Monday, March 10, 2025

State House comments on Dr.Musokotwane’s double pay


Finance and National Planning Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane
Former Finance and National Planning Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane

Following a number of public pronouncements and accusations, and blatant assailing of the integrity of the Republican President, His Excellency Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, and Ministers by ex-finance minister Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane, State House has decided to reluctantly clarify this matter of public interest.

Dr. Musokotwane was employed by the Bank of Zambia as an Advisor-Research in 1991.

He requested to get leave of absence of two years at the time he was acting—for administrative convenience—as Deputy Governor (Operations) in October 1997 when he took up the post of Economic Advisor to the Minister of Finance.

He further requested for leave of absence to take up a position offered by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as General Advisor to the Governor of the Central Bank of Swaziland in 1998.

On 8th January 1999, Dr Musokotwane applied to go on early retirement through Voluntary Early Separation Scheme (VESS) and was separated from the Bank of Zambia with effect from 11th January, 1999. Payment for his separation package was made to him in December 1999.

In September 2003, he was appointed as Secretary to the Treasury with an arrangement that he be recruited as an ‘ADVISOR’ to the Governor of the Bank of Zambia, for purposes of him accessing a Bank of Zambia salary, and ‘seconded’ to the Ministry of Finance as Secretary to the Treasury for a period of two (2) years to August, 2005.

The public may wish to know that this is a junior position for the Secretary to the Treasury who is the supervisor of the Central Bank as Chief Controlling Officer of the Government.

The position of Advisor is at a level of Director at the Bank of Zambia, a position which is below that of Deputy Governor of the Bank (a position which Dr Musokotwane had served in prior to asking for leave of absence).

He was paid his gratuity by the Bank of Zambia as per the contract he signed with the Bank in August 2005. His contract as Advisor to the Governor was extended for another two years in June 2005 to September, 2007 after which period he was paid his gratuity accordingly.

It was further extended for another two years in August, 2007, when Dr Musokotwane was re-engaged as Special Advisor to the President.

On 14th November, 2008, when he was appointed as Minister of Finance, Dr Musokotwane received two salaries (from the Bank of Zambia and from the Central Government) for the period November 2008 to January 2009.

Dr Musokotwane received a salary of K210,664,558.20, that is K70,221,519.40 per month from the Central Bank , and he further received K40,478,512.10, that is K10,281,069.30 as salary for the month of December 2008 and K30,197,442.80 as salary for the month of January 2009 with arrears of salaries and housing allowance for November 2008, from the Government as Minister of Finance.

Accumulatively, from this arrangement with the Bank of Zambia, from 1st September 2003 to January 2009, Dr Musokotwane collected a total of about K5.5 billion in form of salaries, leave pay, leave commutation, Christmas bonus and gratuity.

This amount is far in excess of the amounts which any officer who has served in the capacity of Secretary to the Treasury in the past and present has ever gotten in a period of 4 years, 3 months.

Although this was approved by the previous Government, this excessive payment raises moral issues in terms of equity with regard to the whole of the public sector remuneration payment.

It is quite evident from the foregoing that Dr Musokotwane has no plausibility to stand on moral high ground.

Issued by:




  1. Totally irrelevant !Doesn’t Statehouse have anything of actual benefit to Zambians to tell us than this nonsense.Small minds talk about other people.Great minds talk about ideas

    • Iwe chikala, r we to over look issues such as this? This is a very serious issue. If such things can b just overlooked how many of these issue r we going to overlook?

  2. Yes it was wrong for this guy to have been getting two salaries serving the same government. But did the government knew that? I am sure this is the issue the Human resource chaps at both BOZ and finance should be working on even before Muso was  offered a job or should we say jobs. Of course even the stupid Muso should have known that he was reaping double on the same government without shame. Let him pay back our money we need it to build more decent schools for our children. I end here!

  3. Consider the former Nigerian Finance Minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, she was earning higher than any other minister and perhaps even the president, she had to paid at that time somewhere around US $15,000 or higher. She brought in quality unique value. So don’t base arguements on superficial premises at the expense of the benefit to the country. Even right now, if Zambia can benefit from highly intellectual nationals based otside the country we should be willing to pay premium on account of the value to be derived from such a decision. Period.

