United party for national development UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema has charged that the ruling Patriotic Front has grown the appetite to ridicule Zambians.
Mr. Hichilema has further charged that the fight against corruption under the Michael Sata led government is mere deception.
He says some appointments the president has made do not collate with the stance he has taken on the corruption fight.
Mr. Hichilema adds that as much as his party supports the corruption fight, it should be fought with action and not words.
And Mr. Hichilema has advised the government not to politicize the fight against corruption.
Mr. Hichilema says the fight against graft should be conducted in a professional manner and not in a selective manner.
Mr. Hichilema was speaking this morning on Let the People Talk on Radio Phoenix.
The corruption fight is meant to please donors.
You cannot redicule Zambians and get away with it. Elections could be pay back time.
What is HH saying when his own tribal cousin burried 2.1billion kwacha, SATA is fighting corruption and everyday we have results. I wish u remained in the pact we could now be grooming u for presidency in 2016, but ur arrogancy costed u a fortune.
Why do you have to bring tribe is everything you smelly rotten bemba C unt.
His pathological lying nature and incorrigible hatred for other ethnic groups aside, Sata is a clear and present danger Zambia has ever risked with. He is just curse to Zambia for our apathy to elections and public affairs. Its either he turns into a leaders or relegated to history by a critical mass of Zambian patriotism.
Mada faka
His pathological lying nature and incorrigible hatred for other ethnic groups aside, Sata is a clear and present danger Zambia has ever risked with. He is just a curse to Zambia for our apathy to elections and public affairs. Its either he turns into a leader or gets relegated to history by a critical mass of Zambian patriotism.
Zambia is faced with a crisis of historic proportion. If ignored, the country risks facing consequences too ponderous in magnitude.Zambia is bigger than such relic with nothing for our future.
Mr President (H.H), kindly inform the law enforcement agencies concerning the corrupt pipo appointed thus far so that we have more drama. How interesting it would be!
Otherwise shut up!
You just talk too much without evidence, at least Mr Chifire talks with evidence as in the case of Apollo though he too could not present himself to the law emforcement agencies.
Ba HH lekeni SATA atuteke please
Zambians lets resolve to get rid of this PF failed govt. Its busy rediculing and fooling Zambians that Bemba tribe is a better cut above the rest of the tribes. This one single item can cow down Sata if accused at national level, consistently and effectively. Any one defending it to be taken as co-accused for aiding tribalism. This works in Europe and America over racism. Any person let alone polititian accused of racism can not even walk freely in streets or speak at meetings. He/she is an desirable element among human beings so is tribalism. I assure you next elections or by elections take TRIBALISM OF BEMBAS as campaign item. It is undefensible and weakens any one to justify it.
Baba we have a five years mandate. Mada faka
Bouchuuuuu the moment this guy realise he will NEVER be president of zambia the better.
HH need sti sit down and reflect hard on the future of UPND, the party members will be burying the party and consigning it to political limbo if they dont start searching for another vibrant and democratic leader. This is no longer the party that Anderson left (MHSRIP). HH is too much about himself and the party stalwarts need to wake now and reorganise the party otherwise come 2016, it will be like BY’s party.
Under 5 please explain to us what has been politicized in the the fight against corruption. You support it so you say, how best do you think we can fight it Tomorrow when the MMD MPs are arrested you will be opening you mouth wide calling the fight which hunt. Anyway we know you politicians always want to talk even when you have no point
under 5 regional party. Hakaivotela Humwine
Clear tone of a man frustrated for error of judgement(pulling out of pact) resulting in a republican vice presidency position slipping off his hands. Alatobolwa nga amona guy scot ati so sembe ndine pamupando paja manje.
That the problem with you cowards, instead of challenging HHs arguments you rush to tribalism and bitterness. Clearly its a stupid way of admitting that the shikulu you put in office is clueless about the demands of presidency
There’s no need of wasting time challenging someone you see has no point. People are not challenging him because all he says and alleges doesnt make any sense at all. Elias Chipimo can be challenged, he is more reasonable and makes some sense that he has to prove by challenging him NOT HH. It’s like he doesnt know what he wants and he doesnt know what to do to be in opposition. Believe me zambians have lost all respect they had fir HH, he will be more wise if he considers resigning from active politics.
