Monday, March 10, 2025

PF parley victory good sign, Lubinda


File:Patrotic Front cadres on a motor vehicle roof top of when they escorted Sylvia Masebo to file in her nominations in Chongwe

THE ruling Patriotic Front (PF) says the victory in the two Parliamentary by-elections held this week is a clear indication that the Zambian people have started appreciating the policies of the PF administration.

The PF has also challenged the MMD/UPND pact to explain how they won the Chongwe parliamentary seat in the September Presidential and General elections following the heavy defeat they suffered in Monday’s by-election.

Commenting on the PF’s victory in Chongwe and Nakonde, party chairperson for local government and housing, Given Lubinda, said the triumph was a testimony that Zambians appreciated policies of the new Government.

He said in an interview yesterday that the two Parliamentary seats previously held by the MMD party were easily scooped by the PF due to the confidence that the electorates had in President Michael Sata’s leadership.

The victory by the PF in the two by-elections brings the total number of elected members of Parliament to 62. The PF also has an additional eight nominated MPs.

Mr Lubinda, who is Information, Broadcasting and Tourism minister, said Chongwe and Nakonde residents wanted to benefit from various development policies the PF Government was implementing, hence they decided to elect PF MPs.

“As PF, the victory in these two constituencies which were held by MMD is a clear indication that the ruling party is now growing from strength to strength.

“This victory means PF is on the move and Zambians are appreciating policies that this new Government is putting in place, hence people in those constituencies, this time, around decided to vote for PF,” he said.

The Chongwe parliamentary seat was scooped by Sylvia Masebo while the Nakonde seat went to PF’s Abel Sichula.

The Magoye seat was scooped by the UPND candidate Oliver Mulomba.

Mr Lubinda said Zambians elected the PF Government because they knew President Sata was a capable leader to transform and uplift their livelihood after suffering for many years.

“Zambians are happy with the 2012 National Budget because it aims to put more money into their pockets. This is why they also decided to elect new PF MPs to take development to their areas,” he said.

And in a separate interview, PF national chairperson Inonge Wina said the MMD should learn a lesson that the use of underhand methods to win elections was bad for a democracy and should refrain from such actions.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. So whats the news here? Politics. Just work guys. We know you have won. Concentrate on work because the MMD vandalised that country. We want results as soon as possible.

  2. Just waiting for MMD to die to be honest. More bye elections please.

    Kapaso give us another Mozi please!

  3. what PF policies are you talking about that people are appreciating? Stop telling lies, start working, Can you make sure you complete those roads that MMD were grading or working on. They will me an eye sore in the rain season if you abandon them as you appear to have ignored the importance of road construction

  4. When a party is elected to power they tend to misjudge the people’s mandate and overdo some things in their misconception of realities on the ground.Tred very carefully Mr Lubinda because there’s two kinds of light-the glow that illuminates and the glare that obscures-this victory could be any of those two that you could easily misread.

  5. #2 Italian Bunga Bunga (Original)

    I can’t believe what am reading! Waiting for the OPPOSITION MMD to die?

    That will be catastrophic failure of DEMOCRACY in Zambia. If you were normal in your brain you can not have such abnormal thoughts? You have delusional and outdated thoughts of an uneducated man who wants to maintain his Supervisory position an ORGANISATION and WISH all educated people should die because they are a threat to him/her current position.

    That what your EVIL Roman Catholic Priests thinks all the time. The Inquisition of Evangelical Churches in the world! This is not possible man!

    All Zambians should WISH all democratic Institutions/Organisations including opposition parties

  6. #2 Italian Bunga Bunga (Original)

    All Patriotic Zambians should WISH all democratic Institutions/Organisations including opposition parties WELL!

  7. You intimidated the voters you *****s. You must let voters express their opinion on their own without intimidation so that we get the true picture. It is only in Magoye where you failed to intimidate voters, and you lost. Stop talking too much and work to hold up this economy before it starts tumbling. What policies are you talking about you have barely started signing any cheques. Stop irritating us and just work quietly sometimes!

  8. Now get to work guys. See into it that some Safari Companies like one in south luangwa that returns NAPSA and PAYE when the workers have no wages for some months. I mean this is so serious there is TAX inversion, TAX avoidance in the valley. Charging 3% on Barclays card when BArclays is charging them Zero. Come on your hooves and work !!

  9. It may be a good sign for PF, but really sad for democracy. Will Zambians ever learn? The country is what it is because of lack of credible opposition to put in place checks and balances. Wait and see what will happen to Zambia under PF. What policies is Lubinda talking about? Political od Economic/Developmental policies. I have not seen either. Please Zambians start reading and anlyzing what these politicians say and do, otherwise we will continue going round and round without getting anywhere.

  10. How can anyone celebrate the victory in Chongwe when in it was won under dubious circumstances? Mwakalombe won fair and square but he was threatened/bribed  before he could be sworn in and now is enjoying  diplomatic  exile  in Mozambique. Furthermore the turn out was low and surely if PF is about ‘change’, then what is the exact nature of ‘chang’e that they will bring to Chongwe under Masebo? The only ‘change’ Masebo understands is changing her outrageous dukus and political parties full stop. I think that MPs should also only serve for two terms like the president does at present (unless Chilufya changes the constitution to make himself life president).

  11. I think Mr Lubinda has got it all wrong. What policies? Honestly speaking, I am yet to hear a proper political pronouncement, foreign or economic pronouncement to chart our way forward. We haven’t had policy statements to show purpose of intent to take this country forward. There was a presidential directive to electrify the entire Chongwe, isn’t that taking undue influence? And what puzzles me is that during the many years Ms Masebo has been area MP, there has been no development, meaning she has been failing the people of Chongwe and the only tangible thing of note is that she has, during that time, managed to be area MP on 3 or 4 different political party tickets. What is she now bringing to Chongwe which she has failed to do all these years. No wonder Zambia is stuck, right Mushota?

  12. This tourist attraction Lubinda has little brains,because he is suppose to categorically state what they have achieved so far to bragg.Recycling Masebo doesn’t add any value,its just adding numbers of tourist attractions.

  13. ‘Democracy can be exploited to enhance ‘Autocracy, and in case of Chongwe, shamelessly so. The poor are exploited to enhance the personal aspirations of such a shameless woman as Silvia Masebo. Was it not enough the men she has exploited that she should disregard a whole constituency of the poor to use them for her personal ambitions. Ok, understandably, she has been doing this for too long that her conscious is numb. This is sick Democracy by exploiters. I am pretty sure she is enjoying it to the ‘foolest’. Wait!

  14. PF must endeavor to grow a very thick skin for soon they will have to face unmasked truth which tends to pain the thin skinned. Brace yourselves!

  15. No. 2 you make my ribs crack man. A Mosi and some pop corns. I cannot wait for 2 weeks. The mosi will be clobbered big time

  16. Zambians do not give the PF an overwhelming majority. You will corrupt them with power. They are already in power so they dont need more seats. Rather strengthen the opposition so that Democracy can work.

  17. very un fair comments on lubinda. you negative thinking bloggers, why did you not go there and vote for the opposition. parties stood and people chose who they feel should lead them at the moment. whats wrong with that. hatred will kill some of you. better start to appreciate and give kudos were its due. dont be like hh.

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