  4. He deserved those monies based on his qualifications and experience. So i wonder why u Pf Chaps u could investigate the big man over bicycles by looking at how much he is worth sure!! Dr Musokotwane can buy bicycles for every Zambian from his pocket including the Cobra’s. We need to know what has the man done wrong other than marketing him now based on his reach CV? Dr is really a patriot to engage into cheap talks with danderheads, the man can just apply for any economic Jobs in international organisations and be picked immediately and leave the country to Kaponya’s. Mwilasebanya abasambilila bane.

  5. I thought GEORGE CHELLA had some brains, but he has not even water in his skull. These things will come to haunt him in future. What he forgets is that the man he is pinning his ‘forever’ protection from Mr Sata has no guarantees. This just shows that GEORGE CHELLA is trying to save face after that mega embarrassment following the statement from Bank of Zambia. Who is George Chella to decide what constitutes morality?? Musokotwane was paid that money because he is DR. MUSOKOTWANE??? Does George Chella himslef got any educational title???? NO — CHELLA IS A MISTER! It is a BIG insult to Dr. Musokotwane to insinuate that he doesn’t deserve the money he was paid. Chella himself is being paid millions he doesn’t deserve because he is a college drop-out. Chella is being cheeky now!!!

  6. So our President is being advised by chaps like George Chella, who thinks this is the best he can do for State House. PF are really taking this country to the dogs. No economic policy announced since they came into power. They are just busy witch-hunting and talking too much – which is typical of the human beings there anyway. The average IQ in State House should be around 35…lower than a newly-born baby and just slightly higher than that of a black cat, but equal to a bull-dogs, but lower than that of a greyhound dog or a retriever! PF has embarrassed itself so many times that if the President was intelligent, a few advisors would have lost jobs by now. Look what has happened with Street Vendors!! What about fighting cholera? PF and Sata are pathetic, very backward, uncivilised.

    • hahahaaha…you have made my day! but please dont insult black cats, I have a stray one that comes into my yard and knows exactly how to tip the bin over for its supper…I must say it HAS AN ECONOMIC PLAN AT THE VERY LEAST.ha ha ha

  7. its true small minds will always talk about personalities. u guys dont u hv better issues to tak about??? i wud suggest u find ways of honouring campaign promises rather than bluffing nonsence. mind u 2016 is just around the corner. Dr Muasokwane is well learned and deserves it all. he is more qualified than any one else in the current government. so leave the hell out of his way…

  8. Others are discussing significant isssues and these chaps want to fill our nation with shameless pettiness. sata needs to get rid of some of his advisors. Zambia can do much better. If he maintains the same sorry chaps, he and our country will be a laughing stock! forget pride, stubborness or even tribalism and get the best brains available and you will see a positive shift. remember what LEVY did!

  9. There is no need of one zambian getting two salaries, how come one man lives in heaven, while millions live in hell in the same country the education people have must benefit their people as well, not only one greedy individual, things need to be corrected as soon as possible

    • newsflash:yes you can if you are super specialist and ubereducated, you can even have 3 or 4 if you invest heavily in your brain and become a go to consultant …get a life people and an education while you are at it

  10. I am officially resigning from PF. I thought Mr. Sata had a vision for the Country but i am disappointed, the old man did not think beyond achieving Presidency. The country is in serious economic hardships. There are no jobs for over 80 percent of the population, poor healthcare and majority of the youth can`t get a college education yet this is what state house has to tell the nation. A person of Dr Situmbeko`s qualifications and experience deserves to be paid more that $15,000 per month. And why should state house discuss this matter in the press anyway?I am very disappointed and from today, i will support other progressive parties in the country like the MMD and UPND. 

  11. Let them wait until cholera breaks out in cities and towns all the street vendors they have allowed to trade on Cairo road will be wiped. PF govt is a very big let down, am disappointed but not surprised with this mediocre leadership we are experiencing.

  12. it pays to be educated. no wonder am pondering had for better remunerations tomorrow.  its high time zambia respected its intellectuals , not only those who have made it but also to provide for the future ones…tulundileniko ka bc fwema intellectual studentss ba ku Russia mwebantu

  13. The commentary by state house over Dr Musokotwane’s pay package does not raise any questions to belabour on by statehouse. Based on the comments,the rules of employment were engaged with Dr Muso at various statages, posts and executive pay award with it. Admittedly, the pay package was extremely high taken the Zambian economic situatuion to sustain such packeges is an insult to the majority poor. However, Dr Muso was engaged for his reward for his services. This is the ‘contagion’ of high pay seeped into the public sector, amid the usual arguments that the rewarda must keep pace with private sector to attract the best candidates. The big question state house should have explored is; who decides on these huge pay packages?

