Sunday, March 9, 2025

Alexander Chikwanda delivers statement to Parliament on Bank notes


Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda

Minister of Finance Alex Chikanda this morning delivered a statement to parliament on the printing of Bank Notes by the Bank of Zambia. Below is the full statement delivered.

Mr. Speaker, I wish to thank you for allowing me to deliver this statement on the printing of
banknotes by the Bank of Zambia.

Sir, the Bank of Zambia as mandated by the Bank of Zambia Act No. 43 of 1996 Cap 360 of
the laws of Zambia is the only issuer of Zambian Currency. The practice in recent times has
been to procure currency notes for three year periods, principally for cost considerations.

Mr. Speaker, for the 2010 – 2012 period, a tender was floated using limited bidding method
and 12 companies submitted bids. After tender evaluation, a German company Giesecke
and Devrient (G and D) was awarded the contract to print both paper and polymer bank

The contract sum was Euro 16, 779,411.00. Out of this amount the Bank of Zambia has
paid Euro 12,450,709.81 for the quantities received for 2010 and 2011. The balance,
therefore, stands at Euro 4,328,701.00. The total quantity of banknotes delivered so far is
212 million pieces while the balance of 116 million pieces will be delivered in 2012.

Sir, despite the mandate of the Bank of Zambia to issue currency, the Bank is expected to
conform to the public procurement procedures in accordance with the Public Procurement
Act No. 12 of 2008.

The Zambian Government, as a custodian of public interest, will take keen interest in
ensuring that the Bank strictly conforms to the requirements of the Public Procurement Act
and avoid sidelining the Zambia Public Procurement Authority approval as was the case in
this particular instance. This is not only a recipe for impropriety but also raises legitimate
questions by the public who are at the end of the day the repository of our authority at all
levels of Government.

Sir, I now lay on the table a copy of the contract signed between the Bank of Zambia and
Giesecke and Devrient for the information of the House.

Mr. Speaker, I thank you.


  1. And about the fake notes??? WHAT ABOUT THE FAKE NOTES??????? You see, this is the nonsense that Musokotwane was talking about when he advised the President to be consulting and investigating in detail before alarming the nation. Anyway, it’s like you can’t expect anything sensible and good from PF – it’s way too sophisticated for them to deliver a good service. PF must know that they are really letting down their own support base. I hope President MCS has taken Musokotwane’s advice seriously (even though he might condemn it publicly). Next time, please investigate fully before yapping. I’m sure even Alexandar Chikwanda feels shoved in an awkward position and I suspect may not have been too happy to deliver this hopeless paragrah to remedy the Presidential public relations cock up!

  2. have now seen how useless the PF government is! which fake money? learn from our comments we are seing wat is going on when some of you are still drunk with the unrealistic dont kubeba slogan. 18th December, 2011 will mark 90 days and we will evaluate you.

  3. So there is no fake money in circulation. What kind of a President do we have? State House and cabinet has really become so cheap. Musokotwane 1 Sata/Chella 0.

    Dignity needs to be restored quickly… five years kwalepa…

  4. So who was right between Sata and Musokotwane? The Post said SM insults Sata.That paper is another joke.They know how incompetent the man they supported and now are trying to be compatible with his misdeeds and misinforming simple minds.

  5. Is that all? Is this Sata guy really serious about running this country? Clearly, there is a difference between what he said and what his Minister and has put across.It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the money printed by the German company was not illegal. What seems to be an issue here is the way in which the tender was awarded, which if allowed to be investigated will turn out to be legit.

    Please Mr Sata, take a leaf from Jacob Zuma, who despite not attending so much in the education department, surronds himself with educated guys and hinds to their advice. Stop talking anyhow.Always seek advice before you open your month Sir, you are running a country and not some small PF:o:o:o:o:o

  6. Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary.any other person would be in trouble for saying things without fore thought, it seems that the man thrives on attention seeking like a baby, crying every now and then even if theres no reason. its not like we expect him to say as much, we only expect him to work! you already have our attention, but please don’t push it! 

  7. hee guys i mean mr minister tell us also about the other 2 companies which the MMD contracted besides the D&D….the statement is not complete. We are waiting sir.

  8. This settles the dust and clears the air.The president should fire his advisors,they are not doing a good job!! They are embarassing him big time.

