Former U.S President George Bush has launched the HIV and cancer campaign in Lusaka’s George compound.
The former U.S president launched the red ribbon on Friday which signifies AIDS and the pink for cancer.
Mr Bush says there is need for developed countries to help least developed countries stop preventable deaths by cancer and HIV.
He says human life is important requiring an ambitious programme to prevent unnecessary deaths.
The programme which will be rolled out globally has an initial commitment of US $75 million.
First Lady Christine Kaseba appealed to partners in the pink ribbon campaign to ensure people in rural areas also benefit.
Dr Kaseba called on all Zambians to take advantage of the health initiative.
Several partners have pledged more financial resources towards the initiative aimed at fighting HIV AIDS and Cancer.
And United States Ambassador to Zambia Mark Storella says an additional US $3three million will be pumped in the initiative to expand cervical cancer services in the Country.
Earlier on Friday morning Mr. Bush arrived in the country for a two day working visit.
Mr. Bush who is accompanied by his wife Laura and their two daughters arrived at about 09:00 hrs at Kenneth Kaunda International airport.
He was received by President Michael Sata.
First lady Christine Kaseba, cabinet ministers, other government officials and diplomats accredited to Zambia were also on hand to welcome Mr. Bush.
Hold your wife big man your friend is holding his wife.
There is your mental slavery right there Gazi!
why MCS is not holding the wife?is it african culture only to hold in privacy.
Trouble is, he is trying to hold on to the red carpet, as opposed to his wife!
First Lady Dr. Kaseba appears out of synch stepwise. Nerves?
Quite ironic for Bush to say “preventable deaths”. Didn’t Bush kill millions of people in Iraq and Afganstan; deaths that couls have been prevented. Bullshit!
Iwe leka umunobe anyanteko pali ka red carpet, yashani?
Dr. Christine Kaseba needs a new wardrobe, she looks like she is wearing  chef Gordon Ramsay’s jacket , look at Laura Bush former first lady indeed, State House get some stylists ASAP!Â
#1 – Zambian men don’t show public affection for their women! that’s why I never married one!
Try me.You will even run away ati chachilamo.Everywhere ise ni kamata.
Go to hell you Twat! Who told you that holding hands in public is a sign of affection? What if it just for show? Sata kissed his wife in public and the pic is somewhere on this sight. Stop this BS!
Stereo typing in being narrow minded be civilized and not judge the whole nation based on your narrow experience
Michael hold madam is it the fear of collapsing,nyante bwino kuti wasebana worldwide.
It’s unfair to say Sata is not holding his wife. It appears people are watching Sata’s every move. Leave the old man alone. They’ve put him on a microscope. Dr Kaseba is equally looking good.
Tonga Bull, the microscope comes with the job description. He is a public office holder!
I like it.George bush goes to George compound.Ngani film ngayankondo.Thanks for coming sir.We really have to combat those diseases.
I picture HH in 2016 with former USA president Obama. Forward we go musankwa.
mmmm mrs michael try jaribu too dark.
Com’on grow up! Who told u that being light-skinned means any better.
Guys,it’s a learning process. We all start from somewhere. This is a wonderful experience for the old man.We only hope he will be able to speak sensibly and not what we have been experiencing in the past.
Hope Mushota will be able to take a leaf from this and come back to earth.Not so Mushota?
@12 OBATALA you wish we are happy with our present govt and we are giving them a mandate to govern for another 3 terms. It will be another one from the ruling class welcoming Obama, your under5 will be under80 ….l can,t begin to imagine how sad you are to see our elected President welcoming GW Bush
Why do our First Lady wear such skirts?? or is it that her structure only allows such……..
This is not a job for old and finished politicians. Only a young leader can put food on a plate of everyzambian.
Any comments about the Programme Bush launched?
It’s the mindset of a poverty encroached society characterized with envy, selfishness, backwardness, lack of investment drive, name it. Finger pointing is the norm of the day. God help us!!!!
let us talk about the progress being brought to our country not to just insul our president at every given chance
Why Mr Bush is doing this to Zambia is beyond me, I think eradicating aids is a good thing, But why Zambia one of the poorest country, not much good food and security wise would attract the ex president is beyond me, He has gone down a lot in my estimation
I wonder what goes on in that small brain of yours ? Maybe you think with your third orifice.
Girl it looks like you smoke a serious one.You man eats the weed,he sh*ts it then you dry,roll it then smoke it!!!For your own info you will always have zambian blood in you no matter what you do.lol
.just asking……..SATA has not said anything apart from the wife.
i told you it s Dont kulanda. otherwise he will expose his………………………………..
Tonny Blair and Bush need citizen arrest. Bush is here to cleanse his  conscious. He is haunted. Yes he is white but his soul is pitch blak.
Dream on #12, fantacy iz allowed sometimez anyway. #13 Dr Kaseba iz not a jaribu lady, and who told you that there anything wrong with being “too dark”.
If you are a CIA shushushu visiting this site just remind bush that every dog has its day.
Bonse muli fipuba. Why are you not talking about the actual issue here? Mulenyafye fyakunyanya.Â
Another visitor from a great nation? HmmmmmmmmmmmmÂ
I didn’t know George compound was named after George Bush.
