Former Zambian high Commissioner to Canada Nevers Mumba this morning presented himself for questioning at the Force headquarters in connections with allegations of financial irregularities at the Zambian mission he was heading.
Police could however not question Dr Mumba.
Dr Mumba was accompanied by his lawyer Sakwiba Sikota to the Police headquarters and a number of MMD supporters.
Mr Sikota expressed disappointment that the Police had summoned his client when they were not ready for him.
And Dr Mumba vowed that he will not bow to politics of witch-hunting and intimidation.
He encouraged his supporters to stand strong and soldier on in the face of alleged intimidation by the PF government.
Meanwhile the Zambia Police have said that they summoned Former Zambian High Commissioner to Canada, Nervers Mumba this morning to secure an appointment with him.
Spokesperson Eelizabeth Kanjela said that the police will question Dr. Mumba on Tuesday next week.Ms Kanjela said police could not chrage Dr Mumba today because they are still investigating the matter.
Ms Kanjela said that Dr. Mumba should not feel harassed or intimidated because it is police routine to call him to the police station.
She has further advised political leaders not to come with cadres to the police station when they come for questioning.
Ms Kanjela said that police will not entertain the presence of cadres at the police station because it is not a political ground
There you go another blunder coming from State House. How many people is the PF government going to victimize before they begin to do their jobs. This is pathetic.
The cold war is shifting from Tonga/Lozi vs Bemba to Bemba vs Bemba and this will be interesting to watch.
its not trible its destroying the most strong look contenders
He was better off with `Zambia Shall Be Served` as a clergyman. Politics don`t suit him. That is why he keeps jumping around. Ba Nevers, pse go back to the pulpit. How could you reduce yourself to a mere High Commissioner. Below a Permanent Secretary when you had presidential ambitions. In life there is a stage where pride takes precedence. Be a principled man. Forms NCC,accepts to be Vice President, accepts to be a mere High Commissioner. What next if you fail to get MMD presidence? DC Chinsali?
Dr Nevers Mumba appears to be unperturbed or intimidated by the whole saga.From the look of his intention to sue GRZ he seems like a man with nothing to hide.And it all goes to show how bad it is that Sata’s adminstration came in with the mentality that anybody tied to RB must be tainted beyond repair.Sad to say that those seemingly very clean angels appointed by Sata will one day embarrass him with scandals of corruption.Sata is like those pastors who always preach from the pulpit then one day they are caught with their pants down.Soldier on Mumba you’re cleaner than Sata anyway.
the police station has become a political ground with everyone MMD being summoned there nowadays.this is a very bad precedence
Got to laugh at this loser. From the pulpit to accused for financial fraud!
thats one hell of a charismatic man , unlike all the other bunch of political nincompoops we have around you cant align Nevers to any tribal nosense. zambia shall definitetly be “shaved”
Ba Mumba Please leave politics. It is a dirty game and once you are in it the dirt will smear you.
helo bane checking one two
another embarrasment for the PF govt. mmd will bounce back to power with this nervous man, his nervousness led him to hand himself in to police. The problem with sata is that he just opens his big rotten mouth without sitting down and getting reliable sources. This is a good clue to all those that doubt that he has never been to school. If u have been to school and got a degree one of the main things u wud have learned at uni is that reliable sources of data are imperative for any assignment. Therefore this means that for every diarrohea u spray on that piece of paper u need to have evidence and support your claims. Sata opens his mouth claiming all sorts of things without any legal backing or evidence. dumb
Bullshit policemanship! How do you summon somebody to the police without charges against them. I thought you first investigate then summon someone with concrete charges against them. So what they are trying to say is they are trying to create an imaginary case against the man. The country has really gone to the dogs. What nonsense!!!
Ati he was summoned by the police to arrange an appointment! Ndiye kuti akapokola alibe ma foni?
This govt is pathetic.
Good evening
Just wondering whether it is really necessary for the Police to summon someone for questioning when they are no charges laid against him yet? If the case has gone to court, then why not let the process play out there (court room)? Investigations are in order but they must not be seen to impair the integrity of justice or be conducted in an acrimonious manner.
# 3 & 6 What contribution do you make to Zambia? With what honesty and credibility does Sata & PF govt harass innocent Zambians as they do? Classical witch hunt, immaturity, self embarassment and incosistent. Rule and govern the country fairly to the people’s expectations and not harassments everywhere and this will come round one day. Charge individuals with wrong doing when proven with facts and not harassments because of the incompetencies you exhibit.
