President Michael Sata has instructed the law enforcement agencies to thoroughly investigate the US$ 1 million held in Mpundu Trust Account.
The directive comes in the wake of revelations that Mpundu Trust has unexplained funds in one of the banks in the country.
“Information we have received is that Mpundu Trust is holding over US$1 million with one of our local banks. Considering the colossal amounts involved in this bank transaction, I strongly believe that it’s only fair and prudent for the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), in liaison with other law enforcement agencies to professionally and systematically investigate this matter,” President Sata said.
“Let it be known from the onset that the decision to probe Mpundu Trust is without malice or ill-motive but to simply set the record straight by ensuring that the due process of the law applies. We promised the Zambian people that accountability, transparency and fairness before the law will be the bedrock of our administration, this is what we are doing.”
In another related development, President Sata has directed the Minister of Finance, Hon. Alexander Chikwanda to ensure that billions of Government revenue which is lying idle in one of the local bank is reclaimed by the Ministry of Finance.
“There is a balance of K12.2 billion GRZ funds that must be moved to the Ministry of Finance Treasury Accounts and I want this to be done as soon as possible,” says the President.
Meanwhile, President Sata has expressed deep regret and sorrow at the death of Zambia’s Ambassador to Japan Dr. Mbikusita Wamundila Lewanika.
“Our dear brother, Dr Lewanika served this country diligently and devotedly in various government portfolios and this loss will definitely be felt by many,” the President said.
“Kindly convey on behalf of the People and Government of Zambia and indeed on my own behalf, our heartfelt condolences and sympathies to the deceased’s family and friends.”
The President has authorised Her Excellency Dr. Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika, Zambia’s Ambassador to Brussels, who is also the deceased’s elder sister to travel to Tokyo on government expense to help with arrangements to repatriate the remains of the late diplomat.
Dr Lewanika died yesterday at 01:00 PM Tokyo time
Our condolences to his family. We have been wondering why the man has not been of service to us but failed to realize that he was a sick man. too bad for his family and for the nation.
I have never heard of this man, Dr Lewanika ! He served Zambia? When?
You hate the country and you have no idea on its hard working people.
Go eat Nick some more and ask him to teach you manners.
The Dr is the current ambassador so what are you talking about?
The family has many great well known people within it but you will never hear them asking who is Mushota?
Unkanzikala chabe naiwe vonse paka ukambepo! Just clean your dirty fimofimo. You are totally out of touch with reality you little puppy!
Kamushota I think you need someone to hummer you from behind!!! Ubushilu bwachila!
# 2 who do u think u ar to know Dr. Lewanika? taulafwa nanomba wekapuba we ka shota
Condolences. Sad for the good man. He was our lecturer at UNZA Ndola Campus (CBU now).
What is Mpundu Trust????????????????
Mushota, u can take the trouble by googleing him up. That way, u will know more about this gallant late son of Zambia. They are quite a learned family, these Lewanikas. MHSRIP.
Mphundu Trust? Any relation to Titus Mphundu? Which Mphundu is this?
Rupia banda’s twins
What kind of governance systems do we have, for government not to know of its own stack K12.2billion that is lying in a commercial bank? How much more could there be in other banks while government fails to deliver on its obligations to citizens (usually giving lack of funds as the reason)? And who are the beneficiaries or trusties of the Mpundu Trust account?
Condolences to family and friends of the late Dr. Lewanika (MHSRIP).
Another bluff to hoodwink the masses when his own son has cars(GIFTS) valued at nearly $300,000 ,ill gotten from a loan shark and a chines national in 60 days i wonder what will happen in 5 year do the mathematics $6million Dollars:yes a million dollars for a former head of state in nothing.fake money another bluff just appoint a credible Bank of Zambia governor.theses cronies/clowns/goons can crash the economy from their erratic and headless leadership .little by little Zambia is feeling like an episode of (RUDE DOG AND THE DWEEBS) cartoon .my advise to the PATHETIC FRONT is spare as the Bull###T(More bull##T in our pockets.
