President Michael Sata has castigated two clergy men who plan to hold a briefing to denounce him over the constitution making process.
Mr. Sata has said that Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia Executive Director Reverend Pukuta Mwanza and Bishop Simon Chihana intend to hold a press briefing to denounce the head of state.
President Sata said that the two supported the MMD before the elections and they have should not question his appointments.
And President Sata has reiterated his message that traditional rulers inciting people to rise against the PF- government were peddling lies about the Patriotic Front, in the runner up to the September 20 polls.
The President repeated the warning that any political or traditional leader in the North Western province inciting instability will be visited by the law.
President Sata said that it is disappointing that the traditional rulers inciting people to rise against government were lying to the people that if he wins the September 20 elections, he would send all people in the region to Angola.
President Sata said this when he swore in two members of the technical committee on the Constitution and the Permanent secretary for the ministry of commerce trade and industry on Thursday.
Those sworn in are Patricia Jere and Reuben Lifuka for the constitution technical committee and Stephen Mwansa as permanent secretary in the Ministry of commerce trade and industry.
What kind of a president is this? Every briefing he receives from the intelligence wings becomes news to him. He is still behaving like an opposition leader. He does not need to yap about any briefing he receives. How boring.
Besides, it is a democratic right for every Zambia to denounce whoever he chooses. And I wish to use that right now and denounce you Sata. And lets see what you will do about that. Grow up and act like a President of a country for once, and not like an opposition cadre
foolish *****
Threats and intimidation will not yield any thing. Politicians dont learn from others. This is a democracy. Ikazanda muno, dont think that PF is indispensable. Teimwe mwaleseka ba MMD?
Look at the appointments once again, bemba, eastern and a lozi just to please the lozis bevcause of the Barosteland issue. This Sata-na, funny how people easily change.
satan knock you fool
Mr Sata is the same man he was, and has little qualities and leadership skills if at all. It is often said that In Chess even when a Pawn becomes a Queen It is is still merely a playing piece.
Zambia needs schools, and education and a lot of who are educated beyond just a degree and as minimum threshold of atleast a Masters have a different perspective on Zambia. Because we have refused to settle for the average.
I wanted a man to challenge me, I got a Scotsman, I wanted a Job to challenge me, I have one. I am still not happy unlike the majority you, I am still wanting the best of me, in what I do so that I can be the best mother in the interest of Nick and my Children who will not be black by virtue of Nick being White
Why am I not allowed to be dreaming?
You are just starving in Scotland and don’t pretend as though it is even a nice place. You are a retarded former prostitute who use to beg people to sleep with you when you were in Zambia! We know all about you and if you had a nice life in Scotland you would have been participating in the debates there and not on our local papers. You are lonely with your ka old Musungu who smells like Cheese or a soaked dog. White women worship black people on the net. Just google black men and blondes women and see how many pages will pop up. I have never seen a white man that will worship a black woman unless he is old, ugly, fat, or all of the above.
useless bitch loose on the blog.
ba mushota muli chili ule fye mayo…leave the president alone pliz,let him freely sweep the rubish which hakainde left in lima bank…as for this two disgruntled clegy men their a disgres to say the reast…hakainde should come in terms with reality and accept that he,ll neva rule zambia.
Mushota look now how you are disgracing Scotland? Your comments are harmful to this beautiful country. Wish you well, but remember i warned you several times about the damage your comments are making and people have complained. For your information, i have reported your comments to strathyclyde P. Don’t say you didnt know what you were doing. Good luck.
can you run the country like you ran ur campaigns….donchi kubeba, this new tell all tactic, makes you look like you have a lot of enemies, concentrate on you 90 day teeth whitening treatment
only tonga enemies ma bro. the rest of us love him. foolish comment.
It is like Sata treats the info from the OP as a scoop, forgetting he is the intended recipient!
Reading the papers both on internet and others, its like there is more division in zambia than ever, can somebody explain why? Why is the president receiving so much opposition ever? There has never been such opposition agaisnt the president, especiallly by regions. Please PF, examine your decision and try to embrace everyone. Some ridges once created may be very difficult to mend.
we will embrace all but … wait a minute…. tongas? are you sure these fools can be?
Some clegymen are cheap, when things are not going their way they dont see anything good, they never talked about the misdeeds of the past regime but kept quet with that rot
they are fools indeed tell them.
# 3 I think you are mad do you have any grey matter upstairs?
what do you expect from a bitch.