I thought it is the other way round – Zambians have instead lost faith in Sata??????? Is it not obvious
Hakadancer hakanaka!!
I wonder who the politicians refer to when they say Zambians because I am a Zambian and I don not feel ridiculed.
open ur eyes brov thats y 1 MP says its hard to understand if u have never lived in UK.
My Dear Under 5 Politician friend, Dont behave like a cadre, you are the leader. If you are providing checks and balances, why not clearly outline what you think has been done wrong. We have been making a lot of appointments, which particular ones do you think we should not have made and why? Have balls to mantion the names so thatwe na know, why act your a premature Ejaculating cadres who just through blanket condamination of what I do.
How best can Coruption be faught? (What is the professional way of doing it?).
Grow up
Haka vota Heka(HH)
Hukalanda Huka naka(HH)
Huka lila Huka naka(HH)
shut it up Hh
HH is not bitter..infact he wrote a letter to congratulate Sata a fews hours after sata won the elctections. It would be difficult for a person who is bitter to do that..and it appears amongst all the presidential guys who lost he is the only who wrote a letter…tongas and not jelousy but kaso yes that is why you need them in leadership..the coffers will be surely protected…you are rest assured.
Mr Frustrated is talking again. He should have comfortably been Vice President in an all inclusive government. Now he messed up due to misguided delusions of grandios (overinflated self worth). Wait for your time bro, 2036 is not far.
HH just reveal more of those who have stolen from govt coffus we want to know
Surely HH is the next president of Zambia.
please pipo why so much hatred for HH.the only thing i can tell you is every word that comes out from your mouths you shall give account for it the day of judgement.for the same measures you give to another is the same measure you get.those words you speak wil one day come back to you.
There goes the DISAPPOINTED SOLDIER again! God had a reason to remove you from the PACT! PF is STERILE no contamination with other Parties, watch us RULE! HH su””””””cks!
HH was right about pulling out of that**** pact. His mistake was getting into the pact in the first place. Now he can sit on the sidelines and laugh as Sata bumbles around with nobody to blame but himself.
HH, you were right to get out of an alliance with Satan. There is no way he would allow somebody with more brains than him to be second in govt. Gay Scotsman got the VP role because he is a sycophant and no threat.
Very very rich words from this ka HH, who is in bed with corrupt RB & MMD, Zambia is crying out for a proper opposition not these USELESS PARTY of NARROW-MINDED DUNDERHEADS. This ka useless chap still thinks he is campaigning for presidential elections against Sata next month. He has no strategy; the language he employs in some small remote village in Choma, is the same language he uses on national TV and FM radios in the Cities; know your crowd. No sooner his MPs relies that he is a liability the better.
Enough with regional party!!
What deception are you talking about iwe HH, with the revelation of K2.1bn? Wake up from your slamber!
HH will be the next President of Zambia by default as Satan implodes with the tribal PFooters. His only threat is if MMD get organised and get a serious and focused non-Bemba to lead that party. If MMD gets a Bemba (i.e. Mumba or Mutati), then come 2016, the rest of Zambia will ensure that the triumphalist 55% Bembas are booted out. WATCH THIS SPACE.
Sometimes I have no idea what to say about HH. I am not very fond of the man but I really think he can deliver some change in the financial direction of Zambia.
Problem however is that the more Tonga’s come out and defend him mightily, the more tribal you decorate his image. Argue on policy and not personality!
How I wish 2016 was only 4 months away! This Hakai Hakai just needs to lose another election and he will be in the record books with his civil partner RB for wrong reasons.
He will be the first Zambian to lose 4 elections while Ala Bee is in the book of records for being the shortest serving elected African President.
