Monday, March 10, 2025

State house comments on Former Finance minister Situmbeko Musokotwane


Finance and National Planning Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane
Former Finance and National Planning Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane

Issued by George Chellah( special assistant to the President on press and public relations)

Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane, the former Minister of Finance under the MMD government has disputed our factual account that the previous regime illegitimately printed money.

Not so surprising, Dr Musokotwane has gone further to describe the facts laid bare by this office as “false, shameful and embarrassing.”

These are very serious charges from a man whose locus standi on this matter and many other oversights unearthed concerning the previous administration, is extremely hard to comprehend.

Dr. Musokotwane seems to be acting like a very useful, but out of control spokesperson of a troubled group seeking to confuse the due process of law with politics.

Nevertheless, his incessant outbursts provide helpful pointers especially to the investigators pursuing the many leads into the wrong-doing that went on under the previous regime. It shall soon dawn on him that there is nothing to defend about the many excesses of the past regime’s unpatriotic conduct.

For the avoidance of doubt, we wish to make it abundantly clear that the biggest and most serious challenge facing Zambia today, whether Dr Musokotwane and his colleagues agree or not, is excessive greedy and corruption.

Under the previous administration which Dr. Musokotwane served with pride, this scourge assumed endemic proportions as authorities turned a blind eye to it for obvious reasons.

No reasonable person privy to the rot that went on under the immediate-past leadership can ignore the deplorable state of affairs under which the MMD left this country. Dr Musokotwane and his colleagues must just own up instead of trivializing the otherwise serious irregularities the new administration continues to encounter as it cleans up Government.

Dr Musokotwane and his colleagues must not panic and resort to half-truths but instead wait for the due process of the law to take its course.
The Republican President, His Excellency Mr Michael Chilufya Sata has repeatedly stated that “this is not a witch-hunt but a legitimate search for the truth.” Let it be known that the President would definitely be the happiest to see that our former leaders are cleared of possible wrong-doing by law enforcement agencies.

Former Finance minister Situmbeko Musokotwane is said to have advised President Sata to stop making careless statement on the Kwacha that could jeopardise Zambia’s international position.

Dr. Musokotane said Sata is lying as all the currency which the MMD left in circulation is genuine and he wondered whether Sata would create another unnecessary Commissions of Inquiry for this matter.

Musokotwane challenged the Bank of Zambia to publicly state its position on this matter and say whether the MMD government ever forced the Central Bank to print money.


  1. The good doctor made a clear and reasonable statement. One wonder what this Chellah is talking about. The Dr has challenged the Central Bank to state what money was printed. Is that a difficult question?
    I think the problem Chellar has is that the Dr has been a brave man who has stood up without fear on many occasions to challenge the so called president Sata on many useless statements he has and continue to make which have nothing to do with him giving the people of Zambia the 90 day promise

    • ba engineer ku Australia just keep quite and enjoy your food (CHICKEN LIVERS) why do you

      want to be talking like that when you dont even know what is obtaining on the ground
      keep quite bukala bwenu

  2. I think our President is on a witch hunt.Can he get down to developing the country and stop looking backwards.We can never move forward if we are always looking backwards.Inflation in Zambia was in single digits.the MMD left the country in a good position to build up on.This witch hunting is retrogressive.Our president/police spokesman really needs to get his act together.

    • how can u progress with so many stumbling blocks??? first you have to clear the way & pave way for new development before heading straing into development! if you decide to run through all these blocks you’l jes end up crashing!! thot that was simple logic!!!

  3. dr musokotwene is right by asking the BOZ to clear the matter,but did the previous regime announced to the public about the infusion of the new notes in the financial system?if they did that means all is well for them on this matter,but if none of us heard of the notes from the former regime then many questions have to be answered?i feel the president should learn to work qeitly and wait for more infor from those who probing the misdeeds of RB and company.DR musokwetane what about the 110 bicycles you claim to have bought,you bought them for who and why you did not give them out to the pipo u claim ?many questions to be answered.i hope u will not be the first former minister to go to jail.

  4. Please Dr Musokotwane and all your MMD colleagues just keep quit and allow the natural course of action to take its wind. If surely you are all innocent and with a clear consicence, then you will be at peace. No need to panic. Please allow our duly and wholely elected and manidated Government to do its clean up as we have manidated them to. Dr Musokotwane and corrupt MMD colleagues please take note that we are irrateted everytime you open your mouth to give us your baseless defence. GO PF, PROBE THEM NO MATTER WHAT!!!!

    • But baba, you should really wake up and think.Your “duly elected” president is busy making unsubstantiated accusations and announcements to keep our attention on the players and not the ball (Zambia’s future). So please don’t be deceived.

  5. This Special Assistant has not in any way taken away or disproved Dr Musokotwane’s position that the so-called illegal or fake money does not exist, nor that the government acted in some irregular manner to force the Bank of Zambia to act illegally……..he sounds very much like his boss – detached, evasive, shadow-chasing, paranoid.

  6. George Chella is seriously not suitable for this Job. I cant believe this statement is coming from the highest office in the land. If i was the chief of staff at state house i would ask the president to give this Job to emmanuel Mwamba and reward george chella with a Job at daily mail. Dr. Musokotwana laid the facts bare with each paragraph raising a specific issue and a point. George chella should have therefore responded to specific allegations rather than write a general editorial for readers to search substance on their own.

