President Michael Sata has warned that the law will be fully applied on politicians who are mobilising and inciting chiefs and people in North-Western Province to revolt against the Patriotic Front (PF) which was duly elected government.
This is contained in a press statement released to the media by special assistant to the president for Press and public relations George Chellah.
According to the statement, the President has been briefed on the subversive activities by some known opposition politicians inciting their royal highnesses in the region to make demands that are tantamount to black-mailing government on some issues including public service appointments pertaining to the provincial administration of North-Western Province.
At a Provincial Council of Chiefs Meeting held on 3rd December 2011 in Kabompo, chiefs presented two documents that contained demands that are identical to the ones being championed by a group seeking to undermine the PF government so that on-going corruption investigations against them could be stopped.
The President warns that no citizen, regardless of their status in society must abuse the freedom of speech and association to engage in activities promoting a revolt against a democratically elected government.
“My government was elected with a clear mandate to steer the affairs of state for the next five years and those with grievances have an option to seek legal recourse but not to mobilise any section of society into a revolt or any other subversive activities. This borders on treasonable acts and the law will take its course,” President Sata says.
“Whilst acknowledging that some regions of the country did not vote for us and that does not mean we have no jurisdiction over those areas. And that does not mean we are sidelining any region. We are doing our very best to allocate resources and appointments equitably.”
The President notes the order of an electoral democracy is such that those who lose elections are expected to remain loyal to the fundamental legitimacy of the state by accepting the will of the people expressed through the ballot. Whilst legitimate opposition is to be tolerated, the President does not accept that some people must take advantage of the broad freedoms government has provided to undermine the basic foundations upon which the unity of the state is built.
“Zambia is a unitary state derived from the constitution as the supreme law of the land and it shall remain as such. Our government will always remain open to genuine dialogue on national issues but will not be blackmailed,” President Sata says.
“On that basis, as Commander-in-Chief, I have instructed the security wings to deal with anybody inciting any form of instability. No one must use this transition period to destabilize the country. We have just come from the polls and people expressed their free will and no one has a right to frustrate that collective resolve.”
Meanwhile the President has advised some elements seeking to cause confusion over the ongoing process to resolve the problems in Western Province to keep away from such activities.
We agree that Mr Sata and his govt should be given support, but they must also work for that support. Our brothers and sisters in north-western province must be listened to. This statement from President fails to acknowledge that a province is genuinely aggrieved and wants to accuse some ‘subversive opposition leaders’ – this is the same mistake Rupiah did, which is NOT WANTING TO LISTEN. Everytime someone speaks, they are being influenced – that’s insulting them that on their own they are incapable of thinking for themselves. Sata is obviously refering to UPND in this statement. He must listen. What PF did in Solwezi starting last week is not good. You can’t force everybody to be PF. Why can’t people learn?
We know these tricks ba Sata. You want to use such opportunities as reasons to attack opposition parties and intimidate them to the point where you will have PF alone. It will not happen. Zambians are more clever than that. Just work on your 90days promises. We are waiting.
Everyday statements from president and Sata and Chellah? This is too much, we miss Dickson jere and RB, they used to go for weeks without alarming the nation, we can’t have threats every day coming from the high office, let’s the minister of home affairs the police do the talking
I am looking forward to seeing THE KNOWN OPPOSITION POLITICIANS inciting their royal highnesses to cause instability in WP brought to book, now that the Commander-in-Chief has instructed so.
This what bothers me, I just had pleasure of reading an article on why we black people are disadvantaged ( Not so myself because I am engaged to someone white and consider myself white inside) but I think genetically we have a problem
Why the president is bothering with the chiefs is beyond my comprehension.
He looks like one of those people that loves reading or hearing their own voice.
Scientists claim black people are less intelligent than whites in in one show I watched. There was a quote that stuck by me that while women have smaller brain sizes as men, they are just as intelligent as men, but that black people have smaller brain sizes than white people but are not as intelligent as white people.
Why not allow a whiteman to rule us?
You are mistaken Mushota, it was not a show, it was a porn movie in which your stupit husband was f******king you until you puked and then you went insane.
For your info. I am a scientist myself, and let me put you out of misery such researches are conducted buy whites and obviously they will put themselves on the upper hand, I have heard no research nor article in which a black man/scientist tries to prove otherwise. So such information is baseless, there are green apples and red ones, bottom line is they are both apples finish…..get that in your narrow brain!!!!!!!!
Zero leadership qualities in constable Sata.
