Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sata invites Russian Investors


Patriotic Front Leader Michael Sata
President Michael Sata

President Michael Sata has invited Russian government to send a business delegation to Zambia to explore various areas of investment.

This was during a meeting at State House on Friday, December 9, 2011 when he met Mr Mikhail Margelov, the Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for Cooperation with African Countries.

Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations, George Chellah disclosed this in a media statement.

Mr Margelov was in Zambia on a mission to promote of trade and cooperation between Russia and Zambia.

During the meeting, President Sata recognized the important role Russia played in the freedom struggle for African nationalism.

The President attributed the apparent quiet period in relations between Russia and African countries in the post Soviet-era to Russia’s need to attend to its own social challenges.

The Head of State noted that at independence, Zambia had less than 100 university graduates but this number increased soon after, through the many scholarships offered by the USSR.

President Sata identified agriculture, mining (copper and coal), civil engineering, oil exploration and tourism as critical areas where the two countries could cooperate.

He informed the Russian delegation that there were no facilities for producing gas in Zambia yet the country was rich in mineral reserves. The President said Zambia has underutilized its hydroelectricity generation potential.

The President invited Russia to send a business delegation to Zambia to explore various areas of investment.

In response, the Russian President’s Special Envoy said that Russia wanted to pursue pragmatic rather than ideological relations with African countries.

He introduced the CEO of Russia’s largest Gas Company (GAZPROM) which was interested in exploring areas for cooperation with Zambia.


  1. Ba bossi bwino ka! CEO of Russia’s largest Gas Company (GAZPROM) is the biggest Russian mafia there is out there! Even bigger than any oligarch (Alexey Borisovich Miller) is the ‘Don King’ of Russia- 100 charges and all of them acquitted! Many senior Gazprom managers have already been caught giving lucrative contracts to companies headed by their family members. Gazprom has become a sort of personal special project of Putin’s: from the very beginning of his presidency he has carefully nurtured this corporation, appointed people close to him to key posts within it, and overseen its work in detail.

  2. This is what the president should be doing.not making wild allegations this one this,this one that.Get busy with developmental programs.not rumour mongaring.

  3. This is what we want to hear from our President MCS instead of trading insults with bitter nobodies like ka HH who are filled negativity which borders on trivial petty tribal politics.

    #1 – whatever you may think of the Russians, they are very serious investors and that company you just mentioned is a major supplier of gas to the the Europe.  

  4. Good move Mr. Presidnt.Let the explore for oil, i am tolt its plent in Northwestern, Western and Luapula. The state:”President Sata recognized the important role Russia played in the freedom struggle for African nationalism.” Dont
    go into those issues that may annoy USA and Europe, We need both. Get them on merit and there experience in that area.

  5. No 3 Maxwell, do get me on a wrong footing! I wholly support MCS and Co, but I am warry about the Russians (as much as you know how all the oligarches made their money (read: The Oligarchs: Wealth And Power In The New Russia). Is about A dazzling tale of incredible wealth, ferocious disputes, beautiful women, private jets, mega-yachts, the world’s best soccer players, and chauffeur-driven Range Rovers with tinted windows The amazing true story of how London became home to the Russian super-rich, this explosive book tells the tale of a group of buccaneering Russian oligarchs who made colossal fortunes after the collapse of communism—and then came to London to enjoy their newfound wealth. From the origin of their journeys in Moscow and St. Petersburg to mansions in Mayfair, Knightsbridg

  6. I doubt the Russians would be interested in oil exploration in Zambia when they have the largest oil reserves in the world.

  7. #8 MB

    I would recommend you also read; RICHISTAN: A Journey Through the American Wealth Boom and the Lives of the New Rich. although slightly outdated as written before the crash its very informative and gives an insight of the river of easy money flowing at the time.
    You can call the Russians what you want but they own reputable investments worldwide especially in Europe and the US, who are we to question that especially that we were and are entertaining all sorts of Chinese firms who didn’t recognise local labour laws until recently. The onus is squarely on the government to vet these investors before the give them the go-ahead.

  8. When Indeni shut down for maintenance Sata accused the MMD govt and denounced the source of fuel from Russia to be a scandal. He belived Russia can not offer any meaningful trade to Zambia. We informed him that Russia supplies the whole Europe with energy and gas and dennouned the MMD govt heavily. Mr Sata rarely remembers what he opposed when he was not in govt. To day he embraces the very things he objected in the past. This means only one cause – “Where there is no vision the people suffer and perish”. Sata has not been to school and finds it hard to be advised by educated people below him.

