China has hailed efforts made by President Michael Sata to cement relations between the two countries.
The Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China -CPC says China appreciates President Sata’s efforts to enhance relations.
CPC member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and Secretary of Beijing Municipal Committee Liu Qi said this when he met Vice President Guy Scott.
Mr. Qi cited the recent visit to China by first president Kenneth Kaunda as special envoy to China as an important indication of President Sata’s commitment to consoliadte relations.
ZANIS reports that Mr. Qi who spoke through an interpreter also noted that relations between China and Zambia are deep rooted.
Dr. Scott who is leading a delegation of officials from the ruling Patriotic Front (PF), to China said there was a lot to learn from Beijing.
HE MCS is a great man
Sata is not a great man. we can not trust him. he has lost direction and does not know what to do for zambia as at now.
shame on him and his tribl\al govt
It is characters like you that have contributed to the poor state of our economy.
wake up mwana.hatred doesn’t pay.this will benefit you and your children’s children
BA SATA na imwe Bamuosha sure! Who said Sata is beyond corruption? There he is literally leaking the Chinese for their money. Oh boy we miss Levy Mwanawasa.
Good news. I think as long as rules will not be bended, China is welcome.
I am guessing we may be about to benefit positively if we present the right proposals for our development. Regardless which party is in power, the status quo should remain with continued development projects for the greater good. Everything is a negotiation and like it or not, we have a stronger team with new energy working for us now. Those seeking power should think in terms of being even stronger, more qualified with fresh minds, harness our skills and reach for a higher goal. That’s progress. May Zambia continue to progress with every government of the day. China is around for a while so let’s put thinking caps on and negotiate hard with each team. Good luck Zed.
Are these the guys he accussed of stealing his passport in London?
zesco mgt with big brain
It feels horrible to be engaged for exactly 14 months today
How long do engagements last? I dont doubt My fiance but I am worried I have been engaged too long?
I feel shy to ask him, but I want to get married by summer next year I will be 28 not long, It just feels a little bit strange, But i love Nick with all my heart and I would do anything for him
Give him more behind the closed door.If u know what i mean.It is just a matter of turning at a 90 degrees angle.
ticks stick to fat cows but the end result ticks always lose, make a difference being in opposition and in govt, no one is stupid its business as usual going the MMD way.
Mushota, nkobekela te chupo. You should have a kama man from Zambia on the side in case Nick says “Mushot, I don’t love you anymore?” I can arrange one for you through Lusakatimes. LOL!!!!!
Spineless chocholis cant even wait to watch the unfolding theatrics!
Sorry Mushota, I’ll not marry you coz your pussy is too waterly and big, you don’t shelve and bath. Foolish black girl.
Funny how fickle people’s minds are. Barely three months ago Sata and the PF were busy condemning Chinese investments left right and center. Some of us even wondered who the PF government would look to for foreign investment given the fact that almost all African countries are competing for Chinese money. Fast forward three months and it seems a complete u-turn has been made. This is the same scenario with the mining wind fall tax. I’m not saying their efforts are misplaced but its time we held these politician accountable to what they say. To ma this is could LYING.
*To me this is called LYING. Plain and simple.
Mushota wesu wapukata ubushilu? Bushe Phd thesis ulelemba eile kusabaisha ifi? Please consultant ba Dr Mwubwela-Kubafwa on +260 96678345.
It is the chinese who are poised to save the world from the coming global sovereign debt crisis. it is utterly stupid to think that zambians can do away with them. The only thing which we should have learnt from all forms of colonialism experienced: we must have have our policy well set and know exactly what we want from the chinese. There are shroud and want to benefit from our cheap resources. let us put our act together and work to benefit from their achievements. but with the insanity and confusion coming from plot 1, i doubt how these chinese will prove beneficial to our country
ZAMBIA BLOOD.i have travelled and seen bit of things but the only important thing with every group of ppl is their own blood, chinese have killed anny zambians so far and we treat them as gods. SATA for 1 is a hug disgrace on this one principle on this one, i trust him with my life. i know we r poor but ony one who kills a zambian regardless of the course needs no second thought. AMERICAN have breaches UN protocols becoz their interest were tempered with, better we remain poor than sucrificing our own coz we need investment.
