President Michael Sata has said that Zambia cannot afford to exist in isolation therefore the need to interact with other countries.
The President said this today during the departure of Former American President, George .W. Bush.
Mr Sata has refuted that the visit by Zimbabwean President, Robert Mugabe to Zambia had any connection with the visit of Mr Bush.
He explained that Mr. Mugabe is an African neighbour and that his visit to Zambia during Mr. Bush’s trip to Africa is a coincidence.
The President told journalists that during Mr. Mugabe’s visit on Saturday the Heads of State discussed issues regarding unity of Africa.
President Sata hosted Mr. Mugabe and Mr. Bush who has been on each others’ throat.
Mr.Bush left at about 06:55 hours on this morning. Mr.Bush was in Zambia on a two- day working visit to promote HIV/AIDS relief efforts and to create awareness on and cervical cancer.
During his visit Mr. Bush launched the HIV and cancer campaign in Zambia.
[pullquote]Local journalists were upset that they had been quarantined in a truck while American journalists had been allowed to move around.[/pullquote]
He also visited the cancer hospital at UTH, Peace Corps and Chikumbuso in Ng’ombe among others.
Meanwhile, Zambian journalists got into a big argument with American Embassy security staff who were forcing them to get into a truck and operate from there during Mr. Bush’s departure.
One of the security personnel told journalists that they had no option but to operate from the truck.
Local journalists were upset that they had been quarantined in a truck while American journalists had been allowed to move around.
Photo journalists and camera persons were also upset that they could not get proper pictures of President Sata.
During Mr. Bush’s visit journalists had been subjected to physical and verbal harassment by American Secret service staff.
A beautiful coincidence indeed.Abena super Robert but kwati bena bali pa plan mwe.Probably ba Sata tabaiketefye line.Anyway we won`t judge.
Good evening
How do you force journalists of the host country to operate from a truck while the foreign ones are allowed to move around freely? On top of that, how can foreign security personnel dictate to the locals on how to conduct themselves? This lack of respect for our institutions by the US is unacceptable and reveals an arrogant, contemptous attitude which a lot of other countries would also find annoying.
The fact of the matter is that we allow it to happen to us…the problem in my humble opinion is us…our institutions that never seem to protect our rights and basically allow our people to be bossed around as you rightly put it by foreigners…the way forward is to free ourselves from mental slavery that seems to glue us together with failure..
What’s so good about this evening??
can someone define lucky for me? Sata plus Bush plus Bob, uHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Ummmm that complaint from the journalists needs a microscope eye. Too early to condemn. Who cried foul? which media outlet?
This man is a hippocrite, if he says Zambia can not exist in isolation and they should be peace in the region, why doen’t he end his childish fued with Malawi’s Bingu wa Mutharika. Zambia is bigger than Micheal Sata and we shouldn’t be at loggaheads with Malawi simply because one Micheal Sata got deported from there when he wasn’t even President. Shame
@Nine Chale.
Colonialism mentality tawakapwe. Even these local journalists who are complaining would have their tails between their legs if they saw a white man worse still an American.
I once went to Zed with a white junior friend. He was treated far much better than me.
It will never end unfortunately.
No. 2 you’re quite right – that is the price that some LDCs, e.g. Zambia, pay for hosting American VIPs. They would not have behaved like that in South Africa or even Nigeria. And how a former president is received by a sitting head of state is beyond me. Anyhow, Zambia seemed too eager to receive former President Bush hence the arrogance of the security staff. Zambia lacks a clear foreign policy due to a non-proffessional diplomatic corp and until that happens, Zambia shall continue to witness such events on home soil. This would not have happened in the KK days! KK had a clear foreign policy, which won him world-wide respect.
Those journalists should stop complainin and buy high powered cameras like those owned by paparazis.
hehehe..ba journal…especially form the post ..mwalisapula..hahahaha..
This is the crap I do not tolerate….why the hell would US secret service treat my fellow Zambian in such a manner on our own turf??? A thorough investigation must be made, but anyway, am sure nothing will be done, so why the bother….Its such a shame…Respect of your hosts should always prevail….
Our African leaders need to realise their dignity as heads of state. American presidents rarely go to the airport to receive foreign dignitaries, including heads of state. That is normally done by the Secretary of State. Why would Sata lower himself to receive an ex-president at the airport? What we saw was the African Inferiority Complex at play.
Bamumbwe mufwile ukucindika bakateka Ba Sata after you never be a republican President ala twalishiba calimikalipa pali ba Sata umubemba muntu
zambia journalist have the right to complain,but they should complain to ministry of foreign affairs and the home office,its not strange even american journalist were bared in china,india when president obama visited these countries but the then press secretary ,MR GIBBS protested in full view of the chinese govt officials ,the chinese foreign minister intervened and allowed the american journalist in the arena.so why did our ministers of information ,or home ,or foreign not interve?why did you obey the command to operate from a truck?you were suppose to protest right there and packed all and left.no media coverage of bush .next time teach them a lesson ,no coverage period .you will see how they will complain.plse next time dont cover them be in broadcast and print media.otherwise blame
yourseves for your slow response.