Awe Sata ena we, we made a terrible mistake to put this lunatic in power.
chi colour have respect your father is—————
Mushota, What do u do for life? You are not objective in most cases and in most debates. Probably you are just a news and bloger caledonia with no thinking for objective debate. Criticizing can be adictive. I hope you are not addicted.
Your Excellency, they have not even held the press conference and you lambast them. Is Zambia so devoid of leadership we have to have a man who clearly does not understand that in a democracy people are allowed to air their dissent.
This can’t be good for his health. And incidentally what is he going to do when they hold the press conference? Arrest them?
Hollow threats.
What are the jobs for the youth who voted for you? That should be your preoccupation, Sir.
Pantu who didn’t for pF should give us time to rule.HH and his bantustan wants to bring confusion and tribal war in Zambia.Tribes will just start fighting like the way it was in Rwanda.Why should HH think Tongas are supposed to rule?Anyway we’ll see who will be beaten.Coz i know bantustan are coward people.
This is going too far. Mr Sata lets talk about development and the 90 days more money fimo fimo. How can you be a President/ Spokesman/ BOZ governer/ lawyer …. and the list goes on.
Of the 19 cabinet ministers serving under Sata, 13 are from his tribe.
More than three-quarters of deputy ministers are from Sata’ region. The diplomatic service has been populated by Sata’s relatives and clansmen.
Except for one, all the Commissions of Inquiry he has appointed are led by his tribesmen.
All the government controlled media houses are now led by people from Sata’s region.
All senior staff at State House is from Sata’s tribe.
I want to ask fellow bloggers just one question……why do you bother replying to #3 statements?
Do you really have that kind of time to waste. Lets ignore the he/she. Pretend IT doesnt exist.
Coming back to the issue at hand. Well done HE MCS tell the cheap clergymen running tuntemba churches to stop waffling
No we can no longer ignore this ***** becuase the comments are harmful to the country she has chosen to live in. The problem is LT who on several occasions i have advised to delete the harmful comments but they dont want.
State House is a busy place for these swearing-in ceremonies every morning, why doesn’t everyone swear-in every Monday morning once a week…just swear in and go to work, no need to invite the press; if the President wants to talk he can hold a press conference.
These are consequences when you vote for uneducated person as president. Will this man ever change??
good afternoon dear all,we are to blame ourselves.those who new sata from unip and mmd era would not voted for him.sata is a tribalist.look at his cabinet,all key ministries are bembas.you mean other tribes they are no learned pipo.i would love to encourge other tribes to come together and fight these guys so that come 2016 we either have a president from other provinces other than these thievies who are regrouping together and mess up our country.how to someone appoints the likes of chunga and mwamba.shame to pf leadership
Barking Dogs Seldom Bite….. Uku sata Chila bushiku by the head of state really undermines the dignity of that office…. Unless the idea is to distract attention from the hidden agenda of this old serpent……
Sata lunatic…. What a long 5 years term this is going to be with this lunatic in office!
Hate him or not ,Its His Excellency Mr President Micheal Chilufya Sata.Zambai has so many rivres ,go drown yourself if you are not happy .
Does this man have advisers? He cannot afford to respond to every Jim and Jack because the more he does the more people will try to provoke him. Let him display some statesmanship by only opening his mouth when it is absolutely necessary. I have always said that the only PF person who seems to be showing qualities of a president is Guy Scott. A president without any friends at his level except the maligned Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe. What does that say about him?
When the uneducated are allowed to rule……….
Kwena ba Pulezidenti you cant be making news everyday. Try and work quietly. Chachine not everything from the Special Branch sould reach us!
Oh no no. You are not a Whistle Blower, You are the Presido and you must realise that the majority of the people did not vote for you, so don’t expect hugs and kisses from every Zambian.
It is their democratic right to denounce you! deal with it and get over it.
Stop issuing daily threats to Zambians, its infantile and petty…we are a free people and don’t much care for bullies.
ANother bemba PS
@#7 PF Mutale. the good thing is Sata is uneducated and is too talkative. So lets thank GOD for he is not interested in stealing or misusing our money. This is what GOD has given us for now.
Mr. President, please tell us when and how you are going to start delivering on your promises to the Zambian people. Why do you continue to embarass yourself with petty gossip and heresay?
