Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sata was best opposition politician in Africa – Nevers Mumba


Dr. Nevers Mumba and  wife Florence Mumba.
Dr. Nevers Mumba and wife Florence Mumba.

Aspiring Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) presidential candidate Nevers Mumba has described President Michael Sata as the best opposition political leader Africa has ever produced.

And Dr. Mumba has disclosed that he will join the Patriotic Front (PF) government in its celebrations to mark 90 days of being in power.

Dr. Mumba said President Sata is a visionary man hence his 10 years persistence of being in the opposition and later becoming Head of State.

He was speaking on the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) television live sponsored political programme dubbed “National Watch” monitored by the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) in Lusaka today.

Dr. Mumba called on President Sata to allow opposition political parties in the country to constructively criticize his government’s policies just the way he criticized the MMD when it was in power.

He, however, cautioned the Patriotic Front against limiting itself to its 90 days deadline of delivering development adding that electoral pledges on development cannot be done in 90 days.

And Dr. Mumba has described the electoral defeat of the MMD in the September 20, 2011 tripartite elections as a blessing in disguise.

Dr. Mumba has since urged MMD members to quickly recover from the election loss to the PF adding that the gap in the previous election results was minimal.

He explained that Zambians wanted regime change at the time and that there was no way the MMD would have influenced the people to vote for it.

Dr. Mumba reiterated his call to MMD members to remain optimistic and realistic if the party is to retain power in the 2016 General Elections.

And responding to a question from the moderator of the programme Kunda Mando on whether he was a politician or a Man of God, Dr. Mumba stated that he cannot separate politics and God.

He explained that he can only influence the development of this country if God continues to speak to him.

Dr. Mumba also said he will provide the best leadership once elected MMD president.

He argued that he had more time to influence MMD members because he was not a Member Parliament (MP).

He also pledged full support to whoever will be elected as MMD president in an event that he tumbles.



  1. Rubbish!! What kind of aspiring candidate of an opposition party are you. Nevers, have some respect for those supporting you. Don’t come up with politics of your own in dreamland. Want to join politics, then act like a politician, not this nonsense you are trying to portray.

  2. This man will be joining PF if he doesn`t get it his way!

    I see the irony in what he is saying though!

  3. And responding to a question from the moderator of the programme Kunda Mando on whether he was a politician or a Man of God, Dr. Mumba stated that he cannot separate politics and God.———————

    Liar! He used to preach and say he wouldn`t become a politician because his kingdom was in heaven. I heard him with my own ears, saw it with my own eyes! Can we go to ZNBC archives please I am sure they have one or two videos of him yapping about it.

    • It is written 1 Kings 18:21 Elijah went before the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.”
      I feel sorry for Pastor Mumba!
      Pastor Aram Kabushi

  4. Thank you for accepting that, and recognizing Sata’s victory, please now learn from it, I Bet he ( sata) is not a very bad man coz if he is, then noway possible all these PF members would have been with him for period of 10 years in opposition and supported him.

  5. Lets see if this midget man will have any tongue-in cheek sarcastic jokes when the ACC and ZP read him the charges for misappropriation of funds at the High Commission!!

  6. Mr.Nevers Mumba has changed Political Parties several times He is in this game for the MONEY this man can not be trusted if He is not elected as the President of MMD he will be joining the PF.People time to be fooled by the kinds of Nevers Mumba is over call Nevers Mumba and tell him to go get a job just like the millions of Zambian

  7. Is Sata really visionary? What was his vision and how is he implementing it?
    One would wonder, looking at the number of U-turns and the abiding opposition mentality.

  8. #4 spot on. too bad they could not bring to light some of the things the things that he said as they interviewed him. Timely comment when HE MC is out. MMD watch ur presido.

