Monday, March 10, 2025

Sata commended for decision to allow corruption probe against his son


President Sata

President Michael Sata’s decision to have his son, probed against corruption allegations, has cheered people from various walks of life.

The Southern African Centre for Peaceful Resolution of Disputes-SACCORD- has described President Sata’s action as unprecedented in the fight against Corruption on the African Continent.

SACCORD Spokesperson Obby Chibuluma says President Sata has demonstrated unwavering commitment to the fight against corruption by surrendering his own son to law enforcement agencies to prove allegations raised by Committee of Citizens Executive Director, Gregory Chifire.

Mr Chibuluma told ZNBC news on Saturday that Mr Chifire should prove his allegations and face the same law if found to be peddling falsehoods against the President’s family.

And Political Activist Dante Sauders says President Sata’s style of leadership and fight against corruption requires the support of all well meaning citizens.

Meanwhile, Mufumbwe MMD Member of Parliament, Stephen Masumba says President Sata’s action should be a serious signal to his relatives and government leaders that may attempt to engage in corrupt activities.

Mr Masumba says Zambia needs the seriousness that President Sata has demonstrated to move the nation forward.

President Sata on Friday asked the law enforcement agencies to summon his son and Mr Chifire over the matter.

Mr Chifire had accused the President’s son of acquiring two motor vehicles worth over One point eight billion Kwacha, way beyond his income.



  1. Like someone has already commented on the other Chifire article, this matter has already been covered. The only thing is that with the presidential directive we shall learn about the source of the funds involved in the purchase. How ever, toralating such issues by the public is what culminates in rampant abuse of authority by leaders.

  2. Kudos to you Your Excellence. It is good you listen to our views e.g one Xavier Chungu.
    I know it is impossible to please every Jim & Jack. The majority should be your yardstick.

  3. And yet others are crying Sata is persecuting them!!!!!!!!!

    Let us wait and see if people who have now made the song “PERSECUTION, PERSECUTION, fwenkula, fwenkula, PERSECUTION, fwenkula” are going to come to Sata’s sons defense. We await the comments from ‘Bum Bum’ Siliya and his Boss, RB.

    I also hope Chifire has concret evidence and not just being his usual ‘bwatu, bwatu, bwatu, ukusabaila’, depending on which side of the bed he wakes on a particular day!

  4. Miles Sampa, his nephew should be fired and investigated, especially for his major crime of spread the virus. We don’t need such people in office that do not know how to control their stick. Lusaka times investigate miles sampa, you’ll be shocked.

    • Go and report him to the relevant authorities! LT does not have time and resources to investigate individual. And for your own information, LT just informs on the happenings in the country and not investigations, it is not their job to investigate perceived criminals! Endani ku police baba!

    • did he take your chick?is it our fault your chick is a golddigger..easily ersuaded by cheap-moraly(obviously it was expensive gifts)..we are not interested in your bitterness or agenda,we talking bout national issues here not your personal beef’s..

  5.  leaders should lead by example.The move by the president is welcome more especially that it involves the president’s son. Let it be known to everyone that   the fight against corruption is not in paying lip service but in deeds and we say to the president thumbs up. The onus is now on the people involved to prove otherwise.


  6. Bravo HE Sata. This shud serve as lesson for falsehoods, let Chifire provide evidence. This is a serious matter where HE Sata is prepared to sacrifice his SON to just fight and not hide corruption. He is truly Patriotic. Which President can do such brevity. What has happened to the Investigations he asked about DR MITI about Ministry of Health and Kapoko scandal. We want the truth ASAP.    

  7. Yes I agree with Bert. One can easily see that HE SATA is not segregative. What he has done to his Son for the Police and DEC to get the truth regardless of his own SON’s status must be commended by all meaning Zambians. Yes, he did the same to Dr Miti to get the truth from the Cabinet, DEC, ACC and Police, and he went further to Revoke his appointment as Ambassador to Geneva. 
     After this once the truth comes out, this blog should NOT start to insult the DEC or police or even He Sata   whichever way it goes. That is what the truth will reveal and let’s wait! Period!!!

  8. I hope the alleged corruption by Sata’s son is not true, coz if it is, I wonder how much he’ll have done by the end of MCS’s term – this seems too much too soon! But why would the President leave it for so late until the son’s misdeeds are only discovered by Chifire, yet the father runs the country’s intelligence and did no know? ARE WE TO BELIEVE THIS?

  9. Lets see those who say the President is after their blood. If he can say go ahead and investigate on his own son, mwapia ba kabwalala. Those who have long fingers should look for cloves now otherwise it will be too late… RB, GK, bum bum say something or save the President’s son from persecution otherwise he won’t be there to save you…..