If anyone has told lies it is you sir, but then again fibbing, rumour mongering, lack of integrity,hypocrisy etc, etc are second nature to you. (not of course forgetting the ugliness in every sense of the word)
Mr President – Don’t be daft. We know you are NOT EDUCATED as pronounced in London 4 days ago by the father to the man who married your daughter also known as Bob Sichinga ( Minister of Commerce )
DENOUNCE is an English word that can be interpreted as: CRITICIZE, CENSURE, DEPLORE… This is not TREASON or TREACHERY
Fellow country men, I warned you. well those of you that ever noted my reservation to the election of this man.The problem I see with our president is that iin as much as he is a capable leader, he followed for too long and now he is finding it hard to point the blaming finger.
In all honesty and truth this regime is like very beautiful but extremely delicate pottery that’s already cracking.
He enjoyed the clergy’s criticisms of the MMD Gov’t coz it gave him mileage. now that he is on the other side of the road they are villains. Talking about the Chiefs, let me not stat with that but I think he should resign while he still has an inkling of dignity left. Else-wise Parliament should pass a vote of no confidence and impeach him maybe then he’ll learn that we are Zambians too. One Zambia!!!
Instead! Can you divert your time to finding & appointing a credible Governor of Bank of Zambia? BOZ has a lot of Monetary Policies on the table that need to be endorsed to enhance the Economy.
However the man you have appointed to Shadow the position is a Psychologist, who completely has no idea what to do. This follows the fact that his subordinates at BOZ keep explaining issues over and over to him and the importance – but does not seem to get a grip or grasp anything.
iwe chi eastern power we are not cowards try fighting us and you will see.by the way what does this have to do with tongas that president of your is insulting everyone he will end up insulting his madam in public
#17 Listen to yourself. I can bet you most of you here are more educated than I am yet your conduct, at least in words, leaves a lot to be desired. When did education matter but on paper? Education does not mean diddly. Bob Marley put it so succinctly, “We had no education, we had inspiration….if I was educated I would have been a dumb fool.” Most of the people who post on LT and other blogs are indeed dumb fools!
awe lwalinya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I miss RB already, this ***** will be the worst president Zambia will ever have. Can our MPs make history and impeach this “empt head of a president”
I am wondering why HE MCS is busy reacting to what the opposition are saying. You have five years to work and prove them wrong. Implement your plan and rule our wonderful nation for two terms.
Thank you Nicky
If you cook for the market, everybody will eat and finish, when the market cooks for you….Nigerian Proverb
Now here is is my own —Snake in the monkey’s shadow— “haha, the bite of the dying cobra!”
the man has lost his venom and zeal for life, he has attained his lifetimes goal he needs to bow our gracefully…Him and Mugabe.
These clergy want to bring confusion in the country !! They are very silly and have NO heart for the nation.Wats wrong with them aiiii?Things never went their way and they are looking fowad to brinng confusion.THESE CHEAP BISHOPS!!!
I have completely lost confidence. Sata is a non starter to our development. youths lets grace ourselves for the worst for the next five years. what a waste of votes indeed because this man is not producing or talking what people are expecting but merely wasting time on irrelevant issues than the promises he made. With this attitude i can assure you he we regret
Who would you rather have chi corrupt greedy RB or childish tribal school boyi ka HH?? You choose….
I love(d) sata but right now am very very disappointed by his calibre.
Does he listen to advisers?
Mr President, please take it easy.
#29 Afrozed – I beg to differ. Sata is NOT a capable leader. Amongst his many weaknesses is that he listens to know one; he is a mister know-it-all. His leadership style is that of a dictator. His strength lies in deception and the ability to make people (some people) believe in him.
I hope the president doesn’t respond to HH’s press conference at tomorrow’s swear-in ceremony.
Its amazing how ignorant some chaps can be! Sata was surrounded by pipo who truely believed one day he will rule. Do u wnt him to hand over position to chaps who dnt even trust him? Ati tribalism? F**k it! As long as u carry ur tribal name,we are all tribalist. Leave Sata Alone!
Sata was once liked for his skills in making people laugh and telling jokes. Nothing has changed even when he has gone to State House. Chumbu mushololwa. We are in problems. Lets wait for the 90 days, real issues have not even come out he will go beyong paying his own hotel bills and going by public transport.
this man is creating a monster out of himself..sooner than he thinks..his bemba kingdom will fall..
And we need someone to start thinking for the president otherwise…..
