Northern Province Permanent Secretary Emmanuel Mwamba has described as a scandal the decision by the previous government to spend K16.1 billion to do a 12 kilometres stretch of township roads in the rural district of Luwingu.
Mr Mwamba said it was wasteful to spend K16.1 billion on 12 kilometres of deserted township roads when Luwingu District lacked many basic t hings and infrastructure.
The contract to do the township roads in Luwingu was given by Road Development Agency (RDA) and is being done by Sable Transport.
Mr Mwamba, who is on tour of Luwingu, Chilubi, Mporokoso and Kaputa districts addressed district heads in Luwingu where he said Luwingu District did not have an ambulance, an x-ray department and basic facilities for its hospital at the boma and wondered how a decision was made to do a 12 kilometre stretch costing K16.1billion.
He stated that Luwingu had schools with no desks, and many schools remained with thatched roofs and were experiencing a critical shortage of teacher’s houses.
He also noted that the health centres were far apart to service the huge communities and also had inadequate facilities.
Mr Mwamba feared that the poor state of the Luwingu-Mansa Road which provided a shorter link to Luapula Province was threatened with closure during rainy season.
He bemoaned the state of the only secondary school, Luwingu High School whose infrastructure was in a dilapidated state and had a pupil population of more than 2500.
He stated that the school needed urgent repairs to be done to its roofs, kitchen and dormitories.
Mr Mwamba also directed Chambeshi Water and Sewerage to immediately restore water supply to Luwingu that has gone without piped water for the last eight months after a pump broke down.
He said despite the difficulties, Chambeshi Water and Sewerage was going through, it was unacceptable that the company would allow a community to go without water for such a long time because of a failed pump.
He said his office had written to the Minister of Finance to help Chambeshi Water and Sewerage Company secure US$60million longterm finance with the Africa Development Bank (ADB) to rehabilitate and upgrade the water supply infrastructure in Northern Province.
He said Government had secured similar loans in the recent past and disbursed it to Nkana and Mulonga water companies on the Copperbelt and North-Western provinces.
Mr Mwamba said his office has embarked on a retention scheme in rural areas for teachers and nurses.
He said the scheme when fully fledged would encourage rural communities to nominate eligible persons for training at teacher and nursing training institutions in the province.
He said upon completion, the persons drawn from such rural communities would travel back and work in those communities without deserting them as is the current case for professionals from urban areas posted who abandon their posting because of the harsh environment in these rural areas.
He said in the long term, these measures would ensure that schools and health centres will be manned by qualified staff who come from these areas and would therefore have a genuine commitment to serve their rural communities.
Mr Mwamba also demanded a report from Luwingu District Cooperative Union who are agents of FRA, to provide answers why maize was allowed to be soaked by rains and was lying in unauthorised satellite depots when Government had spent huge sums of money to pay for it.
[Times of Zambia]
This is nonsense, I also think it is scandalous to employ a tainted man in you Mr Mwaamba as a PS
Pathetic little country being led by nonentities
hello Mushota ,i know now who you are hahaha.i have no problem with ya but if everyone whats to know you i will tell.
Mwamba is a thief, he stole money at zanaco when he worked there as a teller, so what he tell us about scandals, in any case, he was one of those distributing RB campaign materials in villa elizabetha in Lusaka, Sata fire the chap
Yes you are right Mushota.He is such a dirty man who should not even talk about others.If he has found garbage, he should just clean quietly and not talk about dirty when he is dirty also.The country has gone to the dogs.
# 2,please tell us who Mushota is quickly.We can’t wait.
just go away mushota if you think zambia is not your home y bother checking out whats happening in zambia. U got no morals and i think you was raised in the village and when you got a chance to go overseas now u think u are the bomb, i guess u are just a cleaner or you work in the super market. i actuali dont blame you for your stupidity but instead i blame your mother on how she raised u, you are such a negtive lil b****** i guess you are just in your early teens experiencing your puberty, go get abused by the so called nick coz i can smell your bf dumping you in 28 days.
I agree with Mushota on this one I think Mwamba himself is a scandal. How can this nonentity become a top civil servant on provincial matters in northern province. this loser was busy in Lusaka all his life chewing Chiluba’s stolen money and today he want to tell us that he is an angel that has brought enlightenment and revelation. This is pathetic
Ka mushota ka ku kawambwa, kwa mushota in luapula?
Mr Mwamba, a road is part of infrastruce just make sure that the contractor does his job. The other things you are talking about are the realities of Rural Zambia and the Duty of the Govt, of which you represent, to sort out. We voted for just for that not to start crying. Obama is sorting out the mess left by Bush but you never hear him crying. When are you going to start working. We want to hear plans not babies crying pls.Today its fake money tommorrow Mpundu. Solutions please.
these guys will still come out more thieves than ever before..
*****ic mwamba.the chap does not know that roads building costs that much per kilometer in zambia. there is no scandal there you bunch of scam govt.
Mwamba learnt his lessons, so he is a reformed citizen. Amongst the PS sata has appointed he is a truly working PS , CHECK what he has said and intends to do in less than 90 days of being in office.Keep it up Mwamba , find ways to cancel that more 1billion kwacha per km contract and direct the money to rehabilitate the school and RHCs. Move on do ur Job dont listen to useless bloggers, PF is behind your appointment.