    That is what Nevers Mumba is suffering from.
    According to Oxford dictionary, Affection is a show,pretense,or display.
    Behaviour that is assumed rather than natural,artificiality.A particular habit,as of speech or dress,adopted to give a false impression…

  10. …Affectation is planted into a person through some kind of deficit or traumatic experience that makes them feel the need to be proven with their actions or abilities.(Rape,Molestation,Incest,Abandonment,Neglect,Abuse,Talent Affirmations,etc.)these things when they happen to a person,the person
    feels a need to pretend that they are o.k. and to show others that they are o.k,so rather than deal with the problem they put on a false identity!
    AFFECTATION is what homosexuals thrive on and you can trust me with my life that Mumba

  11. Ba MMD I am warning you that in Bemba they say that ICHIKWANKA BACHIMWENA KUMAMPALANYA. Read Mumba`s mentality. He is a snake, I am suprised to hear him saying that he doesn`t know how to seperate politics and spiriturelity. Has he ever known why Jesus said that his Kingdom was not of this earth but of the Heavens? That time when Satan asked him to do just a little worship so that he can give him some shares on earth? I believe Nevers is not a man of God but Mammone.

  12. @13

    What would you recommend for our dear brother? Would an antidepressant containing an active ingredient fluoxetine like Prozac be any good for Mr Mumba??.

  13. its good that you are all agreeing with me. i told you that this kind is very dangerous, didn’t i?
    nevers, my foot. no need to comment further. i also saw that clip on znbc.

  14. You will know opportunists by the way they twist their tongues to twist statements and alliances. Nevers knew a long time agao that Sata was the best opposition leader Africa has ever produced, but he chose to malign him. Now that RB is not longer there Nevers wants to sound friendly to Sata. Anyway best wishes for MMD presidency. I am also going to revive the National Christian Coalition an d align it with PF.

  15. The signals coming from the unstable Priest-turned-politician reveal that if Nevers Mumba got the MMD Presidency, this man is capable of switching to the PF with a belief that a sizeable number of MMD supporters would cross along with him to the PF Party. History will always repeat itself. The truth is that the salvation of Zambia cannot be perpetually placed in the hands of the Bemba politicians. Hence, both Mumber and Mutati must be ignored and rulled out.The restoration of Zambia’s integrity lies in either Kabinga Pande or Situmbeko Musokotwane. The election of Pande of Musokotwane will re-kindle the genuine unity of Zambians.

  16. Honestly how can you say SATA was better than NELSON MANDELA????? Please don’t insult our intelligence. Sata may be the greatest leader ever in some regions in Zambia, but don’t make people laugh at you by suggesting Sata is almost a freedom fighter. NELSON MANDELA REMAINS THE GREATEST OPPOSITION LEADER THAT AFRICA HAS EVER PRODUCED AND HE WON ELECTIONS AGAINST THE RULING PARTY IN 1994 STRAIGHT FROM JAIL. PEOPLE FROM SOME REGIONS IN ZAMBIA HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO EMBARRASS THE WHOLE COUNTRY IN THE EYES OF THE WORLD. If in your house and small brains Sata is great, please don’t show how small your brains are by shouting it aloud. But that is a common characteristic of illiterate and genetically dull people.

  17. Is this the guy who wants to be President of MMD? Why is he insulting serious MMD members like this? And how can MMD members allow themselves to be insulted by this good for nothing Judas Iscariot?

  18. #22 CHIKOKO – I can’t improve on the way you have eloquently delivered the point. Is this the best our Bemba compartriots could give us honestly???

  19. Ba@24 mwaba ichipuba like that fool N’Mumba.Didnt he stand against Rb?Zambians wake up .They must be younger people who want to run the country.same old fools and religious bullshit all over the place.please.

  20. LT, your reporting is skewed toward your favoured few. anything bemba is negative and anything tonga is positive. we have seen through your reporting please change.

  21. @22 Chikoko;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;What do u mean a Bemba politician should not lead MMD????? in a democracy majority rules you must be a mad person comitting incest with your your mother, your father, your brothers,your sisters and your own children you must be a sick inbred who looks at everything in your tribalist inbred head, what have the bembas ever done to your inbred clan? mwanya bamakaka imwe you are going to remain like fish without a river. Are you going to ban bembas from voting or contesting? its for this reason people are afraid to vote for your tribalist leaders

  22. Nevers now realisez who the boss is ..King those who praised Nevers for his mock fight when he landed, i say that was blood rushing in his vein whn he was lifted shoulder high…he needed to show the MMD youth that is has some balls too…

  23. Mature@30,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes LT seems to be very negative towards anything bemba, it has been such for a long time. What do they want us bemba people to do ? do these people want us to apologise for being bemba?? l am bemba and very proud to be so. its not our fault we are born good and sharp and with natural born leading qualities. You bemba haters can never shut us up, no way we are only 54% of zambia after all and there is no way our eastern,north-western, lusaka & central province brothers will desert us, as the saying goes the DEVIL U KNOW?,,

  24. #29 IMBWA – so to you Nevers Mumba is the BEST young leader to replace old guys? Your standards are so low you don’t even deserve space in my notebook and I wont waste my time here.

