Sunday, March 9, 2025

PF candidate petitions George Kunda’s victory


Vice president George Kunda greets MMD cadres before addressing a rally at kaseba in Muchinga constituency where he is constesting the parliamentary seat
File:Former Vice president George Kunda greets MMD cadres before addressing a rally at Kaseba in Muchinga constituency

LOSING Muchinga Constituency Patriotic Front (PF) parliamentary candidate John Chama has petitioned the election of former vice-president George Kunda as Member of Parliament for the area.

Mr Chama petitioned in Kabwe High Court that contrary to the said declaration by the returning officer Manase Phiri, Mr Kunda was not validly elected.

Mr Kunda, who stood on the MMD party, polled 6,292 votes while Mr Chama got 1,307.

In his petition obtained by the Times in Kabwe yesterday, Mr Chama alleged that the campaign by Mr Kunda was characterised by widespread acts of undue influence, bribery, abuse of State resources, vote-buying and all manners of electoral malpractices contrary to the Electoral Act number 12 of 2006 and Election Code of Conduct Statutory Instrument number 52 of 2011.

He claimed that throughout the campaign period, Mr Kunda allegedly engaged in a campaign which targeted Government and community schools by donating bicycles to such institutions directly and not through the District Education Boards (DEBS).

Mr Chama cited the numerous donations of bicycles to various Government and community schools in the constituency which he said were received by head teachers and deputy head teachers.

Some of the schools which allegedly received Atlas bicycles were Milulu, Chieftainess Mailo, Nsomaula, Kanona, Muchinga, Chitankwa,Kaseba, Chibale, Koffi Kunda and Nchimishi Basic schools.

Others were Muchinga Community School and Mambwe Locha School.

He claimed that the former Republican vice-president dished out money to the electorate on September 19 and 20 through MMD ward officials and was allegedly using a Zambia Air Force helicopter throughout the campaign illegally as he ceased to hold the position following the dissolution of Parliament on July 28, 2011 while he (Chama) was using his personal vehicle.

He said Mr Kunda was allegedly being helped by some civil servants to campaign while more than five double- cab police vehicles with police officers were allegedly transporting the electorate to and from MMD rallies.

In his petition, Mr Chama also claimed that former Serenje district commissioner Stanley Chibwana was being used as an interpreter for Mr Kunda’s MMD rallies.

He alleged that Mr Kunda was being assisted by Chief Mailo within Muchinga Constituency to campaign and claimed that the traditional leader threatened to chase away from his chiefdom any of his subjects that would vote for the PF.

The petitioner stated that as a consequence of the illegal practices committed by Mr Kunda and his agents, the majority of the voters were prevented from electing a candidate of their choice.

Mr Chama is being represented by Messrs Mumba Kapumpa Advocates while Mr Kunda is being represented by Sunday Nkonde and Bwalya Mubanga from SBN legal practitioners.

Hearing of the application has been set for December15, 2011.

Meanwhile, three PF petitioners have filed notices of intention to have their petitions withdrawn in the Lusaka High Court.

Those that have filed notices to withdraw include Kapoche losing candidate Paradious Sakala, losing candidate for Siavonga Lovemore Kanyama and the losing candidate for Luangeni, George Zulu.

The trio made their notices to have their petitions withdrawn pursuant to Section 99 (1) of the Electoral Act number 12 of 2006 and that specific reasons were advanced to that effect.

Mr Sakala had petitioned the election of MMD’s Nicholas Banda, while Mr Zulu petitioned the election of independent MP Charles Zulu for Luangeni Constituency.

Mr Kanyama had petitioned the election of United Party for National Development (UPND)’s Kennedy Hamudulu as MP for Siavonga. More than 70 losing parliamentary candidates for various constituencies had petitioned the Lusaka High Court to nullify the election of their opponents, citing electoral malpractices.Of those that petitioned, more than 50 were filed by the ruling PF while the opposition MMD petitioned five seats.