  9. IS THIS GOVERNMENT COMPLETELY STUPID and led by a man who is totally INSANE? I for one was waiting for the major revelation and a few arrests even on the FAKE BANK NOTES ANNOUNCED BY THE HEAD OF STATE ON NATIONAL TV!!!!!!!!! This is beyond funny now, please someone impeach that joker as we are clearly heading full speed into being another failed state led by a comedian in just 80 days. How can you put your own currency and economy in such a position publicly when you have been entrusted by your people to protect them and their economy (the major part of that being the sovereign currency). Wow its hard to believe that just 90 days ago we were fastest growing and most promising economy in Africa, with 2011 emerging markets awards for best finance minister and central bank governor!! twanya!

  10. Its should be requirement to have a mental examination before anyone stands to become a president…
    Amy trace of ichamba should automatic disqualification.  I rest my case

  11. Presumably this implies that next time Zambia wishes to print currency an open tender notice should be published in the Times, Daily, Post etc. I suppose this is possible….but I thought the sensitive nature of currency demands for closed bidding processes…..

  12. Lord God bless our president – he is human being like us only that you have given him too much load to carry – may your angels help him. Amen!

  13. Oh please, the money is already in circulation you idi0ts. Why don’t you look at real problems facing this country, but rather you make your lives easy by pointing at others. You see, this is why in Africa we are underdeveloped. Its because of such finger pointing attitudes. NO need to worry though, becoz one day, you fools will be out of power and you will be treated the same way you are treating your friends.

  14. @14 Peter Cool – the number of companies that print money is small so limited tender method is used and as you correctly state, the sensitive nature of currency printing…etc. etc

  15. Dullo analysis: The question therefore is: where is the source of the Thomas De larue notes? That is not for Chikwanda to say, that is for Musokotwane to say. If you are clever, you can tell that minister has stated the rightful sources of the notes; anything apart from the German company is but fraud. So is Musokotwane Bemba? Wait before you insult abantu; because know that there are notes from another company.

    • Kibinda, Thomas De Larue printed the notes before 2010 which are still in circulation… when a period contract is given, it’s not that they are replacing all the existing notes in circulation but the soiled ones or if need be for quantitative easing purpose.

    • Kibinda are you a …. who spends all his time dancing or what? Chikwanda is saying the current notes were properly printed by the German company and Sata said the proper money should be printed by De La Rue.  It is for Chikwanda and Sata to sort it out and say what the fake money is.  Musokotwane laughed at the silliness of Sata’s statement and fully and adequately explained how money is printed by BOZ.  Chikwanda is collaborating the same.  Are you on chamba also?

  16. He should have made a comment on whether there are any fake notes in circulation or not. I think we need to start thinking about the minimum level of education required for someone to vie for the highest office in the land. MCS is going to self destruct at the rate that he is going.  

  17. It seems MCS is putting his colleagues in awkward positions by his pronouncements because of lack of consultations. The question is, for how long will these people (Scot, Chikwanda and Bob) accept the crap and pretend they are happy with MCS. In reallity they are only riding on his popularity with the grass roots, otherwise they don’t believe in the man and his policies.

  18. Thumbs up for Hon.Chikwanda. He is old but courageous. The man has told parliament the truth. Chikwanda and Musokotwane are educated chaps and not cadres.

  19. Gentlemen, these are politics. the statements are not complete and what the president said remains insinuated between the lines of the statement. what about the other company mentioned as printing money?

  20. @21 Shaka – he has already self destructed and now he is destroying the nation. If i were his child i would change my name by deed pole

  21. No 23

    I did tell you before. The first person who will resign from MCS government is Guy Scott. Watch this space.

  22. Chikwanda says, “This is not only a recipe for impropriety but also raises legitimate questions by the public who are at the end of the day the repository of our authority at all”.

    What does that statement imply. Underline the word “Impropriety”

  23. “12 companies submitted bids. After tender evaluation, a German company Giesecke
    and Devrient (G and D) was awarded the contract to print both paper and polymer bank

    So what is wrong with this? Can someone, especially MCS and PF tell us please.


    Zambia we forewarned you that insanity, protruding ignorance and illiteracy are not attributes for executive national leadership. Are you ready to join us in tearing the walls of insanity and a historic circus? You want us to give this circus more time? If you are patriots who realize that the future of this nation is squarely on your shoulders, get ready for a journey of emancipation.

  25. Mr. president please give us a break. 5 years is too long guyz. iam afraid with the hunger coming next year. wait and see

  26. #30 Zambia1

    By that statement, Chikwanda is trying to save Sata’s skin. He knows Sata blundered bad kind. There was no impropriatory by BOZ. There’s no country in the world that advertises printing of money in the press. 12 companies to bid is already too high as you only needed one. This is a specialised business, there are not that many money printers, unless you want to include Nigerian fraudsters.
    Parliament should impeach Sata.

