President Michael Sata says the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region has made progress on peace, stability and democratization over the past two years.
President Sata noted that this is despite pockets of conflicts and political crises within the region.
President Sata is confident the deliberations of the on-going Heads of States Summit on the Great Lakes Region in Kampala, Uganda will draw on principles of democracy and good governance.
He said the holding of free and fair democratic elections in a number of member states, are also indications of the collective efforts aimed at forging peaceful relations among nations in the region.
ZANIS reports that the President was speaking in Kampala yesterday when he delivered a key note address to the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region Summit.
At the same occassion President Sata handed over the chairmanship of the ICGLR to his Ugandan counterpart President Yoweri Museveni.
And President Museveni told the fully packed conference hall that the problem of sexual and gender based violence could only be solved by coming up with legislation that criminalizes the offence.
This Museveni is just another Robert Mugabe in the making.Only heaven knows when he will retire from politics.
Africa unity and develop
Well said Mr President. Let all those who rose through the gun handover power as well!
I am told there were no drunken cadres or dancing women when MCS left KK International airport. We have a very definate change of culture. But I am sure some disgruntled fo#ol will still find fault with this.
That progress was made under RB leadership the man u are persecuting..Bembas forget easily ayi!!
@Analyst#5. Ke ke ke ke ke ke ke! Wandepula we!
Just visit their Hai Hai paper you will see what they come up with today. Yesterday it was Sata embaraces himself when the President did nothing wrong!
Analyst #5 great observation! We have too many people in Zed who don’t see the cup half-full!! That’s hilarious but true. Anyhow, this issue of Gays and Lesbians I believe must be approached from a national society, not by the UN. I believe just as our toilet habits are different based on which culture or religion we follow, even our view on how people peddle their sexuality in public MUST be different. It is a shame that the UN would like to start ordering people around by using US sponsorships! On the Great Lakes question, I hope we can whittle away this unending vote tampering behaviour as we recently witnessed in the DRC. We must move away from strongman 18th Century behaviours.
The President!
That summit should be changed and be called the Great Mistakes region summit.From DRC wars of the 90’s,Rwanda genocide,Ethiopian famines,Tanzanian socialist backwardness,Ugandan dictatorships,Angolan civil wars to Zambian stagnation under UNIP its a truly great mistakes region.
‘He said the holding of free and fair democratic elections in a number of member states, are also indications of the collective efforts aimed at forging peaceful relations among nations in the region.’
If the elections in Zambia were free and fair why are majority PF losers petitioning the parliamentary elections? Typical of MCS trying to impress while failing to deliver within 90 days. Tribalism was there in Uganda check out who travelled with MCS. Yes.
When Zambians claim Bembas are tribalists, they (Bembas) protest aggressively to the extent of sheding innocent blood of a chicken. Burying your head in the sand does not cover you completely, back is seen.
#1 Mo taim,
I share your sentiments on these African dictators, they cling on to power until they drop dead.
Like Mr Yoweri Museveni, that president has been in power since dinosaurs walked the earth and he is so filthy rich that he has fingers in every pie in UG.
I hope and pray Mr Sata doesn’t pick up any bad habits from those crooks!!