Another Zimbabwe in the making…
Ba Mushota mwilitumpa sana, you sound very childish, how old are you, very imature ineed
@MUSHOTA- Clearly you have no idea what you talking about. Here, your analysis indicates that brain size determines smartness. Then clearly your theory about women and men is very laughable.
You are definitely of target and you speak like someone who has the belief that white males can shag you from the anal parts because you are inferior.
Mushota, so you can bend over for a white guy to shag you simply because you are considered inferior?
You girls out of country are doing very questionable positions in bed just to afford a meal and a few clothes.
I heard that Arabs actually put it in your mouths until you puke? Please clarify!
I fully agree with The Engineer. This man fully embraces Mugabe and there are good friends. Look at what Mugabe has done to Zimbabwe because of his dictatorial habits, which everyone will agree with me. Mugabe has or had Zimbabwe at heart – he fought for the land reforms, look where that has gotten them, he has silenced the private media among other things. And this is the same path Sata is following. Our president has never been democratic or even close to embrace diverse tribes or views. This is evident ever since he formed his party and from his history in the Chiluba government. Even on corruption: he says he allergic but goes to appoint chungu (on tribal lines), can he also explain the 2 billion in past, can he explain the $20K, or even the 1.2 billion he used to buy shares
#6 Mushota, you big P*U*S*S*Y. It’s you with a genetical problem, You say you feel white inside but outside you are as dark as Charcoal!
Mushota, I think you are a white person pretending to be black. Nonetheless, I will never be inferior to any race , ethnicity, age, gender, religion etc. I love myself and proud of who I am and what I have achieved. Currently as a black person I am teaching white people at university level of education with my ‘small brain’. Your comments are so irritating that I can insert a mixture of ulusonga and impiripiri in your mataka (pamusula).
The president is now intimidating people ‘as the commander in chief’…there is no need for this. Investigations should be conducted underground however how father has no patience at all.
our father
Freedom of expression is a universal right and prinviple to which there should be no exception.This in the previous rigime was excercised in private media by Mr Sata and PF without hindrance or prohibition by law. Today we have perm. sec. specifically to cramp on freedom of expression used in private media. We have already graduated from the primary school of intruction in mutual understanding of hard earned rights. Just like Mr Sata went round freely in the country side with father Bwalya’s red cards and sold his ideas (resulting in his success), so others must be allowed freely to do so. If they carry weapons, guns and other arms, then its trasonable. Idea sharing and public awareness of ppolitics in the country is not treasonable in Zambia. Zambian constitution guarantees us all.
It seems he is more of a police officer or TV entertainer than a president when he has appointed fully capable individuals who are responsible for such. His focus should be devising ways of reforming and recovery for a prosperous Zambia but I guess that is what happens when we elect someone based on frustration and not reasoning – I don’t think he knows what he is doing. A country is different from a political party Mr.president. I am happy with some of your decisions such the speaker you chose, the decrease in interest rates. But for sure you DO NEED TO HAVE A GOVERNMENT THAT HAS FULL REPRESENTATION OF ALL TRIBES AND REGIONS AND NOT JUST BEMBAS, PLEASE LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE. ALL PRESIDENTS HAVE DONE IT.
hakainde is behind all this nonsence malabishi yake uja chikala. the chap is biter like no mans busines,but this time you should arest the fool aya sana kolye..mr presdo we are behind you.
Mushota, have you ever dissected a white person to check the internal organs? Some of us have and can share a lot from that perspective. If ‘Nick’ was to lose his lips, I will be the first one to donate my mataka skin for redrafting!
Ba mushota na ba engineer please be proud to be zambians. I have lIved abroad and i still feel zambia can be a better place to be. No one will appreciate your contribution in uk or Australia. I feel we can make zambia a proud nation like the countries you are mentioning. Why do you think Bush can come to zambia within 60 days of MCS S rule. Visit your country and see what sata is talking about kwaliba poverty because of selfish people and thieves.
This is lunacy at it’s worst. One would expect such alarmist conduct to come from lower level party cadres, not the whole entire head of state. Sata should know that the lack of appointees in his administration from Western, North-Western and Southern will sooner than later explode in his face. He will swallow his tribal bigotry hard, the count down has just begun.
Chilufya and his Bemba tribalists only want to use money from NW to develop their homelands which contribute the least to the economic well being of Zambia. What do you expect from a president who once said that the people of NW are only good for cleaning toilets or the likes of Chishimba who has made disparaging remarks regarding the intelligence of Luvale people?