  14. What is your current salary George Chella? And how much did you receive from The Post Newspaper after you took up your current job?

  15. In private sector its the boardroom Directors of sector determines advised by independent pay consultants. These pay out packages are closely monitored by shareholders. In public sector all this police corporate pay is absent to pose as checks and balance. In practice this monitoring of moral and fair pay are rare because such pay packages are are hatched in a sort of closed-shop (inner circle), back-scraching environment. Its high time these rituals are bust open as they are not only greedy but breed corruption. Can state house claw back some monies from such contracts? Part of the answer is legislation. Forcebly clawing back monies attract law suits based on the standing contracts engaged on. State house do more homework.

  16. He was paid by the people who employed him, so what? If Levi Mwanawasa’s government and Magande approved of these posts, what is illegal about that? George Chellah and Sata may call it immoral but that is what being marketable means. I earn $140,000 per year in a Western institution and should I feel guilty for that? The people who pay me believe that that is what I am worth, and that was the case with Dr Musokotwane. Mr Sata only escorted his friends to school and made his money through dubious deals, so he doesn’t understand how umuntu uwasoma can earn so much.

  17. Hey state house we are not interested in knowing what some body was paid, even if we know so what? bring the jobs and more money that you have promised the people of Zambia. fyalikaba ifintu imwe mwalemona kwati kwangala wake up its you time now. naimwe bene tamulaikatapofye tukamyumfwilako.

  18. Rotten brains indeed for a special assistant to the president. It’s a child’s play. Certainly the country can’t afford this.

  19. Its now self certified that PF is a circus Government of retards. These shameful failed efforts are a manifest of national challenges of having illiterates in office. What wrong did highly qualified Dr. Musokotwane PhD do wrong that should keep Sata statehouse barking this aimlessly?

    You mean upto now Sata has no advisors or wise people to tell him that he just undoing himself with these kitchen sink hollow efforts. Clearly Chella and his Boss are reliabilities to Zambia.

  20. And with all world class credentials earned over many years of hard working you expect us to leave the Corporate world for such drivel of yours? Dr. Musokotwane PhD is an international accomplished commodity on high demand and this is an intellectual you want to be paid on the scale of PF kaponyaism.

  21. Well you wanted to know how Musokotwane ge 2 salaries, again you are accusing Chella for this, you same people you turn like a camileon. The President wants to put things straight, he can have a PHD who cares, He can hange shit.

  22. I clearly said before that having a populist leader is dangerous. This government completely had no vision beyond campaigning for the presidency. I fear that we might have another wasted five years. No economic strategy released so far, no wonder street vendors are now being hailed, people breaking the law everyday. Alice in wonderland!

  23. And this what yu call development,he got the money because he was working.PF ve no agenda of developing the nation instead of talking real issues they are giving us this crap.

  24. Utter nonsense!!!!!!!!!! Ala! Serves all of you right that voted for this sociopathic bunch! These are the same people that have ridden the coat-tails of four administrations and have been part and parcel of the problem! How, in a democratic country can you question the person who is being paid on contract for his exceptional skills that he is being paid too much. Let them start by everyone in government declaring their assets. Then check what they have at the end of their term. In politics , its never something new, its only someone new. You all voted for rhetoric that said the chinese will be kicked out and new constitution within 90 days. How naive, is that???!!!! Most of the people in the government are known abusers of power and yet we voted them in. we have ourselves to blame, Zambia

  25. There’s a difference between criticizing Sata and hating Sata. These comments I am reading are pure hate for the Head of State, and pure arrogance and contempt towards the masses who did not have the privelege of a decent education. Arrogant intellectuals are worse than humble illiterates. I wish you all a quick recovery from your hate. It only affects yourselves. One wonders why you are so angry and frustrated. Is everything ok in your marriages? Or in your bedrooms?

  26. Sata was voted for to run a country, not stage a stinking witch-hunting circus. This matter of Dr Musokotwane has been to say the least most revealing of the gutless nature of the lumpen we have at the nation’s political apex. At the rate he is going, SataN will very soon bring himself and all his Kolwestan angels crashing to the earth.