  9. @MB, as much as there is a little bit of truth in what you are saying, it has nothing to do with Russians investing in zambia. Russians are good investor and they are already investing all over the world. They, just like all investors,need to be checked(make sure they pay tax and follow investment regulations).About the oligarches living in england, some have worked hard and used their brains to be on that level.(You either have a head or you dont have it at all,clever russians would say).Most oligarches are in england coz its safer for them than to live in crime infested  Moscow. Others are there coz they dont agree with Putin and they are fighting him from there. Once they come to Russia they will be locked up without fair trial like Mikhail Khadokovski.

  10. No. 11 Maxwell, again the only statement I agree with you is “…..The onus is squarely on the government to vet these investors before the give them the go-ahead…..” and that is why you saw the Chinese doing damage limitation on the first day (re luncheon) where they took their own food! Bringing Russian Investors in Zambia is like bringing Katumbi to invest! There is no Russian oligarch including Putin, Abramovich, Berezovsky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky (from a carpenter to richest Russian in the world), now languishing in jail! Oleg Deripaska (this former metals trader survived the gangster wars in the aluminium industry.

  11. Then, at age 31, he assumed control of Russian Aluminium, the country’s dominant producer. Russian criminals are internationally active in illegal oil trade, human trafficking, drug trafficking, smuggling of weapons and nuclear material and money laundering. Timur Lakhonin, the head of the Russian National Central Bureau of Interpol, stated: “Certainly, there is crime involving our former compatriots abroad”. And these are the people you want in Zambia when even in the UK they cannot do their hanky panky! Coming back to the Chinese, I prefer one that than 10 Russian infesters!

  12. No. 13 Zam Russian, you are simply emphasising my point! Anyway, most of the rich Russians are simply coming to launder their money! By the way that is what they word launder comes from (literally) washing their dirty Dollars or even Roubles!

  13. As much as we appreciate others putting their cash into zed it is also a sad reminder of our achilles heel.These entities externalize profits and there’s non flowing the other way.Where can we find any zambian investments outside of Zed? You go to Rwanda,Tz or Uganda you’ll find other african countries investments but not zambian.In zed you find MTN,Dangote,Kobil or Shoprite and the only segment dominated by Zambians is in rental property.Anything too complex to run you find it in foreign hands and it all gives a soberingly harsh verdict on the zambian psyche.

  14. We have to tax foreign business higher than locals period! No 18 Enka Rasha, I totally agree with you! Unless we learn to feed for ourselves, we shall keep recycling our politician to take advantage of what they can do for us, not what we can do for ourselves! Remember that principal!

  15. #19 MB
    What you are doing is stereotyping two different types of groups in Russian society.You make it look as if the Western investors are whiter than white; most of these Wall Street Investors and Venture Capitalists would make these Oligarchies look like boy scouts when you closely exam their dealings especially in Africa. 

    You should see the thought proving INSIDE JOB which is a 2010 documentary film about the late-2000s financial crisis directed by Charles H. Ferguson. The film is about “the systemic corruption of the United States by the financial services industry and the consequences of that systemic corruption. 

  16. No 20 Maxwell, for your information, Inside Job was on BBC last week (though I watched it) on DVD! Anyway, this is the kind of investments that we need: Seen in the Post of today 11/12/11 S/Korea’s Pohang plans steel mill in Cameroon SOUTH Korea’s Pohang Iron and Steel Company (POSCO) is planning to construct a steel mill in Cameroon along with a hydropower plant to run it, South Korea’s ambassador in Yaounde, Cho une Hyuck, told reporters on Friday. Plans for the mill come as the central African state seeks to develop two big iron ore deposits, including Australian Sundance Resources’ 10-billion-tonne Mbalam project on track to start up by the end of 2014. “The steel processing plant and a hydro-power to operate the plant can help Cameroon develop its natural resources in order to

  17. value-added (exports) and sustainably spur its economic growth,” Hyuc said. He gave no details on the expected cost or timing of the project. A Cameroon government official said talks on the details of the plan are ongoing. The project would strengthen ties between Cameroon and South Korea, whose joint-venture C&K Mining won a diamond mining license in January and which has also agreed to build a $7 million mining laboratory in the
    country. POSCO, the world’s sixth-largest steel maker, is majority controlled by the South Korean state. – Reuters. That for me is real investments. Let government encourage taka taka business like Shoprite to Mulongoti (who by the way was a shop-keeper) before he became a politician or even just you and me!