  7. The article out of state house sounds a lot like one from the Post editorial room? What is the proplem with Chella? He needs to go for training for his job so he can do it well. The statement has said nothing on the case in question i.e. printing money, but just threats to the other side of the house (MMD). It is clear this govt has no understanding what is considered national security and politicking. The kwacha thing bonders on stability of the economy and the nation. Pls State house issue statements of high standing as you stand on high ground of the land.

  8. Its very unfortunate that our president has taken a position of a spokesperson. I voted for this man and what is happening is embarrassing ( To take Father Bwalya words) Its important for THE PRESIDENT TO REALIZE HE IS NO LONGER IN POSITION WERE HE WOULD TELL US LEAKED INFORMATION. This time he should know that he has all the power vested on him to investigate these matters quietly and tell us when he has enough proof. However if the issue of the money is true, i will urge him to change our currency from even Kwacha to kwalicha or ngwee. Another way is to give an amnesty to all these former minsiter to deposit money within a period of 3 months. If these seem not to work, Just call all the 50 and 20 pin notes withing three months.

  9. #1 sounds like an MMD VUVUZELA because he wants to start defending Plunderers even before the relevant Authorities complete their investigations. President Michael SATA is privilleged to have access to more sensitive information that what this useless Engineer would like us to believe. He should just shut up and let the law take its course. Ububi we nama we!

    • Honestly you ought to be ashamed of your sorry self, a fooled fool tricked into taking everything on face value. Shame on you…Lets talk Zambia not MMD of PF why am I not hearing any thanks for all the development Zambia saw in the past 3 years, just because you didn’t get a cut you call them corrupt and they should be hanged why not simply say OK these guys did things their way, lets do things our way

  10. Why is President SATA not firing Secretary to the Cabinet; JOSHUA KANGANJA and arrest him. He is hiding a lot of information about these Plunderers. He has outlived his usefulness. NAIFWE TUTEKEKO.

  11. Like I said- When accusations are made, please point to documented evidence. If possible have some tape recorders and the like.
    You cannot make such an accusation without evidence Mr. Sata. As for Chellah, the minimum you should have done is get opinions from people at the cetral bank. Your position is like one of the # 1 journalist in the country, use it well, no one will deny to give you information unless it doesn’t exist!

  12. disgruntled spokes man chellah do think you are writing things for the are just talking nonsense the DR has told you what to do not blowing tantrums all over.You should be fired for misleading the nation and puting the economy at risk.foolish chap shut up

  13. The press release seems to have been taken out of Fred Mmembes playbook or editorial! The only things missing are biblical citations and qoutes from catholic Bishops!! Speaking of Catholic bishops when will MSC institute a commision of niquiry to investigate alleged sexual misconducts of minors by priest in Zambia?

  14. Chellah ize, bola panshi. Whom are you threatening? Dr? just answer nicely and stop embarrasing us. This is not post editorial where your former boss insulted and threatened people. Mind you, you are the mouth piece of the chief kaponya and constable your self. So choose your words other wise you are slowly forcing us to believe that your boss (predo) is witchhunting. we wait to hear what follows. Your job now Chellar is bigger than that tabloid you were working for. God bless you as you strive to learn your new job.

  15. ushiiiii ni ku fyola iwe ka chellah i tell you if you were near me i would have slapped you write now you have been challenged with your wistle blower president.for sure you cant respond but istead issue treats have you asked BOZ tell your boss to employe a governer how can a country run with no governor for 3 mths that why you have no info fake money my foot.bloody hell watusebana.chellah shld be fired with immediate effect

  16. The record of Kwacha printing should be there at BOZ. Bwalya Ngandu, SATA’s appointee can shed more light on this. He is boss isn’t he???

  17. naimwe mwatota ati ba Chella balanda. that is real c r a p. he never answered the challenges raised by the learned Dr. his challenge is to boz which then turns into govt. all i am reading is a fashion of words assembled together like a village modified bicycle. remember those with dressing mirrors as view mirrors, yes thats what it is. we are all interested in the issue but chella’s arrogance n lack of direction in the issue devalues his mental capability to a moron. yes a m o r o n.

  18. So Musokotwane is not allowed to question an allegation levelled at him, is he not entitled to defend himself? How can BOZ print ‘fake’ money, is that not a contradiction in itself? How much or what percentage of the money currently in circulation is ‘fake’? What Musokotwane said is right and Chellah and his boss Chilufya forget that it is them who will have to deal with the fallout from the president’s verbal diarrhoea as they are the ones who are in charge of the economic affairs of the country and are the ones who are supposed to put more money (preferably not fake) in our pockets.

  19. Whats beats me iwe Chella is why the Zambian Kwacha not losing value despite serious injection of illegal money in the economy. Zimbabwe printed money careless the results are there for all to see. Despite the so called illegal money the inflation rate is still at 8%. Your President Chilufyana Sana is too fast to act on mongered issues.

  20. “…excessive greedy and corruption…”. George Chellah, pls give us a fckin break, you can’t even check your grammar due to excitement. This is not The Post where rumor mongering was the order of the day. Cobra and his cohorts need to relax and stop alarming the nation, afterall they are in State House! I doubt that money was illegally printed but rather new printers were engaged. There’s no way more cash was printed yet we still have single digit inflation? BOZ should come out clean on this one, we have an alarmist in State House! SMH

  21. Chella has not understood his position and the credibility that position carries.
    He is very wrong to reduce himself to a simple media practitioner like the post.
    Chella must rid himself of POST mentality and begin to act as one representing high office in the land.
    Discussing matters like this one with ‘news mentality’ is too low thinking to come from his position.
    May be he is not fit for the position; Please excuse my ‘maybe’, because I see that it is clear the man is unfit for the office.
    Chella just needs to remain a street news report before he embarasses the state.
    What a shame!!!!!!!!!