The opposition UPND petitioned 11 while two seats were petitioned by independent candidates.
[Times of Zambia]


  1. one thing i know George Kunda does not deserve to be in parley.he deserves to leave our politics and relocate to some prison.personally the man is a liability to the current set up

  2. George Kunda tiza Mukuunyula. Timu kwekwesha mu Court. His time is up. he caused a lot of anguish to people of Zambia with his failed constitution.

  3. Leave Kunda alone, i wonder how pipo can be fighting hard to be a leader in this poor , corrupt and backward country, not even known in Europe and Asia. It amazes me alot

  4. The major question is how did SATA get the election?
    Is it not through lies???
    SATA prmissed the following:
    1) Deliver constitution in 90 days, did he tell the truth or he lied?
    2) Deliver development in 90 days, did he tell the truth or lie?
    3) Re-introduce windfall tax, did he tell the truth or lie?

  5. Amazingly, SATA refused to be part of Mwanawasa’s NCC, yet it passed thru parliament and was an act of parliament.
    Mwanawasa made the NCC bill to go thru parliament and and invited all major institution, Churches and NGOs to nominate and send members to be part of the NCC.
    SATA refused to be part of it saying it was government engineered and that it was not all inclussive.
    But what has SATA done? Single-handedly he has picked 20 people to do the constitution and you can still much his words with his actions.
    You have to be like SATA to believe that there is no lie in what he says.
    Any liar will not see anything wrong in lying – that is just the way it is? If you eat ka monkey you will not see anything wrong when you find someone eating a ka monkey!!!
    That is how it is!!!

  6. Watch out what will happen if the rate at which they are moving is not checked.
    Some people have the capacity, through an analytical eye, to see things before they actually happen while other people can only see what has happened. For such we give time.
    It was on this same sight I told people that the promisses of 90 day this, 90 day that were lies, and SATA would, as usual, change and u-turn on each promiss.
    People were adamant and too royal to SATA’s promisses that they would not believe he was lying.
    Today, they can only say it’s Ok even if he lies because we like him.
    I know that there is no problem in liking a liar, especially when you too are a liar. You can love the person, no problem. I hope you wont love even his lies!!!

  7. #4, 5, 6 FINE……………….. I say to you again,….you are extremely dull. Thats the name of the game. But just wait and see what the great leader HE MCS will do for this great nation

  8. # 8 Tracy, you call me dull because I condemn lying!
    Well, you definition of dullness needs much to be desired. To you and your little intelligency, liars are wiser than those who dont lie.
    I will tell you one thing; a dull person is one who uses lies as an option to thinking.
    Dull people’s behaviour is manifested in the following ways:

    Lying and deceiving
    2) Insulting whenever brain fails to function.
    3) Making false promisses and obtaining things or favour by false pretence.
    4) Praising wrong doers.
    Tracy, if you do any of the above things, you are extremely dull.

  9. We need George Kunda in parliament ,he already proved his worth when he challenged Sata for trying to abolition of the position of Secretary to the Treasury, a position that was created by Parliament.Leaving Sata without checks and balances will be disastrous.Whether you are PF or MMD Zambia is ours and must be safe guared

  10. Poor thing chiKunda, i only respect you becos you are married to my sister but i cannot forget the anguish you and Banda caused to my sisters and brothers youslaughtered in Barotseland and justified it in parliament. However, i will donate diapers for my mulamu if need be.Lose the petition as i lost my dear brothers from your happy trigger bastards the police.

  11. #10 lady gaga, your rationality is extremely lame.
    The president has appointed a 20 man team to come up with a draft constitution.
    He has given them 12 months to complete the task.
    In your rationality, you are still waiting for 90 days to elapse in order to know that 12 month will go beyond 90 days??
    This is why I say your rationality is LAME.
    LADY GAGA, you want to wait until 90 days elapses in order to realise that 90 days is LESS than 12 months!!!!?
    LADY GAGA, you are rational, then I dont want to be rational; because who wants to be LAME in thinking???

  12. #4,5,6 Fine!
    Why you come out with such matters which are not part of the topic? Yes you are total right in some parts of your contribution, but I wonder why you are offside. the topic here is about George Kunda.

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