  27. The explanation from the Minister is not complete. He should have mentioned the company that was printing money before 2010 which I believe is Thomas De La Rue, which explains why some notes still in circulation were printed by De La Rue.

    Fake President, Genuine money.

  28. OK. We do not have any fake notes in circulation. YES. It has just been confirmed we have a man with a VuVuZeLa in State house.

  29. So, this confirms that we have a useless alarmist for a president. He is just a kaponya kachepa. He just has to blurt it out at any opportunity. What a stupid president. I miss RB! Today RB was going to be opening a hospital or school or road etc. The only thing tha Sata opens is his dirty mouth with cigarette stained teeth.

  30. The Post has become Sata vuvuzela. The Chikwanada statement lacks quality of law and at best fit for a mushanga writer. Sata lied, he cannot be trusted.

  31. We have a comedian for the president. This information was on the BOZ website for a long time. It is disappointing to note that Sata doesn’t consult. But then again, even if he didn’t consult, this is something that he could have easily researched on his own. I know he is 74, but he has got a lot of growing up to do. Shaaaaa!  

  32. @ #20, Kibinda,
    Thomas De Larue printed the notes before 2010 which are still in circulation. When a period contract is given, it’s not that they are replacing all the existing notes in circulation but the soiled ones or if need be for quantitative easing purpose.

  33. “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.”  —  Albert Einstein ”

    We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

    Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them.

  34. No 20

    Its not so difficult to understand the English. When you change printers you don’t remove old money from circulation. Its a process which takes time. Surely can Sate House fail to understand what my 9 year kid can?

    In short your have a BOFFON in state house not fit to manage a funeral parlor

  35. The opposition needs to move a motion to impeach the president. My only worry is that I cannot see anyone brave enough to do this. MCS is a joker. Ifyamba bamudala.

  36. So maybe the requirement for a President to have a (legitimate) Degree should be seriously considered.
    What is happening would have been laughable if it was Sitcom comedy. Unfortunately its real life and it is our real life. Fake money, allegations of assassinations, u-turn on promises, promising to initiate things within 90 days like that is an achievement. Problem is, our leaders are even failing to correct themselves. Othere countries observing Zambia must be really amused! Its getting embarrassing to be Zambian.

  37. You guys are too noisy! Everyone is talking, no one is listening! Let’s forgive our president, he is still learning. That is why he shouldn’t have rushed to remove everybody who served in the previous govt. Clever leaders retain some people atleast for a year, while your team is still learning. He is now making laughable mistakes. MCS should also drop the habit of thinking he can know everything that happens in the country: he must delegate. As Musokotwane was advising, he must let his ministers do their jobs. We are having situations where the president wants to appoint every commision of eqnuiry, every board of a parastatal company, every director. He must instead focus on big things, attracting foreign investment, national security, foreign policy, economic strategy etc.

  38. So what will marvellous POST NEWSPAPER say about this? They really managed to give Muzokotwane bad publicity that he has insulted the president, when all he was doing was advising the president. The reporter was too biased towards PF and Sata to report sensibly. I wonder what they are saying now. But knowing them, they will come up with another ridiculous screaming headline against the opposition. We no longer have an independent newspaper in Zambia: all the national dailies are govt controlled. Anybody with some money to spend, we start a muckraker newspaper not controlled by any political party? Zambia is now crying for unbiased reporting!

  39. ” The Zambian Government, as a custodian of public interest, will take keen interest in
    ensuring that the Bank strictly conforms to the requirements of the Public Procurement Act
    and *avoid sidelining the Zambia Public Procurement Authority approval as was the case in
    this particular instance.* ”

    Oops. I guess the MMD under President Banda didn’t follow procurement procedures… again.

    • Just shut up you Mugabe kissing fool. There is nothing to guess or speculate about. The statement is clear. Go back to your mothers illegally acquired farm in Zim. May your ka ma little head be forever haunted by the blood of those people, both white and black, you thugs hacked to death at that farm.

  40. #41 Ice_Road_Trucker. You are very right. Its really sad what President Santa is doing. An educated person like Chikwanda helping him. If I where Chikwanda, I would quit.

  41. @ 35 The Engineer (Australia), Is Italian Bwangu Bwangu(Original) hiding? Go to school.

    Its not enough to wait for Dr Guy Scott to resign, impeachment is the only way to restore our integrity as a nation as suggested by Shaka Saalle of VOA.