  22. the statement is full of hot air and doesnt mention anything to do with fake money sata attributed to,it does not befit the statement coming from statehouse,it lacks points,why should the entire head of quarrel with situmbeko? I cant see fake notes on the market,i counted through my billions! Fake state house statements.

  23. The State House statement sounds like a lot of a Kaponya vuvuzela verbature! The lack of intellectual substance in this press release is glaring, if this is how Sata is going to be ruling this country by campaigning continuously, then Zambia i mbwatami mwa ng’anda ya musululo! Ona nja ya mutanganyo yemu koyotozi mwa notolo ye, cwale fa ya pelukelela feela sikokoshi tate, apuu!

  24. Dull Chellah and his boss’ empty rantings have been laid bare by the learned Dr’s challenge. That is why the stupid Chellah has nothing to tell the Dr except these empty threats he is used to from his former work at the post magazine. Dull monkeys; we want more money in our pockets come 23 Dec 2011. Ba ***** imwe.

  25. Chellah`s article lacks substance. No facts just looking for words to make it a bit longer. Did the President or someone else go through that press release? The quality is too low. May be for a grade 9 pupil learning composition. My word!! When the president appointed him I immediately did not think he had the disposition to handle such a job. He is still too raw and needs more exposure. Dr Musokotwane must be laughing at that response.

  26. “Dr Musokotwane and his colleagues must not panic and resort to half-truths but instead wait for the due process of the law to take its course.” This advice would be more suited to our head of state. Are they trying to say only he can make reckless statements before investigations are compete? What a circus!

  27. or was it drafted by monkeys and appended by dull chellah??ati press release,malushi yeka yeka eyo mwachita release!

  28. Buoy Bouy & Bouy !

    Sata & George Chellah have been “SLAHED” then “DICED” and now “TRASHED”

    Is Michael Sata telling us that without the fake money in circulation, the INFLATION RATE that fluctuates from 7.6 to 8.5 % would not only be single digits but would have been close to 1,2 or 3 percentages – taking account that excess money circulations does impact the Inflation Rate.

    It appears State House is the only place that has these Bogus, Counterfeit, Phoney notes.

  29. yaba! from richard sakala, to dickson jere and now on to Chella. God help that once important and respected State House Press and PR Office!

  30. It appears the state values of our country and our national dignity have grossly been reduced under the PF government, only 2 months of being in office.
    I pity citizens of other nations because they will develop serious side pains due to laughter over Zambia’s state of affairs.

  31. Yaba. It’s been a while since I last read of some developmental projects in Zambia on this site. What in the world is going on? Please tell us about what’s being done to develop the country and continue the investigations if they are necessary. If MMD was indeed illegally printing money, maybe we should ditch the kwacha. Lets have some legitimate currency because at the rate we are going there could be billions if not trillions stashed somewhere and the best way to beat people who did this is to ditch the currency and introduce a new one but please lets have some development taking place now. Thieves will always be there so while we are developing let the police be arresting thieves and let it not be the main news. People generally like development but news about thieves is depressing.


  33. George Chella is seriously not suited for this position. Whatever his faults were, Dickson Jere’s press releases offered a much higher standard befitting the level being represented. It is such a shame that this young man cannot even ask for some guidance from people who have knowledge of these things. The entire State House machinery is beginning to look like a joke.

  34. George Chellah and The Post behind the scenes are projecting their President to look like a big careless dreamer. Chellah and Mmembe are no match to the professional standing of Dr. Musokotwane in the discipline of Economics. Assuming that Malupenga, Mmembe and Chellah were the most active Vuvuzellas for the PF, why did this tabloid(The Post) fail to dig deeper and provide “credible” campaign materials to the PF before Sept. 20th? The apparent silence by Guy Scott, Chikwanda, Lubinda and Bob Sichinga on such serious allegations is worrying many Zambians. The PF Govt must own up to their responsibilities to project good governance. Besides, the 90-DAYS PF promise of money in the pockets of Zambians is due by 18th December 2011. Hence Zambians must not be diverted to dwell on deceptions.

  35. Funny, that even the die-hard PF supporters who used to rule the roost on this site find it hard to defend what is happening. Shows that they were really objective in their need for change, but the change that has come somehow is at variance with what was in mind. Could be they are realising that we may have actually jumped from the frying pan into the flaming hot flame of hell.

  36. **==Wel the whole issue of fake kwacha in circulation shud av been left to BOZ to announce! but looking at the single digit inflation rate, King Cobra and his vuvuzela spokesperson Chella are simply bahaving like Wiki Leaks! they are suposed to be working but they are busy leaking infor which is meant for them! they are not convinced that they are ruling, they stil think they are in opposition!

    We told u lads, never send a kolwe to staehouse, u neva listned, we av been vindicated!
    Chellar u r like Mpombo, owez studing the dictionary instead of doing learnig how to do yo job wel! anser the questions and concerns raised by Dr. Musokotwane! and u BOz dont be so cheap you pieces of shit, clear the fog abt this shit on fake kwacha in circulation!

