Monday, March 10, 2025

DEC summons Chifire, Mulenga


President Michael Sata’s son, Mulenga
President Michael Sata’s son, Mulenga

THE Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) has summoned Committee of Citizens executive director, Gregory Chifire and President Michael Sata’s son, Mulenga, over allegations that the latter has acquired two luxurious vehicles worth K1.8 billion.

And Mr Chifire has welcomed President Sata’s directive to have the two appear before the DEC over the allegations.

DEC acting spokesperson, Samuel Silomba, said in Lusaka yesterday that officers from the investigative wing have been trying to contact both Mulenga and Mr Chifire.

“I want to confirm that we are summoning the two and officers are trying to make contact with them, especially Mr Chifire. Even this morning officers were trying to contact Mr Chifire,” he said.

Mr Silomba has since encouraged members of the general public to report any suspicious matters to the Commission.

“We would like to encourage members of the public to have confidence in law enforcement agencies by providing information before they even decide to go public,” he said.

In an interview, Mr Chifire said in Lusaka yesterday that he was waiting for the DEC to summon him so that he could tell them what he knew.

President Sata directed that investigations be instituted into the allegations made by Mr Chifire that his son had acquired two luxurious vehicles within 60 days that the father had been in office.

“First of all I do not think it should be a media war, I was just a whistle blower. I am waiting for the summons from the DEC so that I go and say what I know and other businesses. The directive by the president is very welcome. I was just a whistle blower,” he said.

Mr Chifire said he could not make baseless accusations against the president’s son if he did not have evidence.

He, however, pointed out that he would not accuse Mulenga of being guilty because Zambian laws were clear that one was innocent until proven guilty.

“I would not say that he is guilty because our Constitution is very clear that everyone is innocent until proven guilty by a competent court of law. I, however, stand by the statement I issued about the allegations,” he said.

Mulenga, who is Kabulonga Ward Councillor, had given Mr Chifire up to yesterday to apologise or face legal action.

According to Mulenga’s lawyers Mweemba Chashi and Partners, the President’s son warned that he would seek legal action unless Mr Chifire retracted his statement and apologised.

Mr Chifire had challenged Government to explain how Mulenga allegedly became rich suddenly when he had been selling dogs before his father became President.

The outspoken NGO leader alleged that Mulenga had suddenly acquired money and property in unexplained circumstances.

Among the properties Mulenga is alleged to own was a brand new Jeep costing about K800 million and a brand new Toyota GX, valued at about K1 billion.

But William Mweemba from Mweemba Chashi and Partners, said in a letter addressed to Mr Chifire that the statement attributed to the NGO leader was defamatory and had injured Mulenga as a businessman, professional civil Engineer and politician.

Following the accusations, President Sata ordered investigations into the matter and urged Mr Chifire to furnish the investigative wings with necessary information concerning the matter.

President Sata, who has received commendation on the directive, has vowed not to shield anyone from prosecution and has since advised Mr Chifire to put down a formal complaint with the law enforcement

[Times of Zambia]


  1. The Man Chifire can be pathetic at times, I have read the article and not statement to the fact of ill gotten wealth, you either state that the man stole or he did not steal. Issuing a statement that the man acquired luxury cars is pathetic. State a FACT he stole or abused his office and here are the facts or shut up. How many guys in Lusaka and Kitwe are buying Hummers and Escalades???? dont make pathetic noise. stick to the FACTS!

  2. The title of this story was supposed to read: “DEC summons Chifire, Mulenga after being OREDERD by the president”. Its like all govt wings jst work on orders, and one wouldn’t be wrong to predict that the one who orderd the summon will also direct evrything including the outcome. VERY BORING!!!!

  3. Claims have to be substantiated. Even a fool should know that Chifire can`t produce receipts here. If he does then it can only be that he has got them from Mulenga. But do you see Mulenga giving Chifire receipts? No.

    If Chifire got those receipts fromthe place Mulenga bought the cars then it could only have been done with Mulenga`s consent and I honestly don`t see that company wanting to get entagled in anything like this.

    So Chifire yazanda apa nomba!

  4. Our investigative wings must be really bad. First it was the police couldn’t find Liato he had to report himself to the Police. Now they cant get in touch with Chifire and Mulenga. Honestly if I an ordinary person can easily get in touch with someone even when there phone is off why should it be difficult for investigative wings. If they have a problem with such basics should we have confidence in them unveiling big things?

  5. Baseless Claims are Childish and Immature. Times have changed now. Sata wants to show that the law is working. Danger  Zone for Chifire!