Now is this Mr Sata speaking? For example, has he forgotten the promises he made to westerners over BRE in his campaigns? Within 90 days this has come back to haunt him. PF politics eishhh, one day we shall wake up to find that there is no Zambia anymore, just nine bantustans (okay 10 now).
Good evening
#6 Mushota what’s with all this negative talk? I try to ignore your comments but it is really sickening to witness such rejection of Africans by a fellow African. Knock it off for once!
It just shows how much you have been brainwashed by racial propaganda. You must be suffering from a great pyschological trauma for you to be worshipping the white man and his material world. And yet it is this same white man who enslaved your forefathers and has continued to oppress your own flesh and blood. I pray for you to change your abominable conduct or else I’m sorry that you will have to learn reality the hard way.
We shall soon conduct a comprehensive analysis of the ‘change’. My worry is that the government is concentrating too much on the past than the present and the future. Yes, we can learn from the past but the way issues are being conducted is a great worry for some of us. There is indeed a lacuna in leadership and this has to be addressed. We cannot ignore the fact that governance is an intricate concept however the evidence indicates lack of direction and political maturity. The epicentre of ‘change’ is focused on discrediting the opposition than on national development issues. The president thinks he can solve everything without a strategic vision and plan.
What MCS should understand is that as president he should work as an executive and give direction rather than be embroiled in the minute details of micro-management. In life when people complain, you should sit back and ask yourself if there is anything that they are saying which you could be missing. The people of North-Western province have expressed a concern which has been addressed by all the previous presidents and which should also be addressed by the current president. MCS can get a few tips from the experience of KK. His appointments (MCS) show a an aggressive form of nepotism and tribalism. He should be ashamed of himself.
What we seem to have is a paranoid Prez who is obviously frightened by his own shadow. When is he going to start doing some work? Witch-hunting, finger-pointing, will not build the nation. If he cant do the job, let someone else take charge.
Nine Chale, thank you. No wonder we respect you on this blog. You are a winner indeed. Pump some sense in this MI5/MI6 agent. He is on the wrong place altogether.
Seriously if the Army did something, the nation would thank them.
Well said Shaka!
How can we go for three months without a Bank Governor and a board in place? This is beyond me and just goes to show that we are in for a rough ride. MCS is a joker. Does anyone have a copy of his CV?
What MSC needs is a mentor and I think Senior Citizen can perform an excellent job!
He could have learnt alot from RB,but sadly it is my ball kind of a game.
I must say I have been out of touch with events for a while but reading the lecture at hand, it appears to me that there is a combustive mix of post-election frustration and ethnic loyalty. The president is right when he says he will not allow the national stability that is enjoyed by many to be jeopardized by a few. This should not be a time for divisions. It is time that Zambians forgot all their differences and moved together as one country, regardless which party is in power.
Dont be a yes bwana blind-supporter of wrong things. how can nation move together one if there are deliberate efforts being made to divide pipo and make some zambians feel like second class citizens in their own country! learn to be objective; you are not doing pres any favours by supporting wrong things. remember this is a minority govt that needs to do a lot to unite zambians rather than forever issuing careless statements
It is now too late for the CV. He needs help and urgently otherwise we are in great trouble. It seems he has instilled some fear in his cabinet already. This is democracy people, Zambia is our country and remember less than 2 million voted for him. Yes, he has the mandate but there are many doubts so far. If we were to quantify the mistakes so far we could come up with a chain of ants from level 1 of FINDECO House to level 22 in a linear format, counting the ants could take years!
It is disappointing to note that most bloggers have been contaminated by tribalist comments of HH and his group. Now you are seeing and shouting tribalism everywhere even if you are caught stealing.
No 32
Too bad you missed the beginning of the SATA circus… do not worry its still in town for a long time to come….. only problem tickets are sold out. Too bad if you are non-bemba you will not even be allowed on the ticket line.
The best part of the show is what was taught to him by Mugabe during the livingstone visit. My sources say it will make Zimbabwe like a kids show…
I managed to get a ticket from one of the Kaponya’s at Kamwala apparently tickets a free for them. You can take my ticket for a fee
We can only move together if people are accorded freedom of speech that is free from intimidation. The problem we have is a constitutional one. The president has too much power (Police and DEC you can now investigate my son). On the other hand the culture and saying of ‘boma ni boma’ should be eradicated.
‘Boma ni boma’ should be replaced by ‘Boma for the people’!