Mpundu (Twins) thus a fund that RB has set up for his little boys
Condolences soft spoken Dr Lewanika. MHSRP. He was PS, Diplomat, Director on a number of boards, Director in several govt departments, ZCCM. I Was his student as well at UNZA – NDO. He was educated at some of the best universities in the USA. How come Mushota does not him. He taught us calculus in our first degree and now we are FCCA, FCMA, M.Sc
More questions than answers: 1)Who are the beneficiaries and tructies of the Mpundu Trust account? 2) What kind of governance systems do we have for the government not to know of its own stack of K12.2billion lying in some commercial bank? 3) How much more could be lying in other banks while govt fails to deliver on its mandates to citizens while advancing lack of money as the reason for this? Oh no! can we be more serious for once? My condolences to family and friends of Dr. Lewanika (MHSRIP).
The President said, “We promised the Zambian people that accountability, transparency and fairness before the law will be the bedrock of our administration, this is what we are doing.” My government is cleaning up the nation. Dr Lewanika, May your soul rest in peace. You served us well as an intellectual and Diplomat.
Marubbish.Do we really need public presidential directive to mop the 12.2 billion in wrong account and to investigate the suspected Mpundu Trust account ? Who is the account holder for this Mpundu Trust account,Mr President?Kindly give us precise and accurate information on issues you raise publicly.This is the more reason why you are called a flipflop politician by Dora because you have a slipperly tongue.You have flipflopped already on the 90 days.Marubbish.
You referring to Dollar Sillier has made you fail your point. What slipperly tongue are you talking about???! Oh i see, you mean come and touch my Bwete( bokosi) and Masiba then vote for me Galu sillier!
Mwana poho yensu Numwa Imakena Imushotoki Godwin Akabiwa Wamung’ungo Mbikusita Lewanika, Moremu morena mung’a bupilo mubipi warona kaofera au amuhele ka koozo moya wahao. Zamaya tsesinde Wamundila.
Mushota, just to help you out, read blogger No. 11’s posting (was his student). That’s the man we have lost. And to add on to his intellectual capacity, the late Mbikusita Wamundila Lewanika worked as permanent secretary at the Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development in 2005, he also worked as Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Finance and National Planning as late as 2007 under the late Mwanawasa government. He was appointed Ambassador to Japan by former President Rupiah Banda on March 27th, 2009, the post he held until his passing away. Sad indeed. I hope I have been of little help to Mushota. Do I get an Amen from Mushota?
Zambia’s Ambassador to Japan Dr. Mbikusita Wamundila Lewanika. MHSRIP
He will be sadly missed by the family.
King Cobra…One man band, plays the instruments and then jumps on the stage to give us some fwenkula..kwasakwasa as it were..I love this man!!!
Nice one PanAfricanist…we anticipated his antics though…anyways, his one-man show is pathetic.
Can our president run the country and stop arresting people without details ……
Don’t write things you can’t justify.you will be sued for defamation.don’t underestimate SATA.he has done his homework.u are in fir more revelations.if u have stolen get ready to rott in jail.
This is called political entertainment, i love it!!!!!
Please dont just say things, give a background. Which Mphundu Trust? What has it to do with government investigation?
MUSHOTA are you a person or ghost?Your contributions are far below a person of your educational standard.Did you reall qualify nangu its leackage or mwalibofya akape kali pakati pamoolu.
#5 & #7, Ruphia is Shi-Mpundu with two young twins from Thandiwe therefore the Mpundu trust must be for the little ones…kaili bamudala is getting on with age. Mushota, sometimes I even run out of words to describe your stupidity but then I realize that you’re just a pretender becoz no normal human can spew the nonsense that you do. RIP bwana Ambassador, I remember you as the Perm Sec at the ministry of commerce, very intelligent man. Great loss to Zambia.
Mr president are surely waiting to mop up all of the so called stolen or printed money before you start talking about developmental issues.People are witing to hear what your govenment is going to do about the massive youth unemployent and healthcare system,education,and poverty reduction .Printing money [quantitative ease or QE] has taken place so many times so far in the
West,uk including America except that they do announce it.
Cobby is playing accuser, cop, judge, jury and executioner…. When he’s done with former MMD leaders, he’ll be on you normal chaps. You will have to produce receipts for everything u buy. Those who were there, remember the CLEANUP operations under KK? Wait. 90days will soon be over and that is what the donchi kubeba was all about. They have no idea how to run the nation so to get the attention, they will just be blaming everyone for anything.