Why is colonization hardly ever discussed by our African Leaders..? WE MUST NEVER FORGET! These Western powers only left when they were sure they enslaved us mentally. They gave us European government policies to run an African Government and to this day we ourselves doubt a leader who does not have a degree recognized by European standards. They don’t want us to remember our past because their embarrassed but they don’t regret. And as long as they never regret WE MUST NEVER FORGET! The bloody nerve of a guest to come into our home and order us around..And worst of all to be allowed to get away with it.
And yes number 11. Spot on.
US security staff are renowned for this arrogant behaviour, they have been known to exchange punches with British security staff when their president visits England…if you give them an inch they want a metre, the journalists should know better and only blame themselves for allowing them to cattle them into a truck in their own country.
 Just because someone has an ear piece and a foreign muzungu accent it doesn’t mean they have authority too much mental slavery pa Zed.
Zambia is our nation and journalists should operate freely without any interference from vistors.Its a shame to hear such a thing in your country,colonlism bushe tayapwa.
When the current or ex president of USA visits any country in the world their security personnel take over the area around. They do not care about your rules, they are concerned about their security duties. In short do not worry, it is not just in Zambia that the security of USA behave that way, that is their way of working. Accept or reject them they operate in one way.
WaKashimani. Every US and ex-US presidents have visited Canada and they do not treat the Canadian journalists like that. Like one of the other commentors said. When the president himself shows African Inferiority Complex by personally receiving the ex president of the US, then how do you think they will treat the journalists??
Imwe ba Kashimani stop perpetuating inferiority complexes!
Mr Bush is a big liar.He lied about Iraq of having WMD, lied about 9/11 and he still is lying about HIV the disease they created.
Nimbwa sana
And Armnesty Inter. is telling us to arrest Busheet. Which mecanisme was going to work if no zambian midia was even allowed to get closer.? What a joke from these *****s called Armnest Interidots.
that was bad , enough to say we are the boss in yo country. if it was zimbabwe they wouldn’t have done that . zambian authorities should really stand up for their rights.
This American superiority is one reason I have great rest for uncle Bob. We blame GRZ for allowing such nonsense coming from the Americans. Our journalists are not terrorists for them to be treated like that.
#11, and what is the point you are trying to drive at? If Sata is the best the Northern Alliance has then it’s true Zambia is on the slide down because of you Central Africans. You guys once fielded Chama Chakomboka for president, a clear mental case. Chiluba was a waste of space and it came as no surprise that the pigmy kicked the bucket from a viagra overdose. With Sata, mark my word, we are in for another State Funeral much sooner than later and when things fall apart, I can swin accross into Botswana or Namibia or back to South Africa where Sibitwane came from. Let’s see what you will do after legging it had back to Mwata Yamvo’s Kingdom in Katanga, ku Buluba kumyenu by Kaboke imwe!
Thats just absurd of letting foreign journalist get an upper hand. Thats just wrong!!!!
The consequences of being a beggar:Remember there is no dignity in being on the receiving end.You cant have it both ways:a begging bow and some journalist some where complaining about mistreatment!
Hats off to the American tax payer -your bro,sis,dad,mum,cousin,friend,employer are still alive on “free” ARVs,so stop your false sense of dignity!!!
Why are the local journalists complaining about their mistreatment by the American security staff. This type of harrasment happened last time Mrs Bush visited Zambia. The best they could have done is to have given a no coverage based on the previous conduct of American security personnel.
Inferiority Complex! A foreigner can not harass me at my home. Actually George Bush is a finished politician not to have been received by Sata. For me, I would have given more time to Bob my neighbor and let Guy Scot attend to George Bush.
Zambia is a Sovereign state. Â
Kolala you’ve got brains!
Imwe……George W Bush is the most wanted person in the world. He needs his own people around him. Whats the fuss?
Imagine, last week we hosted 2 MOST WANTED people in the world. Sata is great.
I have a probem with PF govt. I see no foreign policy direction. Why do I say so, look at the appoitments this far in diplomatic services and the Minister for Foreign Affairs (busy insulting the Tongas)? Then one can pick up from there. PF needs to come to terms that some postisions needs seriousness, so the nation can be treated with respect. In the mean time, it is in the interest of us all for this govt to succeed, however the whole game depends on how they do things and implement policies.
You Guys!
Do you understand the word paranoia?
The West is so paranoic beyond belief that they are now making every one in the world believe that that is the modus operandi. One just needs to take stoke of things they do: When you phone your bank: “For your security, what is you date of birth, for your security can you confirm your post code, for your security what is your first line of your address, blah, blah” Or “Calls may be recorded for training and good customer care.” and list goes on and on; The there is the mess at the Airports. Any liquid over 100mls, not to be carried in the hand luggage, blah, blah, blah. It is all Osama Bin Laden. The West World is Insecure, scared of its own shadow and paranoic beyond belief.
iyo ba monko mwalitipwa kuli shyetane. isele and bad words sha chilamo pa platform
What on earth! You are chased in your own territory.Why cry foul,you’re just weak.If i was a soldier i could have sent you to the guardroom.
Bu Muzungu wanga tabwakapwe mu Africa. Someone cant come all the way from a foreign land and start dictating to the natives on where to report from. That happened during the Slavery era and if you allow them again it will continue. Most of us are so mentally colonised we are prepared to wanganize any muzungu we see. Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.
Manje …has oil been discovered in the great Luangwa valley…? because Uyu bushi likes Oil maningi mwe..