Tuesday, February 11, 2025

DEC probes Mpundu Trust’s $1m linked to Rupiah Banda


Former President Rupiah Banda

THE Drug-Enforcement Commission (DEC) has instituted investigations to establish the source of the US$1 million (about K5 billion) held in a commercial bank account by Mpundu Trust, which is linked to former President, Rupiah Banda.

DEC acting spokesperson, Samuel Silomba said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that a series of investigations into the conduct of former leaders had commenced and that Mpundu Trust was among the institutions under probe.

President Michael Sata on Monday instructed law-enforcement agencies to investigate how a private bank account belonging to Mpundu Trust got to hold a colossal sum of $1 million.

The directive comes in the wake of revelations reaching the president that Mpundu Trust had unexplained funds in one of the commercial banks in the country.

Asked how the investigative wings would get round the veil of immunity, if at all it was established that there was need to probe the former president who still enjoys presidential immunity, Mr Silomba assured that “investigations would still be conducted”, without giving further details.??Recent media reports revealed that Mpundu Trust was linked to former president Banda.

In a statement released by his special assistant for Press and public relations George Chellah on Monday, Mr Sata said it should be known from the onset that the decision to probe Mpundu Trust was without malice or ill-motive but simply to set the record straight by ensuring that the due process of the law applied.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. That is not too much money, compared to what this president served the country

    Let it go, Mr Banda brought wonders, Investment economic growth to Zambia


    • Typical of people who don’t understand issues. Banda didnt bring any investment but us all Zambians created and still create a conducive environment. Unless people like Mushota remove the veil of dullness , we shall always praise people who don’t deserve the credit leaving the tax payers.

  2. Mwatunasha mwe. So yu took money any how. Ngaka Hom
    Mwale the Mines minister. He must be probed. Greedy yu are
    Nefyola fyamaska. Shame.

  3. Mushota @1, What is your point? Are you telling everyone that leaders have to steal provided they bring “investment” into the country? I wonder what your gray matter is made of. It is either very twisted and black with soot or doesnt exist at all.

  4. The Trust fund is not the only account RB used to hide his ill-gotten loot, its just one of the many. When you add up all the accounts in China, Thandiwe’s flats in SA and even the money buried under ground in Chipata, you will see that he stole quite a significant amount.

  5. why is that in Zambia every one who has money is a thief, does it mean all the people who have money in zambia have stolen or what, the man was a head of state that money is little with we compare his status. to day in Zambia think R B is a criminal what is the problem? 

  6. So far it has been Banda this, Banda that and nothing has stuck. It is like looking for some white particular sheep in a sea of white ship. “Oh, it is here” here, shouts one – “no, it is here” shouts another. And the head Shepherd jumping from one lot to another echoing the shouts! Meanwhile, some sheep is being slaughtered at the other end.

  7. Kamunga boy, what a silly question!!! Leaders and indeed ordinary citizens that have suddenly gotten wealth that can’t be traced nor explained have some explaining to do…otherwise we will become a mafia state, with drug lords and contract killings and all. Is that clear enuff for you boy!!

  8. Hands off my president RB, 4billion monies in the account to be investigated? If HH and Milupi can have serious billions sitting in their accounts. Anyway forgive these pf they don’t know that you have always have had big companies as investments in the zambian soils as opposed to seven(7) guns

  9. @ #1 Mushota- You are still dellusional. You do not even know anything about economics. If you do, tell me, why is it that the economy slumped right after Banda took over?
    Use common sense and avoid speaking from emotion. Like it or not, Sata won the election and we won it for him, we voted overwhelmingly for him!

  10. He should explain why he got da money.Rb was poor in Chipata.How much is the salary of the president?If u answer dat question then u’ll know how much he can for 3 years plus allowances.Leaders should explain how they acquired wealth.

  11. Mpundu TRUST is for the RB TWINS…To ensure that they live happily ever after RB is gone!!
    Mind you the twins are still young so RB does not want them to be left in limbo.
    In short RB , JUST LIKE ALL THE POLITICIANS IN ZED, was working for his children and thats all he cared about..
    I am sure most of you people YAPPING ON THIS BLOG would do the same given the opportunity

  12. Kamunga Boy, yes indeed you are a boy. Even your english is worse than that of a boy. Now, the whole point my boy is that RB and his Mpundu Trust should tell the nation how and where they got the $1million. Once they justify, that will be it! the story will be over and the money will be considered legitimate but if they dont, then it will be deemed stolen or dubiously gotten through sale of drugs for example. HH we know has billions and no one is following him why? because he has not hidden from the public eye and we all (presumably) know where and how he got rich (stock market & other businesses) and therefore attracts no hurt/hate (call it what you like) feelings in wider section of our society. Think of this as another Liato 2.1 billion sagga on face value until facts are provided.

  13. Which twins are we talking about here, RB’s grandtwins from his granddaughter Thandiwe? I wonder how such little twins woud call JIMBO my brother. 1million dollars is very little money for a president, but maybe it is just a starting point of investigating the man.Any latest on DRC erections where RB was mediator

  14. Mr. SHREX Sir, There is nothing wrong in anyone investing for their children, AS LONG AS THEY DO IT PROPERLY!!!!!!!!
    You dont squander the wealth of others just because you have twins, is RB {Rubbish Bin} the first person to have twins, to be president or to even bring investment to this country???????? Let him show proof of how he aquired the money or the land, thats all we want to know, not how fertile he is to produce twins he can not provide forproperly.

  15. Probing RB is a matter of cleasing process going on in the nation, infact, he needs sata’s anointing oil for him to live happily. So, dont see it a wich hunt process

  16. Kanshi THIEVES can come from Kumawa also? i did not know until now! Then, I now also even understand the relationship between Rupiah and late “Mastermind”, His execellency kafupi (MHSREP). They belong to the same church, or is it club!.