No matter how much punishment RB and team are given, the hungry will remain hungry. So far fertilizer support program is in shambles and farmers haven’t been paid. Forget another bumper harvest
My the soul of Dr Lewanika rest in peace and I pray that God grants strength to the family.
My condolences to family of the late Dr.Lewanika, May HIyour soul rest in peace. You served us well as an intellectual and Diplomat.I wish the LT had carried this piece of the story under a seperate heading.Nevertheless a segment of this article cannot go without a comment.The nation was told of reconciliation which was a good stance, but many of us are slowly getting tired of what is happening at the top leadership of our country.If there are issues to be investigated, they be done quietly.Going after other peolpe and their interests will not unite the country.Its a recipe for hatred to be avoided.Show us what you are going to do for the country.I THINK OUR LEADERS, IN GOVERNMENT, OPPOSITION, PAST AND PRESENT SHOULD RESPECT EACH OTHER.THAT IS WHY THEY ARE CALLED HONERABLES OR EXCELLENCE.
why are you not publishing my commentories?…i just spoke the truth…publish them please!!!!!!
Dr. Mbikusita Wamundila Lewanika wahesu kale ulutobela mupumule hande. Mulena Mulimu Nyambe Angula abe nimina.Lulaka leza situpu kuli sikute hande kwa Zambia nikuyo bulukwa ka kozo.Lipilu lilobehile.
I attended a number of short course that he conducted when he worked for Z.C.C.M Manpower Services in Kitwe. He had a very good sense of humor. MHSRIP.
This is the most useless president in the history of Zambia.
Just shut up chi-colour iwe. what have you achieved yourself if you are any good?
Why is the president taking the attention of the nation away from real issues. what accountability is he referring to when he is only appointing his tribesmen from morning to evening? leave the investigation to the correct govt wings and stop being the police of the nation. we know the only professional job you did and did it very well was policing but now it is all about governing a nation. for once do listen to other voices as well, accountability is beyound accounting for cash but also for the actions you are taking while serving this nation. We are tired of your baisness, please change look at others as well as equals. Hence your ministers making the statements they are on record and off record making to other tribes.
No. 2 Ka Mushota, do you know even AKA? You are an illiterate Homo sapiens with no sense of any belonging- you don’t fit in Scotland (supposedly) and left Zed when your parents separated! Grow up!
Is Sata unplugging his ear in the picture above so that he can lick the matuzi from his finger? Just asking …
Change is when you think you have a president and only to realize its an illusion of a MONKEY.
We wasted 10 years with Chiluba. Now another waste of 5 years.
We have been vindicated.
No 31 mind your language otherwise will find you ,and sort you out ,fake stupid Engineer in Australia who has failed to stay in Zambia and you runaway because you are a coward.I repeat mind your language .What contribution are you are making to this country just be quiet,its time to clean up the mess .Mpundu trust I believe is the account for the two twins for the former president.If you continue will take this matter to the limit you cannot be telling the President we voted for that ,this is a warning to you .PF PAMAKA
It seems to me that Godwin Mbikusita Lewanika was the only Litunga who had a vision for his people. He educated all his children abroad and if the Lozis got their act together, they would have been the first tribe in Zambia to have a PHD holder for Litunga. The issues of the BLA 1964 would have been looked at from a very difent perspective.
I’ll be watching our U20 against South Africa in a COSAFA Cup game this afternoon, and folks, ALL of YOU are invited. Let’s show Bafana that indeed nibafana!!
Again Sata is at it with his VINDICTIVE and PETTY actions!
This what this EVIL man called Sata called being an action man? Is Sata running out of IDEAS because he can NOT achieve his plan in his promised 90 days? Sata you are a LIAR!
Sata please spare us Zambians your COMEDY actions! We deserve better Presidential service than this! Just because former President Rupiah Banda UNFAIRLY investigated you over your Bank accounts in Finance Bank, IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU NEED TO WASTE OUR TIME and tax payers money by ordering our GALLANT Zambian law enforcement agencies to INVESTIGATE the INNOCENT Rupiah Banda.