  27. Those of u who ar vomitin dis chauvinistic nonsense against da sata ar vry naive and stupid.U shud thnk first b4 u open yo dirt stinkin mouths at da president.Is muso da only intelectual zambia has dat he shud get dat much? Shame on u big fools and get dat into yo heads dat sata is zambia’s president wether u chaps like it or nt.

  28. I hope you Zambian are learning something voting retards and iliterates in high office. Indeed no economic plans imaginable. People this will clear vendication against a certain group of people; the educated.

  29. To crown it all, may be the president thought he could get the same salary with the learned Doctor. He must have been shown his payslip lately and realised that after all being president does not attract a huge salary (civil servant) as compared to jobs at the Bank of Zambia. This explains why he has not even appointed the  central bank of Zambia governor because he has realised that this is the highest paying job in the country( K150million per month) which he cannot give to Magande or indeed Muso as these are the more likely peolple with experience with sound acumen at that level.Why did the president not go to school instead of being a police man? The Dr. deserved to be paid for his services.The question is, do you set your own salary when your services are required? 

  30. @#28 Equaliser. There is a term for that-Nerd!

    What we have here are nerds, people like Senior Citizen are very good examples!

  31. well said #35, the engineer. These tw@ts dont understand the value of educated people. This man did his time at school and you expect to pay a learned professional like him peanuts! thats why people are leaving the country. You want pros, pay pro prices. meanwhile you are busy selling our country to chinese and south africans and paying top dollar for it and are performing a witch hunt on anyone who opposes to ideals. This is how The Third Reich grew in strength- using indifferent and fearful masses who couldnt raise a finger against wrongs that were being done. 

  32. While he was serving all these masters, our economy did not see Zambians gain the fruits of this so called growing economy. This was a clear case of poor governance by the MMD government. What about the monies from the mines that was being given to ministers?

  33. Sata…you are running a country…not a football team….pointing fingers ati uwachipaisha ilya goal ninani!!!!!nonsense….

  34. Can anyone other than State house inform the nation when this govt will get to work. We sense trouble with these jokers. How does these details help them or the nation? Chella you are not just educated hence your story with salaries can not amount to anything, I am sure your previous salary was next to nothing. Just work hard with your govt so we can have a lot of our own working in multi-national organization. The salary you are talking about is huge in Zambian terms and not IMF. Hence to attract such people govt makes alot of arrangements. Unless you just want kaponyas in your govt like MoFA from some mining town or your defence fimofimo.

  35. does sata’s behaviour explain why we still don’t have a BOZ governor 3 moths after these kaponya’s came to power. how much does the uneducated Kalusha get per month from Faz for staying in SA? these brainless Chellah do not think beyond street vending.

  36. $15000 a month IS a lot of money for a country whose gross per capita income is just barely above the single figures and if a PhD wants that kind of money then perhaps he should work in the Western world – how has paying him or anyone else that money helped the average Zambian ? not by a whole lot and as for the person claiming to earn $140,000.00 per year in a Western institution- a lot of people earn that and more it is called overtime and working almost 24/7 doing what ever you do and in most cases you do not even need any form of education.

  37. What’s the problem with Chellah? The man is not fit for his job. What he has presented to the country is utter nonsense. The best was to keep quiet rather than look even more foolish by coming up with such a statement. Sata accused the DR of receiving double salaries which has been proved to be a blatant lie and you think you can correct the situation by issuing such a useless statement. Big fool!

  38. Even if elections were held today, Sata could still win by a bigger margin. The guy (Musokotwane) has no morals. Who cares about his rich CV? That is theft by servant…….Greed at its best.

  39. The government of Zambia negotiated the pay package with Dr
    Musokotwane and paid him because they thought he was worth it otherwise they could have engaged any other Zambian who was at his level but on a smaller package. Like most bloggers have said can we please have seriousness from State House not this joke we are getting.

  40. kwena…you Zambians surprise me! surely, how do u support such excessive pay when so many people in zed get very little pay no matter the education? are you really serious or it is your hate for the head of state that is driving you?? This is a mockery to the poor…remember, what goes round comes back around! dont come & complain later in the future when anyone from the PF government accumulates such large somes coz you the zambian people have encouraged it to be so!!

  41. That was double tobela. He new he had two salaries and he should have given up one.
    You cant earn what you have not worked for.
    Nimulandu uyu over seas ka.


