Sunday, March 9, 2025

MMD NEC warned against hand picking an Interim President


MMD cadres gather at the Intercontinental hotel for the launch of party camapaigns in Lusaka
MMD Cadres

The Former Ruling Party’s National Executive Committee (NEC) has been warned over its hidden intentions to come up with an interim president for the MMD.

Some members of the MMD have accused the NEC of wanting to come up with an interim president.

They have also warned the NEC that the former ruling party will only regain its lost glory if the party president is elected through the convention.

Former MMD Kanchibya Member of Parliament Sunday Chanda says the ruling party has funds to host the national convention.

He says the party will also need to amend the constitution to bring back the position of vice presidency.

Mr. Chanda reveals that some MMD members have been holding secret meetings to usher in an interim president.

He appealed to Former President Rupiah Banda to let the party come up with a convention.

And Youth Evangelical Fellowship President Reverend Moses Lungu warned that some members who have been in the forefront to have the former ruling party have an interim leader should not be allowed to take part in the interest of the party.

He said that the MMD has chance to redeem itself from the loss.

Reverend Lungu also appealed to President Banda to step aside from the party activities.

And The Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) has urged the opposition movement for multi-party democracy (MMD) to be focused as it chooses its party president.

FODEP Executive Director McDonald Chipenzi says the MMD should ensure that it picks a leader that will be accepted by the people and all party members.

Mr. Chipenzi says this will help the party in competing favorably with leaders from other political parties in elections.

In an interview with QFM, Mr. Chipenzi has since appealed to the MMD to carry out the selection process in a transparent and fair way to avoid confusion.

Five candidates successfully filled in their applications for the position of party president, among them, former envoy to Canada, Dr. Nevers Mumba, former finance and national planning minister Situmbeko Musokotwane and former commerce, trade and industry minister Felix Mutati.

The other one is Chisamba Member of Parliament, Moses Muteteka



  1. Why are these church organisations getting heavily  involved in politics? What is and who,s interest are they serving?  they are in it for the money as they see their favoured party as a cash cow.
    GIVE CAESAR .., let the genuine Bishops and Pastors preach the word of God, but please be aware of fake bishops and pastors that come in sheeps clothing..

  2. Whatever way you want to choose the party leader, for God’s sake not Nevers. The new leader must be acceptable not only within MMD but more importantly by the national population, Nevers will not achieve that, Dr Musokotwane and Mr Pande can and do inspire national confidence. If you ask me for a start, if Nevers no vote from me in 2016 or earlier as it seems.

  3. they just want to impose nevers as the new mmd leader. nevers cannot afford to be challeged at the convetion by the likes of mutati, muteteka. he knows they will undress him. coward rb is behind all this.

  4. I cannot help but think that Nevers is a gold digger. This man jumps from one boat to another. Ukwalola umwela……………. I find it hard to find trust in this MAN OF GOD.
    I guess the man has to feed his children.

  5. What has the Rev. to do with Politics? Pastors please concentrate on your pulpit and not in politics. LT you five candidates and you have only listed five, who is the other candidate?

  6. Forget nevers. why vote for a person that does not even own a house.please please rupiah, leave everything to the convention, they will decide who they want. dont back anyone

  7. Its amazing how this party is fast sinking down to the core, anyways it serves you right for your greedy and stupid egos. For me really you have outlived your usefulness and no amount of premium coating will do. But hey there is a catch which you ought to utilize, ie Satamaniac, if not then you can as well hang. But i think a new era is coming to zed after trying with little success the few parties that have thus far ruled us. GOD SAVE ZAMBIA.

  8. I wonder why some PF blogers are instisting on referring to RB as the Party explores for the new MMD President. These explorations arose out of RB’s public announcement to retire from politics. RB’s adhered to the Western brand of politics. In Britain when Labour or the Conservative lose at the General Election, a leader of the losing Party voluntarlly resigns his position to give way to new blood. This is exactly the path that our former beloved President opted to take. However, the MMD should not go for a leader that shouts the loudest with little time to think or conteplate on strategising the development of the country. MMD must seriously consider Kabinga Pande or Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane. Mumba once abundoned the Pulpit and his worshipers and also failed to run his Party.

  9. Nevers is better than Sata. I thought Sata would make a good president. Going by what is happening in the country, I think even RB was better. Sata is every where. Where are his ministers, PSs and advisors?

  10. MMD and other political parties in Zambia seem to be foo.lish in handling their affairs. if this process of party president is wrongly handled the guys chosen will just cling on like RB did then the whole thing will be a scam. Do you think Nevers Mumba will let go once he starts smelling State House? Has HH ever wanted to let go? Did Sata want to let go? Would I want to let go? Put some money together, go to the convention and chose a someone from there so that the process is at least by the stipulated party constitution. Formers Ministers stand up and be counted and donate money, the party needs you now than ever! If you were a genuine MMD member, this is the time to show it. The party did everything for you now just a a little for you party. I’m not MMD just an observer.


  12. MMD should choose a leader by the stipulated process of the consitution or Mushota (LT blogger) will go for a holiday in Spain, Marry Nick, have breakfast with complicated names or drive a Micra. Now this will be too much for her/him (Mushota Chimfwembe). Please MMD spare Mushota the trouble of doing too many things.

  13. MMD should hold a convetion and elect the president who should rekindle confidence in the populacy.Nevers must not be given any chance to be president of the party.Mutati,Situmbeko or Pande can make good of them can be president or vice president and zambia can be well suggestions are as follows
    president-Pande,vice president mutati(or vice versa)
    president-mutati, vice president musokotwane(or vice versa)
    all those facing coruption charges or are suspected to have stolen must on their own resign the NEC positions and allow new blood to run the affairs of the party.As long as all provinces are represented in NEC unlike what we are seeing where a few provinces are managing our affairs

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