HH always talking about Bembas, I heard him radio trying to put words in Sampas mouth that Sampa said only Bembas should rule Zambia. Really HH is running mad now…he is so frusrated to the point of killing a Bemba, what a faillure in HH. Have you seen, your pride has consumed you , by now you should have been the Vice president. What a cry boy is HH. You will cry tribalism while Zambians know that its you HH who is tribal. Just shut up please.
According to HH, its ok for Liato to bury K2.1billion without questioning ,wat a joke in this country
#1 Ice_Road_Trucker, you are quite simple in thinkng if you think fight against corruption is meant to please donors. By the way, who told you that? You sound like you come from a corrupt background and would like PF and Sata to stop prosecuting corrupt people. This fight is for Zambians and it’s meant to ensure that public funds are appropriated to areas that need solutions and not to individual pockets or families.Zambian must learn to earn their wealth honestly and through crooked means. You are like HH who knows that his humble background and salary from his past employment are not sufficient to make him rich. He has to explain his source of funds he brags about, if not from the privatization we all know about. So #1, you are better staying of this blog if you have no sense.
HH must tell us about his source of funds for people and the government to stop questing him. He is such a time waster and wonder why media even let open his mouth. I have not read anything said by HH that makes political or even childish sense. HH should go sit down with his animals from stolen wealth.
Frankly speaking, HH’s problem is that he comes from a province that does not tolerate other tribes. Regardless what HH does, he cannot change the fact that he cannot do well in the following provinces- Lusaka, Copperbelt, Eastern Province, Luapula, Northern Province. Also, with the emergence of Milupi, Western is a forgone area as well.
Statistically speaking, only an earthquake that spares Southern Province can see him in plot one!
#30 Italian Bunga Bunga (Original),
That is what people like you in the MMD said of sata and PF during the elections!
We have democracy in Zambia now so you should read the latest poll and people dissatisfaction with PF and Sata don’t live in the past! Already its minus me unless Sata changes his attitude and stop unfairness and appointing of corrupt people and his relatives in the foreign service!
The issue of Miles Sampa is an old story but because you have no any data, you keep on talking about the same issue over and over, grow up under five, Nevers Mumba naingila ka ulimbe, ukalafuma number 4 instead of number 3. Its a fact that there are more bembas in ZED than tongas period ngolefwaya kaikulike.
I advised HH to embrace Bembas and not always to preach hatred against them but its like he is used to hating Bembas. To day HH was preaching and luring Zambians to Hate Bembas, what is wrong with HH? He never talks without preaching hatred against Bembas, really he is a very unwise politician, why cant he embrace Bembas so they vote for him? But he is always pushing them away from him and UPND. What a dull strategy.
Evidence of dullness from most bloggers,the issue is fighting corruption by appointing corrupt people period
Lets all calm down and seek the real change. Sata has done his job by removing Ala Bee. Let us now focus on the real change. It well not help HH much by his nonstop attacks on SATA and PF. The way he bacame UPND president speaks volumes. If i were him I would have agreed with Sakwiba to contest the 2006 elections on the premise that if Sakwiba loses then UPND would then go for a convention to elect a new leader. But as it is, almost all the people who made UNPD national have since left and thus the tribal tag. The likes of Patrick Chisanga for example. So bwana HH as much as SATA may be at fault on some issues put your house in order so as to gain credibility.
@SHAKA OZ- You know the problem with coming out as if you know facts when in essence you have a misapplied version of fact, where you use the same method and come to very different conclusions. That is what you have. You are delluded. Any election held today would benefit no one but the PF. Almost all MMD seats can go the PF, why do you think they went mute after Sata threatened to dissolve parliament?
#38 Truth hates
Go to ZWD and see what the sensational headline is there; our grandfathers the freedom fighters are turning in their graves due to this little si11y irresponsible boy and his regional party. You can’t reason with thick bitter chaps like ka HH, this is not leadership material, he is distancing himself and sadly whatever region he represents.
The difference between Sata and HH is; Sata listens and has wise men to mop up for him unlike HH, who has similar characters around him with far fewer brain cells in their domes.
#42 maxwell ???