  37. Imwe bakolokombwa,you have been robbed by the MMD who left the country in a very sorry state of affairs, economically.They blinded you by inviting people to open shops in the country without creating jobs for the local people to buy from these very shops.What you morons have is sympathy for the devils.The MMD are now out of their jobs and are running scared as justice slowly catches up with them.Remember, that there are natural laws of justice which you have seen catch up with former leaders all over the world who treated their countries like their personal farms like Sadam,Gadaffi,Amin,Hitler etc.No-one can escape the wrath of God.That is the natural law of justice.It is is a natural law like gravity and no-one can stop it.All ill-gotten wealth eventually ends up in the hands of strangers

  38. No 48

    I can predict that its just a matter of time before Guy Scott and Bob Schinga resign from this government. The first will be Scott. Watch this space….. am sure where ever he goes he his being asked if he knew this MONKEY so well.  Who is ready to take me up on this one???
    Thats exactly what happened with Mwanawasa during Chiluba. He resigned to save any pride he had not to be associated with a twit in the name of Chiluba

  39. Musokotwane was the Minister of Finance. He is right and I agree with him. Only illiterate PF cadres will disagree with him. Bank of Zambia officials must come out. What Musokotwane is objecting to is the blanketisation of the previous regime, some of them were genuine and worked for their money. So if PF wants to make allegations it must wait for facts to come together and then when that happens accuse the specific individual who did the wrong. Not always accusing the entire previous govt. If the entire government was that evil Sata would be dead by now, they would have just delayed his evacuation and he would be dead. Let us treat these cases with the sensivity they deserve, not everybody likes PF and PF didn’t get 100% votes. Be careful…

  40. The article by some daimnone siulapwa, the fight against corruption and proof beyond reasonable doubts on lusaka times.highlights all these excitments being created from plot one… Just thinking

  41. The Engineer from Australia who I am sure is a Tonga man must be a very frustated man. Too bad PF is there for another five years. He will continue to spread laptop diarrhoea but this will end up nowhere. Its a pity most of you cannot simply interpret the what George is saying. He is just trying to let the bicycle thief that his days are numbered as more evidence is coming out. You do not expect him to start pre-emptying what the law enforcement officers are unearthing. A lot of you are talking about single digit inflation, have you ever wondered why Liato buried his money?????? This could have been an orchastred move by the plunderes to cover their tracts. Release the printed money when they are out of power and cause inflation and blame the Government. Mwachepa bangwele.

  42.  #52  
    The Engineer, I am disappointed with your racist comment. Just because Guy Scot is white does not mean he is superior to any Zambian. Everybody on this blog know that you are a hard core MMD supporter but you should also learn to accept the wrongs which your party committed. Lewanika is pointing to Fundaga, but Fundaga become a cadre for MMD.   

  43. i personnal dont even call such a thing a president. he cant think, he has no issues to aticulate. an empty vesel always just makes noise because its curring nothing. the same with Sata. the guy is nothing and his education cant make him think. stupid man

  44. No 57

    Mwanawasa was not White when he decided he could not associate with an uneducated twit called Chiluba. Nothing to do with color, Scott will realize what a Monkey he has been associating with very soon….

    The monkeys at statehouse must be excited to have a friend….. what a waste of air

  45. Smoke this little thing out of state house, before it dents the image of the plot 1. Seating whole blood day with Collins directionary to find meaningless words and provoke the dr abaiche Mwila ponta, come back to earth bro.

  46. I believe printing money illegally is a criminal offence under Zambian law. Why can’t these things be handled properly according to law instead of the president resorting to uncalled for alarming statements and all that? What does he intend to achieve? And that ypung man at State House, grow up boy! Your statement completely failed to shed any light on a seemingly straight forward issue.

  47. If we were serious about fighting corruption, why don’t we investigate everybody from the present government all the way to Chiluba’s? Surely members of the present government are not angels, I see a case of a thief calling another ‘thief’ in order to divert attention from himself, it’s an age old trick.

  48. Coming back to Chellah’s statement that the DR should wait for the law to take its course, why didn’t the president also allow the law to take its course by leaving everything to competent people, i.e. if he has not fired all? What a fuc.king shameful statement from state house!

  49. His Excellency needs to learn to SHUT up on sensitive issues until he has gathered all the necessary information required to issue a National statement. Does this man have advisors? If yes, what are their duties?
    Sata has made way too many mistakes in 60 days than any other president in 5 years. He is popular with faul speech

  50. the dunderheads can’t seem to understand what Dr.SM is talking about…let them probe them if they want!!chellah is also becoming dull ..hahaha

  51. Now thats what is called a ‘hollow statement’. It does not even try to dispute what Musokotwane said, merely re’phrases the allegatiions without any hint to substance.
    What a load of bull

  52. We said it clearly that Sata is not fit for the purpose. Yes, he is president but so far is proving un fit. Bloggers, leave novice Chellah, who perhaps as at now is wondering why is in that position. The main issue is with the president who for the life of me, has issued statements without number not fitting a president. He will continue to embarass himeself and eventually Dr Scott will leave him with an excuse. He has become an elephant in the sitting room like Mugabe, people do not know what to do with him. What will happen to Zambia after one year at this rate of hullabaloos and public exciting press statements?

  53. #13, zambia is for all! Not only for northerners, no! be matured, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and serve this country from being devided!

  54. For 10 years MCS failed to get the presidency until the Zambian s insisted, I liken it to the story in the bible when the people of Israel forced Samuel to give them a king even when it did not please God. Unfortunately we have to live with the consequences of having our way for the next 5 years. I wish people heeded to the warnings

  55. Zambians should not read too deep into these desperate tactics of diverting attention to the main issue i.e. problem is the long list of “within 90 days” lies of the PF to the Zambian electorates.

