Opposition Movement for Multiparty Democracy MMD former national secretary Dr. Katele Kalumba has pleaded with former president Rupiah Banda not to interfere in the election process of the new party president.
Dr. Kalumba says it is important this time around for party members to allow for a democratic process in electing next MMD president.
He says suspicions that president Banda is siding with a named candidate are derailing the party’s democratic process.
Dr. Kalumba says some members are already frustrated with the back-door process the MMD is using to elect the new president.
He says for once, the MMD members should be allowed to elect a leader who will carry forward the vision and aspirations of the party.
Speaking in an exclusive interview with QFM radio, Dr. Kalumba said the MMD should forget about bouncing back to power if a back-door system is used to elect the party president.
Does RB still have the muscle to influence anything with all his pending cases? I can only advise to concentrate on his retirement.
You talk sense Katele.
I guess he knows this by using his famous bwanga Laptop !
Muloi tuwe kuza feela wena!
Katele muloi yo yabina mapunu!!!!!!!!
come on you dick heads go and push the boat b4 it leaves u
Like i have said before… the MMD should be given credit to be the only political party in the entire Southern Africa (if not the whole of Africa) to have a contested party leadership. Good for democracy. Katele is right, let the election process provide new leadership. The presidency in 2016 is up for the taking…..
dont flatter urself…this will be the 1st!!
more in the non-dialogue scenes he films than the ones with diluogae! He tells simple stories beautifully.Oh, I must mention that his music choice is fantastic. Somehow, he always finds the right music to accompany certain scenes. Mesmeric, I tell you.And he’s the director who gets the best out of Tony Leung Chui Wai and Maggie Cheung.All that said, you might want to give 2046 a miss. It was a bit too pretentious and self-indulgent. Definitely not his best work.Hmmm just spotted a typo in Pitch Black’s graphic: Chingking Express.
in short Katele is saying Nevers will crush the party! and like we said it’ll be like UNIP, where RB hails from.
I have always said it will only get worse.
Capitalist, Senior Citizen and Bootfimofimo where are you?
bloggers…tell me…is MMD still corrupt?….i dont expect these guys to start advising each other when they know they are a clean party and can hold a fair and free party presidential elections….corruption even when they are out of govt…God forgive this party….
MMD like “unanimously endorsing” candidates and going unopposed. So Rupiah wants what he did at the previous conversion to happen here. He fired all his opponents from the Party. RB must just release the left over money from campaigns and find another Liato mine and let the MMD hold a conversion. there should be no cadres at the gate blocking pipo from attending.
Lusaka Times yourointroductory stantance of Katele …….. Opposition Movement for Multiparty Democracy MMD former national secretary Dr. Katele Kalumba has pleaded with is wrong,you must introduce him as disgraced former MMD national Secretary bla,bla,bla,bla,bla……….
This man is supposed to be behind bars by now just like other corrupt people like Richard Sakala and others there is nothing special about him ,he disgraced himself.
Katele, Please don’t involve RB where he is not concerned. We know you chaps in MMD that you always block other candidates who are not of your choice whenever you go for a convention.You started with Gen Tembo,Miyanda,Pro Chirwa when you supported Chiluba and RB. What has changed today Mr bush Computer man?
Katele lap top wizard ala you have rightly put it. Let this RB and children company not enterfere, but knowing how arrogant RB is, I can assure you that he will.
our Bemba Computer guru
Dr. Kalumba a ( small ghost) in Lozi i love your after thought advices and comments, i wish you had no dent of a plunderer and a thief.otherwise your advice to Banda is timely and nt only to Banda to all hellbend to cause confusion in MMD.
kabinga pande is not educated, he has only a useless diploma in journalism, who does he think he can lead. we dont want dunderheads like him. can DOCTORS and FELIX Compete please and not the ***** pande.
Ba Katele, we know your agenda. You have been very critical of Rupiah trying to win favor from the PF to save you from the Courts. RB is also an MMD member whose choice of a leader must be respected just like anyone else. As for you, we cannot trust you. Who can forget how you worshipped RB and condemned the Dont Kubeba slogan? Just concentrate of your defense. I wonder what has caused the delay in your judgment.
Ba sopo bloggers, be careful with the Bemba laptop guru. he knows even what you say in your bedrooms overseas.
katele has recently been disappointing!
he is supposed to be a father to the party but is involved in squabbles…before the election he started trouble in luapula and worse still the MMD lost terribly in luapula…he therefore should be the last to cause trouble….why is he making statements all the time in the media????
The engineer you have really made me laugh.MMD in southern Africa when your boss RB used the elimination method.He went unopposed remember.You also forgot to mention one MMD achievement as the only party in Africa which launched a very expensive campaign dressing everything from trees to electric poles in blue, hiring image builders,statisticians, musicians, comedians, even witchdoctors , sycophants, abusing state resources with impunity e.t.c.That was the drama I will live to remember.