  43. You blogger are worrying me your thinking,maybe you have just Hate SATA, Please go ahead and bring back MMD and RB since hes not stepping down,you are used yo exceess,stealing,double salaries,as long as one is Doc,he should enjoy the Poor should go to hell….Sata is a Ponya….and so you want learned pipo to steal in a more learned fashion….None of you have a heart for this country esp Zambians abroad who are enjoying soup whilst white pipo shit u as negroids.Doc stealing 1200 bicycle besides K5bn in his pocket just because he a doc…what benefits did zambia get by paying this guy…this money shame…..

  44. What was Sata paid as a sweeper at Victorian Railway station in U.K. to buy the Mezzaf Flats.
    How much is he paid as a President NOW? Ask Nigerians how much they paid their former Finance Minister who came from World Bank. Let us be serious and start to work.

  45. look people there is nothing wrong with that kind of money infect he is being paid peanuts for that kind of a job i have a friend in Poland and his job is more like this one and his wage is US$ 32,000.00 per month a free car a free house and all the house servant and he only works 6 hard a day his divers wage is US$12,000.00 per month and he only works 6 hrs a day 5 days a week do any one kno what is the wage of a DG of the BANK OF ENGLAND please find out first that open u r mouth

  46. every appointment deserves a remuniration…its jus like being a board member on more than 1 board…u get sitting allowances at every sitting coz u contribute some value and information…it wld make people not contribute much to areas wer they hav info…its jus lik a contract to do wrk at the end of it u are paid..even if its 10 contracts u wil get the money….wat is being said is JUST BASELESS AND JUST SHOWING THAT THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT WORKING ON REAL ISSUES

  47. It is all about double dipping and not size of the wage. Package is ok but double tobela two salaries in short pafyo taubombele

  48. The amount should not worry us here but its the question of honesty that arises: the 2 to 3 months overlap in the payments is the issue here! Dr Musokotwane only deserved 4 days’ pay in the month of November from BoZ and 26 days’ pay as Minister of Finance. 

  49. State House needs to get serious and start delivering on the many promises.The whole of the president cannot be chasing up each and every person, investigating this and that…just to prove he is right! We have all seent he facts and clearly the president got it wrong but rather than be a big man about it, he is still fighting. You are the president of the republic of Zambia for crying out loud. When will you realise this and focus on providing leadership and not petty squabbles. Grow up, act your age and deliver to the Zambian people that voted you in. Could it be that you have no clue on how to govern? 

    • Namushota boss tamuleluliya na ba shinka. These are isssues that would help zambia. Deontological ethics. That was not normal of Doc so we are corecting it and let people know that it is not correct

  50. ## 72 Namushota boss tamuleluliya na ba shinka. These are isssues that would help zambia. Deontological ethics. That was not normal of Doc so we are corecting it and let people know that it is not correct

  51. Its more about dishonest that Learned man that everybody is praising could go ahead and conceal the other salary. Where is the education that everyone is louding? Its pure theft and it is in the rules.

  52. ##74 These are pure basics and we should learn from the Doc. Thats why a crocodile in water is the same in the sea. Surely you should expec the Doctor to be of more tuned up with civilisation biut  hey is just like ??? same with no change

  53. ##74 These are pure basics and we should learn from the Doc. Thats why a crocodile in water is the same in the sea. Surely you should expec the Doctor to be of more tuned up with civilisation biut  hey is just like ??? same with no change

  54. ##74 These are pure basics and we should learn from the Doc. Thats why a crocodile in water is the same in the sea. Surely you should expec the Doctor to be of more tuned up with civilisation biut  hey is just like ??? same with no change

  55. Most bloggers here are not independent minds.

    They are relatives of the same Ala Bee and others who looted the country.

    We expect no less from such folks than hatred for President Sata.

  56. ##74 These are pure basics and we should learn from the Doc. Thats why a crocodile in water is the same in the sea. Surely you should expec the Doctor to be of more tuned up with civilisation biut  hey is just like ??? same with no change

  57. Most bloggers here are not independent minds.

    They are relatives of the same Ala Bee and others who looted the country.

    We expect no less from such folks than hatred for President Sata.

  58. MPs in a certain country were asked to pay back even as what the richer Zambians would say is nothing.

    Yes they were paying back something like £800. But hey what is £800 to a Zambian?

  59. MPs in a certain country were asked to pay back even as what the richer Zambians would say is nothing.

    Yes they were paying back something like £800. But hey what is £800 to a Zambian?

  60. Most bloggers here are not independent minds.

    They are relatives of the same Ala Bee and others who looted the country.