  6. The question is, Is it true Muelnga Sata has bought Jeep costing about K800 million and a brand new Toyota GX, valued at about K1 billion????? and no longer driving a Spacio worth K30m

  7. I ve known and followed Ba Sata’s political life for the past 29yrs now. This man has made money big time over unsubstainciated allegtions made against him. Sata has lost very few court cases baba. And for him to direct DEC to investigate his Son, he knows Chifi lenyafye umwela. Baba ba Chifi be ready to pay.

  8. joe sata is a small fish.what about sally kaseba( 1st lady sister) and her husband fred yamba (secretary to the treasury) and GBM defence minister signing his own cheques for his food supply company…has been the biggest supplier to the ministry of defence and is now defence minister with 0 military back ground….0grade 12 certificate….trade….food supplier…what the FFF….come man….does it mean no one is reading or seeing this…do i have to write an open letter on face book…do i need to use that becoz poast …times…u guys are ignoring this…

  9. Chifire’s allegations are clear. there is no need for him to go to DEC. its mulenga who should be questioned. 

  10. Sata wants to make Chitfire an example. Show the pipo that if you lie, you end up in Mukobeko. Sata knows what infor Citifire has or has not. Like one blogger said, Citifire has to fish the information from unfriendly forces…This may be his undoing.

  11. mockery of the system…thats his first son….and the fools who think he will be charged are evn bigger fools than u think…why cant joe be held like all the others until he can be charged..why does the president knw where his son is…come took castro and them a while to come out…joe has a scandal the 1st month….

    • And we call it freedom of express the truth and get get insulted? typical cadre kaponya behaviour….am sure you have amatole yourself.. you pathetic ass leaking *****..pipo are starving and ur ass has the odesity to evn remark…bloody *****..dare u to reply..lets keep this going…whats ur problem..are u guilty of something?? You definately kmw what u are defending, and the truth shall come to light, and I apprecaite ur cursing, its working to my advantage coz ..u are attracting attention.. just remember that those who kill by the sword will die by the sword…bakabolala imwe..

  12. Please Guys wait for Chifire to go and give his side of the story and stop intimidating him.We need people like Chifire who are not scared to challenge authority.He can’t just stand up and make wild accusations without any evidence.

  13. I really think this ‘pettitude’ must end. Sata prior to becoming president had amassed significant amounts of money.
    When your father becomes head of state, banks in this country can leak your boots to offer you facilities. Business men can give you money just to benefit from your influence. $250,000 worth of cars does not surprise me. As for Chifire, enjoy your 15mins of fame, the tables will turn.

  14. uyu chi colour talaleka uku landa you think RB is still in power or wiliam banda look at your friend mumbi naishiba at yalizanda .walaingila mukalyati .

  15. Foolish Chifire, don’t you know Mulenga is a qualified civil engineer whose done some good fee earning projects? Ati he only sells dogs, do you even know him that much. He is A CIVIL ENGINEER YOU FOOL

  16. Wat offence has chifire committed,that was jast an allegation,why do you pipo forget so easly the presdent himself publicly alarmed the nation by accusing the swissman without any substancial ground,the question is was he locked up or the matter is slowly fadin common guys.

  17. Mulenga Sata the Dog dealer! I dont think he can raise k2bn from dogs, in a space of 2 months, however good he is at his business. its tax payers money, period!

  18. DEC must just get professional and ensure that no victimisation of Chifire takes place. If evidence is there, prosecute and if no evidence is there, let Mulenga and Chifire take each other to court without govt getting involved. We dont want to see investigative wings waste taxpayers money. Sata may as well direct that Chifire be locked up if allegations aint proven but that would be wrong. This is the battle between Sata and Chifire

  19. My apolgoes for hijacking the the topic hand. But I think It’s important to high light a very misleading article by the Zambian watchdog titled SATA not EDUCATED by BOB SICHINGA.
    Readers pliz I was in that meeting held at the Zambian embassy and at no point can I recall the sentiments echoed by ZWD to be true . I am now and probably others quetioning the integrity of ZWD and what they stand for. Readers Pliz take ur own time and make sense of wot was and not said by watching the video which am sure Uncle Ronnie will be posting it on UK Zambian magazine. And also take note of the guy who asked a question regarding the presidents imbalance of appointments. Am sure he is the author of that article. God bless u all and be mindful of such misleading articles.

  20. Fun how people can change! When allegations were made against RB’s sons they were true, and now the tables have turned and the same people have turned on Chifire? Talk about double standards.