  10. “one point eight billion kwacha” stupid editor! proper syntax is either K1.8 Billion or 1.8 billion kwacha; you semi literate nitwit.


  12. If Cifire fails to prove this, he must be charged with alarming the poublic of spreading falsehood designed to cause despondency and discontent and his vuvuzela licence should be cancelled!!!

  13. The fact that they had to await a Presidentiel directive says a lot about the ineptness and inertia of our law enforcrmment agencies. Yet still, even if they do find any dirt, they are most likely to sweep it under the carpet and turn tables on Chifire.

  14. Good move by the President. Its really unprecedented on our continent. But certain appointments still leave much to be desired. Honestly Chalwe Muchenga as High Court Judge, and our usual joke of a parliament goes ahead to ratify his appointment!

  15. So far its been fight of individuals by individuals. Real fight of corruption is not about Sata! What is it that was wrong before with regard to law and law implementing agencies? So far, its been individuals! Is the sytem ok? If the system is not ok, let us start addressing the system. We do not want the same song in 2016! Zambia has to move forward. Build strong sytems so that whether  President Sata retires tomorrow or in 2016 the fight will be sustained.

  16. Mr Mulenga Sata is a grown man. why should he need the protection of his parents?? Its pathetic to think he should.

  17. Why did he have to ‘ALLOW’, werent the DEC/Anti corruption commission capable of doing this investigation without having to be ‘ALLOWED’ first?

    So when he ‘disallows’ them they will stop the investigation, te?

  18. well done HE MCS our elected president, he was elected by the MAJORITY of the voters, he is the great leader of Zambia. Some people have been ranting ever since he became president. HH and his tonga tribal party have tried to undermine our president. Sata treats these tonga tribalist rants like water off a ducks back. We the majority of non-tribal zambians will support our president and his govt to bring more progress to our nation.

  19. If Chifire is trying to work the MMD game of peddling lies just to win coverage in the media, he is in for a surprise. He should learn to keep his mouth shut if he has no evidence, he is playing with the cobra.

  20. Those alarming the nation to bring about fear and confusion should be arrested and their organastions shut down as they are promoting treason

  21. This is just a window dressing what can toothless DEC and anti corruption commission do. Iam not even bothered cause nothing will come out of this presidential directive

  22. Wait a minute dear friends. Sata’s best friend, FTJ Chiluba went through sleepless nights due to the behavior of his sons for terrosing people at all kinds of pubs in Lusaka. Chiluba prayed that his son died soonso as to breathe an air confort in his family. I doubt if Ba Sata has any fatherly feelings for his children, let alone his son who is allegedly being condemned to investigations. Sata would rather wish his crooked son locked for five yearsso as to quietly mine hisPresidential wealth during his term of office.

  23. @26 Chikoko………………….just go to the tonga (zambia) watchdog to spit such nonsensic vermin..You people have ran out of steam, look you have nothing more to accuse the president of , now you say he does not love his sons to the extent of wanting him jailed. GIVE Caesar what belongs to Caesar they say, if his son is found wanting which l doubt, let him be an example l say. YOU HAVE NOTHING ON HE MCS NOTHING BUT TRIBAL HATRED SHAME ON YOU

  24. its a bluff nothing else. Sata is bluffing. if the cars mentioned are there, mulenga should explain. infact he should have been arrested first, then explain.

  25. I’m not surprised or doubting Sata’s stance on his son. He did the same to his late son Chilufya, and he was lock in prison for stealing One Kwacha(K1) from him.  For those who are thinking that this is just cosmetic, wait and see.

    I hope that was not just Chifire’s usual barking.

  26. Is it just me who has found something fishy about this move or everyone else can see what i am seeing. Why should the President ask DEC and ACC to do the job that they should be doing anyway? Why is Chifire being asked to prove himself? If the cars were bought, let us see who issued payments, the source of the finds and if he cars have been delivered. It is that simple! By the way, the position of Bank of Zambia Governor is still vacant?

  27. To law enforcement agencies, investigate the son (but don’t find evidence against him, and shiii don’t kubeba).
    On the other hand, if the law enforcement agencies can dare investigate genuinely, yes let Mulenga explain to us how he acquired so much money. Liato is being made to account for a similar amount of money isn’t he? Difference is that Liato buried the loot while Mulenga used his to acquire expensive cars. IG Dr Malama, you normally give a statement or an update, any statement sir?


  29. In Zambia since independence, Presidential sonsare normally wealthy businessmen, natural billionaires you could say, regardless of how long the father has been in State House. So what is the big deal if Mulenga suddenly becomes wealthy?