Well you voted for him, BUT wait a minute 90 days is coming through the week after next and still no clear direction. Mr President time is really running out for you, 5 years is no long time, before you know it, campaigns will be on and you will have done nothing. Get down to work, look at the poverty around, something you promised to eradicate, you can’t afford to be yapping yapping everyday with your hands at the back. I have decided… Learn to say, We have… that is how leaders conduct themselves. I think we have a lot to TEACH…
The man needs very good alangizi otherwise……. I cant agree more with what Wynter Kabimba said, that Micheal is still shocked that he won the elections. Work up man you have got what you wanted, the pipo want what you promised not what others are doing or did.
Go through your champaign messages and please pay attention if at all you can concentrate. Pipo wont eat segement minmum wage we are the same.
incompetent president. dont say I never told you. I REMEMBER GIVING YOU ALL THE REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD NOT VOTE FOR SATA. Right here on this blog, not so long ago
Another headache for Sata. Western, Southern, Northwest and now the preacher men. He is not resting in his old age.
How can you threaten people who are yet to speak? People used to say RB was UNIP, isn’t the curtailing of freedom of speech an indication that UNIP is truly back under rotten teeth at state house? I bet there will be ‘clean up’ operations undertaken in NW, W, and S provinces with people being taken ‘by air’ to police stations to be questioned by pf party cadres.
@6 King, its not that there is more opposition to this president than other presidents before him. This is only apparent,,,,,, all previous presidents have had similar opposition, only difference is that they were able to FILTER OUT noise from factual information before giving it out for public consumption
Well have we not been vindicated???
We told you that you were voting for a monkey. Now he his jumping from one tree to another.
You have got what you voted for…. makes RB look very smart.
I predict that Zambia will have election before 2016, anyone to challenge me?
You got what you voted for…. very soon you are going to see tension in Cabinet and people will start jumping out.
Useless president! This is the same is having the infamous Kaingo from KMB back in the day as the president! Useless, useless, no brain in that smoke filled skull of his! Fwaka is clouding his judgement. Pre-emptive strikes all the time, get to work for the people and stop crying like a little girl everytime you hear someone is going to say something about you! Enough already!
Zimbabwe will look like a walk in the park
Ignore the tonga haters , HE MCS you have Zambia behind you that why we voted for you!
Let these tongas cry all they like HE MCS is the President
PF will be in power another 3 terms
Zambias can never allow a Tonga in plot 1 never ever
You can insult him but it’s all water of a ducks back
HH is an experienced loser now
These two pastors, chihana and mwanza, are are just crying because , they miss allowances given to them in the last regime. You can not benefit twice, let the Catholic also deserve, infact they are the ones who does a lot of work by looking after the ophanes, taking care about the poor, the Pente, all they do is enjoy themselves, buy cars and Iphones. Ask Bishop Joshua Banda. He is an envoy on Aids at the U.N, he enjoys everything, but he is quiet. Ni PAABBWWATTOO tulekeka. No more Pente.
#35 Jombio, don’t bring toilet manners to this blog. If you are not educated, go jerk yourself elsewhere!!!
Sata has no focus. just wait. he has the fears of the unknown. the arrival of nevers mumba already will shake him. wait and see, soon he will pass a comment about nevers. yet time is runing out and soon we gonna get to the polls and he would have had done nothing at all. busy witch hunting and thinking of who to fire. in canada he has appointed his sister as deputy ambassordor at the ottawa mission were nevers was to replace nedson. so he shouldnt disturb other parties. let them prepare them selves whilst Satan chilufya is busy witch hunting. 90 days yapita kale bane. lies chabe coz he cant perfom, he doesnt even know what he is supposed to do as president, he has became sposkperon and not leader. mulomo chabe.
Hahahah at least hes not wasting government money on transport hes goes by mini bus.pali drama pali Sata mwe.
president santa are u trying to create a one party state people have to air their views. I dont think u have to force everyone to like u thus wrong mr satan
Sata is suppose to use OP information for managing the country but he thinks its best to use it for ‘whisle blowing’.
I can hear OP saying lets not tell him some of the things from now.
Well so what if two clergymen are going to address a press conference to air their views? What exactly is state house these days?
Yawn! Something on sport?!
all educated chaps r thieves, they kip embarassng us as a country. So u *****s who are nt happy with Micheal, chock yoself coz five just startd, even 2016, he’ll bounce ba
Donald Crump openly criticises Obama but the the president (Obama) does not utter any threats towards the former (crump) why? A simple lesson in on democracy in social studies would go a long way for yours truly…
Fellow Zambians as i have written before, this man called Sata is a DISGRACE to Zambia! Wait for his true ATTRIBUTES of his Dictatorship to COME OUT!
Am already missing former President Banda’s diplomacy approach.