  25. Gokigo Milazhe-Dude you have some issues.What about cutting on that tribal crap ? Bloggers like you with a brain of an ant disgusts me.Learn to analyse issues without going into tribal chants.I know that you are intitled to your own opinion but it surely sucks man.Get a rest or something dude or alternatively go back to kinder garden coz i doubt your brain powers.

  26. #30 & #33 – stop crying foul. Now, you are even trying to separate Western and Southern province from the rest of the other provinces. That is why people are talking about your tribalism. Nobody is crying for your love, but if you want to be liked by other people you must learn to respect others as well. Even though now you are claiming that North-Westerners are your brothers, the fact is Sata recently shouted them down and accused them of being tribaist when they complained about him appointing only Bembas everytime he appoints somebody. North-westerners and Southerners are the only tribes not represented in government. So I don’t know why you are busy breaking stinking wind here talking about Bemba haters. Do you yourselves love anybody, you i.di.ots?

  27. This talk about bembas is not inspiring. Let’s get to One Zambia One Nation slogan please. Speaking bemba language does not make one a bemba by tribe and not every body who comes from Luapula, Northern Province or Muchinga Province is bemba please. In these regions we have bisas like H.E. MCS, lungus, mambwe, aba Ushi and many more ethnic groups. LEts get to the basic principles of one zed one nation. No amount of talk will change the statics that bemba language is widely spoken in Zed. Let’s come out of our shells and speak our tonga and lozi languages openly to changes the current statics. No one language is inferior to the others.

  28. Job seeker iwee chi Nevers,you will never lead MMD!Joint Satana ,you sound like you are a devil whoshiper mann!!!!!!!!

  29. @Gokigo…kumonafye na zina.These are chaps ubwali bwamukola and then ayamba ukusabaila.A long post but with only one point i.e hate.Don`t hate people for being born in a certain tribe.

  30. @37, please pardon me, cos my comments are directed at LT and not anyone else. i do not comment on useless topics like you do. i do not thrive on hatred, no. mine is and has always been to advice and hammer were necessary. bloggers that have followed my contributions on this blog will attest to this. iam mature and i will be back.

  31. THIS IS THE TYPICAL NEVERS WE KNOW: Always on the border line; sound loyal to PF in case he loses the MMD presidential race, and also try and convince MMD voters he’s the right man to lead it, you really cannot trust him, and now am also getting NEVERS at the possiblity of MMD going into oblivion if he were to be the one to carry the day!!

  32. You Zambians abroad, are you this dull? Can’t you see that this is sarcasm from Mumba? He is saying Sata is best suited for being in OPPOSITION, not in State House.

  33. Well, for all those who could not understand why late President Levy Mwanawasa fired Nevers, now you have your answer. Nevers is a loose cannon. But then again Sata is also a loose cannon. The u-turns speak volumes. These two are birds of a feather. Imagine Nevers as VP to Sata. Two loose cannons.

  34. @Gokigo Milazhe……………..I do apologise even western province will never desert us,which only leaves southern, which blindly votes for a man who will never ever rule Zambia,,HH ruling us??? over the dead bodies of 82% Zambian is for this reason that we rule and shall always rule because of fools like you, just bring your wife and mun to mayfair iwe, just we show them a real good time. you people will cry till you ran out tears,to the extent of even burning trees to help you produce tears, we are here to stay. Don,t forget to send your sisters,cousins and aunties to mayfair please l could do an orgy with some new tonga girls

  35. There are some serious issues with “The Man of God.” He once preached “Be An Original”, I remember that clearly as I was glued to my TV. An original does not change stance, shape, colour…. it stays the same and true to its form – its original .