And No 31
You looking for a CV??? I know a circus were he once worked, they might give you a reference. Otherwise jobs in a circus are normally Job on Training … a Standard 2 can easily do and one day you can become the master of the circus
Sata is a hardcore tribalist and saddist,will be brought down like Gadhaffi
This is a serious issue people do not be fooled. The Engineer (Australia) I am prepared to pay for that ticket! But on the serious note our people will suffer with this government that is centred on an individual than a team.
There is also stupid freedom of speech. Insighting people to revolt against GVT is not a good freedom of speech but demanding grieviances is right one.
Some people are saying that we should forget our differences and move forward regardless of what party you voted for – very easy to say when you belong to the group that is receiving all the favours! In other words just put up and shut up – us Bembas dont have to meet anybody half way while we consume the money that your province is producing!
Of course if you do not have a stake in the state you will want to revolt. Why should NW produce 20% of Zambia’s GDP and be left out of the governance of the country? Why should governance of Zambia be dominated by people whose provinces contributes almost nothing to the coffers of the country?
What do you mean by ‘insighting’ NSHUMFWA? There is no such word!
If we were to apply stakeholder theory to the current atmosphere in Zambia, yes, it will favour people from Northern province.
Bushe aba ba mudala when is he going to stop halucinating? Too much talking about things that do not matter. If someone is doing anything wrong, the police should do something about it. That is the job of the Minister of Home Affairs. Sata should be setting out his vision. No one believes these conspiracy theories anymore.
Let’s stick to the point. The one person who has provoked the people of North Western and indeed other provinces besides Luapula, Mchinga and Northern is Michael Sata himself. Instead of throwing tantrums against North Western Chiefs, let him just name one cabinet minister from their province and shame them. The fact is he can’t. Oppressed people have a right to fight their oppression by any means. If Sata’s answer is treason, let him go ahead and lock up all the chiefs and those politicians he seems to be blaming about for his tribalism.
Somewhere in Mpika a village is missing its id.iot!
Why should ba tata bashi Mulenga ba Sata appoint those nyamazais into the cabinet? Do you want him to be smelling amafi, after all we all know they are just toilet cleaners? For the next five Zambia chalo chesu, if you want to revolt just try it and you will think that Mongu 14th Jan 2011 was just a children’s party.
#49 I think you are wrong. You can only miss something that is not common. The village you are talking about has many *****s so I doubt they are missing the one you are talking about.
Stinking. pussy arsee.
yes Mr President we are ready for the order to crush any bugs that want to incite disorder in the nation. We await your order Sir. we shall sort them out by any means. let them come out with stones,spears and pangas. we bomb them to the stone age. GBM please order more arms boma ni boma. SHUSHU keep it up don,t make the mistake Chiluba mad of bringing chungu and them let us stick to the plan. Nafuti nafuti another 3 terms.lekeni kateka ateke
Wow! I don`t think No. 50 is a Bemba. Bloggers please don`t listen from him or her. Even if Bembas are 55percent of the population., I Don`t think they think like he has writen. He is one of the rot that is germinating with triblelism mentality. Only a fool can listen from him.
Sata’s thinking capacity is very shallow and I have never seen a president who has rubbish to talk about every day. When are we going to hear about development?
HE MCS please give a dog a born never a steak, so we can control our security do not give them jobs sir, let the wait until them get plot1 , which will happen NEVER EVER HAPPEN
No 53
If you voted for him… am sure by now you must have realized you wasted your vote. We did tell you that this man was only fit to be a market chairman. Ask him about inflation, FDI etc. Remember he said Chibamba was a fake economist? Now we have fake money :), Gold has been stolen, Lexus cars, now Chief’s.
ba sata step down, you have failed to rule
@ nine chale
you are always eloquent but biased in your submissions,you have been blinded by being a hardcore pro sata.how can people move forward as a nation when some people feel left out.advise your hero that zambia is not only about bembas and other tribes won`t just bury their heads in sand for the sake of national unity but will voice the frustrations so just wait till the all icing has melted from your masters cake and you will see how disenchanted people are.
@mushota what type of drugs do you take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you say: Scientists claim black people are less intelligent than whites in in one show I watched.
You mean black people like you who think their white because they dating a white man. You a sick sad person coming on here to ridicule loving Zambians. You’ll never be white mushota. you black inside and out. Take off your hair extentions and go natural to remind yourself who you are. Irritating bitch. Go look in the mirror and tell me what you see. A BLACK WOMAN FROM ZAMBIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU AFRICAN AND WILL DIE AFRICAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks like the way it was when he was opposition PF leader. The party was all about himself. He was the party and the party was himself. This is the way it is also looking now, that the government is all himself and himself is the government. Instead of those seemingly daily press releases, why can’t he spell out that the chief government spokesperson is the minister of Information, and thus, should be informing the nation when need arises, unlike now because it sure looks like the president is the chief government spokesperson? More popcorns please!