Simple minds discuss people only Great mind discuss real issues. Guys mwe ma bloggers check yourselves in this mirror, where and how do you reflect?. Mulibamusebanya sana. Shalom.
Liato’s relatives are … oh, sorry. Wrong story.
:) Good to see President Sata and former USA President together. Thank you for visiting my motherland yes it really needs a lot of help. We appreciated.:)>-
Too much PHD syndrome pa Zambia, progress and development is brought in the country and yet some people on this blog cant appreciate that, instead they embrace character assassination. HIV/AIDS and Cancer are deadly diseases lets us appreciate the effort by George bush and Zambian government for this initiative.
Mwiponta true that, people pliz its time to be serious Ka.
Tell me mwe bantu please, unless my eyes are fake, what is Mrs Bush wearinng in her legs? Is it the bad picture or LT’s problem?
Nostradamus, No- George compound is named after a Mr. George who was a white farmer/ settler in the area, not this criminal Bush.
George Bush is NOT ONLY a good man and has saved many lives in Zambia BUT He is a RIGHTEOUS MAN and also saved UNBORN BABIES through his POLICY OF NOT SUPPORTING ABORTION.
Yes George pumped a lot of money in the HIV programs in Zambia George Bush even went further by supporting CHRISTIAN Based Organisations that were involved in the HIV/AIDS programs. The Roman Catholic Organisation benefited a lot through these HIV/AIDS programs.
The only Organisation that may have been against George Bush are the Roman Catholic Organisation because Bush supported the Great Nation of Israel!
God bless George Bush!
God bless this man George Bush
Thank your Excellence George Bush. As Zambians we are blessed by your visit and we love you!
George Bush APPOINTED black leaders THAT OPENED a way even for BLACK American LEADERS like OBAMA to be voted as the USA President
In ALL the HISTORY OF the USA the time the USA had a lot of Black American Leaders in the USA government like the time of George Bush?
The world witnessed Black American Leaders in the USA government only in the time of Bush. Leaders like Rice because she was the Secretary of State was able to REPRIMAND world POLITICAL leaders in ASIA, EUROPE, South America, CANADA, RUSSIA e.t.c. Before that a Black leader was only KNOWN to exist in Africa and the CARRIBEAN Islands as DICTATORS, & these were unable to tell off world leaders.
I have never such Greate man who is a DEMOCRATIC like George Bush despite people world over UNJUSTIFIABLY Protesting against this man including people in EUROPE whom America helped by sacrificing their Money, sons and daughters to liberate them from the FASCIST Italy and NAZI Germany, George Bush has never hated anyone he remains in charge of situations all the time.
This man amazes me a lot. He has fought CRIMINALS who wanted to make the world a bad place to live in despite people being against him MAJORITY out pf ignorance!
George Bush has made the world a SAFE place to live in by his way of fighting criminals in the world. By this many plots has been THWARTED.
God bless George Bush!
I have never SEEN such a Great man who is a DEMOCRATIC like George Bush despite people world over UNJUSTIFIABLY Protesting against this man including people in EUROPE whom America helped by sacrificing their Money, sons and daughters to liberate them from the FASCIST Italy and NAZI Germany, George Bush has never hated anyone he remains in charge of situations all the time.
This man amazes me a lot. He has fought CRIMINALS who wanted to make the world a bad place to live in despite people being against him MAJORITY out pf ignorance!
George Bush has made the world a SAFE place to live in by his way of fighting criminals in the world. By this many plots has been THWARTED.
God bless George Bush!
Ba ShakaOz, the man has NEVER been a Democrat, he is a living REPUBLICAN!!!
Serious breach of protocol how can MCS receive Bush a former US President as if he is the sitting President. Who would then receive Obama if he visited Zambia? MCS should have sent his Foreign Affairs Minister. Achita bwino uku kava 2/3 of the carpet. I hope the terrorists will not start following us Pa Zed.
Agree with you. This Bush is just a criminal who has never been arrested
i like part were he was given a true pictuer of zambia is.Bravo sata 4 the billion times
Iwe ka #8 go and sit down don,t am a Zambia man go and ask my wife you didnt marry one because you are a BettyÂ
Monopolizing the Red Carpet ba Sata. You have even forgotten about the first lady.
#38 George Bush a democrat! Can some of you Zambians end your overawed view of every white man you see? That is how slavery was perpetuated; Some fools would hunt their brothers to hand over to the venerable white man who had arrived in the village with a gun. Bush is a murderer. He manufactured reasons to invade Iraq, managed to fool his whole nation about non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction that he lied Saddam was having and has now left a legacy of killings amongst Iraqis. I dont know why we have our President receive a man with so much blood on his hands. He should be arrested and taken to The Hague where people with less blood on their hands like Charles Taylor are facing the law.
Why advise Sata to hold his wife because George Bush is doing so? Why not advise Bush not to hold his wife because Sata isn’t? Ama inferiority complex. Everything that white man do is correct and everything that black man do is wrong. Utulo mwebantu!
