Monday, March 10, 2025

President Sata fires Southern province minister


President Michael Sata

President Sata has terminated the appointment of Hon. Lukulo Katombora as Southern Province minister.

President Sata says the decision to relieve Hon. Katombora of his duties was with immediate effect.

This is contained in a statement issued to Lusakatimes by George Chellah the Special Assistant to the President for press and public relations.

Consequently, the Head of State has transferred Hon. Miles Sampa from Lusaka to Southern Province in the same capacity.

And the President has appointed Kanyama PF Member of Parliament Hon. Gerry Chanda as Lusaka Province Minister.

President Sata has also appointed Mwansabombwe PF Member of Parliament Hon. Rogers Mwewa as the new minister for the Copperbelt Province.

Hon. Mwewa replaces Hon. John Kufuna who the Head of State says will be allocated a new ministry in a little while.

The President has also appointed three opposition MMD members of Parliament as deputy ministers.

These are: Mr. Elijah Muchima (Mwinilunga West), Mr. Stephen Masumba (Mufumbwe) and Mr. Isaac Banda (Lumezi). “These three colleagues will be allocated ministries shortly,” President Sata says.

“I would like to advise my colleagues who have been appointed to ensure that they work to the satisfaction of the Zambian people. We must guard against any form of abuse of state resources. Let us manage people’s resources in the most transparent and accountable manner.”


  1. An opportunity for Miles Sampa to preach Bemba doctrine of Southern province men to marry Bemba women for a prospective president. Well done Mr President.

  2. Well done mr president. it means you do listen to the cries of the pipo. president for all zambians. the chiefs spoke and you heard their cry. Opposition MPS being appointed, pliz do not abuse this goodwill coming from HE SATA. If you are carrying baggage of corruption from MMD you better refuse the appointment before a no nonsense IG Malama visits you.

  3. There is no way the Katombora man could survive Sata’s leadership style. Take it from me this man is going to lose his sit in parliament, the petition is on.Sampa enjoy the Tonga women they are looking foreward for Bembas they have dumped the Liatos,becos they don’t appreciate good women.They would rather bury their money in the sand than paying for good sex while aBembs man would have shown appretition and pay.

  4. strange to send Miles to Southern Province!
    And surely firing a man who says he has chamnged simply because he has revealed his past at church??? Then SATA should step down because his past is far worse

  5. Is this the stupid minister who confessed he was a wizard. GOOD RIDDANCE, we do not need people who use horrible means to get to the top. 

  6. Cadres are still many.I hope these PF people clears the Zambian Mission in China.The cadres are not doing anything good.So many loafers in the name of diplomats.

  7. I think this one will be interesting for Miles Sampa. I think Sata has done this deliberately to allow him to effectively apologise. My advice is this- the Tonga’s vote on tribal lines because they have been deceived for long and ignored.
    I think PF must really help our brothers down south. People appreciate when you help them, they will not forget. Look at how MMD changed its luck in the south.

  8. @Proud Tonga…It’s funny howcome Tonga women are very keen on marrying Bembas huh? That should tell you something about Tonga men. Maybe it’s size, maybe it’s money but either way, Tonga men are not seing daylight…

  9. eco balelandila mwandini…..the round up is of all bemba chaps…….. and one consolation easterner……….whats going on?

  10. they are saying maybe he is still a satanist……..kekekekekekekeke…this appointment is so funny……sending Germans in the British teritory during world War 4…..wapya munzi Sampa…

  11. What has become of Zambia and tribalism? Tribalism was not a big issue a decade ago.Why it has become a daily topic has really amazed me.Enlighten me please what has caused this word to become popular in Zambia? Who started it and why?Do we need enough lessons in Africa about the consequences of ethnic divisions ? Who is promoting all this? Tribal wars are easy to start but not easy to end.Everybody tone down on tribalism and for once ignore it.We are all Africans.

  12. DearJFK,No.18, the reason he is relieved is because he comfessed that he was a Satanist and ha said he got his riches through very unhuman way.

  13. Miles Sampa is not going to Southern to represent his tribe. he has been appointed to go and work with and for the people of southern province, period!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. This is a real test for Miles but if he is hard worker, he’ll manage because people of Southern admire hard workers. MCS should also consider making inroads in areas like South where he is not popular by appointing some of their own. That would be a win-win for him. They can also change.

  15. Tongas come out of the confine where every time you are thinking of your own tribesman. Every one is your brother or sister regardless of tribe. Don’t promote tribalism. There are alot of Tongas who have married and settled happily in other parts of the country. You will never hear them talk ill against other tribes!! Brothers and sisters from Southern Province, please come out of the confinement of my tribe first others are nothing. I beg you once more.

  16. @ZABWINO PALIBE- Tongas are not Bantustans, they are Mabisistans or Ng’ombestans, please tell your dad to get circumsized!