Why do politicians always feel they have to be accompanied by party cadres when they are summoned by the Police? Are their lawyers not enough? There ought to be a law against this foolishness. When those that are not summoned appear and there is any fracas, they should be arrested and punished. We do not want jungle law.
they just follow
Its pathetic ba pf and sata!
Sata claimed there were some financial issues Nevers has.
From this is reasonable to think the president was lying again…….why not charge him then, if he stole?
The police should have the courage to tell Sata not to use them to fight his political fights.
Pipo y ukutukana? think if it means war not evn u can remain. mind u the bembas u hate ar maint n dis country.careful
Pipo y ukutukana? thin if it means war not evn u can remain. mind u the bembas u hate ar main,n dis country.careful
I think this is code for we have not completed fabricating allegations and will call on you when we are done. Meanwhile, street kids, continue to live off the streets and being abused, hungry villagers, continue scrounging for roots and inedible substances, schools continue being dilapidated and cholera speed up the process of your annual visit to Zambia – the government is busy with priority number one witch hunting….
Sata should be impeached. We didn’t vote for him to witch hunt.Zambians are tired of witch hunts.Sakwiba Sikota will be a very rich man in the coming 5 years.
Imwe Ba kolwe leave PF alone , judge them after their term subsides..Most of PF haters must have been MMD beneficiaries.Sata is our Man for now whether mulefewaya or not donch kubeba….Let him do his things his way…Chi bwezani and all other *****s can’t much upto Cobra..Muzachipa…Dr mumba Wa mafi…
infact te bakolwe but ba mishindo. mudala balekeni bamumbwe sata man of action
mumba tekanyafye.
Summoned Dr Mumba to secure an appointment with him? Come on Elizabeth Kanjela, what nonsense is that, if not that Zambia Police Service should now be called Zambia PF Service? The level to which professionals are reduced in this country is amazing!
Why should they call someone to the police station just to secure an appointment? Malabishi! Why not call him or his lawyer to say they need him next week Tuesday? Sata has become the govt spokesperson, DEC boss, ZP IG, etc. Pathetic!
Even the police has changed! Listen to the level of intelligence in the justifcations given for summoning Mumba. Ma-rubbish police. Everything has deteriorated even BEFORE CHRISTMAS! The police service has been invaded by a brainless specie!
I am sorry but Nevers Mumba is an annoying person! Kwati Lunshi!
hey there is no sense in ur comment we need ideas not nothing critisize then show way forward.
where r yo advisers ba Sata?
An ***** for a president,why is this nonsense happening to Zambia?
´´This disgrace of accommodating insanity clowns and the ignoble should be done away with at once. Self seeking heroism at command, senseless brutality, intimidation, hollow accusations, nepotism, deplorable love-of-country stance, how violently we hate all this, how despicable and ignoble they are; We would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action! It is our conviction as fearless patriots and democrats that belaboring to asphyxiate our hard won democracy under the cloak of a circus is nothing but an act of unpardonable crime against virtues of democracy. People will resist this insanity.´´…Senior Citizen
what has this to do with sata,he is not a police nor did he instruct the police to call mumba on the day he appeared ,but its the police officials who summoned him ,its the failure of the police not mcs.sata just raised the issue of financial iregularity at the mission in canada but its upto to the investigation wings to follow up the matter.
Is lawyer Sakwiba Sikota the official legal counsel for MMD Party, this chap is going to very busy next year!!
To 25 Planzo….
It has everything to do with Sata,believe you me!
The fact that Sata is commenting on everything that in itself puts pressure on poor GRZ workers who do not want to lose their poorly payed jobs like that Lusaka Comanding Officer….they want to be seen to be doing something by Sata even when they are not doing nada!
This whole saga is just ridiculous! Why doesn’t the government have something by way of an audit report. It appears as though somebody just alleged that there was misappropriation and that is what they are going by. I like you Mr. President, but you are now starting to act like your predecessors!
To 26 Maxwell
Dude,Sakwiba Sikota is just doing his job and getting payed at the same time!
Got a problem with that?
Study Law too if you want to make some mulla becuase Sakwiba is still making his!
To 25 Planzo.
It has everything to do with Sata,believe you me!
The fact that Sata is commenting on everything that in itself puts pressure on poor GRZ workers who do not want to lose their poorly payed jobs like that Lusaka Comanding Officer….they want to be seen to be doing something by Sata even when they are not doing nada!
umupuba ni nevers mumbwa mumbwa
btw chisuma ichi chi nervousi, if i was a woman i wud let him fookooonya me no doubt guys
Totally disgusting.
reader what is your problem? i am very comfortable with my sexuality of been straight that i give respect where it is due, this man is handsome. if u dont agree let him take your wife on a date. makaka eeewe
Closet gay in denial.
leave MUmba alone, if u wanna become a pastor go for it, its the choice he has made. PF wanna destroying the most strong look contenders (Mumba, HH, en Dr musokotwane) its the name if the game third world politics)
It seems SATA has a personal issue with nevers. Why not wait for him to sue the state as he was challenged?