@Maxwell- You have just summed up my thoughts. I think HH has a good record in business but an awful one in governance. Well, the only bright side is that HH will only rule when an earthquake hits the country and spares southern province!
Hakoivotela Humwine
this govt is full of dunderheads and jealous thieves…HH tell them off.why should we be scared to say out when things are wrong..?
Yaba HH is a tribalist.I’ve been saying that HH can kill bembas.He hate our Mbuyas bembas.always he wants other tribes to unite and defeat bembas.Does he know that Bemba is spoken in five provinces?Does he know that Bembas are only from Chinsali and Kasama?Does he know that preaching against bembas will make him useless?Does he know that he is creating enermity between Bembas and Tongas?This is a useless Chap i’ve ever heard.I’ll will vote a tonga but not HH.He is crazy and damn tribalsim who came into politics thru tribalism.
Shame on HH and his tribalists supporters.
@Mwine- Delluded little fool you are- come for an argument I assassinate your character!
Dearest nephew SHAKA OZ
I am hereby writing to you to plead with you to stop posting on this website and save our family from this embarrassment you’re causing. I argue you to just study hard for your Grade 9 exams this year don’t be distracted by this internet, please my dear nephew i know exams can be very stressful but please keep away from the weed as well. Come back when you get your results next year then come and comment, please take this advise on board from a caring elder.Good luck in your G9 exams dear friend!!
Your Caring UnclePipos
Our Tonga friends, I hope you know what you are doing, it seems to me HH has no intention of being the president, or should I say he is working hard to make sure he does not get there because I do not understand how one would win votes by attacking those he want to vote for him. if the statistics are correct that i heard that there are about 55% so called bembas in zambia, how is going to get around that, by attacking them instead of winning them over. those supporting him on his attacks they are just helping him to seal his fate and that is he will never be a president, unless he changes his strategy drastically which require great effort due the damage done. At the rate he is going it is impossible for him to be president
@Kabungo Musonde- You are perpetually confused. All the party leaders wrote a letter. It’s almost a formality.
HH is bitter because he misgambled by relying on MMD’s cheating antics thinking Sata would not win an election.
HH missed his greatest single chance at entering the governance structure.
??????????????????????? no worth a comment
Dear broggers,
My naeim is Hechi Hechi. I should have been vice president, but because I am such a selfish fo=ol, it didn’t happen. So here is the deal. I will be throwing dirt about everyone and everything just to let off some steam. A Bemba woman may also serve my purposes in the short term, but that is a secret between you and me.
I also know that my allegations of tribalism by Sata are not true and are only part of my frustration revealing itself. Lookie here – God knows I am a worse tribalist than Sata – just look at how many votes I got and he got in my cow riddled turf. Everyone plays the tribal / regional vote, so who am I to complain.
So, I am now appealing to Sata to give me a job even as a cleaner in the Zambian High Commission London Office.
I wonder if all you anti-HH people realise that 1) UPND’s strong performance in Southern, Western, parts of Central and North Western provinces helped to deprive MMD enough votes leading to a PF victory. 2) PF or even Sata did not win with a landslide so stop this bragadosio. 3) Not all Bembas support PF let alone even vote. 4) The 20% who voted for HH are spread in all parts of the country apart from Southern Province. 5) The UPND has 30 MPs and yet Southern Province only has 19 constituencies meaning the other ten came from other provinces. In conclusion, the UPND is a relevant 3rd force that we need in our politics. They may not form govt but are here to stay.
@ #2 Bemba ruler, it’s disgusting C unts like you who are promoting tribalism. Why can’t you just comment without a tribal inclination? Stupid Bemba C unt. Now I am angry. If you want tribe hatred to be promoted pa Zambia, you will get your wish
The major question is how did SATA get the election victory?
Is it not through lies under the disguise of his donchi kubeba deception???
SATA prmissed the following:
1) Deliver constitution in 90 days, did he tell the truth or he lied?
2) Deliver development in 90 days, did he tell the truth or lie?
3) Re-introduce windfall tax, did he tell the truth or lie?
We can only fight corruption through a sencere and honesty way.