    We expect no less from such folks than hatred for President Sata.

  61. MPs in a certain country were asked to pay back even as what the richer Zambians would say is nothing.

    Yes they were paying back something like £800. But hey what is £800 to a Zambian?

  62. MPs in a certain country were asked to pay back even as little as what the richer Zambians would say is nothing.

    Yes they were paying back something like £800. But hey what is £800 to a Zambian

  63. Isnt it the same Sata who dissolved the Building Society Board because they had awarded K25m monthly salary to woman ( MD Noreen Muneku) Sata is an uneducated primitive man who operates at a basic sexist, unintellectual, regional and tribal level!

  64. Don’t worry people! This is very good for the democracy in our country these issues happen even in the UK. Issues of this nature, we deserve to know. This govrnment will deliver! Remember Chiluba’s utterances when he became president. Lets give them chance to rule they will get it right soon.

  65. So, in short, Dr Musokotwane was appointed as Minister of Finance on the 14th November, 2008 and Sata expects him to forfeit his BOZ salary for November. In accepting the ministerial position, Dr Musokotwane even took a salary cut from K70,221,519.40 per month to K10,281,069.30. After RB’s increments this rises to K30,197,442.80 (which is still less 45% of the BOZ salary). All this was approved by the previous Government but Sata wants to cast apsersions at DR. Situmbeko. This is cheep politicking and should be stopped immediately.

  66. Going by theis article, Dr Musokotwane did nothing wrong. Sata should just apologise to Dr Musokotwane and to the nation. $15,000 is not a lot of money at that level. there are people in BOZ getting more than that right now.

    Bloggers saying many Zambians are living in poverty are missing the point. We are talking about market rate salaries. If you want to poach Zambians working abroad or in organisations like IMF, World Bank, then know that you have to pay them competitively.

    Anyway, only the educated can understand these things.

  67. I now know why PF has taken more than two months to appoint Bank of Zambia Governor. The governor at BOZ gets twice what Dr Musokotwane was being paid and PF thinks everyone should be paid like a kaponya. Until PF respects education, the economy will continue going down. In less that 90 days of PF in office, look at the inflation rate and the Kwacha exchange rate against foreign currencies. You can have a country without a central bank governor and claim to be serious about fixing the economy. This GRZ is a joke. That is why we demand a degree clause in the new constitution. We don`t want mediocre leadership.

  68. Get yourselves an education such as that of Dr. Musokotwane so that you may earn as much as he did instead of spreading lies!

  69. #33 Equaliser and Italian Bwangu Bwangu (Original). Issues of this nature are never equalised from wild statements. Facts exist and analysis need to reconcile statements being fed to the nation. Yes, money wrongly received need to be paid back as what happened here in UK(Italian……..) but not everbody paid back only money wrongly received was paid back. Genuinenly earned income as dr. Muso did need not be paid back as was based on the existing or existed contract at that time. Try to claw it back forcebly will attract litigation state to be embarrased with. Yes the pay package is high to induce debate, thats up to govt to correct such issues. However, Dr. Muso has done nothing wrong to be treated as if he forced a contract on himself. Just pay him and go on with developmental issues.

  70. Looks to me like Dr Musokotwane was worth his BOZ salary considering the economic growth the country achieved under the Mwanawasa presidency and also in the Banda presidency. Lets look at GDP growth, FDI inflows, increase in foreign reserves among other indicators. Yes the country is still largely poor, but people like Dr. M and others have restructured it positively.

    Its clear that the previous two administrations used this mechanism as a means of getting quality service from an experienced technocrat who otherwise could have been offered jobs by international institutions. Its just called being practical. Mr Sata needs further exposure, its clear that his understanding of things is very basic. Perhaps he needs a personal tutor.

  71. Mr Chellah, This clarification show the childishness of your administration. When you said the man was getting double salary, everyone thought it was ill-gotten. This clearly shows otherwise. Please concentrate on more money in our pockets

  72. To think that all of this nonsense was started by Mr. Sata simply because he was rightly criticised for saying BOZ is printing fake money. Thats like saying the sun is shining fake light, the trees in the Amazon forest have fake rain, or better yet when it rains the rain isn’t real- its fake. He simply should have accepted that he was wrong instead of reducing himself further by being childish and publishing the private contents of people’s employment contracts further showing that he twisted the truth to suit his needs.