What has happened to the issue of trying to gag on-line publications? The man has said so many things that it will soon become difficult to keep track of them. This is what my bemba wife would call ‘ukubwabwata’. I was impressed by the figures that Bob Sichinga gave when he visited England. For example 300,000 kids leave school and 5000 jobs are created each year in Zambia. The new government should start working and improving on such figures. In one management course that I did, it was stated that you cannot control or change what you cannot quantify. It is time to start delivering and stop playing on peoples shattered egos.
Mushota your your an entertainer who amazes everyone on this blog. You are an enigma and I bet you enjoy every bit of it!
According to the Peter Principle, everyone rises to his or her level of incompetence. This unfortunately, is Mr. Sata’s level of incompetence. He needed the job so desperately, but he had no idea it was that demanding! What an embarrassment he must be to himself, his wife and ardent supporters!
Wel,well Mr Sata now that the shoe is on the other foot you don’t like the very same things you used to do to MMD while you were the opposition.What you used to call campaigning while in PF opposition is what you’re now calling incitement while in govt.You can’t have your way zed is not burger king.
Its true! A leopard can never change its spots. So far no suprises from sata. But if he thinks he is now the un-touchable. He must think again. Zambia is for us all president, ruling party or atherwise. It takes very litle to ignite a huge fire. This is no threat, but treat NW with care.
@50 and 51 please tone down your language ,we only have one country and do no not want a situation like Rwanda. Learn to call a spade a spade and accept criticism the fact is that our dear President has made so many blunders and he needs to slow down. I am proud I never voted for him luckily even my daughter who voted for the first time was not swayed by his fake promises his language was enough to put her off
“The President has been briefed on the subversive activities by some known opposition politicians inciting their royal highnesses in the region to make demands that are tantamount to black-mailing government on some issues including public service appointments pertaining to the provincial administration of North-Western Province.” George Chela (Chellah) my brother tone down or at least find simple words in your rich vocabulary. Some of these words if not used properly can alarm the nation. I hope you listen. Thank you!
It is not acceptable to threaten their royah highness & the people of NWP who have been maginalised in term of development. Sata, know that a commision of inquiry will be set up after you leave office if you do atrocities to the people of NWP. You’re being hypocritical condemning RB over WP while you’re also doing the same thing to NWP. Shame on the Post which only thinks and condems anything to WP than to other provinces.
It is clear President Sata has abandoned the good services of the OP in preference to deceptive information fed to him by The Post. Mmembe tailors his dispatches to State House in a format that is palatable to a politician who thrives to hear what he expects. But Security Wings possess intricate vital data that is out of reach from The Post. Sata is now fearing his own shadows. The danger is that considering the rate at which the President is despising the important roles of the Police, ACC, DEC and OP ,a fine set of Security Officers will withhold the vital information, hence exposing the President to vulnerable internal and external hostile environments.
@33 Nine Chale ,what do you mean by saying, “it appears to me that there is a combustive mix of post-election frustration and ethnic loyalty?”Can you for once shut up and read what others with brains have to say.Just for you own information NWP contributes over 20% of the country’s GDP and yet your devil president ignores and insults the people from there.We are not begging him ,we do not want drunkards like Shamulenge to be incharge of our rich province.
Iwe koswe you want us to forget and move forward what do you mean?NWP is part Zambia and we are not going to be marginalized by Satana and his fools like Kambwili.
Hey you,you have no moral right to tell us what to do.
President Sata must know that the people of North-Western Province (Luvales, Lundas and Mbundas) are ethnically strongly linked to the peoples of Moxico Province of Angola. The Savimbi and Mushala factors are still fresh in the minds of Angolans and Zambians respectively. History is bound to repeat itself if President Sata smells smoke when there is actually NO fire in NW Province. The people of NW Province are a friendly and peaceful souls who, like in other parts of Zambia expect genuine developement to start with the completion of the Mutanda-Chavuma road.
Sata, don’t start running away from your shadow, little people, stupid,*****. We are approaching the 90days Mr. President
HE justified himself by saying “we dont balance people by putting them for the sake of putting them. we look at brains”. so all those who a crying that our tribes have been left out Bushe how many pipo is HEgoing to appoint? if he is goimg to say this tribe needs a rep in the cabinet yhen we are going to have 73 cabinet ministers so let him do his job. Can some 1 publish the list of the cabinet and where they come from so that U back yo argument with facts.