  42. No. 63

    When i said on this blogg that SATA was not fit neither normal to lead a nation i was called names. I guess the reflection of a nation is in its leaders. Its become laughable and shameful to be Zambian. We were pushing for due citizenship at this rate am not interested in belong to a circus.
    Like i said Zambia will have elections before 2016

  43. There is need for the govt to do a lot of consultation from the previous govt on how they worked and reached certain decisions before the president says something to the nations and then another person says something, probably after consultations. The president is being misguided and he will end up like RB! Guys poseniko amano it is too early for these misinformed blunders! 

  44. THe once wise Fred Mmembe(POST NEWS PAPERS) sleeps and dines with the fools,well well Zambian have been vindicated who writes and protects the dull masses,fake money.fake gold.fake bank sale and double salaries,more provinces.victimizing citizens with threats government sponsored of death squads.Another IDI AMIN story is currently unfolding in Zambia.The 90 day saga continues .winter kabimba supporting ZANU-PF .we might admire Mugabe as a pan Africanist but spare Zambia the drama come back and advise your boss before the country collapses inwards from an unchecked rumor mongering head of state

  45. #58 HellBoy Thanks.

    I did say on Wed that Chikwanda had a headache when Parliament asked him to give a comprehensive report on the fake notes. Some other bloggers added that in fact all of Sata’s cabinet ministers are having headaches as they are being given the task of proving that their boss is correct. They are being under unnecessary pressure and wasting precious time.

    I also will not be surprised if some ministers resigned to escape this insanity.

  46. I recall saying that Mr Sata is not sure of the implication of his statement towards the stability of the economy and national security. Chances are that PF govt will not attract creadible money printers next time and that will be the source of problems in this nation. In the meantime I think he wants us to print new notes with his oicture there. He may be preparing to be another wamuyaya man. Tell him this is morden Zambia and that will not be accepted at all. Opposition you must also oppose the Muchinga province nosense.

  47. Looks like every time the President speaks, somebody somewhere iz warned or and there iz a revelation of some “serious clandestine activity”. This iz a worrying and scaring trend and would suggest that it iz left to relevant government wingz to handle. And can thoze in the inner circle ensure that az much az possible the President sticks to a written speach when he addressez media or public. His Excellency Michael Chilufya Sata iz only human and its not eazy to deal withe MMD’z 20 years rule.

  48. Former Finance Minister Musokotwane was right. Where is the illegality of money printing here?

    Sata Sata Sata! We Zambians are tired of your silly SANGOMA/Witch Doctor’s statements and announcements! Before Sata realise he will lose his support from us Zambians. Twanaka naiwe POMPWE Sata

    Sata is a LIAR who can not be trusted anymore.

    Honestly Sata is the most USELESS President Zambia has ever had. He is like a WITCH Doctor who has DELUSIONS and HALLUCINATIONS
    Actually Sata appears to be having Delusions and Hallucinations now, Zambians should not get surprised if Sata will say that he had a dream and want to follow through his dream like the way IDI AMIN.

    The Post Newspaper and Mmembe are watching how Sata is embarrassing Zambia. I still have trust in Mmembe and POST

  49. where have all the diehard PF supporter gone to of late…. have they abandoned their monkey president at the last hour…

    RB must be having the last laugh

  50. ba shikulu……..its time to just keep quiet….this talk is useless……how can an entire president lie……with intelligence at yo side………………………………… have embarrased me………………yo strong suppoter

  51. #73 The Only Jay, “….Sata iz only human and its not eazy to deal withe MMD’z 20 years rule.”

    This could be the most bizzarre statement. If you got a mad man from Chainama mental Hospital and placed him in State House, and he came our with crazy vibes, would you say, oh, he’s only human?

    If we dont demand excellence, we will always have mediocre stuff.
    No wonder we are where we are at.

  52. Asking for Sata to change his ways of governing and thinking will be asking too much from him, more so that he has had 74 years believing that what he does is correct or right. It’s a daunting task.

    In short he is un-trainable.

    As a nation it’s either we put up with his crap or legitimately call for his removal by way of impeachment before he obliterates the country of the little good we have.

  53. LT used to be full of PF cadres shooting down everyone who thought contrary. It seems the tide has turned. Are more and more PF cadres left the blog?

  54. Asking for Sata to change his ways of governing and thinking, that will be asking too much of him, more so that he has had 74 years believing that what he does is correct or right. It’s a daunting task.

    In short he is un-trainable. Asking us to give him more time is accepting mediocrity at the expense of +13 million Zambian lives.

    As a nation it’s either we put up with his crap or legitimately call for his removal by way of impeachment before he obliterates the country of the little good we have.