  17. You guys who are talking about bemba women …am tired of listening to that. The specs are too low , the hardware is almost non existent . worse they are talkative . There is nothing to look for in bemba women.

    • I like Bemba women especially the ones who are educated like the first lady and have gone through the Bemba invention of a Kitchen party.Why do you think every Zambian woman goes through a kitchen party with Bemba women as tutors?

  18. wake up call for Hakatombwe family down south, work to develop Zambia and dont work to preach tribalism and promote satanism you will be fired like this. I bet Miles Sampa will do better in southern because he grew up there half of his life and he speaks Tonga too.

  19. jfk you want to know:
    Dear bloggers, any reason why this man has been relieved of duties?
    ans: there will be livingstone bye election . the platform was not free and fair .man used satanism

  20. Sata’s favorite pastime….FIRING PEOPLE! What else is new? I wonder what this man will do when there are no more people to fire!

  21. After 90 days no money in our pockets why! can some tell the nation please! Is it more money in the soil! After 90 days we have started seeing some firing are these the promises that we were promised? To you our MPs, can you get to work other wise you be found at the tip of a sword!!!!
    Lord, help ZAMBIA

  22. @Job, very good point. I think Livingstone was close last time around MMD beating UPND by two votes only, getting in the 13,000s and PF was third with about 12,000. I think PF know that with their fame, they can scoop this seat.
    But far away from free and fair, that is why Miles has gone to southern province.

  23. May God bless Zambia. All the fools who want tribalism to prevail in Zambia, am afraid there is nothing for you. Zambia will always be peaceful. Its too much now, every time I open a page, all I see is Bemba this, Tonga that, Lozi here and 6 koloko fimo fimo – You *****s better stop this BEFORE I unleash my weapons!!!!

  24. #31 what is the basis of your advice?? I have not seen any posting where Tongas are saying Tonga only. Look at yourself before you point an accusing finger at your neighbour. Its such a shame.

  25. Three more deputy ministers without potofolio, we are reducing ministrial positions. More money in the pocket as 90 days clocking on and more free comedy…………. its cheap isnt it?
    Street Vendors build permanent structures Kapata with his Emmegency courts will not prosecute you. More money in the pocket !!!!!!!!!!

  26. This is so funny,you appoint 3 deputy ministers without ministries? Does the guy want to create more ministries? JOB @ 33 you have made my day.

  27. Who is Miles Sampa? Any peculiar background story behind him? Serious answer required for analysis. I see the young man being groomed for some top govt portfolio. He came out strong to apologise to Tonga men in parliament for those unfortunate remarks. Sata sends him to the perceived troubled zone after Southern Province strongman, HH, told off Sampa to “Take your stupidity elsewhere”. Sata takes him to HH’s stronghold. What drama: HH V’s Sampa! Miles, I pray you be strong.

  28. Ttibalism wont take zambia nowhere.The country is behind and so poor such that sometimes its even hard to tell pipo that thats the country you come from,instead of of us working to develop our land all we are doing is promoting tribalism,name calling we are behaving like we stil living in the stone age.please wake up pipo!

  29. Where as the President holds power to appoint anyone he chooses, appoiting a corrupt person like Muchima is unfortunate, and puts the fight against corruption by the PF gov. in a big doubt.Muchima has been petitioned by PF because of his corruption, how then can he be appointed minister? He’s involved in the theft of CDF for Mwinilunga, and the failed civic centre development project where his company got a contract to construct the centre but he pocketed huge monies without building even a toilet. This is a comedy of errors by HE MCS!

  30. The country cannot be held at ransom by a group of tribalists calling themselves chiefs. What we need as a country are credible leaders not corrupt ones like Muchima. We cannot please the people of North Western by appointing wrong people. If indeed he wanted people from North Western, he should have consulted and get the right ones. Muchima is as corrupt as Liato maybe even worse. Where is Zambia headed?

  31. Tongas and Bembas should just make up, whatever the differences there are, no one really knows. If you talk about tribalism honestly speaking Tongas have been practicing this from way back and now you have Bembas. Haha! you know what we are capable of doing.

  32. Sata has demonstrated good leadership by listening to the Chiefs from North-western , the appointment of Muchima and Masumba will defnately change perception Northwesterners had. The apointment of Miles to south demonstrates one z one nation, however, it would be tricky for him to tick in Matero constituency as a area MP and in southern as a minister , coz this is not a cabinet.:)>

  33. Sata now is embarrassing me in public! I supported him for nothing, instead of doing the right thing he is doing the opposite! Why?

    He should have sent all those MPs from North Western Province to Luapula and Northern Provinces to balance up the tribes! Why are they on standby waiting for New Ministries? After Sata reduced them? His he going to create more as Mwanawasa did to appease and BRIBE the opposition?