HE MCS is refering to government black-mailing here people. Freedom of speech is of course every Zambian national’s right but we should not undermine the government. We can deliver our concerns in a mature manner not to revolt against the government. Such acts will have serious consequences if implemented and thus MCS is urging all Zambians to refrain from that.
I’m surprised at people’s reactions to Mushota’s comment. Look at #50, that is really disgusting. I’m Bemba but cannot be compared tothis fool at #50. Mushota is right. We blacks do not have brains. The few of us that have brians have left Zambia because we refuse to be ruled by brianless Kaponyas.
sata should appoint pipo from all parts of the country for us to share the wealthy of this nation equitably not just from his Luapula, northern, muchinga and eastern power blocks.
all tribal languages must be treated equally on all radio and tv programs and adverts if we are all going to feel and see the unity.
There is no superior tribe verse as some see it. we have been sidelined by bembas and ngonis for too long 50yrs. NO NO ‘luhanile’
I for one supported this SERPENT called Sata. I am/was PF and I am North Western Province. I now understand the position taken by our Mbuya brothers and sister, i.e. the Tongas and the Lozis. If this snake continues with his tribalism and nepotism, he will fail to govern this country. Every appointment is either bemba or from eastern. Threats and intimidation will not solve anything. Attend to people’s grievances.
stupid chap you and your so called mbuyas were asked to give us an mp so that we give you full cabinet ministers you refused .so what can the president do.
one wonders which sperm produced you chaps ,you think hakaitole hichinena (hh) will manage to disturb the GOVT by inciting these foolish chiefs .boma ni boma will castrate the chap .and you tonga fools why do you like talking about bembas mwe ngo’mbe mwe.you always enjoy ukutomba bemba women cause there naturally beautiful but on the other hand you are insulting them.mr president please sir just starting arresting these chaps nabamidelela sana ba mumbwe. go go go pabwato elo mulande shani tuleteka. hakaitole kaku left will never rule this country.dull chap.
Deal with them Mr president!! They want to be taking us back when we are moving forward….STUPID *****S!!!
The Truth is The President has no MP from NWP to appoint to ministerial position and secondly Sara Saifwanda was given a chance to be appointed and she blew it up. So who is to blame here? MMD vuvuzelas own up to the truth and accept the blame.
It is either alarming, warning or firing what a president. Please when are you going to talk about development? It is clear you are bias to bembas and you now want to develop your Muchinga Province at the expense of other older provinces like N/Western Province. Sata and you team you need to come down to earth, you cannot be threatening people day in and out. We are tired your type of politics. Start govrning the nation and leave the headmaster approach to school headmasters. As for the appointments you have no chice but to re-think about some of them for example Sampa and Chishimba for they are on record insulting some sector of our society.
Will zambian ever learn.
All past president have used this game.
They promise you mountains and come delivery time.It is ecuse and blame game.
What sata is doing is to divert attention.
I really wish fellow zambians will one day wake up and smell the coffee
Number 77 you are not being truthfull. The Provincial minister for North Western Province is not Bemba but Lozi. It is a great pity that some people in Zambia most times choose to be blinded from the truth. Mushota I had a lot of respect for you but now you have clearly showed that you are subjective in most of your contributions to this blog
This man is running away from the real issue.he alarmed the nation that the money was fake.now he wants to threaten people. foolish you can arrest everyone if you feel like but the fact is that you are insane that shall never change and tell you press aid to be serious mad man
Diverting people’s attention to non issues.Just deliver your on your 90 days promises bwana.You seem to have no clue any way but we are watching you. 5 years kuyabebele tate, you failure. Worsted votes and important economic growth period.
# 75 if you had a brain then how can you be on the run and being proud to be a kwere?? People with brains are solution finders in the whatever crisis. Being a coward does not amount to having brains.
Mr. Presdo, we are always behind you. Keep the good works up and make our country good for everyone. Don’t worry so much about what some small brains talk. Even Jesus , the Son of the living God, spotless as He was, still was crucified.
What harm have they done by airing their views?
If you can’t stand these Ka-Luenas, let them have their province to rule themselves as a country and you go to your Muchinga province and rule it as a country….then we will see who will die from total poverty!