  30. Wow, barely 60 days down the road and the boy is already implicated into this level of misbehaviour? Or has he been into mischief for some time albeit away from press? What will he become in a year’s time? In two years? In five years? If these allegations turnout to be true in so short a time, then he won’t live long. Now lets wait and see.

  31. His son is so arrogant and too much reserved, pompous etc he has always been like that even b4 Cobra became President, so this case is a clear testimony of MCS desire to fight corruption, if the son is found guilt let him enjoy prison with LIATO.

  32. So does it mean that the father (Chilufya) did not realise that his son was driving around in a new car until it was brought out into the open by Chifire? There is no logic in wasting tax payers’ money into a probe that Chilufya could have sorted out himself. In fact, after being elected president, Chilufya should have had a word with his kids to keep a low profile and not to become hate figures like the late Castro and the Banda boys. This story sounds fishy to me.

  33. I only hope the probe will be free fair and thorough and unlike the Zamtel probe which has a pre determined conclusion before the commission even heard any evidence.

  34. I remember a couple years ago Sata had a very notorious…who because of indiscipline Sata had him locked up in cells! says a lot about him  

  35. @37….how would you honestly feel if your mother,sister,daughters or your wife were described in that fashion? do onto to others gentlemen, let us try and be civilised and mature with our comments……………………………….NO INSULTS PLEASE LET US TRY AND STICK TO THE TOPIC AT HAND, THANK YOU AND STAY BLESSED

  36. Its amazing how some Zambians draw conclusions on mere a statement from Mr sata that raises further questions. Mr Sata has said nothing warranting all the noise of praises our ears being waxed with. Mr Sata has existing cases of people with corruption that todate are inconclusive. Zambians know the people involved and are walking free others instead are rewarded with appointments. A mere order to have his son, brother, uncle or let a lone any relative or aquitances be subjected to investigations by ACC or DEC on wrong doing is not in good faith because non of these agencies would bring any proof in the light of their own appointments by Mr Sata himself. In the mean time Mr Sata will eventually do anything and no one will question him. Mr Sata would have began by informing the nation

  37. that is just pretence naimwe. which police in Zambia can arrest satan children today, woont they be fired after some months. wait and see

  38. about the single sourcing of Apollo company for Alexandar Chikwanda renovating state house. Mr Sata is disappointing to hear him that he doesn’t have any clue, even where cement comes from is not known Mr Sata joked. This selectivity of inconsistency is not in tan with serious fight against corruption. Lets pick a case that goes to prosecution that leads to jail term by courts. You may say its too early. No, Mr Sata has reversed transactions, changed number of provinces, fired people, and appointed others. Let him demonstrate a board move to punish any offender of the many existing corruption cases. Then he will deserve kudos from all loving Zambians who want corruption reduced in the nation.

  39. Let the president’s son be invetigated as an independent adult. There should be no problem and that is what the presidnt wants.

  40. Talk about alarming the nation, the defence minister GBM told the nation that there were senior politicians in opposition who were planning to assassinate PF leaders. Has this been verified guys?

  41. Wapya Munzi for Chifire. He is in trouble and he will be soon be behind bars. He is joining the likes of Austin Liato….

  42. Ha what a ungrateful people zambians can i believe the more you try to good the more enermies you have.and cant we just wait and see what happens next awe sure iwe kuconcluder.

  43. This is a good gesture; a breath of fresh air, if not symbolic and coming from deep down, with no caveat.  Nevertheless, I `d still tread on the side of caution bearing in mind the temptations of the bully pulpit when one moves there, from the pew

  44. I don’t know why people are commending Sata for this.It should be a routine matter and in any case Sata’s permission to investigate his son is not required,its the law.In developed countries if the leader’s child is found breaking the law they do not even seek their leader’s consent.What Sata has done is nothing special so lets not praise it,its the law.Those law enforcers who waited for Sata’s permission to do this should be let off the force.

  45. mwanyala….those vehicles were bought before his father came into power, mind you, mulenga sata and james banda are best of friends.

  46. All those insinuating that Mulenga Sata obtained money in a dubious manner may end up very disappointed. A little bird tells me that Mulenga sold his Kabulonga house recently. Houses in Kabulonga don’t sell for less than 1 billion kwacha. This could very well be the source of the 1.8 billion kwacha. According to my source, Mulenga, a civil engineer, is not only an employee of Zulu Burrows Engineering firm, but is also one of the shareholders of the firm. Mulenga is apparently not a poor guy who depends on his father for upkeep, but a man of considerable means. If my source is correct, Chifire may end up in very hot soup this time.