  56. Hey, Amake (No. 75), you can also liken the situation to when Pilate said, who do you want , Barabas or Jesus, and the people shouted Barabas! Lol!

  57. The most stup id person in all this is George Chellah. The language itself points to his former organization’s uncouth rantings. This is by no means a press statement. It epitomizes junk from the very people that are misleading and possibly overexciting an already demented man. Very pathetic unpolished low lifers have entered the civil service. Zambians need to fear these men who have no insight of the extent of their lunacy. History will record this period of cultural retrogression.

  58. This George Chellah ***** is a “special assistant to the president on press ona public relations”! What a tragedy Zambians have landed themselves in.

  59. I can’t believe this challah got his post at state house on merit the boy is full of vulgar language from mmembe post editorials of insulting RB. The boy is full of PF power orgasmic honeymoon tekanya mpombo wibilima. Challenge the Dr. With facts not those stupiddy threats

  60. Dont blame Chella, the presient endorced this which means HE owns it. But apprently Chella was drunk when writing this. This is what you get when you have an Under 5 (form 5) and post jounalist responding politicalli to an issue which is not even close to politics.

  61. The correct thing to do for the MMD cadres is to keep quite and let PF clean the mess they left behind. Musokotwane had pocketed 1000 bicycles. For me he has no credibility to make comments on the economy. Had MMD retained power the plunder and looting of money would have left Zambia destitute. 

  62. I agree with Dr. Musokotwane, our president should also take into consideration how other statements could affect our Zambian Kwacha on the international market. Issues like these could be settled between the two parties without letting the whole world know., as such a statement may not only disgrade the MMD government but the new government well as they would have to fight inlfation. There are also lots of issues going on in other countries which we are unaware of, so our MCS should be away that ” we should not wash our dirty linens in public”.

  63. I agree with Dr. Musokotwane, our president should also take into consideration how other statements could affect our Zambian Kwacha on the international market. Issues like these could be settled between the two parties without letting the whole world know., as such a statement may not only disgrade the MMD government but the new government as well as they would have to fight inlfation. There are also lots of issues going on in other countries which we are unaware of, so our MCS should be away that ” we should not wash our dirty linens in public”.

  64. Remember the STORY OF MILITARY ARMS BEING HIDDEN AT KK’s SINDA MISALE Farm. THAT BIG LIAR IS NOW IN-CHARGE propagating lies at STATE HOUSE. Obviously agony is eroding the conscience of Bob Sichinga, Chikwanda, Guy Scott, Kabimba (now unsually mute), Kambwili and Lubinda. The vultures in the form Mangani, Masebo, Mpombo, Musa Mwenye, Sebastian Zulu do not care as long as they scramble for the loose money growing at State House. The PF guys do not realise that running a Govt is a serious business. They have imported the cadre mentality to State House. Apparently, 18th December will be 90-days of PF’s major manifesto. The jobless are still eagerly waiting for the promisedd heaven.

  65. Please let us not speculate things. Mind you if these are true lies our image as a nation will be tarnished. Let the Law enforcement agents investigate and if they do not come up with facts let them say it publicly and transparently so that we forge ahead.

  66. Chellah, your response to Musokotwane was very shallow. I advise that if you have nothing to say, it is better to remain quiet!

  67. The PF government is too loud especially its president. These guys must now understand they were voted in power to make things better not to remind people of the past. Get moving on your promises, you are now behaving like kids.


  69. When is this government going to tell us about its economic development programs.We are really tired and lost interest in hearing about the past regime. People voted MMD out because they knew all that you are trying to tell them now. Let the relevant security agents investigate MMD, while PF and its ministers concentrate on developing the country. What happened to 90 days?

  70. We dont expect SH to react to every other stories by Dr for example. We expect GRZ to investigate and present validated outcome for public consumption. Chella and SH musy not be quick to prove a point.

  71. Who didn’t know that the MMD printed money through Bank of Zambia prior to the election. It went through the circulation by the MMD not by the banks, hence the Liatos had money with BOZ stickers and they just had to bury it shame. This country we need a big whip. We should stop being funny. Situmbeko knows for sure that they did that and now today he wants to stand clean. Time will tell, we are with our presido on this one, His Excellency Mr Chilufya Michael Sata, the president of the republic of Zambia

  72. impeach the man he is mentally unstable and will cost the country.we dont know what he will say at the UN plz send guy scot to such functions

  73. imwe ba fi colour ba upnd are you normal why do you like barking on everything mwanya you never rule this country,so you dont see what wrong doings the pre govt did, such as mpundu account,liato,mwale,doras son,daka,and only man barking musokotwane. ba DR BOMA ni BOMA mwalakakwa ba fee colour bonse . viva your H.E.

  74. These cronies in the Pathetic Front are surely amazing,Does the head of state have any guys that have brains in his government to advise or keep his mouth in check:This man can crush the economy remember it happened in Zimbabwe,it has become apparent the Head of state role is slowly changing from governance/guidance to rumor mongering.Its pathetic to see Chellar doing some damage control by writing an over burdened document without any substance :why don’t they let acting BOZ governor do his job(forgot he is part of the family Forest)(Pathetic Forest). GOD HELP US I FORESEE A VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE WITHIN 90 DAYS

  75. No matter how you slice and dice it, if the money was printed by BOZ then there is nothing illigal about it, the central bank is mandated by the law to do just that. So even if RB woke up one day at 3 in the morning and phoned BOZ governor to print more money does not make that instruction illigal. but on the other hand if RB woke up at 3 and phoned this new printing company in Germany and instructed them to print more notes then we have a BIG problem, every administration (governing party) has the mandate to determine its fiscal policy print or not to print extra cash.