Emannuel Mwamba;, just close your ears to all these negatives being said about you. you are a new broom, and i know thatbyou will serve the PF Government dilligently. You are now part of the working Government.
Good luck.
Govts should be setting priorities. Township roads, but a boarding school, hospital /clinics, teachers’ houses, etc…in shamemful conditions. The province is too big.
mwamba, last person with chiluba, a day before tour to luapula. now appointed as PS IN pf govt, hmmmm……….
Mwamba, should be saying “We messed up” then apologise! Then we shall start on a clean slate!
i hear on justifying his appointment ,somebody said he was on leave and just deployed to that position.now he says the previous government. YOU WERE PART OF THAT GOVERNMENT, DONT FOOL US.you think working means talking like your President.
i agree with my girl Mushota on this one. Before i could read comments, i was thinking of telling Mwamba that Mushota has an answer for him. Thumbs up for you sweetie M. Bauze bamvesese lero ba zambia.
Let me this is the same chap pretending to be The Engineer(Australia)!!
what a shame to this country that people like Mwamba could see how bad things are in rural zambia when they were busy enriching themselves not long ago
Mwamba, tellus the truth how did your case in the High Court end. You are lucky you have an uncle who is as tainted as you who is not ashamed of appointing a scandalous man as you.
there is no order in PF any jim and jack can say anything thats the problem with having a mentally unstable president
On this one, I for once agree with Mushota.
mr president, just know that whatever mwamba does, or even if he works extremely hard, no one will appreciate him cos he is a thief. for your information, this appointment will be an alection issue in five years time. learn from your predecesor’s mistakes which were later used against him, even by yourself, during the run up to elections. just fire mwamba and redeem yourself.
Jealous fools. Mwamba has been a Deputy Ps since 2004.check yr facts. Mwamba didn’t work with Chiluba when he was President but after. The thieves are u the owners of this site trying hard to save a sinking MMD and it’s thieving President Rupiah Banda. I think Mwamba has done a good job so far and those hating on him are probably jealousy of a young achiever. Where or what where u in 2004 when Mwamba was already a Deputy Ps in 2004?
#4 Typical Zambian. You like throwing accusations about. Do you have proof? This is what Sata and PF are doing at the moment – just throwing accusations with no concrete proof.
intead of discussing the topic and providing support and ideas to address the plight of the people with no water, no ambulance etc, everyone’s on each otehrs neck spewing unwanted tribal bogotry !!!!! am sick and tired of all these bloggers on ZWD or LT… nothing but rubbish talk that will not get us anywhere.. Am sick of your comments and fights… all of you… You behaving no worse than ka MUSHOTA..
Why is it that I have a strong Belief that mwamba Killed Chiluba, the reason he was awarded the JOB by Sata, Just thinking. Mwamba had played a part in the killing of his boss
leave mushota alone! mwamba is not worth any job in government, i mean not even a cleaner.
#1 Mushota,
On this one you are RIGHT!
Surely Mwamba have you forgotten that its Chiluba and you yourself who used to be CHIEF Advisers to the former MMD government? And now since you are an EVIL small Brain with SHORT Term memory MORON Chimpanzee, you want to PORTRAY yourself as if you a REBORN Mwamba wa ku Lubemba where there CORRUPTION has been AUCTIONED by your Chief Mwamba.
Honestly SHUT your FOUL SMELLING Mouth because us Zambians we do not want to hear anything from you MURDERER! YOU ARE JUST A shit OF a small feces!
I hate you!
I notice in the language. There is only one blogger who calls himself Mushota but he is also the rest. Just look at the language, punctuation and tone even through all the masquerades it essentially one voice and blogger. Simple.
Honestly, why should we be bothered by Mushota all the times? I suggest we just ignore her comments since I think she is an attention seeker and seems to love it when we respend.
Let’sdiscuss the issue at hand. K16bn is about $3m, which is reasonable, of course depending on teh grade of the road.
As for the condition of public infrastructure – schools, hospitals etc, this could be same story round the country. Let’s hope that the increased budget allocations will help address these issues.
It would be good to hear from the MMD why they left things in such a diplorable state. Local MPs should also be held accountable for not doing enough to bring these issues to the fore.
Certainly we need to improve the way we govern ourselves.
Please lets start using that money from liato s farm. Mkushi needs a better road from masansa to Old mkushi after all the money was meant for central province but because the mmd was too sure of victory in this area liato diverted the cash. 2.1 billion can do a modern high school at masansa.
Ba Mwamba, you are a thief and you were deffending someone who stole more than the money you are talking about. Bamuselela kwakaba.
It could be true what the other bloggers are saying. Regina was not around at the time of chiluba death.
Like I said. One blogger who seems to hate mwamba for whatever reasons. That is the reason that LT has been deserted. No traffic, stale news frm public media. Hw can people be so shamelessly misguided and personal as seen by this blogger changing names but pained by jealousy ? grow up. U were defeated by Zambians who have chosen Sata. Accept it and lick yr wounds in private. U messed up and other people have the task of cleaning up. U stole now people have to expose u. Grind yr teeth. Be green with envy. But there are new people on the stage and it’s their time.