    As for you guys talking tribal lines, it PATHETIC, grow up and stop poluting other bloggers

  36. I was just about to start doubting my sanity until I read this article a second time. What, just what is Nevers trying to say here?

  37. LT is misrepresenting facts. Nevers Mumba did not say some things reported in your blog media. This underpins your partisanship with PF govt. Zambians will sieve and hear these aspiring candidates from other sources and not Lusaka for Sata PF.

  38. Aha! Bonse imwe benze kutukwana Sata and making Nevers a saint mwazimverera! Please he needs your support. Do run away from him. He needs good advisors. Why criticise him when some of you show already lack of stability and commitment. Lero ni PF mwayamb nakutukwana HH. Mailo ni MMD nakutukwana HH. Stand up and Grow. Give Nervous some room, he was out of the country for some time and he needs to feel the current political heat first. Welcome to reality mwaice wandi. Ndiye mwamene iyendela

  39. What sort of a pastor, is this man, well I forgot that he is a politician, yesterday he was insulting Sata to day he is praising Sata, who is he, very confusing indeed

  40. @Ginko fimo fimo,

    Ulichikopo bad. You are living in abnegation! I am not bemba but i will never hate a bemba or any tribe for that matter. Wake up you fool. By the way i am half zambian and the other half norwegian.

  41. hahahhaaa@Ngombesutan Jenkete chiyanga so 82% of the Zambians will be always voting for a Bemba, except for the southerners? With the levels of poverty in Zambia, maybe there is something special about the tongas than the names we call them.

  42. @24 I tend to disagree with you, MCS cannot be compared to Nelson Mandela. We are talking of two different eras. Nelson Mandela can be compared to his freedom fighter counterparts, KK..Julius Nyerere…Samora Mashell….Sam Nuyoma….Robert Mugabe..Dos Santos. the list goes on……that’s his era. And MCS is in the current era where opposition parties in Africa still find it a challenge to topple governments of the day. It will be fair to compare PF to DA party in RSA do you think they can topple ANC? That’s where Nevers point comes in. Sata is the best just take all African countries opposition as examples.

  43. The “Dr.” has said it clearly, that if he doesn’t win the MMD presidency (which I know for a fact that he will loose) ,he is going to bootlick his way into PF.

  44. Nevers is born a traitor, if he could dump the Bible what of MMD? This man is a fake and fraud,the MMD membership should watchout for nevers they should not allow him to betray the Party.We have credible candidates of Pande,Dr Musokotwane,hon Mutati and hon Muteteka not the ever bootlicker Nevers.When did Sata become a visionary and the best opposion leader in the world. does this Nevers knows what he is talking about when he says world.Nevers world is not Zambia,wakeup.Don’t vote for this traitor ,please MMD>

  45. You guys really do not know that Mumba has a weak moral compass. He will sell the party to the hands of Michael Sata. These two individuals actually warm up to each other.
    There is a high likelihood that he will win the MMD presidency but watch the party fall as he leads. He will definitely sell the party to the PF.

  46. Mushota is just yapping with my semen in her mouth. Poor young parasite African girl!! I am training my dog to do it right next time!!! She was to noisssssy!!!

  47. @ Maxwell (6, 11, 18) – Why do u sound bitter and upset? Just an observation. Let us be happy for we now live in a transformed Zambia as per the 90 day promise. (pls don’t insult me when responding)

  48. For all the mistakes Nevers has made in this spech I still see some good qualities in him. Soem of you may not remember this. When Nevers lost elections to Mwanawasa, I looked at the voting statistics showing that his worst performance was in the remote rural areas. In response to this he started working with the most disadvantaged places, the first of which was to take Hammer mills to communities in Gwembe. This says something about the man. He is not a revengist or discriminator. He has also started that he will place national unity and security high on his agenda. Look I really dont care what happens at the MMD convention, but I want to encourage Nevers to continue on that line of thougnt, whether he wins or loses. Let him interact with everyone to help in nation building.