  55. Quality control reinstated. JOHANNESBURG – The Reserve Bank has dismissed Musa Mbhele as the managing director of the South African Bank Note Company (SABN) and as an employee of the Bank. Mbhele was suspended in November when weaknesses were uncovered at the SABN.SABN, which is responsible for printing the currency of South Africa and other southern African countries was embroiled in controversy after printing the Zambian kwacha and Namibian dollar notes in a way that compromised their quality.”The South African Reserve Bank has become aware of certain issues within the technical operations of the South African Bank Note Company (SABN) and has addressed these matters,” it said in November following a report in the Sunday Independent.The paper said the dismissed MD had not maintained pr

  56. Yah Guys, Iam a PF supporter quite alright but I can not support foolishness! Thats why I went to school. We thought ba Sata had changed and would bring our country to prosperity but we have began to realize that we dived into the muck. Even Ala Bee, though he was totally incompetent did not embarrass the country like this. My friends keep poking fun at me over Sata’s antics because I heavily supported him. I am so ashamed of this man, he is a useless joker.

  57. Sata must be impeached or PF voluntarily exchange Sata with another person to rule the country. The man is very dull, insane and not good for any purpose. He was voted on lies and has continued telling lies

  58. What does Chikwanda say about the renovations of State House and the single sourcing of the company carrying the renovations?
    I think Chikwanda should resign out of morality sake, that’s if he has any.

  59. The fact that the Zambia Public Procurement Act was not followed its makes the transaction or contract to print money illegal therefore it is not legal tender

    • Ba Chishimba Hoe, what logic is this?  Suppliers do not have to know where proper tender procedures were followed by the customer or not.  Procedures are an internal matter.  The fake notes comment was suggesting that MMD printed money secretly to finance their clandestine activities.  Clearly this is not the case and you are now clutching at straws. Your Doboman boobed; just admit.

    • Lucky, you better understand the operation of the law. Zambia is a constitional democrancy. Acts of parliament do not repeal other Actsof parliament.

    • So how about the tender to renovate State House given to Chikwanda’s company for which they are still trying to invent plausible reasons when the question was asked in parliament early last week?They did not follow the Zambia Public Procurement Act so what does that make it?

  60. going through the bog it must be a clear indication to PF machinary to change the course of the boat otherwise it will soon hit a rock and break. Timely advice and we are not interested in the failure of PF.

  61. Ladies and gentlemem maybe I cant read but the statement below by Chikwanda unravels impropriety and illegality ‘The Zambian Government, as a custodian of public interest, will take keen interest in
    ensuring that the Bank strictly conforms to the requirements of the Public Procurement Act
    and avoid sidelining the Zambia Public Procurement Authority approval as was the case in
    this particular instance. This is not only a recipe for impropriety but also raises legitimate
    questions by the public who are at the end of the day the repository of our authority at all
    levels of Government.

  62. @86 Kambocho – can you believe some pf supporters are still defending him… one says “…we all make mistakes..” another states “… no matter how many mistakes sata makes i don’t regret voting for him…”.

    not surprisingly that is the calibre of most of the people who voted for him. the actual surprise is that a large number of educated and exposed people did too… how very frightening !!

  63. Pf supporter am here,whether mistakes are made we don’t back out like mmd,one buries money & you all run away from him,shame imwe.

  64. No 89

    Ba Lucy if the contract was illegal Chikwanda would have asked for it to be cancelled. Ichisungu bane

  65. No 89

    Ba Lucky if the contract was illegal Chikwanda would have asked for it to be cancelled. Ichisungu bane

  66. and then the post comes with a title that the Dr has insulted Sata when in the actual sense he said sense.Alarmists these image builders

  67. What a prezdo? May be he has fake advisors. Our Kwacha is legal but we have fake PF politicians. Sata will go into Zambian history are the most tribalist president and ….

  68. Ala bane mwitushinsha olotatulanya.Ok umukamba alifaulako panono mwaishiba…but it doesn`t mean that muleponeshapo shani uko.Otherwise bola ni 90 minutes.Tekanyeni people mwaishiba ka ? Anyway mwela onse shi master.

  69. Amayama 92, the issue here is the question if the money in circulation is fake or not. The non involvement of the Public Procurement Authority does not make the money fake.