How do you fight corruption when you over-run courts of law to shield Mahtan of corruption just because he funded your campaign?
Is that how you fight corruption?
HH is 100% right.
Just like lies were used to win elections, the same lies are being used by the same man to try and amass public attention.
Mr. Fine, please remember this. Sata is the leader and he has given a command. His target was to deliver all these things in 90 days, but he has experts on the field. As much as he wants to deliver all within 90 days, it is up to you and I the Zambians to work hard to meet the goal and timeline he has given. Sata cannot do constitutional review, he appoints experts. the experts have looked at the work and issued a time theythink all will be ready. Development has a starting point and Sata started by cleaning the government. It is not easy to clean up 20 year’s corrupt practices in 90 days. He has done most. give him credit. Development cannot be done in 90 days…are you dreaming? Windfall tax – is it to the best interest of the country? It might bring money for a season, then what?
Who is telling lies? Do you have evidence about Mathani? As a citizen, how would you wish Sata faught corruption? Are you saying all this after collecting data from newpapers and blogs. Be reminded that what journalists write is always biased depending on whom the paper is supporting. Be objective and look at HH? From the time he took over from Mazoka (MHSRIP) what has HH done? Go in a pact with PF the divorce and start condemning PF. Condemn MMD and then go in a pact with them. What does he really stand for? Surely there must be something… Let him stand for something however stupid..but at least something please. His whole life is a lie.
SATA refused to be part of Mwanawasa’s NCC, saying it was government engineered and that it was not all inclussive yet it passed thru parliament and was an act of parliament.
Mwanawasa made the NCC bill to go thru parliament and and invited all major institution, Churches and NGOs to nominate and send members to be part of the NCC.
But what has SATA done? Single-handedly he has picked 20 people to do the constitution and you can still much his words with his actions.
You have to be like SATA to believe that there is no lie in what he says.
Any liar will not see anything wrong in lying – that is just the way it is? If you eat ka monkey you will not see anything wrong when you find someone eating a ka monkey!!!
That is how it is!!!
Just watch out what will happen if the rate at which PF is moving is not checked.
Some people have the capacity, through an analytical eye, to see things before they actually happen while other people can only see what has happened. For such we give time.
It was on this same sight I told people that the promisses of 90 day this, 90 day that were lies, and SATA would, as usual, change and u-turn on each promiss.
People were adamant and too royal to SATA’s promisses that they would not believe he was lying.
Today, they can only say it’s Ok even if he lies because we like him.
I know that there is no problem in liking a liar, especially when you too are a liar. You can love the person, no problem. I hope you wont love even his lies too!!!
If you protect a corrupt and fraudulent person just because you have received benefits from him ARE YOU NOT BEING CORRUPT YOURSELF?
How does SATA fight corruption when he over-runs courts of law to shield Mahtan of corruption just because he funded his campaign?
Is that how you fight corruption?
May be we should define what corruption is!!!
HH is 100% right, the talk is cosmetic – only to capture law minds’ attention and the dozing intellectuals .
Just like lies were used to win elections, the same lies are being used by the same man to try and amass public attention.
@54 The Rhetoric Zambian
Please my friend go and have a glass of ice cold water or take a jog to let off some steam. Are you going to be worked up over such utterances, the chap may not even be from that tribe and he just trolling (to provoke reaction) on here. This is exactly what your HH is doing traded expletives with Sata, the same Sata who is busy working to drive through his policies for the betterment of our beautiful nation; mother Zambia.
You attack such people with points similar to what @53 Chief has done there.
So what have you achieved by insulting the blogger #2? You’ve only proved that you are also a narrow minded tribal individual like him and made his/her day who is by now sleeping like a baby in a pram at this moment!!
Iwe ka maxwell stop being a fool of yourself. If you worship this thug thus your problems and dont try to re-brand the semi-edudcated or undereducated *****. You bemba tribalist
Maxwell, did you write what you wrote with a gun pointed to your head? Are you okay, or you were under some intoxicant? Wake up and smell the coffee!
