#12,#19 & #22, we are not supporting violence, whthr the man beats a fellow man/woman or a a woman beating a fellow woman/man. If they want 2 apply ths, let them apply it equally but bearing in mind hw the rest of the family members will be surviving whilst the case is in court. For defilement & rape, no one is against. LEAVE THIS ISSUE 2 THE MARRIED PLIZ.
Among thz who are against, there could only be a very small % of thz who beat wives. You 1st marry & then u will start understandind the implications of such issues. Marry Jean, stay with her 4 a year or so & then come back to us with your coments on this issue.
women are our mothers, therefore we MUST support them come anything, who hates his mother? i ll die loving my mother.