To some people HH will always be young they don’t notice that the guy is aging! So they like it when he is called an under 5. Sata will be holding his wife when he is former president as for now too busy for that.
SHAKA OZ, you really don’t have any idea what you are posting, my skin cringed when I read your post; please do some research before you expose your ignorance in public. I feel for your children.
#46 amen! yes inferiority complex at work here. i have noticed that most of these bloggers are rustic. forgive these home dwellers who are now switching on lights on their own as compared to charcoal lighting. hatred will consume them.
No. 31, George compound was not named after George Bush but after a local bussinessman by the name of George( can’t remember the second name) who donated the land to the locals. Apparently, the businessman passed on a few years ago.
@ $3three million lmsao.
Ba cifita! for ma comments ifya lamba! That’s why you are black, close to darkness and not light, thats why you poor, it is all in your mind, thats why you eat with your fingers, you are dirty in your mind. Foolish
White men have to impress the public that they love their woman. African culture gives no hoot about that because Love is expressed very intensely in private. There’s no need to showboat that love because everybody (including your wife) knows you love your wife. We should not do things because white people do them.
bloggers, watch what you are writing….you are being monitored,coz these US people have a tendancy of taking over frequecies,airspaces,etc…be assured they are reading every comment being written about their Bush right now…..
. i guess some will say its a right,and Zambia is a free country…i just thot to advise…
The man has blood on his hands.
It’s intereseting to see Bush involved in new issues. HIV and cancer are big issues that more poeple need access to treament and information about. I just hope $75 million will go a long way to help alot of people, and unlike most of Mr.Bush’s other projects this has some good results.
Those without progressive comments go to hell. You will remain behind when others are progressing. You will remain the way you think. President Sata big thumbs to you. Bravo!
Good evening
Too many signs of “observer bias” in some comments here. That’s the term the psychologist uses to describe the distortion of reality because of the personal motives and expectations of the observer.
As for the lecture at hand, I personally would have prefered the sitting US president to launch the campaign but hey, as long as people are doing the right thing and contributing their part to help save human lives, does it really matter who they are?
Nine Chale@56 With the world economys in free fall, world leaders are trying to fend off a double deep recession, just why would Obama come to zambia for the aids and cancer awareness? Bush will do just fine and you must appreciate how much time, man power,security etc it takes for the US (world) president to travel. Gentle let us be grateful that barely six months ago we had Hilary Clinton, today we have GW Bush in our country its a good for our country
What is good about having one imperialist after another visiting  Zambia?  We  should get out off the syndrome of dependency on the West! some people will only feel comfortable  if a coolonialist visits them. Their morale is deflated if nno white  man visits them. George Bush is a murderer and you should not let  your attitude depend on whether he has visited your country or not. You will be  a mental  slave
Wow!!! this must be really CHOKING to Rupiah and his chain of sympathisers…..after the choking from Masebo’s recent victory in Chongwe. RB thought his honey moon would continue forever. It is said inBemba that, ”Insansa kuchinjanya”.
I see the man to the right hand side of the Zambian first lady trying to hold her hand…well if Sata could not do it someone had to
Pabwato alimunchende i still don’t believe my Vote was counted.
what military and mineral strategic positioning is this by the US? hmmmmmmm.
George Bush The world has not forgotten your HIV initiatives for Africa Thank you and we also Thank all the Members of Congress and not forgetting the Taxpayers who made all this possible
Nimanje manje DATA izachoka. Lekani balwendo bayende.
#47 Maxwell,
Maxwell! Research What? And please help ME here, WHICH ignorance man?
You are the one who is ignorant or are you JEALOUSY of my comments because you are ignorant or YOU DO NOT HAVE THE FACT of what am commenting about?
#45 Tafimbwa Lubilo,
I understand you are suffering from the RACIST South African Youth Leader Julius Malema’s Racist mentality Syndrome against innocent whites. George Bush is coming from USA he is not from South Africa where Botha traumatized Black South Africans!
God bless George Bush!
my half black & half white friend, fingers were made before folks. what dirty are you talking about. cocroach.
Tulo! He thinks because whites  use folks blacks must imitate them. To be civilised. its the inferiority complex in some blacks
George Bush goes to George Compound, Barack Obama will visit Barlastone when he retires!
What what was that again 2.1 trillion mere Kwacha. What blood money,Iraq, libya , drc, rwanda the list is endless.This is someone who should be facing trial in at the I C C.i didn’ t know some people still see America as the end to their problems. People in America need that money more than Zambians do. wake up my friends .all our problems started with the same americans and the west. You take money from them your decendants will pay.Greedy controlling humanbeings.May God open Your eyes to see the real reason to this Visit.
#70 r u black? U must be white. Otherwise u coulld be an Uncle Tom  The bloggers u r insulting have said some very wise stuff.  Â
“AID” is only an excuse for the west to enter into third world nations to satisfy their selfish needs.. behind these media covered stories is a bigger story that needs to be unveiled..Â
You know why you are getting these high level visits? Zambia has uranium deposits, remember? mark my words
As long as W has lost the power to launch wars we are good.He can launch all the health initiatives he wants.