HH will never be president, because he draws support from only one tribe. That’s not a tribal statement it is a fact
We surely need checks and balances for the good of our country. However, let us give credit where it is due.Lula and Sata have a lot in common and I see a lot of hope in our country today than at any given time.We all know that HH could never fill the late Mazoka’s shoes.He lacks all leadership traits of the late Mazoka.The best he can do isbe a councillor in Magoye till about2021 and then stand as an MP.By then he would have matured.There were a lot of brainy chaps in UPND and they have now defected to either MMD or PF and HH shouls ask himself why?
ooloo so us tonga girls don,t want this under5, we want test power so make it legal for bemba man to have thre extra wivies who are to be non-bemba because a tonga will never get power in zambia cos they haate aza tribes …please bemba women give az aloo so a chance weef you handsome wello hung men ..saynqe
Zambia could be the next Rwanda genocide looking at above comments!!SCARY
Chimuka Hatembo went to see her doctor, complained that her husband Bwalya Mulenga,s manhood was too long,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Complaining whenever he enters me, it touches my heart,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Shocked bantustan doctor replied ,,,ok bring him for an operation to make it shorter Nooooh Chimuka screamed ndakaka tandiyandi ehyo( l refuse l don,t want that) for what doctor ????Please Just shift my heart a little ba docta…………..
HH please just stick with the pact that “plants” money & wait to harvest the kudos!! Liato has just revealed that his farm was one of the satellite sites being run by Mt Makulu, following direction of RB to help BOZ. His notion being, printing money like Mugabe in Zim, wasn’t the way to go, BUT HARVESTING IT WAS BETTER!!!!
HH, please, as a leader you need to call a spade a spade. Tell us the list of people who are corrupt and provide us with their cases. Your investigaters should have facts at hand. We do not want statements that do not yield anything. For example, as a lay person, I can say RB was corrupt, but I do not have evidence so I cannot go to the press and say RB this or that. At your level you should have substance in your utterances. You speak like a commoner. Besides, your statements are general knowledge there is nothing new nor is there data. I think you should step down. Ndakatala ku sapota bantu batayeyi mwe.
No constructive comment. You guys just attach a guy for no reason instead of talking about the matters at hand. Useless.
Fine or watever u call yoself,u ar vry stupid and naive.Do u hav evidence dat mahtan funded sata’s campaign? Plz dont exhibit yo foolishness in public.u beta close yo stinking mouth rather than dreamin.As 4 HH I hav nothin 2 do wit him but here’s 1 fact: IF HH continues his hatred 4 bembas, he wil neva rule,zambians must knw and accept dat bemba tribe is dorminant and so creatin enmity wit them wil nt solve matters.My colleague who says many pipo ar disatisfied wit sata,he doesnt knw wat he is tokin abt.Com 2016 pf is wining again wether HH AND HIS USELESS ZWD LIKE IT OR NOT.I Like sata gvt.
@Maxwell, you are becoming too much. You natural hatred for HH is unjustified.Stop acting like a cadre and effectively debate on an objective basis. The young man should have been president.These old men needed have been retired.Sata is a very contradictory and controversial human being who cannot be trusted. He doesn’t know what he is doing and needs a lot of guidance. I think he should have been vice-president. In any case, you sound like you are a bemba, the battle for change is not about tribe but you can perform to expectation to move the nation forward. In addition, this same SATA was part of the government that initiated the destruction of Zambia, today he is allergic to corruption,he is a new person complaining about the underdevelopment when he is part of the cause
He has no remorse and has not apologized to the Zambians for being a part of that. By the way I am not a TONGA DEFINITELY NOT A BEMBA NOR A LOZI. I AM JUST WISE.
hh will never rule zambia. he gets votes from only his place. he was mislead by mmd. just shut it up and let mr. Sata lead us please.
Are you God to say that HH will never rule zambia. Foolish *****.
zambian polities at work nstead of taking the country forward you are busy insulting each other while the rest of the world is making progress.Grow up all of you.
Ive read through HH’s statement and I wondering what exactly is wrong with it, really, on an objective manner…