  76. We can all see that its not all rosy where we are going. The PF have been in government for over 60 days and all they have done is fire people. What Mr Sata is trying to do is to 1) Try to discredit Dr Fundanga who has no fault in the way he managed our economy, but being the vindictive man he is, Mr Sata wants to crucify him for Mrs Fundanga standing on MMD ticket.    2) The Deputy Governor Administration, Tukiya is still in BOZ and the President in line with his mechanisms to get rid of everyone, is trying to throw mud at Tukiya to get rid of her. When this man is done, we will miss even FTJ. The PF govt has no inkling of what is needed for Governance. Good as opposition, pathetic as government…..

  77. Dr Bwalya Ngandu Deputy BOZ Governor addressed a Workshop on 22 Nov 2011 at Southern Sun Hotel at which he stated that G&D are currently the printers of Zambian Kwacha. See for his full statement

  78. So, you danderheads think HE MCS will just wake up and make such statements. The same people that were involved in these issues, are the ones giving all the information. Tu goodie, goodie. Just you wait and see.

  79. Under the laws of Zambia which govern the Central Bank, Its the mandate of the Central Bank to determine monetary policy. The instruments available include printing of money. Its therefore not illegal for the central bank to print money. I wish the moron of a president we have could understand that. On another count its beyond the understanding of a constable. The good Dr has give a response as expected of any educated man. The Finance minister does not control the central bank. If money was printed why not get the details from the central bank which has the mandate and inform the nation. The good Dr will have the last laugh yet again.

  80. Chellah is not being sincere with our President. Knowingly or unknowingly, he is destroying him. I don’t think the President would imprison him if he gave him sound advice. He should have consulted the central bank before issuing his statement condemning Dr Musokotwane. The truth of the matter is that there is no fake money in circulation. When will our President listen to people’s advice to do things quietly before making any public pronouncements. This time he should concentrate on delivering on his campaign promises.

  81. But you know, this can play out in two ways. Dr. Musokotwane can be trusted but Banda cannot. I would not be surprised if such a directive came from the top and passed him by. So before he makes a statement, it would be wise to place the phrase ‘to the best of my knowledge’. It’s called a disclaimer sir!

  82. what a great curriculum vitae!

    Fiddler at zccm
    Collector of 1230 bicycles
    wealth seller for a song
    great conjurer
    and … Finance minister in his spare time !

    And now counterfeiter

    What’s next ?
    Mining licences trafficker as his crony Maxwell M. ?

  83. The comment in the Zambia Daily Mail is an indication that the management at the gvt newspaper does not understand how currencies are handled. They are trying to please their master by digressing from the facts and aligning themselves with Chella’s unprofessional statement. Chellah failed completely to respond to Dr Musokotwane’s wise response to the wild and empty claim from the president. Dr Musokotwane’s statement really embarrassed the president and in his quest to do damage control, he hires the incompetent press aid in the name of Chellah to do a press statement. You can even tell by the language used that people at plot1 don’t know what governance of the country means. I worry for Zambia.

  84. No. 95 Kanyakula and 105 Mike Te! You Embiciles born from a contaminated womb! Let me give you a few facts about the Honourable Dr Situmbeko that you may not know!!!!
    1. He was the only MMD Minister who did not move into a govt house; 2. He was the only MMD Minister that did not move around with a flag on his vehicle nor with a govt driver! 3. He was Deputy Governor BOZ, Adviser to the Governor – Swaziland, Secretary to the Treasury, Economic Advisor to HE Levy Patrick Mwanawasa. JUST LEAVE THE DOC ALONE BECAUSE YOU CAN’T MATCH HIS BRAINS. HE WILL SURELY TAKE YOU ON BECAUSE HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN HONOURABLE IN HIS DEALINGS – WHETHER PRIVATE OR BUSINESS.

  85. Did someone just mention the word brains when mentioning Musokotwane? Firstly, it is obvious that under his tenure, compared to Magande, economic figures slumped. Secondly, he lived in the shadow of a greater man, Magande. Also, one cannot help but refer to the BBC debate held about mining where he was grilled by participants. I was so ashamed to learn that the then finance minister could not even mention a single statistical figure in his responses. Having a doctorate does not make you a genius, people who end at masters level have proven sharper anyway!

  86. No. 110 CHARACTER ASSASSIN 00; Yes! I mentioned Brains. What is the benefit of your comparison? 3 years of Musokotwanes tenure as compared to 7 years of Magandes? Come on guy, be serious. For your information (as you also seem to be ignorant) PhDs don’t spring from nowhere – at least not for the Honourable Musokotwane!! He finished his Form V from Hillcrest and went straight to University of Zambia, did his Masters at one of the elite Universities in Uk and went on to do his PhD. Upon completion of his PhD, he returned to lecture Economics at the University of Zambia (UNZA). UTWILE NJI??