If there are irregularities, bring them out and charge him when the work is properly done. For now it amounts to intimidation, hatred and politics that just take us very backward.
If i were in zambia i was going to lock up mumba and his cadres in police cells for unlawfully assembly at the police station.Lack you are you monkeys!
Nevers is just a two bit bird brain. `lots of talk and nothing else. This poor , meaning not rich, fellow was rescued by that most corrupt inept twat of president Rupiah Banda, but as we have all seen, it was only for a short while. The f-u-c-k-e-r is back to earth and will soon be facing the music. What a twit. All jaw and nothing else. Only bird brains like him will pay attention to this failure of a con artist . The sooner we rid of him the better.
#6 Italian Bunga Bunga (Original),
Honestly you need to be ashamed of yourself! You EVIL Roman Catholic trained Jesuit trained!
Zambians have got to laugh at Sata a LIAR and Dictator! From the 90 days Sata has failed to economically put money in the pockets of Zambians to using BRUTAL methods of SUPPRESSING opposition leaders like Nevers Mumba that even MMD and RB never used during his Presidency!
What a shame of this man called Sata! Sata needs to be ashamed of himself for his failure and lies!
Sata is the one behind this summoning of Nevers! Is Sata going to manage put all Zambians in jail for their divergent VIEWS? NO
Am still have trust in Post Editor Chief Fred Mmembe and the Post Newspaper to expose Sata and see through his Dictatorship and LIES at the RIGHT TIME!
#32 – Walai. It’s ok to come out of the closet
ka nubian walila? do u remember me? am back mune. i love heterosexual nthwenani. am very comfotablle with my sexuality in saying that lets be honest, this man is handsome. nothing homo about that mune, wamfwa? where is ka daisy and the rest. deuces u ka 2vee :)>-
Nervers just showed up at the station to make a scene thats why he brought his entourage with him. To me thats a sign of a guilty man showing up and saying charge me now. He never wanted to be recalled from canada thats why he came back a bitter man. i have never heard of any embassy personel delaying a recall like he did, one is suppose to fly home immediately or defect, simple. the people underestimating sata are in for a surprise and remember he was elected primarily to fight corruption so thats his main agenda….the easiest defense is witch hunting, my gosh i would claim the same if i knew i was guilty…..
Spot on… This guy really wanted to stay on. The charges for him are welcome and indeed he is guilty. They need to scrutinise the embassy accounts too, very suspicous ba kandile aba
Well ba Nevers busy jumping up and down, you Zambian fellows amaze me that you can not even tell who is a crook. This so called Nevers is clearly a crook and opportunist. He has been changing positions from church to party anything that can make him money and because of MMD desperation you think he can be your leader. There is no Bemba war, as Bembas unlike other tribes we dont support people because they are bemba we believe in justice and i believe if Nevers is not guilty of anything he should just go along with the charges and prove them wrong but because this guy loves spending i am sure he knows what he has done in the high commissioners office – so Auditors will nail him.
Let me get this straight. Mumba was an ambassador of God on earth. Forsook his post and becaome a political party leader. Forsook his post again and became a vice president. Unable to tame his tongue, he was consequently fired. Then he was appointed high commossioner (same as ambassador) of a corrupt MMD. I thought in his first post as a pulper he taught not to be evenly yorked with evildoers. I know that bad company corrupts good morals. I believe in God and i have no respect of a preacher who turns his back and shows the world as though serving a politial party is better than serving God. Daniel was a minister in the Babylonian government and he counselled Nebbuchadnezar. What counsel did Mumba give MMD? If he stood for what is right, why was there so much mismanagemant? Where was he?
Let me get this straight. Mumba was an ambassador of God on earth. Forsook his post and become a political party leader. Forsook his post again and became a vice president. Unable to tame his tongue, he was consequently fired. Then he was appointed high commissioner (same as ambassador) of a corrupt MMD. I thought in his first post as a preacher he taught not to be evenly yoked with evildoers. I know that bad company corrupts good morals. I believe in God and I have no respect of a preacher who turns his back and shows the world as though serving a political party is better than serving God. Daniel was a minister in the Babylonian government and he counselled Nebuchadnezzar. What counsel did Mumba give MMD? If he stood for what is right, why was there so much mismanagement? Where was he?