  70. Looks like every time the President speaks, somebody somewhere iz warned or and there iz a revelation of some “serious clandestine activity”. This trend iz uncceptable, worrying and scaring and would suggest that it iz left to relevant government wingz to handle.
    Yes some people make comments az cadrez, but thoze calling on PF cadrez to “say something” must realize that there are a lot of individualz who speak purely on principle. And when the Prezident makes mistakes, real or imagined, someone doezn’t have to be a cadre to realize that and condemn accordingly. All theze avoidable namez and unprintablez Sata iz being called just indicate how much the some writerz here didn’t imagine the man would rule Zambia. It iz simply their pain and agony of seeing the man at Plot 1

  71. Let us see: 12 pre-qualified bidders submitted bids (this is better than the minimum 3 that ZPPA and normal procurement procedure requires) and one reputable printer who has been in business for over 100 years was chosen, and this is wrong according to Chief Chikala Matako amu State House!  By the way, you would not want to give this contract to some Bemba printer from Matero even if he is the cheapest bidder.  There must be a track record and proper security.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS?!  HOW DO FAKE NOTES ARISE OUT OF SUCH A TRANSACTION?  This is nowhere near  even the fraudulent single-sourced contract to Apollo Enterprises to renovate State House! Sata is plain insane!!

  72. Awe, I think Mr. Sata, I have supported you for long but facts have come out. From the way Mr. Chikwanda has directed his statement, I completely see no issue anywhere and that explains why Musokotwane was so confident in making his statement. Honestly, I have noticed one thing about the PF government. The operations are running in reverse. Instead of the technocrats sitting down and giving reports to the President and then he disseminates the info, they are giving him their suspicions as facts to appease him. That’s the danger of employing people who worship you and those who work on moral fibric!

  73. Where is this kaponya of a president taking us?When is this swearing in ceremonies coming to an end?Maybe this chronic verbal diarrhoea will be controlled, this man is really sick needs a specialist in verbal diarrhoea medicine.

  74. @93 Cindy

    Sata’s supporters are like football fans.  Every football club has fans regardless of shoddy performance or even being bottom of the league.  Fans chant “Chisatana forever!  AGAIN, CHISATANA FOREVER” without any shame.  Ditto Sata’s supporters.  And they are principally Bemba.  They have to support their chipuba. Else, who will?!

  75. I still wish to caution fellow bloggers. The FM made a statement about the current status of printed monies. There is the observation about how the printing was done. Therein lies the problem. While you are speaking about G and D, there is a source that came in from a certain African country that the MMD guys actually wanted to or had already weaseled into the country. Be careful, be very careful, bloggers. Na leka!

  76. Fellow Zambians,the issue that bashikulu Chikwanda has stated about impropriety is not what parliament asked him to do.Parliament asked him to issue a statement on fake notes which the big mouthed president said.Chikwanda has simply diverted people’s attention to the real issue.If it was a tender issue why didn’t he Chilufyanya institute a commission of inquiry the way he did to ZAMTEL? Similar to Garden of eden issue:when God quizzed Adam,he responded by saying,’this woman you gave me, made me to sin’.

  77. #92 Amayama

    Sata accused MMD of printing fake kwacha. That’s 2 accusations – (i) MMD’s involvement and (ii) Fake currency. Chikwanda’s statement has not confirmed this. So Sata was telling lies.

    Secondly, the tender procedure seems credible. 12 companies bid and one was selected. Given the specialised nature of printing money, to have 12 bidders is already excellent as there are not that many genuine money printers out there. This was not single sourcing. It was open tender from the look of things, whether or not the Public Procurement Authority was explicitly involved is not the matter here, actually they may never really involve themselves when it comes to printing kwacha. Has the Public Procurement Authority ever been in charge of tenders for printing ZMK? Plz let us know.

  78. Awe mwachilamo ba PF, you have reduced taxes and reminded the Chinese not to take our people forgranted but I think that’s about it, you have met all your campaign promises now you can go.
    It appears you lack the right people in the right places. I have never seen a foreign affairs minister who talks so much inside his country like Kambwili. He tries to impress Sata so much!


  80. #110 Roughrider. Spot on. In short Sata was wrong on teh kwacha and should apologise.

    Secondly, the issue of tender procedure can be made another issue. Going by recent history, it may be that BOZ did nothing wrong – open tender, received 12 bids and chose one. That’s far from single sourcing. Of course Parliament should check these things to ensure all is well.

    If Sata sets up a commision of enquiry on this, he should check himself in at that hospital.

  81. This faux pa by HEMCS is in my rule book, an impeachable offence. But the Zambian docility will will let things ride as usual. I would go as far as calling for a committee to examine the mans fitness for office. Should we be putting up with this for the next five years?