  17. Remember the removal of ” Abuse of office ” clause, he knew he had stolen more than enough money to crucify himself, for him the only solution was remove the clause.

  18. Kanshi THIEVES can come from Kumawa also? I did not know until now! Then, I now also even understand the relationship between Rupiah and late “Mastermind”, His Excellency Dr. Kafupi (MHSREP). They belong to the same church, or is it club!.

  19. Guys, I wonder how long it will take to concetrate on economic recovery ideas than continuing everyday to dig out what has been stollen, which may even not be recovered.

    We need to share our thoughts on how we can advise on ways to take Zambia to another level than much talks on the foregone issues. I am a true Zambian working in another country and I dont recon much flow of investments in Zambia compared to other African countries.

  20. Mushota, look at this way…a crime is a crime even beyond that, how many Governments people looted. 1. Mpundu trust (RB) K5 billion, Liato, (K2.1 billion), Dora’son (K2+Billion, ) this is just an example what about the other ministers and you are talikg of cummulatively Trillions of Kwacha. This money would have been channelled into infrastructure development, now if you add with what NCC spent on the failed constitution, ZAMTEL sale, ,….only a mad person would say this is too little money.

  21. Is it that RB is expected to be poor?? Or that $1 million is considered to be too much money only for RB. RB had some Engineering supply and consultancy companies some time back, that used to have business with the mines. What do you expect to happen when he is president. Do you think the mines will deny him business? All his tuntemba businesses become instant hits. Problem is that most Zambians have closed up their minds and think you only have to steal to have alot of money. Most bloggers here think like my grand mother who if given K5 million she starts to worry that you might be involved in illegal activities as K5 million is too much money. Its actually a shame.

  22. Cont’d 30…thats not to say RB could not have been involved in any corrupt activities. But so far all we have is allegations and allegations without any evidence of wrong doing. At the moment it looks like a public relations exercise to paint RB as a thief….and it seems to be working.

  23. I agree with #30 We Zambians need to get out of this poverty mentality.Its possible for someone to make $1million fair and square and at the same time be zambian.I’m sure if it was a foreigner no one would have raised eye brows.Sata’s witch hunt is really becoming boring.I sent my parents K10million last week I’m wondering whether they will be investigated soon.

  24. There is no objectivity in SATA’s so called probs apart from vindictiveness.
    Explain to me the single-handedly giving back of Finance Bank to Mahtan by SATA at state house when cases are still in court about Mahtan’s conduct.
    SATA disregarded the legal system and made a rulling even before his appointed commision started investigations.
    How do you expect him to be objective when he wants someone implicated? He makes a rulling before everything is started, and if he wants you behind bars he will do it.
    You must understand the double standards played by PF govt and SATA.
    Why have we not heard any investigations into issues concerning any PF member.
    This is why, though difficult to explain, Lungu can resign as Independent and join PF. Do you think he is clean? He wanted protection.

  25. #15 shytex,
    Yes you are right, we all work hard to ensure our children are not left destitute when we are no more but my question to you is what opportunity did Rupiah Banda take advantage of to amass these huge sums of money in the half term he served as president?

  26. BUFF00N RB will never see the inside of a prison cell or court room even if he personally withdrew £500m from BOZ so long as MMD crooks and bitter HH’s puppets are united in Parliament. 

  27. @Mushota even where U claim 2B domiciled tell us if the PM Cameron can make that kind of money within this period he has been in office. We a talking of RB who was languishing @ his farm B4 his ascendancy to be our President. Let me educate U Ba RB worked at NAMBOARD as CEO and run it down coz amadilu.ACBank suffered same fate coz of inside borrowing he was one of the Directors.Allen West used to be viable company he also run it aground. He was Gorvenor of Lusaka City Council coz kukonda madilu K.K booted him out the lis is endless. 1million dollars if you claim yhat is nothing. how much a you worth coz U a in UK coz U ran away from the hardship. Pliz Mushit give us a break.

  28. Sata. left the MMD not because of corruption but because he was disillusioned by his friend Chiluba appointing Mwanawasa to replace him insteady of him Sata.We had people whoi resigned from MMD because of corruption and formed the National Party those were the people allergic to corruption.SATA was there when they resigned insteady of following he stack with Chiluba and even supported him in his bid to manupulate the constitution for a third term. SHAME ON COBRA

  29. You can’t have one thief investigating another thief. That is what happening by Sata investigating Rupiah. Both are thieves of the worst kind. Just wait when the next government comes in – you will be shocked. As a result I know that Sata will do everything to rig elections in 2016 – that is if he reaches that year at all – and if he loses, he will refuse to leave the seat! Good luck to PF!

  30. Greedy and Stingy hippopotamuses, just fattening your bellies and not thinking about others. I can’t wait for this hippo’s immunity to be lifted!

  31. Our investigative wings are always working on instructions from high authority. That’s why nothing materializes in the end. Their operations are mere appeasements for their bosses.

  32. No. 33 Ba mulenga you sent ka 10 million to yo parents and boasting of working abroad. Zambia is a better country without thieves and selfish people like you. Nothing is fancy about working outside . Ba tushoba fye lyonse. be a proud zambian mwana.

  33. The art of demonising other people is really worrying and disheartening.If this be taken to be lavish life style on the part of the target of the investigations, are we sure that his earnings as head of state were inadequate to allow such funds to be put in a Trust?I find this deaming the office of the Head of state.RESPECT.

  34. Its not all the money that the former president acquired was wrongly obtained,accept the fact that he was a president who moved this nation a step ahead to development.

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