    Its clear that Dr. M was paid those 4 months of wages probably because there was a contractual transition that had to be made. Seriously this isn’t rocket science.

  73. *trees in the amazon have fake leaves, or better yet when it rains the clouds are pouring fake rain.

    My point was that a central bank is mandated to produce legal tender (i.e. notes and coins). It’s impossible for them to print ‘fake’ money. Yes notes can be flawed, but its their job to take those out of circulation. But Mr. Sata’s claim was not that notes were flawed, but rather that the money was fake. To make such an absurd claim without considering what its implications could be shows the lack of exposure of the president.

    But I for one will pray for him, that he learns from these mistakes for the good of every person living in Zambia.

  74. This Chella and his boss, they seem to have seriously blundered a lot within their first 90 days eg

    (i) Falsely accusing some foreigner in the Gold saga
    (i) Fake kwacha
    (iii) Dr M’s double salary (iv) Never’s Mumba’s money issues in Canada.
    (v) 2 bishops planned to denounce Sata at a press conference


  75. The mindset of a lot of LT bloggers is of a curiously conflicted nature as evidenced by the exposure of supposedly educated people responding to the matter of dual citizenship. Arrogant shouts for Zambia to catch up with the western countries in which they reside with open admissions of illegally obtained second nationalities. Not one had the humility to appeal for amnesty when this comes to pass. Ask the South African nationals how Heathrow now stops them on their British passports which display foreign birth and asks them where their South African passports are. Get the nationality for your kids if easier but as adults it is shameful to pretend residency does not provide ability to progress. It was the mindset that was stunning. No loyalty to Zed and tendency to look down on others:)

  76. This Sata and his government are a joke of the continent.What is wrong with receiving 2 salaries if someone is got 2 jobs.Why was his engagement with BOZ cancelled when he was appointed FM? He was serving 2 masters and they both had to pay him.

  77. Is the issue education or getting two salaries from the same Government. I thought the issue is that of drawing two salaries and not “Did he deserve it or not”. Education is not cheap and when you get it you have to be paid accordingly. I think what is the problem is drawing two salaries and the not how much you get paid. Is it in order to get two salaries whilst doing one job?

  78. No the salaries for Dr. Musokotwane was too high, the must be a very dirty deal behind him, the must be more people involved, even the former governor of bank of zambia must be invloved, the question is that, who approved a so huge salary for this man at bank of zambia ? the must be a big crime behind this deal. Then the said Musokotwane was a thief, how come a phd holder economist with BA, MBA, and a phd in economical arts can be getting such a large amount of salaries, I can understand a economist holding BSC, MSC, PHD …….in Economics can get such Salaries even lower.Musokotwane was a thief, please Mr. Sata can you lock this chap to explain the truth, the truth must come out, Chelle keep it up for updating us, this is a very serious Crime, Musokotwane must be locked


  80. Friends, I think you should know morethan that. Don’t be a banch of *****s who cannot reason. The truth is simple and straight forward, Dr. Someone was receiving two salaries contrary to the laws of Zambia, period. If you have to pass a comment, do so bearing in mind that someone was breaking the law by getting two salaries.


  82. Am very disappointed with the masses of pipo writing bad staf about the head of state.Most of these pipo are writing from the USA if am not mistaken.we are the same pipo who voted for Sata and why are you condemin so early? Did anybody stop you from contesting to become Head of state?You guys writing from USA,did you even vote? Zambians come guys lets grow up.Tabakanya ukuba kateka,find your chance and be a better leader then.Lets support the old man in state house and zambia is not ready to be paying huge sums like that.And in fact there are many more zambians well educated to take up such jods on a manageable pay for our developing nation.All you guys writing bad staf you are stupid.Chellah is just a smal boy doing his job.Atase

  83. Bloggers don’t be so shallow minded, George has published this because Dr Musokotwane refused of getting double pay?? Why hold two positions when we have Young Zambians languishing with no jobs. Fellow citizens get serious. This is not about PF, but we Zambians. Let there be fair distribution of wealth. Is Dr. Musokotwane the only Zambian??? Abweshe salary Imoo. He cannot be eating double like this, when people are poor.

    Thanks Chellah for telling us.

  84. @ 106 Paul Kamuli. Thank you. You are right. Some of these bloggers are so childish. As you said these are educated people in Diasporas who should positively contribute to Zambian development. No one even those countries you live, will help develop your country Zambia. It is we the Zambians. Learn to be patriotic than always being negative. Find something good you can be proud of in your country. Makes me wonder what try of Citizens we are??
    Think before you write your insults. Be God fearing and respect our leaders. True Zambian values in every home is respect.