  87. Its trial and error kind of a thing.No direction.Its like the country is in a leadership crisis.Those entrusted with the leadership of the nation look like they also need to be led.There appears to be a complete loss of direction.A good system will have technocrats who are supposed to interprete issues for the masters to make informed decisions.The issue of printing money is in the domain of BOZ therefore the central bank is better placed to deal with the matter.Sadly it takes the highest office of Zambia.Zambians want development like roads, schools, health facilities.we have not been the development plans which they have put in place in address these issues.The road rehabilitation works in Mandevu constituency have stalled since RB and MMD left office.WHY TALK ILL OF THE MMD TEAM?

  88. @Character assassin,

    You clearly do not know what you are talking about. Dr Musokotwane recently won the best Finance Minister award for Africa 2011. In addition the economic fundamentals under him were actually better than under Magande. You clearly lack access to stats yourself. FDI went from multi-millions to Magande to over 2 Billion by the end of Dr. Musokotwane’s tenure.

    Just give credit where it is due. Magande was a great finance minister, but Musokotwane was just as good- and if not better.

  89. @50 REAL ZAMBIAN
    You are a real twit and a munungu, masipa tuwe! MMD left Zambia with a credit rating, a healthy surplus reserve, a robust economy, and lots of FDI (if you can try and get your small singulumutwi around that!). What economic sorry state are you on about? You and yourr Chief Turd are busy mouthing off on things you have no clue about. How can BOZ print fake money? How can it be fake if we have been using the same money for over two years? Printing of money is essential to replace worn out notes and also to expand the money in the economy in line with economic activity. Pfooters have not come up with a single significant economic policy since 20 Sept. Every idea has been carried over from MMD. Sata cannot even attract any credible individual as his Economic Adviser!!

  90. #76 Amake, I told my wife in April that God will finally heed to people’s cry to have Sata as president against His will. Now he has given him to us so that we learn something out of it. I think Zambians will now mature and be able to distingusih rubbish from quality.

  91. @THOUGHTS- FDI is not an indicator of GDP or GNP. Actually, you are out of touch. The Kwacha has been at free fall after Musokotwane took over. Do not make audacious statements. FDI is Foreign Direct Investment. Tell me what I do not know. You are out of touch with reality. Zambia knows that Magande’s tenure was better than Musokotwane’s. Winning ‘best finance minister’ is funny, I take Pravin Gordhan to be ten times the man Musokotwane is. Pravin Gordhan is SA chancellor!

  92. # 109 Linosi

    facts? You want facts? ok let’s go

    # 100 million dollars swindled from former ZCCM. where is the money ??? nothing was done since 2008
    the former gvt, finance minister Musokotwane ALSO FORMER DIRECTOR OF ZCCM knew that and where the money is…
    if mauritian banks refuse to return money why Musokotwane does not publicly make pression on mauritians ??

    # According to NGOs in its pilot audit by Grant Thornton, Zambia and Econ Poyry, Zambia lost an estimated income of USD 175 million in tax revenue between 2003 and 2008 from tax avoidance practices’ by Glencore AG International owned Mopani Copper Mines.

  93. continued
    copper from Mopani is sold under a contract with copper in one instance being sold at 25 per cent of official prices at LME. In other words, they are not paying taxes over 75% of the copper sold to Glencore.
    Moreover, in the report by Action Aid, which Mopani has described as flawed and incomplete draft added that the Zambian government (ZCCM-ih) , may probably be losing USD 50 million annually on dividend payments from its 10% stake in Mopani Copper Mines.
    zccm-ih lost $300 m !!!
    so $ 500 million !!!
    Despite the fact that the audit was finished in the fall of 2009, NGOs said IT WAS KEPT SECRET. In fact without NGOs, Muso the cro.ok would close their eyes and line his

    # Moreover FQM (Kansanshi Mining) owes ZCCM-ih $ 475million
    ZCCM-ih owes govt $ 300million

  94. continued
    And the govt owes IMF $ 330 million but Muso was only able to pay back $ 1,9 million

    So Mopani ($500m) and FQM $475 m, at leat $1 billion !!

    and in the same time, Muso the cro.ok needed to borrow money to make ends meet…

    the best Finance Minister award for Africa 2011 ??? LOL
    rather the best IMPOSTOR award for Africa 2011!!

  95. @Mike Te- Very well thought out analysis. You know one thing, people might not get this, you may be educated and have all the credentials, but if your common sense is not as equal as that of someone with the same credentials, you are not smart and that’s Musokotwane. Not to mention, the government was happy mentioning bumper harvest without having enough money to pay the farmers, what a joke. Winning an award means nothing much if it is not based on well thought figures, I think if it is fair, all those awards were meant for the Ghanaian minister!

  96. @Linosi- You are delluded. A PhD and a Master are not hard to achieve, actually, almost everyone who sets out to do them gets them. Magande’s first three years were better than Musokotwane’s.
    Am glad that you have admitted to the fact that Musokotwane’s performance was not as good as Magande’s. A man as qualified as Mwanawasa overlooked characters like Musokotwane because they really only know what’s in the text book!

  97. the president is still on “”job on training”” i dont see him improving any way. the guy is 74years old.i think it maybe senile dementia, it characterized by confusion and confabulation. in short we are in deep shi.t

  98. the president is still on “”job on training”” i dont see him improving any way. the guy is 74years old.i think it maybe senile dementia, its characterized by confusion and confabulation. in short we are in deep shi.t. of course perpetual liars like Mike Te will grow tired defending the president

  99. This is the most amateurish and capricious and tragicomic state house since Zambia’s independence. I get statements everyday from the so-called spokesman which reflect nothing less than extreme childishness, if not lunacy. This Chellah dude is just receiving on-the-job training. He got the job because the Post, where he worked, teamed up with Sata to remove RB from power. Sata is not as clean as he wants people to believe. Remember Paul Tembo was assassinated just hours before he was to name Sata as the culprit behind the disappearance of hundreds of billions of kwacha. Sata is more corrupt than RB, maybe as corrupt as Chiluba. Sata doesn’t seem to know what to do with his mandate. What’s your vision boss?