  47. Chifire is seeking clarity on the guy’s sudden riches. Some unhappy little birds must have told him to bring this to light knowing he is one courageous Ngoni warrior. One can see how Sata’s supporters are licking their lips looking forward to Chifire’s end. When one’s intentions are noble, nothing can keep one down. My gut feeling is that this guy is just pointing out Christ’s teaching of a speck in a neighbour’s eye and forgetting one’s own log. There are too many skeletons in our current leader’s cupboard. Levy had a track record of fighting corruption. Medical Stores for one. I don’t remember Sata’s track record of fighting the vice. Anyway, we are all spectating now.

  48. If my memory serves me right some magistrate sent his wife to the gallows for dealing in emerald trading illegally (remember there was an emeralds’ craze at one point). That, to me, was a genuine fight against corruption and favoritism. Another senior judge did not intervene when his son was sent to cells for a misdemeanour. Lets learn from these brave acts to realise that the law must be applied regardless of who crosses to its wrong side.

  49. Already Sata is INTIMIDATING Mr Chifire by stating that he should prove his allegations and face the same law if found to be peddling falsehoods against the President’s family?

    This is what we call,”Politics of intimidation.” Typical of Sata & his PF government. The other day “i was surprised and LAUGHED MY LUNG OUT” when i read about DICTATOR in a NUTSHELL Sata” threatening and calling his Justice Minister that he is not WORKING, Just because he has not ARRESTED Hakainde Hichilema for his WHISTLE blowing of the That Sata single sourced APOLLO Company at State House

    Sata surely you want Minister of Justice TO arrest all ONLINE Journalist and commentators? You are JOKING!

    Former President Rupiah BANDA never arrested you for the things you said some of it UNPROVEN THINGS

  50. #46 Muna Dekhane

    You are RIGHT Zambians have lost TRUST in this man called Sata because of HIS INCONSISTENCY with his PRONOUNCEMENTS and ACTIONS.

    HONESTLY as someone who supported Sata and PF am very very disappointed with man’s Dictatorial, Hypocrisy, Cover up ATRIBUTES.

    What Sata should have done after Hichilema complained, was to ask DEC, Police and Anti Corruption Commission to investigate thoroughly and LEAVE NO STONE UNTURNED in their investigations!

    But to hear Sata say that, “He does not even know where they BUY CEMENT!” instead of INVESTIGATING his Minister of Finance Alexandar Chikwanda for SINGLE SOURCING APOLLO to renovate state house was very disappointing.

    Sata is a man of ACTION only in corruption and Dictatorial areas! Sata will end up MORE CORRUPT

  51. Chifire should furnish us with details on he is basing his allegations. If I may ask how old is Mulenga Sata; when did he start working; does he do any businesses and if so how much does he earn in all his income generating activities. I think this is what Mr. Chifire should tell us. As for now ipalile kwati ni jealous fye! Kaya pa Zed.

  52. Hey, there is too much yap yap!, with no facts. People want to crucify others thru falsehoods and blatant lies!! Why can’t people wait for the report from the investigating wings? We are still waiting for a report about DR MITI. The same will apply to MULENGA Sata. If they are innocent the law must take it’s course against the cheaters and liars just like MULENGA Sata has sued Chifire. 
    The only problem is that reports and commission of enquiries take just too long to come out. For instance Dr Mitis case has taken over three years…. No charge, no arrest and no conviction, but somebody continues to draw a salary!! This is what we must stop. Let MULENGA Sata report come out quickly, as well as Miti report from cabinet and Police!!
    Otherwise, HE Sata has been very brave. Bravo Sata!!,

  53. Yes, let the truth prevail. MULENGA Sata is innocent until proved guilty. But most of the times, this blog crucifies and sentence people as guilty. Let MULENGA Sata report come out and by the way where is DR MITI report, who is on government payrol for three years now. I just prepared his pay slip. If he is innocent GRZ must not waste tax payers money and hence let him go back for work or be Ambassador to Swaziland. GRZ don’t keep too quite for a long time. HE Sata is truly my President!! He does not fear or favor !!!

  54. Thank you Chifire for unearthup the scam. This is how dirt money crips into plot 1, even Lupiya it is the sons who have destroyed him. Currupt companies infiltrate plot 1 using relatives. We hope Mr. Sata the president will stand by his guns. The judiciary should also not take any fear or favour like we saw under Lupiya as they excute this matter.

  55. Yaba, why do Zambians only have to choose the better of bad options, Officers and Kachasu? We need post ’64 politicians with new and practical economic ideas!

  56. Sata is just lying, wat investigations is he talkin about, hes equally corrupt like his son whos been sellin dogs :o

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