This type of EVIL investigations are the ones we Zambians condemned the former ruling Party MMD over their FALSE allegations of the Zambian Airways and Zambia Post Newspaper.
Can someone please help Zambians that we have a constitution without the input of the Roman Catholic Organisation so that Sata’s Presidential power is reduced to legal level only?
Zambai needed a Constitution in 90 days as sata promised that is why we Zambians voted him so that we reduce Presidential power in the constitution!
Sata thinks is a small god at State House where he can order money to be released to some Zambians and not to Former Presidents like the Internationally RESPECTED Rupiah Banda to go and monitor elections in Congo.
Sata is already a useless person and is just wasting out time now really! I look forward to elect some else other than Sata come 2016.
God bless Zambia
This an except of a book on IDI Amin “The Chief Justice is not just any ordinary person. Common sense demands that he must be accorded due respect.But to have him eliminated in such a humiliating manner! He was seized in broad daylight at the High Court; the Peugeot 504 that took him away was properly identified and yet the citizenry was not able to prevent it or to have justice done after the murder. The Minister of Works, Housing, Transport and Communications in Obote’s first government, Shaban Kirunda Nkutu, was murdered by the state on January 11, 1973.”
This except is warning to naive and uneducated youth and women of Zambia not to allow SATA to drive Zambia in the state of Uganda under Idi Amin.
# 41 pls sata might have his own failings as a human being but i feel some ppo exegerate his weakneses.their is nothing he has done to suggest that he is a dictator to the contrary ppo are enjoying there democratic rights than ever b4.
IDACHI IN UK (#24), u hv made my day… Ati, ”Mushota used akalindi kamasha.” If i were Mushota, I can stop all the nonsens.
There is definitely no way Zambia can develop with money being stolen in this manner. Hah, Iam tired of this! Surely why are people this greedy? Zambia’s infrastructure is in shambles, hospitals have no medicines, schools are really delapited, goverment offices are in very poor states yet colosal sums of people’s money is held by a few individuals. I voted from one of the top government schools in Lusaka and what I saw was pathetic. The state in which the classrooms were leaves much to be desired. II wondered if a school like Kabulonga boys can be that delapited, how are schools in rural areas? May God help us. We also want to walk and drive on good roads, go to good clean medicine stocked hospitals and our kids attend well stocked and clean classrooms within our country. Tavutika mwe!
Good Morning Zambians, here is another public hullabaloo news, US$1 million held in Mpundu Trust whose owners can not be disclosed. K12.2 billion is held in a GRZ account but govt need to claim this money. Sorry 4 death of Dr Lewanika our ambassodor in Japan. But I Mwinemushi has instructed Dr Inonge Mbikusita elder brother to the deceased, travel to Japan and arrange for repatriation of body to Zambia at govt expenses.
I told Zambians am a working president. Thats the end of the news. M C Sata. (god)
This kind of nonsense and paranoia coming from Sata is taking Zambia backwards because as a sitting head of state he must not manufacture grotesque falsehoods about a former head of state. Sata should not be allowed (like Mwanawasa) to peddle fabrications such as “Zambia” printed fake currency or that “MMD” supported UNITA. Sata is a dictator who is seeking absolute control of Parliament so that he can do as he pleases. I have a problem with Sata because his speech writers from the Post make lies sound truthful and his dictatorship respectable.
Do DEC, ACC et al report to the president?
Is this the correct reporting line?
All you blood suckers supporting corruption, check the bantustan site calling ZWD. They have justified that the money $1m was a loan RB got for his twin children from Access Bank!!! ba pompwe
Sora Diliya’s teenage son had $250,000 in his account and now Nyamasoyas twins have $1m dollars held in their trust, purported a loan from Access Bank. Wapya munzi
may his soul rest in eternal peace!!!
we will miss because he is irreplaceable and served this country greatly!!
I just hope Ba Sata is a fast learner… We all get new appointments in life..but one need to scale up to new assignment. A jump from opposition to Republican President is a giant leap and so Sata need a sharp learning curve..may be learning must be part of 90 day agenda..’Look and Talk presidential module 1.