Mumba says his hands are clean. To him who claims to have clean hands, thorough inspection is required. It is amazing how MMD members call themselves witches. When they say Sata is witch-hunting, they acknowledge that they are witches. So Mumba has turned from preacher to witch what a transformation. Again, he is now saying I left the mission and any findings should not point to him. Also he is saying that he will only accept the findings done under the MMD. I smell a rat..oh sorry a witch.
With or without Sata State police has to work. Police service is there to assist all of us whether in the wrong or right ( maintaining & peace and order). If General Miyanda, Rev E. Matale, Liato, GBM, even Sata and myself where sammoned by the Police at one point, why not summon Dr N. Mumba. Lets start been objective. The same police will come and summon G. Lubinda or G. Guy at some point. Its there job.
Ba Pastor you heard of the summon in news paper not official…Sikota you are a pathetic lawyer you do not have the summons document yet to go ahead….. Ba Pastor again you are bringing more shame to yourself…….
This is no blunder. The police are still gathering more information. They just wanted to make sure this crook of a preacher man is around. Lets just wait and see. This man has dirty hands
What Nevers is doing is just a publicity stunt and to woe the sympathy of the Zambian people,nothing else. He knows behind closed doors what he had done in Canada afterall he is another Bemba best known for quick fingers and fast talking.Nevers no sympathy from if you had used your fast fingers let Malama and the law take the right path.
I thought when you summon someone that is an appointment in itself. We have seen this happen in the compounds where we live when you are summoned to the police post/station you are not given another appointment, instead you are told to remove your shoes, belt etc. Have the rules changed? Don’t cheat us, we are tired of this don’t kubeba which now being adopted by the police.
At the rate at which this President is making baseless allegations,Saki will be a Kwacha Billionaire any soonest.What Zambians saw in this man still beats my logic.
Have people realized something here. Sata is using UNIP style of leadership which is not applicable anymore in modern Zambia. How sad, police is just waiting for instructions from plot one. Plse plot one stop this and start spending time to achieve your promises, by year one ending you will have U-turned on all your promises. Now HE Sata is saying he laid about the 90days theory. How sad indeed.
this man is a crooooooo he has abandon God ,the church and his party so ba fyatile ba mmd if you put **** as your president you will cry more.TRY mutati not this thi,,,,,,,,he will auction the party.
1.The audit was done in june and all things where ok,so i wonder what those irregularities are,so meaning the auditors have to be sued too and anna chifungula fire(shes credible i like her)
2.So far i see nevers being locked up guilty or not,the question is how far is our president willing to get his hands dirty?he cant be blamed for another blunder after the gold scum,too much
3.ZP and all civil servants are having it hard with the presidents ‘GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY ATTITUDE” You cant go against his judgement for cadres escorting not too long ago PF people used to block kitwe town when there people where summoned eg frank bwalya ans sata in lusaka,cadres are humans not animals and no rule in zambia forbids that and yes madam ZP and such has turned into a political ground
You are right #59. The name Chilufya is having more meaning under PF now. Ukulufyanya, mistakes, u-turning, getting lost with governing the country, being petty, Head of State commenting on things he should be delegating etc.
The govt is falling for Nevers’ antics. He is trying to create doubt in the audit process by playing victim. He is not a clean man. Ask those who were in Victory Ministries-they will tell you the truth. He came to Ottawa and quickly formed an association of “Zambians”. He created a “Zamtrop” type of account in cahoot with this association. Barrick Gold donated $120,000 which nobody seems to know how it was used. It partly went to sponsorship of independence which brought the Amayenge to Ottawa. But then even the band members of Amayenge complained that they expected to paid 120/day, only to receive $20/day. Let’s wait until the whole truth is out there before judging.
elo is it 2016 yet?whats with the political wars in our country?cant we all be friends and look at advansing our country?
if this is how things are done opposition parties would never survive and PF would have never been there and mr mwanawasa wouldnt have helped president sata and fly him out for medical help,we need the oposition too very much cause they keep the balance,PF won MMD is under fire and the camp is down and PF wants to annihilate a party gosh…if they wont be careful they could resurrect MMD cause we are wondering if we chacked the wrong party now cause honestly we are using what RB travelled a lot for as income eg chinese economic zones and all and PF is still in a political war
@ No. 6 – Don’t laugh, your man is accused of incompetence.
lay the charges unlike wasting people’s time..!
I do not under stand why people keep calling any one who is a preacher to keep their hands away from politics. I do not blame you anyway, it just shows the type of Gospel you received. As a man of God i will never only be a pulpit man but i should lead the nation. if not Nevers it will be me.