Spot on Kaya, LOL, and then the Zambians decided…simple poor Zambians had the last say.
too right kaya, people have very selective memories, remembering only what they want, MMD was rotten to the core,
emano ayo keep blogging bro. tell them
The reason RB can still have some influence is because he has a lot of cash at his disposal (mostly illegal).
I think there are two sides here- All those who are asking Banda not to interfere are supporting Mutati and those that are mute are for Mumba. I really think Mumba represents exactly the kind of leaders Zambia must get rid of.
#17 kaya, please give us the attributes of PF. From the records available at the Post newspapers, PF has not even pretended to be democratic, even at their so called national “convention”.
And what is your role, Dr Kalumba?
On one hand, people want an annointed successor, thus Magande and Sylvia Masebo vis-a-vis Mwanawasa. On the other hand, the former leader should not interfere. Which is which? There is no doubt that every human being will have an opnion. There is nothing wrong with RB having a preferred candidate, what is wrong is when RB’s opinions are USED by some people to derail the democratic process. It is not RB that Katele should be advising, but the MMD members not to be swayed by one man’s personal opinions and preferrences. The NEC did it before, when it appointed RB and not Magande, and it can do it again.
Aka and Derrick, please resurrect the hope of 1990/91.
AMEN! thank yoou so much. you have spoken.
@BOZ- I like your point. Actually the problem in our country is that no political party is democratic internally. The MMD has chosen this route because they are trying to rebrand. During their reign, no ‘democratic’ convention was held either unless the ones that involved a lot of threats and pay outs.
RB is right to interfer because he knows all those characters very well.Since when did MMD have an open election ba Katele?
That’s true comrade katele but you have rather come a little bit too late to know that you had put a serpent on the throne, however, the nation is in agreement with you, what is it that this man has seen in Nevers, leadership is not about having a high pitched tone of voice which some are referring to as charisma, some one can be soft spoken and if they are able to reason give them a chance, look at the late Mwanawasa( MHSRIP), we believed in him.
Can Mutati explain how he and Dora Siliya were left behind by the presidential jet on a state visit to Madagascar a few years ago? Is it true that hotel staff had to almost break down the door in the morning in order to wake up both of them in Dora’s room after a heavy night of fimofimo? Is it true that both of them had to hootfoot it back to Zambia on commercial flights? Do we need another sex maniac in State House?
# 7 MMD is the only party in Zambia (# 5 in Africa) to hold a free and fair election of its leader. After election of a new younger leader, shivers will be set PF and become vicious but the future of Zambia will be chatted by new ideas, new thinking, innovative re-align ourselves with the world trends (contrasting counsel from old Mugabe dictator). Yes Ka Ka is right, RB stay away from this process and will earn some respect even from PF.
@Muna Dekhane- Your opinion is very imaginative because I do not see a young leader amoungst the contenders. Also, the MMD is holding these elections because they are just from being ousted from power. Did they ever hold any democratic conventions without making threats and paying off the executive committee whilst they were in power? A unanimous NO!
What can u tell us wizard?
Let them fight over a dad carcass
The greatest majority of new thinking and leadership skills still lies outside all the parties. Whichever party harnesses future leaders will benefit down the line. Methinks people watch from a distance and are somewhat disengaged, leaving only those who diss or encourage to make noise. I’ve said before that at independence it was a youthful, inexperienced team that took the mantle and learned on the job. Now it has become about a particular generation trying to hold power. Harness the young. Elias Chipimo is not the only one out there with ambitions but at least he stood up. Let’s see more. Current MMD leadership race looks 20 years old. Nothing new but potential hope for them I guess. Good luck but not likely to yield a change of government in 2016 as old politics still at play.
just like pf endorsed sata or unopposed mentality!!
YES, where is Capitalist, Senior Citizen (and his little book of big bombastic words) and MMD Bootlicker?
Corrupt fellas advising one another to keep away from the Ballot Box!! kekeke
Ba Katele I thought Democracy meant anyone can campaign for anyone? If Banda campaigns he is not imposing anyone People vote secretly and make up their own minds. This is just petty politicking on your behalf ba Katele. You want to use Banda’s name to prop yourself up for something in MMD. Awe konkeni Democracy
Katele keep quiet.No Bemba shud be allowed to stand this time.You have increased yo vote by creating Muchinga.No this time some body from Western or Northwestern shud lead the party.You see if each province brings 200 delegates to convertion what will happen is Muchinga 200, Northern 200, luapula 200, Coppebelt 200, Lusaka 200.All these will vote for Mumba, mutati, Katele or onather Bemba.The remaining 4 provinces even if they vote Dr Musokotwane or Kabinga pande wont succed.So let NEC vote like what happened with RB.
stupid analysis indeed.
Bo Mabenga dont agree to this Katele formula.Let the MMD collapse if that what they want.You are now in charge you can even stand for presidency whther you get 2 votes or not it does not matter.