Mushota, that’s your problem with your nick!!
go zambia lets go ba PF abakali bakali
I am so tired after my fiancee Mushota finished licking all the ice cream from my D**k. I had to give her a nice and hard one through her ass hole. How I wish to have three or so of these slave girls from Africa!!! Nick
#16 Kapotwe, Zambian politics have reached a new low. Lying your way to the top is the meanest form of corruption ever and yet we are shamelessly accusing others of corruption. What do TIZ Lifuka, Post Memmbe or even AG Chifungula say to this? How do they define corruption?
@Nick- My friend, you are probably wanking when saying that. You must be ashamed of yourself. Mushota’s dude is Nickolev , a russian UK based business man.
Do not bring imaginative sexual desire here, wank using pornsites not blogs.
Good to hear teh Chinese say that. Now let’s work together in a win-win way. Hope our govt is pragmatic enough. They seem so in a way.
Good to hear the Chinese say that. Now let’s work together in a win-win way. Hope our govt is pragmatic enough. They seem so in a way. Bless them.
#11 Mushota are you engaged or you just live together?
People get engaged in order to marry. They talk marriage plans.
PF supporters are just as inconsistent as their leader. When Sata Was against the Chinese and said he would sort them out once elected they all praised him and now that he is arse kissing them the say he is a great man. Thats why these *****s voted for the danderhead. So what was wrong with RB working with the Chinese kanshi?
PF government with Sata will obviously take china to different level, bring them to invest in Zambia and tell them to respect the laws of the land with no joking period.
Can the PF also in the same spirit let the Chinese finish building the Mongu-kalabo road. Honestly what was that rubbish by Works and supply Minister Mukanga who two weeks in his job cancelled the project claiming that the road was ‘political’?. All infrastructure projects like the recent announced tarring of the pedicle road, chembe bridge and the two universities in the then Northern province are all political decisions. Why shouldnt Western Province benefit from political decisions which other provinces are enjoying? No wonder the Linyungandambo want to bell out…they may have a point!
Its not inspiring to learn that Cobra likes Chinese now.
Does Sata “like” the Chinese or he is simply being “strategict” about it? World Politics and business calls for some carniness banane. The United States of America say all kinds of negative things about China and yet are always first in line to do business with the Communist govt of China, so why can’t Sata/Zambia do the same thing?
Everybody is chasing after China now, even the so called “developed world”. The economies of Europe and America are in deep sh!t and they are asking China to bail them out, so why not Zambia?!!! China is sitting on mounds and mounds of capital and everybody in world at the moment wants a piece of that cash, and Zambia should not be held back by silly idiologies. Good thing Sata has recognized this fact.
The reality of China becoming a world players is here to stay. And Zambia should not be last to realize this.
He is, and it is a good example for all African countries to learn from.
I like the “tick-cow” which number 12 has used to describe zambia’s relationship with china. By the our vice president “just” met the cpc secretary of beijing municipal. If the chinese vice chairman came to zambia today I guess mr sata would even cancel his trip to uganda just to meet the man. Where is our dignity kanshi?It is true that china is a rising star in our current century,but we should not worship them to the point of annoying our old allies. China has the financial muscle,but not the intellectual capital to educate our people that zambia needs at the moment. And looking at the size of the chinese military, zambia should watch out. Ask the vietnamese they’ll tell you, the chinese have taken war to their door step because of “vietnamese” oil. These are vultures bane.
Some people would say that the chinese will bring infrastructure development to zambia but I say to hell with it. These structures which last for three years and break down who needs them. I’m for infrastructure development but I say zambians build your own. What are our civil engineers from unza and architects from cbu working on kanshi? Since 1969 unza has been producing graduates, where the hell are you guys? To be exalting china in our press like this is encouraging our people to be lazy. This time you will be depending on the chinese, next time the russians, what are you doing for yourselves zambians. The chinese where not handed this wealth on a silver platter they planned and worked for it and zambia is just part of their plan to glory. Poor us!
It would be good if the Chinese could upgrade the Tazara , and now it can be run without corruption thanks to President Sata.
“Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones,” either for political expediency or otherwise. It was, nonetheless, clear to all and sundry that MCS ` populist campaign assault on the Chinese was all about ” the end justifying the means.” The objective, having been met, as well as the dust somewhat settled now, MCS has come to the realization that China is a good evil; an indispensable ever growing new empire responsible for fuelling the economic gains of Zed. Consequently, “if you want the honey, follow the bees, fearing no sting”