Monday, March 10, 2025

MMD party president to be decided at a National convention


File:Former President Rupiah Banda with MMD National Executive Committee Members

The MMD National Executive Committee has resolved to take the selection of the party’s new leader to the National Convention.

And the MMD are appalled that the ruling Patriotic Front has appointed its members to ministerial positions without consulting or even informing the party.

Five senior MMD members have expressed the desire to take the top job of the party that lost the presidential elections after a 20 year old rule.

The five include former Zambian Ambassador to Canada Nevers Mumba, former finance minister Situmbeko Musokotwane, former commerce minister Felix Mutati, former foreign affairs minister Kabinga Pande and the party’s youth chairman Moses Muteteka.

Addressing the press after a 9 hour NEC meeting, former president Rupiah Banda said the consultation was fruitful.

“We had a lot to discuss since we were meeting after a long time,” Mr Banda said. “We had so many things to talk about.”

MMD spokesperson Dora Siliya disclosed that the issue of Rupiah’s successor was pushed to the convention.

She said the NEC could not dictate who should lead the party and that the decision was best handled by all the members at a convention, which she said, will be held in due course.

On the appointments of MMD members of parliament to ministerial positions, Siliya said that was a serious issue which the party was studying adding that it was not courteous for the Pf to appoint MMD members without informing or consulting the party.

“It is true that the president has the power to appoint anyone from parliament as a minister but it is only courteous that they should inform the party,” she said. “We are happy that the president has identified talent among MMD members whom he thinks can contribute to national development. “

Siliya also announced that the MMD has expelled Mrs Lumba Kalumba from the party and that Mwansa Mbulakulima has been appointed as party treausurer.


  1. When likely z the convetion 2 be held, is it the election year ‘2016’ or somewhere mid the Pf’s term?
    I would prefer the latter or as soon as they can, as i beleive the opposition needs humple time. Nice decision as u have begun to lìsten to peoples calls. Hardluck!

  2. MMD is the most democratic political party in Zambia,Southern Africa and Africa. Not the dictatorial,trbalistic and nepotistic tendencies from the PF

  3. They should elect the no nonsense Dr Never Mumba,the only one man enough to stand up to the dictatorial excesses of Sata or failure to that just keep Bwezani as a consensus candidate.

  4. please MMD vote wisely we need a credible opposition leader to put our govt to task so that things are well balanced.Although l am PF and know my party, will be in power for the next 3 terms, good luck to all that are contesting for the presidency. May the best man for the job win. l personally would like hon Pande to win.

  5. First, allowing street venders to sell freely in streets of Lusaka is an old populist trick which Chiluba tried when he was losing popularity among his Zambians, this is when intellectuals resigned Aka,the Arthur Winner, Humphrey Mulemba, Boldwine Nkumbula,Dean Mungomba started resigning from Chiluba’s govt. Sata as local govt minister decided to allow street venders sell in the streets to increase support of MMD. Sata is a joker.

    Convention is good so that RB is not blamed for influencing the NEC into appointing his favorite person as party president. Most strong MMD members were kicked out of the party by Sata himself. Now Sata claims that most strong and founding members of the party left the MMD when he actually expelled them from MMD because they disagreed with him

    • what have your above rantings got to do with electing an mmd leader. PF ni boma educated or not, they have the power to do as they please in the confines of the law

  6. Never mind ,being a jocker or not ,he sill leads.
    He has the muscle to lead.Some dude say MMD is Educated? Writing error?

  7. MMD are so educated that they decided to redefine “CASH CROPS”…#LMFAO. Education does not make one a good leader

  8. @Chwe chwe chwe eko yaba ni splah pa mandzi! pa maji! pa menda!! Dora Siliya has been appointed as Minister for Gender violence ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki awe @ Minister for Soft bums ha ha ha ha

  9. Its quite funny how some people praise their Party. MMD most educated and democratic party; question mark. if they are, as purpoted by some individuals then ZED could have not been the way it is today! lastly I didn’t know that education could teach someone to bury his/her money than putting it in the bank. ke! ke! ke! ke! ke!

  10. You should also expel Lukolo Katombo as Mp. He has brought the name of the party in disripute. Everyone is agreed that there should be a by-election for Livingstone Central- MMD, UPND and PF.

  11. Its funny how MMD and opposition complains at everything. The president appoints their members to ministerial positions they start winging that they were not consulted. Shouldnt the appointed consult their party whether or not to take up positions? The president is being inclusive for the common good by extending his hand to the opposition. We need all Zambians to develop our country. For those like UPND who pray for the Govt to make mistakes are missing a chance to be part of national development. Lets work together.

  12. If MMD are so democratic, why did they expel Lumba? By expelling her, they are disregarding the wishes of her supporters. They also expelled Mulongoti for challenging George Kunda. Democratic my foot! I agree that they are more democratic than UPND and PF. But it is only because Banda is no longer interested in the party.

  13. # 11. I agree with you. Its really funny that some people have even forgotten not long ago how the likes of Magande, Mulongoti and others were treated by the same MMD. How can you call such a party the most democratic in africa? or maybe its just zed speciality sebana wikute.

  14. To refer to MMD as the most democratic in its current form is a big joke, or maybe we do not know what the term democracy means, not so long ago the MMD hounded every one out of the party who was “not in good standing with the party”, MMD has to back to its original ideals if it is to retain any semblance of democracy, but i am afraid this is a far cry the party has lost its cause.