  82. Muppet Show 2011. So this is what you lined up for @ 3am on Sept 20th. Zambia will continue to lag behind as long as we the country men and women use tribe and nichekeleko @ the expense of substance when we choose our leaders. I don’t know what some of the bloggers expected from Sata with a not so sound educational background to take us anywhere. Anyway it was your choice live with it. Zambia is fast becoming the joke of the world. dollar is now over K 5200.

  83. shut the HELL- UP all of U…..i work with BOZ. the President said illegally printed money and not Fake notes….

    walla Mr. PRESIDO

  84. I doubt so much if the comments and insults on this blog are serving the interests of our nation. It appears it has been infilterated with mercenaries who are out to turnish the image of the President and the PF. At the end of the day it is the name of our nation we are bringing into disrepute. Lets forget about the bitterness of losing an election and rally behind our leaders. Lets criticise objectively and avoid insults. At the rate things are going, I would advocate for the cencor of the blog its a bleeding ground for incessant attacks and insults of the presidency.


  86. So we can conclude that all the pronouncements, all the dismissals, all the allegations, all the commissions of inquiry that our president has made so far are nothing more than just alarmist statements? I can’t use a stronger term out of respect for our excellency.
    However, this ministerial statement has diminished the esteem of state house now and in future.
    In decent democracies this would call for a vote of no confidence.

  87. This does not offer any explaination Zambia has been looking for? This people who hell do they take us for? Do they know there is an Arab spring across the arab world that might spraw in our own back yard?

  88. This time around all Zambians are packed in a SHIP that is sailing to some destinations. It is the task of all Officers to help the Captain to pilot this Ship along the right compass bearing. It is shameful that despite the fact that Govt has competent Ministers well versed in monetary issues, they kept the President in the DARK on the mechanisms used to manage Zambian Bank Notes. The President is not supposed to learn his lessons from Parliament, but rather the Vice-President should have advised Mr. Sata on how to handle national monetary matters. In this regard, we hope the President will re-tract and apologise for alarming the nation and our neighbouring countries with whom we transact foreign exchange on daily basis. Yangu Tata!

  89. I am very disappointed by bloggers on this web. Read again please and understand chikwanda’s message. Don t be too quick to judge. The money is fake in the sense that it was not properly qppropriated. a period of three years is 2010-2011 3years? That money should not have been printed at that time. Please go to school and learn more before you blog. Thats fake money printed for wrong reasons. it is not supposed to be in circulation now……

  90. I fail to understand what most of you bloggers don’t understand about Chikwanda’s statement in relation to that of the President. Sata may or may not have used the correct terminology, but the bottom line is that the Bank of Zambia did not follow the procurement procedures. What does that tell you about the reasons for going ahead with printing that money or indeed the status of the money? If the procedure was not followed, then that money is not supposed to be in circulation. Was it replacing old notes or quantitative easing? It doesn’t matter, the process is invalid ab initio.

    • Harold Muna. Sata said MMD printed fake money. Chikwanda says Boz did not follow procedures. And u see that as some difference of terminology?! That’s being despearate. By the way, even Chikwanda is being economical with the truth so that sata looks like he has a semblence of a point that can convince your type. Boz followed appropriate procedures for currency minting. 

  91. For those calling for PF carders comments, you need to remember that carderism is not blind following. True carderism sieves nonsense from sense. 


    The President is effortlessly exhibiting how incompetent he is for Plot 1, yet all they say is that ‘it hurts the opposition to see that bamudala baleteka.’ Dimwits, your President’s 90 day achievement is being Zambia’s worst President. And the country and everybody, including You dimwits, are negatively afected.

  93. Currency printing or minting is a sensitive issue in any country. Tender procedures can not be the same as that of buying ordinary paper. Tender requiremnts are diferent and BOZ folowed correct procedure. Minister Chikwanda had to say somethin to save his presidents face.Lets move on and hope there are no more presidential blunders.

  94. despite the mandate of the Bank of Zambia to issue currency, the Bank is expected toconform to the public procurement procedures in accordance with the Public ProcurementAct No. 12 of 2008″. Fakeness of money is not only when money is printed in Kamwala, even when government unlawfully prints money that endangers the running of the economy. Further, it seems in Zambia too we are not careful about our own money how come we are only knowing this time that the money was printed by a different company? Well its not a big deal with an ordinary zambian but those that do economic it has implications. You cant just change the company of money printers in the other well up countries without informing the general public.  

  95. It’s a bit difficult to understand how stupid Zambians have become. Sata is correct. It’s easy to see why he dribbled effortlessly past the educated but completely stupid past president and his henchmen. The man, Sata, is far ahead of his nearest competitor and there is none in the foreseeable future. The money, because due process was ignored, isn’t legal tender. Finish. Please people, don’t be stupid. 