  49. @ Ngombesutan Jenkete chiyanga – you also sound bitter like Maxwell. Let enjoy our transformed country according to the 90 day promise. Using the pro-rata system, we should be quite comfortable by now seeing as it is day 81. (No insults in the reply please)

  50. Better Mumba than these dogstans that think to be in opposition its hate, tribalising everything, opposing everything,lies, slander ,falsehood and unpatriotism. Total madness to think that Bembas must not contest on any position in this country because they are Bembas.

  51. How about Dora Siliya for MMD prezident? Despite all the drama associated with her during the run-up to the Sept. 2011 electionz, she’z one intelligent and adequately learned lady.

  52. Bemba Bemba always its a Bemba being taked about. Nowonder your girls are running to Bembas. In this generation a lot of Tonga girls are marying Bemba guys….case example, the SDA-church. Tonga guys are hating Bembas while a Tonga girl is falling in love with a Bemba, who is a losser? I think a Tonga guy.

  53. @ Gokigo Milazhe_ Your sentences are long because they have very little substance in them. You claim that Mandela was the best opposition leader in Africa, I think he was the best freedom fighter.
    As for elections, I do not see how a black man can lose a presidential election to a white man anywhere in africa.
    Sata can woo crowds, he has that gift, at least give that to him. Trust me, I know I have hit the nail on the head so I expect you to hurl some unkind words to vent your irritation.

  54. #49 NGOMBESTUN – But ndiwe ngwele zoona. Unga mukwanise sister wanga iwe ulepela nakulemba chizungu. Kwamene ku-mayfair uko kwa ma-lillegal immigrants monga iwe. Tiye uko. David Cameron is hard on your trails mwanya maq-illegals just pack up and return to Ng’ombe shanty compound in Lusaka.

  55. #75 CHARACTER ASSASSIN – No, my brother, I’m not that bad. Tima pontako chabe tika-baela monga ba-President watu. But still, whether you like it or not Mandela was an opposition leader. First he was a freedom fighter YES, then he became leader of the opposition party. Let us not argue about it because you know that is true. So for bootlicker Nevers Mumba to claim that Sata was the most visionary opposition leader is a careless statement that has just exposed his small brains. I now support President Sata that it is probably true that he stole in Canada and must be investigated thoroughly. I’m not arguing about Sata wooing crowds. Many people can woo crowds, including those who are not visionaries. It is not to disrespect my own president, but truth be told that he is not a visionary.

  56. Okay, NGOMBESUTAN, as funny as what you have said to Gokigo is, I think you are pushing your freedom of speech too far. You only have a right to respond to Gokigo and not any third party when addressing him. Gokigo deserves respect because he argues on a basis however disagreeable it is.

  57. Okay Gokigo- I think visionary is a little too much I have to admit.That reference is reserved for great persons and not really towards politicians especially of current time.
    One thing that is apparent is that Nevers will sell MMD if he wins the party presidency (which I think he will win) and should he lose, he has implicitly stated that he will join PF. Besides, I really think Sata and Nevers are quite fond of each other. Nevers has a weak moral compass.

  58. I am shocked at some reactions coming from some bloggers above.I see nothing wrong with Dr Mumba’s statement.It just shows how mature Zambian poitics is.Some of you are expecting him to start throwing stones at the ruling party…Just consider the US or British politics.They defer when necessary like the eurozone crisis at the moment and agree on what they feel is necessary for the country like going to war etc.Some of you need to move on from stone age politics and into 21 Century.Even Sata agreed with some of Levy’s policies.So grow up!!!!

  59. According to the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary (3rd Ed.) and i quote – a visionary is described as a person who has the ability to imagine how a country, society, industry etc. will develop in the future and to plan in a suitable way – end quote.Let us learn to appreciate our own, we may not agree with Nevers Mumba’s persona, but i think he had a point on Sata being visionary…my opinion please. Personally i think Nevers can not be trusted any more as is evidenced by  many of his escapades once given some responsibilities.

  60. @SHI MWANSA- Thanks for the quote. I like constructive bloggers like yourself. I will differ with the notion that Sata is a visionary as much as I have nothing against him. I think a visionary in practical terms is often branded as one by their achievements, now is not a right time to give him that acclaim.
    I think when Mumba said that, he meant Sata had forward thinking that he would rule the country, that is called faith and calculation.