  85. So it has become a mere morality issue? Is there surely anything to talk about. Even the small me got paid by 3 related instutions at one time. The money may not have been as much. Pse stock witch hunting and get to serious business ba PF.**==

  86. Educated people in diaspora are out there because Zambian salaries are too low. You cant condemn Musokotwane’s salary and want educated professionals to go back to Zambia at the same time. Cant have it both ways. Even nurses left Zambia. Nurses, imagine. These are not even university graduates.

  87. Don’t antagonise the Doc just because his is educated and lozi. leave him alone or risk the wrath of barotse activist with their cessation cry. nakambako chabe.

  88. @ 39 Bigben. Yes! an employee can choose how much they want to be paid. It is up to the govenment to agree or disagree and get someone else who can accept to be paid what they are offering. In this scenario, I think Dr M could have told him what he was worth as a Consultant and THEY accepted to hire them – SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, WHAT IS THE HULLO-BULLOW about??

  89. When Sata mentioned this, I am sure he trying to inform Zambians that there a number of things that need to be clarified. The Dr responded to him that he was lying and that is why State has responded. What is wrong with that! It is not a question of education here. It is a question of professional ethics. Reaping where you are actually not sowing!

  90. The Dr was underpaid.He worked for four years and some months only to get 5 billion.And this was not a salary but but included bonuses and leave commutations. He was robbed

  91. Calm down people. The question should be; were these jobs advertised for the common Economist? Who was the Central Bank Governor? What was the relationship between the Governor and the ‘Consultant?’ Who was the controlling officer in ministry of finance? I’ll answer a few of those questions; The central Bank Governor was Dr Fundanga – who is close to Dr Musokotwane from the UNZA days. The controlling officer at ministry of finance was Mr Ngulube, who was a student at UNZA under the tutorship of both Fundanga and Musokotwane. This is as clear a case of nepotism as I have seen.

    • The president appointed Fundanga and Ngulube. That does not mean that he was intimately involved in the arrangements between BOZ and MoF. As president, when you are looking for an economic advisor, you can either watch TV and look at the nonsense spewed by some of the ‘Economists’ and pick one from there or you can ask the Permanent Secretary at MoF or academic like Fundanga to recommend someone. If they come up with the name Musokotwane, then you meet with him to see if you can work with him – before appointing him.

  92. @UMWAUME…. ok, so thats now useful information. The point is this..Rather than make these accusations is such a manner. Why not give a clear concise statement detailing all the evidence. These are things for the court of law. This is not done by statehouse. I get embarrased reading news from home in front of my coworkers here as the headlines in both the post and Lt are usually quite absurd and no one can understand why these articles make the front page.Most of it is tabloid news at best! Let Sata leave Dr M alone or charge him with crimes in the court of law. Dont bore us with trivial nonsense. Let us know what development plans you have next 5 years Ba fee colour!

  93. The president must have been really shamed over the fake money issue. The 2 salary issue only surfaced after Dr M removed the rug under him.

  94. # 111 What a dull individual -Do you realise that the requirements for nursing in most Western countries is now at least a first degree (BSc) and that more and more nurses are reading for their Masters and even PHds? speak only for your sister pela

  95. Dr Musokotwane refused that at no time did he get two salaries. With evidence now the Doc is ZEE. VIVA TRUTH SHAME ON YOU LIARS. The man profitated where he should not have. If it was indeed a mistake, a honourable person will have returned the December 2008 and January 2009 salaries

  96. This is nonsense. The guy was paid by the Republic of Zambia – the GOVERNMENT. Gvt is Gvt wether MMD, PF, UNIP it is GVT. No one can undo something that was done legally by previous gvt.

  97. The bottom line is that there is no way you can hold two ‘salary- paying’ jobs. You people must understand the difference between a wage and a salary.
    This is clearly a breach. A salary comes monthly, a wage is related to sales.
    A salary is an administrative expense whereas a wage is a cost of sale.


  98. How can someone be a BOZ Staff and Minister of Finance at the same time. It is not right and was never right even under MMD. Sheer GREED on Doc Muso! NO ONE IS PAID DURING THE NOTICE PERIOD WHEN THEY MOVE TO ANOTHER JOB IMMEDIATELY………………………

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