  96. The actual nonsense is a whole President standing on top of an anthill and giving an alarmist statement that has the risk of eroding investor confidence for his country. Why can’t this be investigated quietly?

  97. @ 85 Webby Mulenga. Wish all die hard PF supporters would think as you do. We too supported Sata in the fight against corruption. However, its now clear that as a nation we should be worried where we are heading with Mr Sata’s incompetence demostrated so far. “Only a Fool optimist can deny the dark realities of the moment” (Franklin D. Roosevelt 1882 – 1945) President of USA once said.

  98. the statement from our minister is open to discussion. there are many questions than answers raised in that. the fact is we witnessed unprecedented monies doing rounds just before elections which all citizens questioned. now that the open statement by our minister is tabled in parley, more will be reviewed now as mps will take the mmd to task. lets just wait.

  99. #124, in the context which the statement was made, illegally printed money and fake money is one and the same thing. When a certain party was in opposition, it said that the ballot printing company in RSA was awarded the contract illegally. Does that make the general elections illegal? Is the PF government illegal?

  100. @ 143 Mature, thats imature thinking, clarification made by minister of finance is clear and confirmed MMD govt. followed procedures in place when printing money for the country through BOZ. Its Sata PF govt that alarmed the nation that needs explaining to Zambians.

  101. So if intelligent people like Musokotwane did not challenge this nonsense, we would have a commission of enquiry by now.

  102. #124 CONCERNED – please stop boring us with your dullness. If you don’t klnow English just shut up. So what you are actually saying is that Bank of Zambia has started employing Grade-2s like you who can’t even understand English. In my books you should sweeping the dusty streets in Kalikiliki shanty comound somewhere behind Mtendere – you are not supposed to even step anywhere in Mtendere because that is too sophisticated for your limited brains. In the days of Caleb Fundanga you would be fired immediately you report for work in the morning. Obviously these are Sata days, and so the crappy-minded are everywhere displaying their tiny brains and you are one of them. Go and ask for a copy of Sata’s press statement- even Chella didn’t deny what Sata said. You are a danger to yourself!

  103. Yet again ‘much ado about nothing’ by Sata. He is not even capable of comprehending the amount of damage he is causing, much less the amount of damage-control people like Chikwanda have to do to cushion his rants. He is in a World of his own, alone. This is just the beginning…we ain’t seen nothing yet.

  104. Everybody knows that “FAKE” is Sata’s favourite word. Sata should just go back to school to improve himself, the way Chiluba did. Ka-Chiluba realised that State House required one to have brains and reason properly. He just smoked a bit of chamba and hammered a Masters Degree in Politics. If Sata can’t change, we should exchange him for someone better at Soweto market – the problem is if we take him at any other place no one will accept him.. At Soweto market his kaponya supporters might give us somebody they don’t like, one of the more educated opposition leaders, in exchange for Sata. I’m sure they would like to keep Sata somewhere closer where they can touch him any time they want. That is my suggestion!

  105. We are bogged down discussing this non-issue when the world is facing its biggest economic catastrophy in years! The price of copper is falling and the value of the purported fake currency is also falling. Chilufya needs to realise that there is more to being a president than paying for your own bills at a hotel reception desk.

  106. The Finance Minister is a very mature man and will not be hood winked into the Folly of our President – Thank you Mr Minister for bringing clarity to such costly allegations by the Spokesman of Fake Scandals Michael Chilufya Sata..

  107. Alexander was put in a very difficult position by his somewhat loud-mouth president. He did the best he could without actually saying that his boss was a prat. Somebody needs to tell Sata and some of his Kaponya friends like Kambwili to shut up.

  108. You know, there will come a time when GRZ can no longer blame the previous administrations. There will come a time when GRZ will have to prove that they can perform. Finger-pointing makes for interesting reading, but the country needs to develop.
    Making baseless statements will not get us anywhere and is a clear sign of the competence (or lack thereof) of GRZ.
    God help us all. 

  109. Country gets a president that it deserves. period. Bemba’s what to be lead by Sata, Tongas’ HH. Because Bembas’ are many – what is good for bembas is good for Zambia. period.

  110. By the way, the PF government has sold 1.07 million tons MMD grown maize at a give away price of between US$135 tO us$180 per ton while the going rate is between US$270 and US$310 per ton. Reason given,…too expensive to keep it in Zambia. Could it have been FAKE maize from MMD? This PF government will drive the country to gound. Something ought to be done, we cant live with this PF shit for 5 years.

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