  61. @Hola- I think you do not know what kind of man Nevers is. The reason why you are almost alone in your thought is that you do not realise that Nevers’ political manouvering often ends up benefiting him and him alone.
    He has a history of leaving his followers behind. Firstly, his church members and secondly his party NCC.
    By the way, I agree with your analysis on UK politics. But you have to admit, in the US, they are fast becoming like Africans disagreeing to fail each other’s ambitions.

  62. This is perfectly true. Mr Sata is a very good OPPOSITION politician but that is exactly where the problem lies. Now that he is in-charge, he seems to be forgeting that the buck stops with him. He is uttering statements as if he is not government. Fake money, So and so was paid twice, so and so stole gold, financial impropriety in Toronto etc. It is like he now doesn’t have the FACTS but still hearing rumours!
    Ba Sata puleeze, nimwebo ba kateka so act like one! He is even opposing his own government like criticising the secretary to the Cabinet, complaining about a minibus in Livingstone, complaining about living in State House (does he still wants to see his girlfriends?).

  63. Perhaps what Mr Sata could do is what Dr Chilub used to do. He used to get into a private car and drive around Lusaka at night, even Addis Ababa drive and ‘chat’ with whoever he wanted to talk to. Sneeaky fellow Fred was!

  64. @CHARACTER ASSASSIN 00, Thanks for that sober thaught, on second thaughts i agree with you that it may be too early to regard MCS as being visionary.

  65. Dr. Mumba, you were a crowd puller that time you were behind the pulpit. Can you consider getting back to it so that you avoid the rough language from some quarters that are not selective with words. Think about it deeply.

  66. There is a gut that cannot run a church were people freely come to worship and now he wants ti run an organisation that is elective, he will abandon MMD for PF if he is given a job we ave all seen that…
    Pastor Victory Ministries to NCC President
    NCC President to VP and Trustee MMD
    VP to Ambassodor MMD
    What next for the MAN OF GOLD!

  67.  NEVERS FAILS TO SAY “NEVER” TO PF BLACK MAIL. The buzz about Nevers` intention to contest the MMD presidency sent shivers to PFs`leadership core. PF reasons that if the former Z-tele-evangelist was to assume the “bully pulpit” as opposition leader, odds are, he could render credibility to the discredited MMD and ensure coalescence around the party, thereby invigorating it. This would pose a threat to PF`s reign. To undermine his political stature, PF strategized to offer him some “jabs in the ribs” by leveling fabricated financial misappropriation charges against him.As spineless as he is, he cringed at the prospects of dancing to the music of the law.Sleazy and not so stellar, won’t he sell his party for three pieces of silver?Isn`t he a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

  68. This is what we call Progressive Politics… About time we cured the insanity we have long described as politics in our beloved country…

  69. When you can’t defeat them join them. Nevers has felt the HEAT of BOMA and has just lowered his ego. Pressure can never be forever if you can’t have a solid foundation. BOMA ni BOMA keep praising HE MCS because your falling will not be good more especially if you are denied the MMD presidency.

  70. Zambia shall be saved. What can you tell us this time around. This guy has been jumping parties like a monkey from one tree to another. I don’t think anyone worth his pinch of salt can ever trust this guy. Remember how Mwanawasa (MHSRIP) regretted having him as a Vice. He is just a … I don’t know but the guy is mixing church and politics just in a wrong way. He should ask his friend so called “Apostle” Pule how he failed to mix politics and Church until palast hooked a small kama-nice lady and I am still bitter about that because she was too pretty to be spoiled by chiPule.  PaZed kaya maje, mwafuntha manje bamambala. Mushota where are you mwana. Hwz Nick.  I end here!

  71. @Howard MUlenga, next time I dare you try me openly, not hiding with a funny name. You small chicken head with pig manners, i dont even need to waste my time on you.

  72. Sata is good to for opposition and in Africa he served as one of the longets opposition Party Leader. He belongs to the Opposition. Thats true Nevers. lOOK AT HOW THEY KEEP ON DEFENDING EVEN WHEN THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO BE CELEBRATING. Politics of Insults are what we hate. Let learn to be civilised and not act like some tribes that thrive on insults.

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