Am I wrong to think that it’s now not right for one to have a lot of money in Zambia anymore? Are we suppose to bank our money in other countries so we are not investigated and not seem like we are all baka walawala. kayakaya
We want to know who is the Owner of the Mpundu account is.
my his son rest in peace
Mo taim @ 52 Go to zambianwatchdog.com and see for yourself. Very convenient name to use ati Mpundu trust fund. The Trust fund belongs to RBs children with Tandiwe
So all this time the DEC and ACC have been sitting on the hands waiting for instructions from Sata like chicks in a nest waiting to fed, if I was the owner of that account I would have wired the funds overseas to my Swiss a/c. You can’t fight corruption like that just let the authorities do their job discreetly. At this pace I don’t see anybody getting arrested just yet.
From now on swear-in ceremonies should be carried out behind closed doors, so that the lazy pen-pushing government press find stories elsewhere.
Zuliyana, it is not. Not any more. By the way, what’s $1million? Even as a Zambian living and working overseas I am now holding back on my modest investment in the country. It’s really sad because the youth who voted for this Government are the ones to suffer – at the very least this will decelerate the rate of job creation. There is FDI out the window.
The explanation for this haggardness has simply got to be a lack of ideas.
zambia has a lot of money being held in wrong places , zambia is not poor but the wealth of the nation has been misplaced. we need to mapout all places where it is hidden , including under the sea,, zambians are building mansions when they earn peanuts but where do they get the money, yes at the expence of the poor , stealing of public funds is the cancer that needs to be done with
Too sad for Dr. Lewanika.
May our God comfort his family, and all those who loved him.
It is folly to condemn or slight the President on these scams.
Previous administrations lacked political will to enrich the Zambian Treasury. Thankfully, Sata and his administration have got that political will, and are not shy to exhibit it for the good of our country.
# 46 i guess u ar one of them u seem to be so guilt. If u stole in MMD jst knw that time will catch u up. Mwalituchusha sana ba mubuli. we could nt be paid sensible salaries becoz of pipo like u selfish men of mmd.
# 41 & 46 Sata’s rule is amazing – It is preposterous to liken Sata to Idi Amin. Idi Amin became president though a military coup whereas Sata was elected by the people. Yes he has his flaws and I am sure the electorate will have their say when the time comes but to liken him to Idi Amin is just preposterous. You are just as guilty as his so called speech writers from the Post and the reporters from Zambian Watchdog
Mr Sata has a Trust for all his wealth and that will make it difficult to find any thing in his name. In the near future his Trust will have grown & acquired assets beyond imagination. However, all will have nothing to do with Sata. Infact, some known Zambians are already alleging Sata has had money all along and even his children can not obtain money in questionable circumstances. There lies a liverage for Sata to do any thing Zambians can not question him on. Note the zeal on how MpunduTrust $1million bank account has to be investigated. Is it a precedence that all trust accounts in Zambia have to be investigated?
# 55 thanks boses.I have found it.Awe bwafya.
# 64. now you know. what do you make of this hatred being exhibited by some uncouth bloggers. i mean sata is just revealing all the wrongs perpetuated by mmd thieves. after all the man promised to arrest all thieves and that is what he is exactly doing.
You attempted to write a bit of either Setswana or Sotho but got it all wrong. The correct words should be, Modimo, bophelo or botshelo, mmopi, rotlhe, kgotso or kagiso and tsamaya sentle.
Words like moremu, mubipi, kaofera, koozo, zamaya and tsesinde do not exist in Setswana and Sotho.
Actually, I have discovered one funny attitude that Zambians have developed since the PF victory- the one of thinking government must solve their problems. Sadly, our president has not addressed the fact that Zambians need to wake up and get to work. Zambians need education because it is the connerstone of a strong economy and higher quality election processes.
As for RB, it was inevitable that such things would follow you!
We need to be careful as a nation given that we are facing a strategy of people trying to gain political power by appealing to the prejudices, emotions, fears,vanities and expectations of the public by making passionate rhetoric and propaganda, and often using nationalists,populist or religious themes.This strategy involves the use of lying and falsehoods which uncritical listener or reader will be led to draw the conclusions.People involved in such strategies usually believe their own arguements.eg. Adolf HITLER, Cleon, Alcibiades, Joseph McCarthey,Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Idi Imin only to name a few.They take their listeners for granted.We demand the best.Learn from history and check your actions.