  18. Way to go Mr Presido..instead of globe trotting, clocking up flight hours like a commercial pilot RB. Monies wheather from Rusian, china USA or where ever is all mafia monies… All these big international coporates are managed hardened magias who collude with Governments to get business. We must welcome all infestors as long as we benefit

  19. But Sata CHIPUBA SANA! He is still living in the 1970’s. His he suffering from dementia of what?

    Surely, Sata doesn’t know that COMMUNISM destroyed our economy and brought it to its knees where Zambia had to Subsidize all consumption because of the RUSSIANS failed Communism Ideology.

    Even the Russians have done away with their Communism, they are now CAPITALISTS with no heart to help Zambia. In Russia money laundering is flourishing and Many International FRAUDSTERS are based in Russia.

    Does Sata wants to bring FRAUDSTERS in Zambia? Sata is talking to CHAMELEONS who does not understand what Russia did for AFRICA let alone Zambia.

    I have met Russians and Chinese, UNFORTUNATELY these nationals does not understands AFRICAN way of life let alone Zambians.

  20. Where has Chief Turd in State House been all these years?  USSR is not Russia!  It is like saying that the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland is Zimbabwe or Zambia.  The Russians don’t give a monkey (imwe baKolwe) for the failed Soviet experiment.  I suppose the Russian mafiosi will feel at home in this Kolwestan!

  21. Shaka OZ 
    You are new Mushota, you come up with really stupid comments
    Is truck driving draining your head
    MCS is the elected President, this is not JMV the great association 

  22. @MB, you can only no russians when you come to russia and live here for more than 6 years with keen interest in russian history,politics, economics and social life. Most aligarches you are talking about are not even friendly to Putin. They are his best political enermies coz of his undemocratic politics. Khadokovsky never worked as a carpenter. He is a chemical engineer who specialised in explosives. His 1st business was in banking where he and his friends started a bank literally with little money and no government help. Boris Yeltsin(1st russian president) who then sold the defunct oil company to him at a cheap price. He developed it and bought profit. Khadokovsky is in Jail on tax evasion charges. But in the real sence he differed with Putin when he started sponsoring the opposition.

  23. Khadokovsky also told off Putin that its his government that is reluctant infighting corruption and that annoyed Putin. His sentence was supposed to be over this year but he has been slapped with other charges by Putin and Medvedev administration and another 5 years has been added to his sentence. His charges are clearly political! Putin`s friends are the mafias ingermany where he saved as a secret agent for a long time. Most of those aligarches you see in england are anti putin. Ofcos Abramovic is Putin`s friend. Again its you have to know that most aligarches gained their wealth during perestroika(Read about that). That was the time of the survival of the fittest in the modern russian history. And some those who were clver enough are the ones you see in england. Others are stil here!

  24. #27 Tracy, & #28 Seventh day adventist,

    You are the best DULL people here on Earth i have ever heard of!

    You mean you can not even understand the simplest POLITICAL history of the infamous Soviet Union and Chinese so called SCIENTIFIC Socialism (communism) and what it has done to Countries especially in Africa and its Economy?

    Countries in Africa which shunned Communism like Senegal, Malawi, Swaziland e.t.c. their GDP grew while Zambia which ADOPTED Russia and Chinese Communism SKY rocketed downwards with its economy (with its NEGATIVE growth)! And you call this Mushota’s comments!

    You need to be serious you CHIMPANZEES!

    Sata is fit to be President of the 1970’s! Remember how he said to the DISGRACE of Zambians to the Archbishop of Canterbury! This is of the 1970’s era

  25. @SHAKA OZ, You must understand that the communist russia that once existed and the russia that exists today are completly 2 different countries. That was the soviet union,USSR which comprised of alot of countries that are now indepent. Today we have got The Russian Federation and the new generation actually know very little about the USSR. Russians and chinese are good investors. They are not like the americans and the british who just get out when they have gotten what they wanted. We saw that with anglo american cooperation that had once invested KCM and just abondoned it during Levy`s reign(I seek your correctin here). Its not long ago, we saw what BP did. Are they not the chinese and the soviet union who built our country?