    This is not fair!

  34. Katombola is simply one the small fish in the big pound? people do weird things for the love of money? I grew up with an uncle (politician) he would bath in herbs before every campaign or meeting with his superiors? we love money such that we tend to forget the things that are dearest to our hearts…….love making, family and church. the other stuff is all secondary……besides we shall all die at some point and shall live all our hard earned assets to our spoilt unappreaciative kids of this internet porn posting generation! what a waste of life

  35. ‘Hiring and firing’, this is what earned Sata his ‘man of action’ tittle. Its a true misnomer, the man does not do any action but when lucky can intimidate people into doing some action. Its not looking like it will work…….

  36. 1. Don’t Zambians deserve to know why the Southern Province Minister has been fired?

    2. Why can’t the President fully apply his mind on the Deputy Minister vacancies and allocate each of the new appointees to their suitable positions before announcing the appointments? Please listen to us, we’ve cried enough about the apparent lack of insight with which cetain appointments are made. It’s only logical that a person’s suitability for a position would be determined by matching their capabiltities with the requirements of a specific job, or do we now have a bench of substitute deputy ministers?

  37. It is true that the tongas have no capcity to rule even Southern Province…Hakaivota HH will confirm that..We sending a natural born supervisor (Bemba), Sampa as a trusted slave driver…lol.. Sorry guys truth be told, we dont need ingombe in Masabuka, livingstone and choma CBDs….

  38. The President should go further by ensuring all Provinces have Provincial Ministers who do not come from that province or region to discourage tribalism and encourage performance. Furthermore Zambians should demand that MP’s should not be elected from their regions to discourage tribalism and in turn encourage performance, this should be a law. Let us pray for wisdom upon our leaders both ruling and oppositon and for all Zambians.

  39. Hulla baloo news. The appointments to ministerial posts of MMD MPs neither fits into tribal appeasement nor brain drain to MMD party. This is a direct response from the pressure PF govt has found itself. The party hasn’t got any brain bank to fall back to and has been enared to begin damege limitation process. Inadventedly, these are MMD MPs who were long suspected to be working for PF and it was a matter of time. Their appointments are without merit and deprive genuine deserving PF members who qualify to those appointments. For example one MP selected has nothing in terms of accademic achievement and has never contributed in parliament on any debates. It is infact a scandal for PF to resort to such appointments due to lack of principles of their party. Independent MPs is a better option.

  40. I know if I comment, my comments will upset some people. So I will comment tomorrow – after midnight. Leka nikabamwele first. Nibwela usiku kulemba vanzelu, noti masebela yamene mwalemba apa…! Nibwela kushauta neighbour! Ndine Gikogo-Mi !!!

  41. Katombola should not be pushed too much lest he goes back and fixes Sampa. Infact Katombola should have been first to mention the ‘jobs’ he did together with ba kateka before he was fired. now its too late

    atombola 0:5 Sata

  42. Muchima and masumba from n.westren!! crap!! We need intellectuals from that province to be put in policy making positions. Sata pick a few more, the odds ratio is still not balancing. This wont bring significant change to the province. Listen to what the chiefs are tabling and not what you think as MCS. You cannot cheat us with such mediocre appointments fo-o-l!!!

  43. Who said Sampa has been sent miles away from Lusaka to Southern-Bantustan? That would be the best appointment so far. Ba Gerry Chanda deserves something like Lusaka, he is the one who took Ba Sata for funeral of late the best ever president Kafupi Tito Chiluba.

  44. Ine chintu chimodzi che chinidabwisako chabe: uyu Katombora, kansi anankalako minister ayi? Vingo nipita chabe ine mwandi. So apa ine nadabwa chabe that ba Sata has fired somebody before I even knew he was appointed. Ya, ndiye supersonic hire-and-fire imeneyo!

  45. I have just arrived from a very lucrative drinking and dancing competition without a prize…but with my friends we all tried mwe! Now, I need to go to bed…BUT before I do that I promised to ponta to you my neighbours. Although I can be a lumpen sometimes, I will behave now and let you sleep and attack you in the morning when you are awake as well — to make it fair game. Winangu kabudo apa aniuza ati ndine ngwele apa. Ndiye problem ya kumwa naba some-of -us: asoba ulemu. Bambo on a monga bonse simuziba mogwilila pensulo! Na enda…enangu amwa kachasu, maseting’i kupakisa! Tayamikila…

  46. Thats very sad for the minister when he turns to God he his fired the devil is simply taking what he gave him.>?????????????/

  47. sata has borught tribalism.. The cabinet is has grown already.. It has more ministers than MMD.. Zambian are so dull and Sata knows this

  48. Well its good for Miles Sampa the wife to be is actually a tonga lady,and i think he is a performer after all the in laws are there.

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