15 days to go, dont divert our attention
wait and see the bugs will be crushed what do u think G Bush was selling Better arms to make you even more submissive, Long live PF another 3 terms ..you slugs better start bolting inti the desert
Engineer#56. You are correct, he once called Chibamba Kanyama a fake economist after he advised on minimum wages. Now yesterday, I listened to parliament radio and got an MP ask Shamenda the following, ‘Mr Chibamba Kanyama advised you some time back just how complicated this issue of minimum wage is. Do you now believe him?”
Shamenda replied, ‘Mr Chibamba Kanyama is one of many experts we have in this country and we have a big file of submissions which we are studying.’ This shows you the quality of our president; ready to bite without thinking.
leave small internal matters to junior part officials mr pres.
Bupuba on you #84. Leave Jesus Christ out of this issue. You can’t compare the good Lord Jesus Christ who loved everyone regardless to your tribal president. You should have been telling your tribal president to emulate Jesus’ action and not comparing the good Lord to your tribal president. Every province needs development and respect but your tribal president has no respect for our friends in NWP. We need their wealth but we disrespect them. Shame on PF. Nine Chali I had great respect for you but your have been blinded by your PF cadreship to a point where you don’t see anything wrong being done by Sata and PF. You have a right to support PF but don’t support every wrong that Sata and PF are doing. Remember how Sata mistook a tourist for a hotel manager in Lstone. Wha a prez?
@True bantustans:hh
In the end there will be a Tonga country, Lozi country, Luvale country, Kaonde country, Lunda country, Mbunda country and within these countries there will be divisions along family and clan lines. If Lundas and Luvales are enemies and can’t live together in harmony in a district, what more living together as a province? Maybe we need to split along ethnic line like it is with the germans, Brits, french, spaniard etc, but even within themselves there are distinctions which have led to ETA and IRA resistance. So lets find a clever solution to this issue and not what some oppositionist are doing. Thats chaos and it needs to be dealt with heavy handed.
Fellow bloggers; i am kindly and humbly asking you to please ignore Mushota. Do not answer her in any way…she is diverting issues and finishing space on the blog. She is just an attention seeking whore. Please do not give her any attention she will look for it elsewhere i can assure you of that!!!!
Cage these stupid people,they didn’t vote for you ,what do they want?
I’m not sure whether these Satanics realise Zambia does not have an army to fight any insurgency if one arose from any part of the country! The so called Zambian army was captured once by Foday Sankoh’s rag tags in Sierra Leon and one should realise that all these tribally inclined appointments will only fuel resentment in the national rank and file and bring us to the brink of war. All senior cabiner portfolios are held by Northern Caucas janjaweeds like Kambwili, Mambwe, Chikwanda and Sakeni and besides Chikwanda, the other three are lumpens of the worst order and ordour who landed these posts purely because of their tribes. Sata’s presidence is doomed!
These are clear indicators of failure! Mr. Sata you have a mammoth task ahead of you. Please delegate some of these duties and concentrate of your promises. Mind you, we are focused and watching intently. Our minds shall not be diverted to your promises!
Today it is the Chiefs, the other day it was two opposition leaders trying to kill PF leaders! Sata should just admit that he is playing tribal politics which he must stop NOW!
Does MCS have the mental, not to mention his physical, capacity to run the country?
i wonder if this man even has a clue what a job of a president is.
YAYAYA.. Zed has no leader. We want economic development issues. Everyday pointing fingers on others. Triblalism BU. Shame on Zed. Shall some body move a motion to ……
new elections now. Maybe not but the direction of leadership is not the best. Its like the path of Zim mugadola. may zed shall be called zedisatankwaci
I voted for this guy, but it did not take long after Sept 20 before I realised that we have the wrong guy altogether in that office. I wish I had listened more to Chanda Chimba III than to Mmembe who seems to be regretting that he too backed the wrong horse.
90 days is about to elapse and its looks like 90% of the PF goverments focus have been either frustrating the MMD and UPND leaders with threats of being gaged. try solving the problems the people of zambia are facing..
Guys we all make ourselves look fools each time we comment on Mushota, just a friendly reminder.
#109, Could not agree with you more. There are better things than to focus on this self made Scottish woman or man whichever is applicable.
Mr Sata has recently been assessed not to travel for more than 2 hours by air on medical grounds. The PF govt is required to inform the nation about this developmnt. Mr Sata was in the fore front for MMD govt to inform the nation about the fitness of the president when late president LP Mwanawasa was seriously ill. We intend to lobby the opposition MPs, civil society, labour movement, chiefs, clegy and all democrats in Zambia including PF MPs to move a motion for impeachment of the current republican president. I know to some this sounds like treasonable offence, ney constitution provides for it where a sitting president is not fit for the purpose as the current situation obtains.