  100. #124 @ character
    you re right
    in fact the guys who chose “the best Finance Minister” and those who sold Zed off have the same frame of mind and training

    Former finance minister Edith Nawakwi has said : ‘We were told by advisers, who included the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank that, for the next 20 years, Zambian copper would not make a profit. [Conversely, if we privatised] we would be able to access debt relief, and this was a huge carrot in front of us – like waving medicine in front of a dying woman. We had no option.’

    Unfortunatly the first chose a cro.ok, the others sold zed for a song and 3 years later commodities prices have soared

    Those charlatans dupe people…

  101. # 127 @global citizen

    Im a perpetual liar !? LOL

    # about dividends unpaid to zccm-ih
    if your pea-brain allows you to see and to understand the kansanshi mine account, subsidiary of FQM, go to first quantum mineral website

    read Reports Operational and Unaudited Financial Results for the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2011

    Non-controlling interests 475.1

    Non-controlling interests is the benefit after amortization for the others shareholders of FQM (kansanshi mining )
    There is only one shareholder with first quantum minerals : ZCCM-IH

    Kansanshi ZCCM-IH Minority interests (20 percent shares of Kansanshi)
    First Quantum Minerals (80 percent of shares of Kansanshi)

  102. continued

    Nevertheless former minister Mwale pretended he was not aware that First Quantum Minerals (FQM) had kept in its accounts about US$300 million unpaid dividends to ZCCM-IH (now $475 m), of which it owns itself a 20 percent stake in (FQM) during the Cape Town conference in 2010 !

    # about odious practises by Glencore : use google and read NGOs reports !!!

    # about 100 million dollars swindled
    from apanews in 2007

    APA – Port Louis (Mauritius) Zambia and Mauritius, within the framework of the Mutual Assistance Programme are working to retrieve 100 million dollars alleged swindled from the Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM), APA learnt here.
    The Zambian government holds 85 percent of shares in the ZCCM.

  103. continued
    A high level delegation of the Zambian Task Force on Corruption, Tuesday arrived in Mauritius to pursue the matter.
    Rama Valayden, the Attorney General and Minister of Justice to reporters Wednesday in the capital, Port Louis, that he will hold a working session in the evening with the Zambian delegation to discuss the follow up of the case which implicates offshore companies incorporated in Mauritius.
    He said about 100 million dollars have been transferred through the Bank of Butterfield Account in London, before being invested in the banking system in Mauritius and said the suspects in the scam are known by Zambian and Mauritian authorities.
    At the beginning of the year, at the request of the Zambian government,

  104. continued

    the Mauritius Supreme Court issued an ’Attachment and Freezing Order’ to several banks here on the accounts of the suspects, Mr Bernard Mungulude, Mr Kazhi Kateke and the Laxi diamond company.
    The duty of the Zambian Task Force on Corruption now was to seek to identify the local agents and representatives of the suspects so as to be able to recover and repatriate the money.
    Hence, local banks have been assigned to submit documentary evidence to expose the criminal gang, or else the banks will face dire consequences, Valayden said

    why Muso was so lenient…?? involved…???

  105. I use google and I find “matter” for Muso and Glencore

    Mopani Copper Mines, a Swiss-owned mining company, funded with EU development monies, is siphoning its profits out of Zambia without paying taxes. Instead, it is putting the money into a tax haven, Switzerland. Mopani Copper Mines is dodging taxes in Zambia,” the organisations stated.
    The organizations also questioned Dr Musokotwane’s inertia to act despite being given the report last year in which auditors expressed frustrations in carrying out the exercise which was within provisions of Zambia laws.”
    “The findings of a draft report into internal controls at Zambia’s Mopani Copper Mines plc have been categorically rejected by its owner, Glencore, the giant fuel, metals and cereals trader

  106. continued

    based in the Swiss tax haven of Zug. The report, seen by the Observer, was carried out in 2009 by a Norwegian subsidiary of Grant Thornton, one of the world’s largest accountancy firms, at the request of the PREVIOUS Zambian government.
    Its authors alleged the mine’s owners “resisted the pilot audit at every stage”, a claim denied by a spokesman for Glencore, which owns a 73% stake in Mopani through a company based in the British Virgin Islands, another tax heaven.

    be careful… here the PREVIOUS Zambian government is Levy’s govt..

  107. @Mike Te: Many facts said out there. I think the whole privatisation has had a negative impact on employment. Honestly, even China cannot allow people like the IMF to advise them. The simple math ran away from the Nawakwi led finance- Financial instruments cannot make as much money as the underlying products. Having commodities counters inflation.

  108. Mike Te, thanks man for all that informative lot, personally i have not been a fan of Muso regardless of his PhD, during my days at UNZA my collegues who were doing some economics courses with him remember him to have been a malingerer who when in class spent most of the time talking to the blackboard than the audience, very incompetent indeed, best economics minister???? who gave him that award? reminds me of what you do to a kid before you ask for something from them, praise them first, flatter them so highly, then bring in your request its guaranteed they will not refuse!!! i bet the people who gave Muso that award got what they wanted!!!

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