Amazing bloging pa Zed. Is it normal for a student who has never worked in his life time to have USD250 000 in bank accounts. For some ***** bloggers attakcing HE this amount translates into more than K1 billion its not K250000 eish and pipo wants to justfy this kind of grand corruption. If Mpundu trust account is holding a million dollar plus its good that it needs 2 be probed. We need to know the source of funds. pipo even in US one cant just bank USD 1million dollars without disclosing the source. We a behind you your excellence. Impumpu shonse your days a numbered more especially those from MMD
We do want fairness, but targeting the previous government is not fairness. It seems we are lionizing ourselves by demonizing the previous government. While it makes for good reading, it does not move the country forward.
At the end of the day, this is a smoke screen that hides what this is: A blame game of your shit smells but mine doesn’t.
Can we outline a development plan, make policies on accountability, etc, etc.
Apologies! On my blog @ 68 I meant to write #16 not 14. Apologies to #14 PF Cadre.
Imwe mwema reporter What kind of reporting is this? What is the Mpundu trust? Do u know it? Then tell us what it Is. If you don’t know it then don’t report about it.
In terms of professional standing the biggest losers, with respect to integrity, are the professional men and women in the Police, AAC, DEC and OP. In the first place the the Anti Corruption COmmission (ACC), the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) the Zambia Police Service (ZPS)and Office of the President (OP) are being perceived as Institutions that seem NOT to know their respective profession roles in the search and analysis of vital security information which their jobs must originate and later pass on to the President. Secondly, the four Security Units are being directed to investigate matters that seem to originate from the “village-minds” of the Kaponyas that surround the “dining tables” at State House.
In terms of professional standing the biggest losers, with respect to integrity, are the professional men and women in the Police, ACC, DEC and OP. In the first place the the Anti Corruption COmmission (ACC), the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) the Zambia Police Service (ZPS)and Office of the President (OP) are being perceived as Institutions that seem NOT to know their respective profession roles in the search and analysis of vital security information which their jobs must originate and later pass on to the President. Secondly, the four Security Units are being directed to investigate matters that seem to originate from the “village-minds” of the Kaponyas that surround the “dining tables” at State House.
Rest in peace Dr. Lewanika; I remember you introducing yourself in our first lecture at UNZANDO simply as Wam – such a big loss.
the president seems to make all the announcements alone..hahaha..where are the other chaps..?maybe Shikapwasha should come back..
Zambians a good leader is known in a few weeks after elections and there are many that we know. For us Zambians, we have before us many months and years of struggle and suffering. Only a foolish optimist can deny the unpredictable direction our country is heading and the undemocratic realities of the moment.
Did we elect a President to bring leadership to our country or Spokesman for all sorts of issues…. So what if there is $1 Million in a Trust Fund? How does such an announcement by the Head of State change my economic status…
For the Lewanika’s may God give you a peace that surpasses all understanding in this season… and may your loved one Rest In God Eternal Peace
Mr.President what a way to rule give us a break why not investigated arrest then make the announcement,What about yr son where did he get over $350,000.00.Zambia a land of criminals is that what it is?
Am thinking,,,,,,,,,maybe the corruption clause aimed at public servants which the mmd removed was primitive after all. its like no one will own anything in this country without being probed. pantu naba honouable shilya impiya shamenenefye kabili balibyala.
Is Mush…ta a ‘tuntru’ ? She has a nasty way of lobbying for popularity.
May the doc’s family receive sufficient strength during this trying moment.
Zambia will miss you.
The works of DEC are needed a lot at this moment for Zambia to stabilize its economy. DEC pliz come down to even the Lodges in the south luangwa valley for TAX inversion and TAX avoidance. We need you urgently..
It is really chaos that is happening in our country now.Let someone educated when the 90 days are ending. We need more money in our pockets not more bye – election
It is appropriate time to make a few plans for the longer term and it’s time to be happy. I’ve learn this post and if I could I want to suggest you few interesting issues or advice. Maybe you can write next articles regarding this article. I wish to read even more issues approximately it!
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