  15. Best News to come out of MMD , a trully democtartic party, get your act together and kick out this one term , one man street or Kabovas party in the history of Zambia

  16. So RB is still President of MMD , hahah, next thing will be that they don’t have money to go to a convention therefore, floating RB for 2016 WILL BE THE ONLYY SENSIBLE THING TO DO. But africans don’t stop to amaze me , u can sit in a meeting for 9hrs only to conclude that the party presidency will be in held at a convention, whose date was not even fixed. Then suspended katele’s wife..what else was discussed in 9 hrs???? Time wasters , chinese pipo don’t waste time in meetings, they just act, not u chaps sit for 9 hrs kucheza chabe ..muchinje

  17. Nice let them  elect nervous so that Bembas  will be divided and then PF will share the votes so that other provinces support a non Bemba to rule also

  18. Considering the diversity of rich intellectual talent among the ranks of MMD leadership, the credible future of Zambia ls best vested in the new leadership to emerge after a successful Convention – with God’s blessings. I hope God will help MMD to undertake a restoration programme after PF has eroded the national assets in their hurried quest to enrich themselves. May God Hear Our Prayers.

  19. MMD tried for twenty years to salvage us from poverty, but they failed. Why should they be voted back in power with the same old leaders like kunda, siliya, kachingwe etc I think its a regrouping of the damned.

  20. I congratulate the MMD for taking the Presidency issue to the Convention. I am PF but after the Sata rule, I believe that MMD must float Felix Mutati to contest the elections. He is the best to lead the party.

  21. @KCC I think Mutati is very weak, his failure to reject standing besides the wrong doing, going on in the MMD at that time makes him a very wrong candidate. It will be very tough to sell him when that time comes, remember towards the 2011 elections, Chanda Chimbwi, the bums, homosexuality, tribalism and so forth.

    MMD must select a candidate that will easily be marketable.

    After all this could have been avoided had they allowed peoples choice in the previous conventional which led to Mulongoti resigning because of lack of democracy.

  22. #28 Mwamoneni,
    Lumba Kalumba was expelled for simply giving her honest views about why the MMD lost the elections in September. She gave her views at a conference in SA held by some opposition parties recently. The MMD claim to be democratic.

  23. MMD is a bunch of****.When will they realise that they will never rule Zambia again? Where will they even get the money for their stupid convention? They used to get money from ZESCO and BOZ when they were in Govt.They have too many debts to settle and yet they are even dreaming of spending money on a convention to choose another ***** to take them nowhere.They think they will play it cool and eventually win like Sata,but what they forget is that PF had never been in Govt. so people voted for them .Zambians know about UNIP and MMD and tabakaipule.Never again.Keep dreaming MMD join UNIP.At least UNIP is secretly sponsored by KK.Who will sponsor MMD for the next 20 years? There is nowhere to loot.Mwailasha.

  24. MMD lost the election not because PF was a better party and not because RB was a bad President, but only because it had stayed in power for twenty years (the first and worst ten of which included current PF leaders), and PF took advantage of that and ignorant kaponyas to lie its way to power. For all its failings MMD is by far still the better party if compared to PF, we have seen it in 90 days and we will prove it beyond reasonable doubt in twelve months.

  25. #33, I do not know about PF but I am aware that in MMD there are rules that govern the conduct of every party member, that is why (dis)honourable Liato was suspended from the party, are you suggesting that the suspension of Liato was undemocratic?

  26. That’s a bit rich, coming from the MMD to complain about appointment of their MPs as Ministers. President Banda appointed PF MPs to Ministerial positions. They should have behaved like the UPND who refused such appointments.

  27. MMD, who were termed ‘scared little men by Kaunda’ when he lost elections in 1991, have for once made a very brave decision. If this Presidency matter was or will be mishandled then we can kiss the MMD goodbye from the Zambian political spectrum. I hope they themselves understand how critical the point they are at is. Interim Presidents cling on and destroy as has been seen by what RB has done. RB let things slip away and stopped listening. Am sure well learned and wise men in MMD will lead the party to do what is best for the party.

  28. The last 90 days have been the dullest of my life.  Chief Squabbler at Plot One has not advanced a single idea of how to develop ideas.  Even radical ideas like increasing the retirement age to 65 years or stopping the export of copper have quietly died a mongrel’s death.  Zambia is fully asleep as the PFooters can only manage to rummage through Situ Muso’s employment contract.  Sata needs 90 YEARS, not days, to have even a tiny impact on Zambia.  MMD should reorganise and lead this country to prosperity again.  Otherwise we are going the way of Zimbabwe.

  29. Theze are the consequencez of “rezerving or having sole candidates” for ceratain pozitionz. Why not even elect a vice prezident at the same convention to avoid a “vacuum” in future? One would have thought the party chairman would act az prezident between now and the convention so that RB takes a dezerved break from partizan politix.

  30. There is no party in Zambia which is democratic! Expressing one’s opinion, especially if it is against those in leadership is perceived to be indiscipline. Real democracy will only take root in Zambia when intra-party democracy becomes a reality. We must learn to disagree without being disagreeable. PF has already started undermining democracy through the appointment of opposition MPs as ministers. We have a new government employing old tactics. Real change will remain a dream in Zambia.

  31. Nevers Mumba should concentrate on building his economic status first, then people will respect him. At his age and status, he still lives in a rented house.
    If a leader fails to look after themselves, how will they improve the economic status of those they wish to lead?

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