Monday, March 10, 2025

Lubinda demands for report on ‘immoral’ Born and Bred music awards


Dambisa performs for ZNBC director general Joe Chilazya with his wife as he looks on

The Minister for Information has asked for reports from the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation, Police and the organisers of the Born and Bred Music awards by the end of today.

Given Lubinda’s request follows complaints from Members of the public of the immorality that characterized the televised event and is demanding that steps be taken.

Mr. Lubinda who is also minister for tourism is particularly concerned with scenes of alcohol consumption and footage of people wearing clothes that were too revealing.

The live programme on the national broadcaster, was on air for over five hours.

As he addressed journalist in Lusaka on Friday, the minister seriously warned the media against abuse of the freedom which the patriotic front government has given them to operate independently.

He says the ministry will not tolerate the public media to broadcast obscene pictures that may corrupt public morals.

The minister says the conduct of patrons and organizers and the general organization of the programme fell far below public expectations.

Mampi performs during the Born and Bred music awards



  1. Yeah that was too much,Zambia is a Christianity country and having people drinking Alcohol and having sex in the parking area is unacceptable!

  2. the minister is a club owner, he should give a report on how many people have aids in kabwata because of him. his very stupid, *****!!

  3. Its ironic how Zambians are the first to quote all kinds of bible verses and preach about immorality when the Western countries suggest about respecting gay rights something that is remotely connected to them yet what is happening in their backyards is far worst and ghastly; bonking in a public car park on a massive scale, under-age drinking inside the premises, explicit dance moves that are exclusively reserved for a certificate 18 film or stripe bar.

    For your information everything witness at that event would not be witnessed at a Gay event or club in a tolerant society like Holland or Europe as the culprits would no better and reserve such activities in the confines of the houses.
    Christian Nation my foot!!

    • Unyelele uko chi gay activist. Being a Christian nation doesn’t mean we will fall short of sin. God burned down Soddom and Gomorrah due to sin like homosexuality. If you are gay, go to Holland we chipuba!

    • Homeboy, friendly piece of advice, tone down on the attitude and you just might have someone listening without being hostile. If you come in peace, don’t let punches be your way of introducing yourself, or way of starting a conversation.

  4. So the minister (and others) enjoyed the programme which ran for 5 hours and came to realise it was immoral after some pipo complained? Interesting

    • just go muster.bate u son of byatch if u cant f.uck ur ass u anus. you are  gay  due to lack of opportunity deal with it and don’t bring down any1 with u0

  5. Pa zed everything is a problem, in western countries any talent  of any nature contribute to country’s economy because musungu knows how to regulate such things and tax them properly

  6. #4
    Holland is in Europe. Europe is not a country, It houses Holland. The only wrong thing is broadcasting unusual events. But such or worse things than those real happen inhere. I don’t see any reason to condemn it. Only to say 5hrs on one programme was too much, the guys were filming there to kill time :d

  7. Am really happy with the minister of INFORMATION requesting for a report on the happenings of the “BORN n BRED” award. In my own view, what was displayed was not Zambian. From the DRESSING… to the ….??????….. LIVE music is the best.. mimicking is the thing of the past and i thot we r passed that stage. Its SAD…!!! I thot i was the only one who saw wat was happening…. That was dirty honestly…. Lets clean up such messy… SAVE US FROM such IMMORALITY displayed in so many ways 4 us to build a morally upright Zambia. Thank you….!!!! Enjoy your evening.

  8. Awe leka niponteko before nikalibe kuend kumwa moba. So wamene uyu galu Lubinda akamba vichani vakuti bantu were wearing revealing clothes. Why doesn’t he start by clsoing NAMAKAU HOUSE ku-chilenje? Imwe ba-PF naimwe muzi-condema ko vinangu. Lubinda can’t preach morals to Zambians when he runs a night club and people are catching AIDS at his club every night…girsl wearing revealing clothes and married men taking their girlfriends there. He is really turning into this boring cadre rather than a minister. Why doesn’t Sata fire him, kansi?

  9. #8 mature my comment on #7 does not suggest or mention regulation of sex in car park, instead my comments suggest promotion of  talents and regulate events like born and bread award and tax those awards. If people who went to attend this award ceremony engaged in having sex in car park like you have said then thats sad. Read properly my friend

  10. Yes, we do not want stupidity to prevail in our country. Its people like #4 GAY ACTIVIST who do not see any problem with this but people are dying of AIDS in their numbers. We are in Africa, let us not allow immorality, and in the end it can save us.

  11. PF members are experts at hoodwinking Zambians. Lubinda complained to MMD govt that they can not plan and organise free elections, yet today he enjoys as minister fooling Zambians by demanding a report on morality at his own club. He expects Zambians to jump. What the police need to do is close his night club and investigate the modus operandi of the club and fine the owner for corrupting Zambian morals.

  12. lubinda hasnt done anything wrong in askin for a report tht progrm was on tv. wat does him owning a nyt club got to do wit th bnb awards. does he force pipo to go to his nyt club. if u hav seen ilegal activities in his nyt club lik allowin unda 18 y dnt u report rather thn jst yappin abt it. i gues he has a licence for nyt club. we all mak choices in life so y chose to hav unprotecte sex. lets nt politicize evrything this is nt campaigning time.

  13. Morality is not the responsibilty of politicians. Next, we shall be hearing that the Pope wants a report on what happened at a political rally when politicians debated with each other. Given, listen very carefully. You were not elected to monitor what people morally do or not do. If that were the case we would have the Clergy for ministers. If people broke the law, you should be asking where Dr Malama’s men and women were and what they were doing! Perhaps they were voyerising too!