    • It is not about double stands, sometimes we tend to defend certain people because we have known them long before their parents became leaders in government. RB and his children is quite a different scenario looking at the state of affairs things were for that family before the man moved from Chipata to become vice president. Mulenga is an established family guy who resides in Kabulonga for a long long time and we all know he is a civil engineer. We know Sata and he has always been around. So some of us cannot just condemn baseless issues. RB’s children were mentioned in many scandalous deals, just look at Thandiwe’s property!

  21. Ati before his father became president he was selling dogs! I guess it is really a pathetic situation where civil engineers in Zambia sale dogs! So if your father is a president or in govt you cannot own property according to this i diot Chifire? Mulenga has been an established guy for a long time and there is totally no need for all this nonsense from Chifire. Soon we will hear GMB is worth this and that when he was broke during that time. We need to move away from such bullshit and concentrate on real issues. We do not want a situation were people would be scared to own property because some paranoid chifire will make noise. Chifire Njala yakunyokola this time around!

  22. Chifire is right and must be commended for such vigilance. Yes he definately has no proof of purchase of these vehicles, he is just a whistle blower not working for ACC the onus is on ACC to check the lagality of such purchases, leave him alone ACC its ur turn to do the Job. If u scare whistle blowers with legal action who will ever give u info.

  23. So! Mr. qualified civil engineer, dog dealer has now suddenly raised enough to buy cars worth bilion just 1 month after his father took office! How many years did it took Mr. qualified civil engineer to raise for his Spacio “K30m”??? years I guess……..

  24. Yes he has been saving and his father has given him more now that he is President.

    Blame Banda for raising the President`s salary!

  25. Chitfire I also suggest you monitor Mulenga’s weight.. In case he put on weight let us know.. It means Mulenga is now buying sausage.. We need to report him to DEC/ACC.

  26. #43 What an absurd comment! Sata does not have to draw the full salary if he disagreed with RB raising it just like he could have paid for the medical treatment that he and his wife enjoyed in South Africa instead of letting the Zambian tax payer foot the bill. In fact Sata can reduce his salary by decree to show that he really is the man of the people. If Mulenga has nothing to hide, they why all the noise? RB’s sons were scrutinised left, right and centre, so what is so special about Sata’s children that they should not be subject to the same treatment? Public scrutiny comes with the territory. If Mulenga does not want people to ask questions then he can be more discreet in his behaviour.

  27. Chifire that is good go a head we want to enjoy reading, tapali ichimbuya apa just go dont be afraid the truth will set you free

  28. Chifire time for you to come with facts.i only pray u made those allegetions at an embassy or near a border town coz master this one will go ugly.u gonna wish u were a tree.hard luck fisanga abaume::((

  29. @Bishop Fimofimo. You sound very frustrated why? Go and scrutinise Mulenga. Infact go and report him to Police, DEC and ACC. His father says please report all corrupt practices.

    This is what happens when you have been through the system. Toot toot toot!

  30. Life is soo difficult, the president did the best thing to allow his son to be investigated. Can you the anti-Sata think what you could be saying if MCS refuted his son from being investigated?


    What a lie by ZWD ill educated journalists! Are sure you attended the same meeting i did at the Zambia High commission premises on saturday night or somebody phoned you to give you this Big Lie. Hon. Sichinga NEVER anything any closer to what ZWD claim as his remark. Please report facts and not immaginations just to please your UPND readership. This is a national tabloid enjoyed by many.

  32. In case DEC and ACC don`t know how to proceed with this case since it is now a presidential directive. Request for tax transcripts from ZRA to see how much this Mulenga guy has earned over the years, the verify receipts of purchase for those vehicles. Let Department of Road Safety give you registration details, stating ownership. Why should an adult drive another person`s vehicle anyway? If those vehicles were imported ZRA can help with duty records.Chifire has not committed any crime. If Mulenga is cleared, then Chifire can be sued.

  33. Interesting, Italian Bunga Bunga declares Mulenga innocent and rants like Mwinemushi according to Bemba justice. Ney, let investigative wings do their work enough leading data has been provided. Bunga Bunga tells us that Chifire has to go get receipts from where vehicles were purchased, what an ancient thought!, there are plethora means of proving a case. Don’t just touch Chifire with your wiked intimedation tactics. Zambians are following this case with keen interest and beside this other cases are being unearthed and need further investigating. We will continue to remind govt of its responsibilities of fairness and firm on corruption. We await action on Chikwanda’s company Apollo Ltd single sourced to renovate state house. VP Dr Scott told nation govt will issue a statement soon.

  34. We are a listening and impartial government. DEC will investigate and a report will be made public. Those found wanting will be given chance to exculpate themselves. Thanks

  35. @Muna53. That is very childish. How old are you? Why did mummy let you use the laptop?