  26. No. 26 SHAKA OZ in case you don’t know! What you are doing is insulting the President and insulting the President in Zambia is a criminal offence. Defamation of the President is contrary to section 69 of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia. Unfortunately, what you don’t realise is that if you were in the USA, Secret Service will trace and investigate you, your family and your friends (including even your business). If Lusaka Times are subpoenaed to release your email address, our own shu shu shu will trace you. Please abstain from committing offences. (A friendly and timely warning).

  27. apart from use of bad language and insults the contributors are bringing out some good information and teaching each other history and economics. Unfortunately they start defending their points by name calling, which is typical of Zambians who contribute on this website

  28. Russia apart from USA is the only country with more dollar billionaires than any other country and moscow has the largest billionaires in the world. i mean dollar and not kwacha billionaires like hh who is worth a mere $8million.

  29. @SHAKA OZ, dont argue using GDP per capita coz even equatorial guinea has gdp per capita of more than $20000 and yet the citizens are very poor. wen they say GDP per capita baba it is GDP divided by the country’s population. wabe t chikala

  30. #33 zam russian,

    Did you read through my comment thoroughly? You seem to be supporting me on this one but you don’t know!

    This is what i wrote Sata is talking to a delegation that does not understand what Russia did for Zambia 20 years ago.

    The Russia of today have the latest CAPITALISM in full force and not different from whatever it is. Moreover the Russian Capitalism is more BRUTAL than the USA one because Russians have DICTATORS like Putin who supports whatever it takes to do business!

  31. #34 MB,

    There is sense in what you are saying but that is why we the Zambian YOUTHS voted out the MMD and ushered in Sata and his PF, so that we change the constitution and reduce Presidential power in the new constitution so that Sata does not do THINGS according to his will like a small god but he should do things according to the Zambian Constitution.

    The ARCHAIC laws of insulting the President like the one you are talking about that came from the Colonial GOVERNMENT which was used to suppress Zambian Freedom Fighters and later KK/UNIP must be repealed in the new Constitution and if Sata does not do it Zambians will!

    Sata has gone MAD right now as he is doing things according to his will and as Zambian Youths we are just looking forward to the new constitution!

  32. #34 MB says:

    Did you write to say, “if you were in the USA, Secret Service will trace and investigate you, your family and your friends (including even your business).”

    Much as am not even afraid of what am saying because its in the interests of Zambians. I DISAGREE with you on the point of the USA Secret Service tracing a Zambian on behalf of the Zambian government just because of your outdated Penal code law?

    The USA does not send people to COUNTRIES where they can experience torture, Zambia included! Especially on these issues of good governance and there are no LAWS of the United States that have been broken by criticizing the President of Zambia and his EVIL Roman Catholic Bishops who are not correcting him as they used to condemn the MMD and RB!

    God bless Zambia!

  33. Ba Shaka Oz with all due respect please just study hard for your Grade 9 exams this year don’t be distracted by this internet, please my dear friend i know exams can be very stressful but please keep away from the weed as well. Come back when you get your results next year then come and comment, please take this advise on board from a caring friend.
    Good luck in your exams dear friend!!

    Your Caring Uncle

  34. Hmmm…Shaka Oz has an aggressive style of commenting that reminds me of another bully that trolls through Zambian websites. This person is possibly lonely and has a rubbish life. They are best ignored. Stop rising to their bait.

  35. Two thumbs up for SHAKA OZ….To hell with the Russians!
    They should just continue giving scholarship to GRZ, they make a lot of money from students and GRZ has been a good customer since independence.

    China!Yes,China,the fastest growing superpower on earth is bankrolling the World,

    Recently even the Europeans have gone begging for $100bn from the Chinese to help with the European bail-out fund.

    The Chinese finance the American dream by buying US govt bonds and treasury bills. America cann´t do without Chinese money
    Ignore China at your own peril!
    Russia,my foot!

  36. @MB

     Breaking News

    Billionaire to Challenge Putin for Presidency
    Russian billionaire tycoon and Nets basketball team owner Mikhail Prokhorov said he will run against Vladimir Putin in next year’s presidential election.

  37. At last! Substance from the President for a change. Whatever medication the first lady has put him on is probably working. A head of state is talking, Lets see how it plays out. This is the side of Sata that can restore hope. Hope that job creation is still on the table for the millions of youths who voted for PF. Hope that maybe, just maybe, this is one area where he will not u-turn and break his promise. Lets wait and see. Maybe there was a typo in the script he was reading from at the swearing-in ceremony. It was supposed to be 90 weeks and not 90 days. He should fire that typist at once, and an investigation must be conducted at a later stage :)

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