Dr. Kalumba says it is important this time around for party members to allow for a democratic process in electing next MMD president.
Meaning there has never been democracy in MMD. Ba Katele politics has reveled you and reduced you to a political prostitute.
@gilbertlubinda #38#39;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;are you mad? what kind of thinking is that, do you know what democracy is ? you are an *****. Picture this the next elections in the USA only black people should contest., would the other people allow that??? its because of fools like you most Lozi women preferbemba men, just go and get drunk instead of making us all look ignorant. you make me ashamed to be lozi
where is the dream? where are the true blue mmd? aka, chitala, wina, nguni, nawakwi, sejjani and the rest. how do you wish to honour the departed who fought for this cause? defying the mighty unip? wina, mpenza, tembo and the rest? where are you sondashi? why let useless banda destroy your dream? come on the true blue. tell this banda to go to …….. and reform the mmd party so that we have a formidable opposition. i will be back.
18th Century behaviours in the 21st Century! That’s why you are being caught napping in the Arab spring-style upheavals. No wonder you are busy conducting state funerals for cash at farms!!!!!
# 31 Character assasin 00. The position MMD finds itself currently is to hold free and fair elections of its leaders to set the stage for a more vibrant and youthful party. MMD was founded on the ideals of democractic principles. Unfortunately, people hijacked these values and mixed them with old politics sadly we now experience under PF. You are right after election defeat part of the post election strategy is to replace some leadership and as seen all threats and exchange of money will be used to our own peril. However, compared to any party in Zambia only MMD holds its conventions and elects its leaders. The rest are one man party and believe you me, in the not far distance, death (natural) of any one of them will be doom for the party as well.
Its for this one reason that MMD is the only peoples party because of its origins. Granted things were not handled with democratic values in mind by late Chiluba, Mr Sata, Mr RB Banda and others they never fully understood what Government of the people, by the people and for the people. To day we have an opportunity to revive those ideals and that based on a number of plethora reasons. One of which is these elections to be held without interferance from any quarters as KaKa stated.
All of You on this blog Leave MMD alone let them elect a leader of their choice
It is difficult to read Dr. Katele Kalumba’s mind as he publicly criticises RB over the MMD Presidential issues. During the past 3-years, RB demonstrated his statemanship by never responding to insults that The Post, the PF and Catholic clergy showered on him. Rb announced his wish to retire from politics; but what would prompt thie noble man to influence the election for an MMD President? Going by his usual nature, RB has kept his cool from the PF’s and The Post crude attacks on him. I smell a rat in Dr. Katele’s breath. The democratic transfer of power from MMD to PF can best be attributed to RB. Had the PF lost the elections, many lives would have been lost because Sata and his PF could not have accepted defeat. God’s hands saved many lives for letting Sata to go to State House.
Yes indeed, the best route for MMD to search for a Party President is through the ballot conducted at the Convention. Even then, we pray for the Party to rally behind either Pande or Musokotwane. Certainly NOT Nevers Mumba nor Felix Mutati. There is untapped tallent in the western, northwestern and southern parts of Zambia too. We need development NOT plunder of national resources. The people of Eastern, Centra and ,Copperbelt provinces will be the match-makers.
# Chikoko ::::::::::::::: where did the phrase yamunyokola najanla come from? the very mature RB both before and after the monkeys weed on him remember what he said ,was broadcast to the whole world
@50 please do not misuse my name on rb. ati mature rb, kwisa. sorry you were misquoted by ba LT. it should have read immature rb. ba LT make sure you do not misquote bloggers.
Are we to read into what Laptop Katele is telling us when he says “it is important this time around for party members to allow for a democratic process in electing next MMD president” all along these people knowingly undermined the democratic process in electing their leaders? What a shameful admission!!
@51 Mature,,,,,mwandi l do apologies it was meant to read immature, please do forgive me, l cannot see why l wrote that, its LT trying to bring us to fight. You have made my day l can now go to sleep
Katele you lost the opportunity to influence the party because you have been all over the place
MMD bootlicker will metamorphosize to become PF bootlicker. This is characteristic of most Zambians who actually don’t have principles!
Please be informed that RB is not backing any presidential candidate. As a matter of fact he has not even met Nevers Mumba. Journalists please the fourth president is available why don’t you find out from the man. Don’t believe whatever Membe says about RB because he hates the man and he is Sata ‘s envoy for MMD’s destruction. Ba Sata mukule you embarrassed Zambia in Uganda. The entire region is just wondering what is wrong with us Zambians for having voted for such a man
stupid wizered like katele NO
My wife was followed by mdwiives and was planning not to have epidural during her labor. However her water broke a little bit early (week 38) and was transferred to the hospital where she got simulated. Her pain was unbearable and she eventually had the drug. Still, in her next pregnancy hopefully she will have it all natural. Good luck!
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