NWP-Sara Sayifwanda was given a cabinet position and she declined that she could not be deput cabinet minister, well, what more would you like. I consider it as childish to cry that they are not considered for appointments.
If you feel you deserve more vegies…do the farming than go shop at the market..
These headmen do all sorts of things and get away with them. Umfwiti, land grabbing, illegal sale of land, rape, adultery, gun running, murder, assault, defamation of character, theft, cattle rustling, illegal royalties, slavery, growing and trafficking mbanje etc. These human beings must be monitored seriously by the goverment and law efforcement agencies. The villagers don`t seem even to know their rights. Ni ba headman, so pasa ulemu even when it is an illegal act.The chiefs, if not accomplices, are too distanced from the so many headmen in their chiefdom. Govt, NGOs, police, DEC there is a lot more evil happening in villages committed by village headmen.
You can’t force everybody to agree to your opinions but you need to respect other views of other people.For president Sata he should not think that all the provinces in Zambia should be PF NO WAYS BWANA gone are those days, We need a strong opposition for check and balances, we don’t want all the seats to be for PF NO!
Mr Sata began well by promising Zambians issues he can hardly even begin to address of employment of the youths, national development is hard to perceive, and most developmental projects have been discintinued and instead created tension in the nation. We all supported him on fight against corruption and still do, but his approach is highly questionable. As at now there has been no defitive conclusion on most cases he announced in the past 3 months eg border scarns scandle people identified behind it are not punished. All these failures to handle of national issues efficiently is fertile ground for change of presidency. MrSata has started many fights his healthy can not absorb however, the nation needs a clear direction in governance.
Zambians, do not be deceived. Chibamba Kanyama talks too much and claims to be a person he is not. He talks wealth when he is a salaried employee of Zambian Breweries (probably the biggest happening in his life).
I disagree at anyone calling Kanyama ‘an expert’.
Mushota – read up on the scientist who in the last few years made the same ignorant claim even going so far as to claim the slightest ‘tainting’ of the White gene by the Black impaired IQ. Much to all our amusement he was challenged to a DnA test and he had the Black gene. You are crossing the line with your attempts to be humorous and need to grow up. The whole eugenics idea is sciebtific racism and you of all people should know better. Perhaps living in a UK drug capital has something to do with your ‘alternate’ reality :)
Being a dictator is very close to SATA’s heart, mind and actions.
SATA if not checked will begin to rule by dictatorship, this is what his actions has always displayed.
It will be very sad for people to have waken up at 03:00 AM to vote for a new leader in the name of SATA in preference to his predicessor only to discover later that they had laboured to usher in a dictator.
I know that not everyone who voted for SATA is happy they did a good thing; many have already regreted while yet many others are not sure whether they did the right thing. Others didn’t know what was happening and they still dont know what is happening.
How do you tell one is a dictator?
They lie;
They threaten;
They use propaganda to divert people from the truth for their advantage;
They dont respect law.
everyday he ‘s warning people..whats happening..there’s no order in the country..!people have lost all the confidence in the pf govt!!
Zambia will have elections before 2016…. anyone want to challenge me???
121 The Engineer (Australia). The people have spocken loud and clear that presidency in Zambia needs replacement for 2 reasons; 1- Glaring breaches of the republican constitution.(Sata thinks there isn’t any Zambian constitution to be observed) 2- Ill health of president is of great concern as Zambia can not afford to have a “Zambian bound president” un able to embark on any foreign trips that is attached to the presidency post. Let us lobby our parliament to begin impeachment procedures based on these 2 reasons stated above which our constitution provides for impeachment. Yes, we agree with you the Engineer Zambia has to have elections of a president before 2016.
Dream on ! Ask yourselves this ? Why are the tongas only ones insulting and advocating these stupid ideas.PF is our duly elected govt put up or shut up
For the first time in my 40 yrs on earth am embarrassed to be Bemba…I actually thought he was Bisa…Plz lord save us frm this big finished dilapidatd politician…he is like a used tooth brush…How can his priority be banning bleaching creams…oh well i can understand coz he ha s”I came to stay” Ba president!!!!…sad
Sata has lost grip with less than 90 days. Can anyone tell us any developmental projects he has mentionedso far instead of talking about people who critizize him?
@50 I curse the day you were born. May the earth and ancestors swallow your pathetic stinking body. You are so disgusting. Shame on you. Son of a bitch.