  14. That’s Zambia for you! With rotten minds. Christian nation! What do you expect when even the clegy is mostly on the pulpit only to solicity for money Plastics! With questional titles. They are only short of calling themselves,Shalom, Adonai, Almight, Jaire, Jah,lion of Judah , Jehovah etc. Fire without heat !ONLY JESUS WILL DESTROY THOSE DEVIL’S WORKS. Otherwise we are yet to witness even worse evil. Oh God deliver us!

  15. #10 Kanjimaano  Of course, I know Holland (Netherlands) is in Europe only chose it as its the most liberal and tolerant society in the EU. I guess you don’t see any reason to condemn people having probably unprotected sexual intercourse and oral intercourse in a public car park.

  16. Honestly people lets not use this forum to insult each other or to provoke hatred. What Lubinda is saying and what you are suggesting are not the same thing. If he owns a nite club which only admits adults, people go there by choice and if they are exposed to immorality and HIV, it is there choice. That is not the same as showing indecent moving pictures on a TV station for which we are forced to pay TV lincense. It amazing how we easily get carried away with trivial things instead of carefully analysing them. Maybe that’s why we are still poor because we never see any good in anyone except ourselves.

  17. Honestly people lets not use this forum to insult each other or to provoke hatred. What Lubinda is saying and what you are suggesting are not the same thing. If he owns a nite club which only admits adults, people go there by choice and if they are exposed to immorality and HIV, it is their choice. That is not the same as showing indecent moving pictures on a TV station for which we are forced to pay TV lincense. It amazing how we easily get carried away with trivial things instead of carefully analysing them. Maybe that’s why we are still poor because we never see any good in anyone except ourselves.

  18. #15 THE SAINT – are you on the same planet as the rest of us??? Wake up, man. The universe is expanding pretty fast and you are left far behind…

  19. #17 #18 YELEBWEBWE – point taken. My only objection is that I don’t want a Minister who has 12 girlfriends to tell me how to behave in my house. If ZNBC was allowed to screen that then they must have gotten some indirect greenlight from somewhere. Problem napa Zed ni imozi chabe, ngati niku kamba zoona: benangu bakadya cha-kudya vonse viliche bwino. Ta enangu tikati tigwileko ati Mulungu sakonda vaso. Now, that is not fairness. Ndiye problem na Lubinda imeneyo!

  20. Mr.Lubinda has missed the mark,He is a perfect picture of a no good African politician demanding a report for what?If anyone committed a crime they should have been arrested.He is demanding a report from the wrong people.The organizers of this event their duty was to entertain Mr.Minister you need to call the Chief of Police and demand a report.The organizers of this even are not the Police they have no constitution powers to arrest.Shame on you get a real job and address the real problems affecting the Zambians

  21. To be honest. Lubinda is wasting everybody’s time. What he doesn’t realise, UNFORTUNATELY, is that everyday his mouth worsens his political career. You cannever buoild a political career from bootlicking until your tongue is transparent! Lubinda is one of those chaps who will be left in the wilderness to fend for himself when the hard times for PF begin…when real competition within PF starts…much later. Kaya… as Danny once sung…

  22. Moral degradation in Zambia is a serious concern and one wonders at what point we lost our moral conscious. We are most less like animals nw

  23. @GAY ACTIVIST: Homeboy, friendly piece of advice, tone down on the attitude and you just might have someone listening without being hostile. If you come in peace, don’t let punches be your way of introducing yourself, or way of starting a conversation. Be relevant or move on. Here we’re still dealing with hunger and disease and education and sanitation and medication issues. You want to debate, come in, sit down, say something polite. Not you come in my house insulting my nation as the intro to dialogue? How?

  24. The minister has missed the point here. Did he honestly expect the police to arrest the patrons on that particular day? What report are they going to give him? That beer was being sold and that people were having sex in the parking lot? What is he going to do about that? The solution to this whole debacle lies with us parents. I for one cannot let my daughter attend such trash. Even people who go to such events must think twice next time. No wonder chibamba kanyama refused to go on the podium, he realised he was at a wrong place at the right time. Let us all have serious introspections in our activities. Our music and musicians should and must be regulated.


  25. mampi is sexy, sexy legs she has to show them please, why hide them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) gay activist see what you missing…. lol

  26. I do not see anything immoral about it. Right and wrong is very hard to distinguish. Isn’t it also immoral that your government Mr. Lubinda, can push the retirement age to 65? How many graduates will suffer?

  27. @CHARACTER ASSASSIN: Is’nt it immoral that you assassinate a character with an under the belt punch on a totally un-related debate? On the issue of graduates, nothing changes much since these oldies have still been working anyway on contract, filling those positions anyway,but governent spending more to pay them as contractors when they could just raise the retirement age and save some cash. We still have to deal with the graduates’ issue, but lets not mix it up with something else which might derail our focus.

  28. I think b4 Lubinda asks for this, report let him give us a report of all the immorality that went on at his club, Namakau House, and let him tell us how much immorality the people renting it from him now have allowed. If he tells us that non then he can remove the speck from the friend’s eye.

  29. No 13, what goes on at Lubinda’s bar is not shown on media, but the immorality at the awards were shown on national TV. So if you have a borne to chew with Lubinda just sit down with him, he might give you a job if you are unemployed. What Lubinda is saying is sensible especially for us who have never seen what goes on at Lubinda’s bar. But what do you expect from a nightclub.

  30. your concern is heard and i can support it ,only if we can remove the soils in .our hands b4 we can remove from others

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