For goodness sake, each time Sata opens his FOUL mouth, it is either he is THREATENING or just saying NONSENSE!
Zambians are tired of this NONSENSE! Please Mr President spare us your nonsense, Zambians deserve better Presidential services that this low caliber type.
He will soon start accusing the OPPOSITION of receiving support from outside.
I told you Mr President that your discrimination against the Pentecostal and Evangelical Christians will bring more accusations. Just wait for more.
Am sure the Post & Mmembe are seeing Sata’s LOW Caliber leadership!
This is a lunatic president. We warned you about him and now we are reaping his lunacy. Is he not the one who used father Bwalya in his campaigns to denounce RB? Is he not the one who supported bishop Duff to denounce RB. I now denounce Sata and let us see what he will do. this lunatic president will not last long.
but mushota i dont see alot of sense in what you are saying.lets hope next time you wont say you are not black or from zambia.
please know it that your children will never be white they have that black element from you.why dont you become the ‘mushota jackson’/i guess you have.be proud:
chi buli chi kabolala chi sata
Cobra,stop these threats these are not UNIP days.Let the paople talk freely.
Please,Mahtani, you are the only Indian who can tame this Zambian cobra,if left loose he willbe a danger to society.The Cobra is suffering from verbal diarrhoria we need a snake charmer/sangoma to treat him.
The man from chitulika village had become the chief rumor monger .can someone tell the white puppet vice President and the tourist production Given Lubinda to help the old villager in the PATHETIC FRONT with some semblance of wisdom or brains.the drama in Zambia is like watching an IDI Amin movie.when did lobbing for self determination become a treasonable offense everyone has a right to deterimin what kind of leadership they want for themselves .you cant force your tribal and religious hegemonic preferences on people.NO amount of intimidation.use of security wings in OP>POLICE<ARMY DEATH SQUADS for assassination will deter peoples demands:GOD HELP US ALL
Is it true this man, Sata, Appointed a Psychologist to run BoZ? And he has also appointed his sister in Canada? Now we have anohter Bemba PS. Why is he not understanding those of the view that he is tribal and petty? The little of economic activities we are enjoying is as a result of Levy’s poilicy and vision. I am sure in a year’s time this will be all over. Mr Sata, we want you to succed, please start working on real issues such,agric as next year the harvest will fall by almost 40%, health, job creation as soon your kaponya supporters will realise that they are the ones to loose the most. Pls unit the nation and stop the threats for once
so early to have enermies mr sata. zambians will regret there choice.
@Poor Zed People- Bwalya Ngandu is not a psychologist. He was one of the executives at Zambia Privatisation Agency.
As for the tribalism, I cannot support Sata on that one because it is going a little too far everyday. I think the problem with Sata is that he did not learn from Chiluba. Chiluba knew that he lacked the technical skills in many areas and he appointed the right people everywhere regardless of tribe. The tribal rift in the country can cause a serious situation soon.
Often on this blog, people criticize those in power with little knowledge of what goes on. Running a country requires big hearts. Let’s not call our friends to espouse virtues we ourselves divorce. My advise is let intellectuals here debate this issue with didactic intent and syllogism.
Ichipuba chandi lekeni ndemwine citeke calo.Those two clergymen should just join the catholics and you wanna be good friends with ichipuya chandi.Don’t be surprised Cathoilc doctrine at work.
Mr Sata everyone has right of expression. Being president does not mean that zambia is personal to holder. Everyone has right of expression. remember few more days to 90 days.
Those of you that still remember the caution on this chap will not be surprised about what is happening in the country now.
a) 90 day theory thrown out of the window
b) threat after threat against perceived/imaginary enemy
c) nepotism (instead of family tree, its now family forest :)
The only good thing to come out of this election was the sorting out of some corrupt MMD chaps
I support his HE MCS for denouncing Chihana and Pukuta. These guys are not pastors but fraudsters in a skin of pastorship. They were MMD Vivuzilas always insulting Sata and saying HE was a homo. They want just money coz they never see money in their eyes, good that they are left out…useless false pastors they are…eishhhhh.
this fool and his tribalism is going to choke himself…. idoits never learn
This Sata guy wants to become the next Idi Amin… This is Zambia 2011. Those days have long been gone. Same way we voted out Kaunda and RB the same way you will be going….!!!!
These So called Bishops are really powerful to denounce a HOS. Isn’t this country sliding into anarchy at this rate?
lets pray for our beloved president and our country as whole.remember Zambia is one nation.