    OK how is Chifire your brother going to prove the case then? Toot Toot Toot!

  36. #52…I agree with on Tax record ..except in zed, Mulenga could be one operating one of those informal tuntemba like many others…As you know the GRZ info system sucks….Good point though

  37. Lupambo@34……………….Thank you for setting the record striaght. It was very hard to believe Hon Sichunga could stoop that low, now we know some people are out to bring confusion in our midst. We should give credit where its due, instead of trying to divide and put things in tribal context. We are after all, all Zambians as such let us try and work together tribalism is uncouth and uncivilized. HE MCS is our elected President allow him the chance to prove what his govt can do for mother Zambia.

  38. Reading between the thinking line of some bloggers here is embarrassing, especially were one makes mockery of dog selling business. Could those that think selling dogs is not a lucrative business for a civil engineer advise Mr. Mulenga Sata to undertake respectable business fitting a CEng. A business that is able to provide you income and legal is plausible. Simple begins have often yielded bigger results.

  39. presido’s son. aqital mudala. wait and see. they have started to steal. even sata as the father should know the source of monies for his son. hes the one financing him. barly four months in office hey bwa fya. especially that now we have another Bembe in state house ni baka bwala be bemba. i personally heart bembas they are tribal like tongas

  40. Chifire is a partisan politician hiding behind an NGO. thats the problem he has. and thats the crime he is committing. now we all know that the so called comittee of citizens NGO is a partisan NGO. the PF is too soft and lenient. MMD used to rough up the opposition…let alone opoosition partisan NGOs

  41. @56 Never mind of age Bunga Bunga, go on with school to be a schooled PF cardre. The boat requires enlightened drivers to avoid sinking. O! PF starts to shake the nation with half truths proving difficult to convince Zambians. Awaiting another rhetorical satire from state house. Go on Chifire, tell the nation be patriotic to Zambia and all fair minded Zambians are behind you. If need be, we are willing to defend democracy at all costs with every means available.

  42. Lupambo@34, BC@59 and Temfwe Temfwe@51, thank guys for your sensible observations and contributions. Does any sensible person still read and take the Zambian Watchdog seriously? As you can see, even Zedleaks has died a natural death. Soon so will ZWD, it will go into oblivion peddling lies.

  43. DEC, just set up a boxing ring & sponsor the bout, we will all come to watch – we want “ka chitufi”, sorry ka chifire to be pummeled well, rather “uku kolola!!!”

  44. i didn’t know jeeps cost that much or pipo in zambia just print what ever some fool talks about .Do the math and someboby tell me, jeep for more than $140 000.check your price of jeep .

  45. Mulenga Sata is a highly qualified civil engineer and he has worked with reputable local and international firms for close on to 20 years. His Father has been a business person long before he was President. Why can he not afford a Jeep which can be bought on credit through financial institutions if you are credit worthy. Chifire will eat humble pie ! Will he be man enough to make public his apology once Mulenga Sata is aquitted of this allegation as expected?

  46. Problem yapa Zedi:when you acquire goodies you are either a satanist or you are corrupt.I sense Chifire is trying to settle to ma scores!

  47. JUST A TIP……….:-?N one WHO knows the Vehicle number plate of the cars in question take yhem to RTSA and bingo………………..there u r.

  48. just for the record…joe sata is a civil engineer who first project was building of houses in Chilenge the exact time his father was heading the project and was MP for the area…so cut the bull…they have been stealing for years…why are we acting like its new stuff

  49. Mulenga already!!!! anyway the father won’t last 5 years make money quickly what a shame.. and also very interesting the former president bought 4 presidential vehicles a total of 3.9 billion and ignorant pipo where saying they where very expensive what a shame!!!! A presidential car at only 1billion kwacha made king cobra PF start crying foul.. Yet a ka Mulenga a ka nobody just a ka small busineman is able to own such expensive cars!!!!! What funatics coment please.

  50. I have one question to those defending Mulenga.How many dogs did he sell to accumulate K1.8bn. Let me try to do some math. If a dog averages K500, 000.00 (according to my findings), then Mulenga must have sold @ least 3900 dogs to have such an amount. By the way he owes ZRA.I eagerly wait for the outcome.

  51. mwe bantu…why isnt anyone talking about our defence minister….what qualifiactions does he have….i am genuinely eager to know…plz educate me…he was a food supplier …Mbala mafia…maybe i missed military back ground…physically an fit…not a role model as far as family values..( plz refer to him physically abusing his wife when she cheated.)..western word that is a jail term…

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