Monday, March 10, 2025

MPs pledge to fight corruption


Information, Broadcasting and Tourism Minister GIVEN LUBINDA
Information, Broadcasting and Tourism Minister GIVEN LUBINDA

African Parliamentary Network Against Corruption president Given Lubinda has called on Members of Parliament in the country to be practical in their fight against corruption.

Mr. Lubinda has implored MPs to take a leading role in championing the fight against the scourge.

Lubinda who is also Information and Tourism Minister said this in Siavonga at the close of a two-day workshop for MPs held under the theme “the role of Parliamentarians in the fight against corruption.”

And some MPs talked to pledged their commitment to fight corruption.

Mandevu PF MP Jean Kapata said MPs have a duty to ensure that corruption is eradicated by being role models in society.

Mbabala UPND MP Ephraim Belemu said MPs should use their role as law makers to ensure that effective pieces of legislation are put in place to curb corruption.


  1. BRAVO..,..,,,,,way to go bo lubinda.
    Take resources to the poor.
    Viva lubinda,viva kateka Sata,viva Pf.

  2. Unfortunately corruption in Zambia and the majority of African countries will never be eradicated. It’s just the nature of the beast, it can however be reduced…..

  3. No education = no ethics = no pride = no jobs = CORRUPTION
    Mr Lubinda you can’t fight corruption with a stick. This is just your party rhetoric. 

  4. #2 the fight against corruption starts with you and the rest will follow, it can be eradicated big time! Bo Lubinda lwaitumela ahulu muswalise musebezi wamina sha! Viva PF!

  5. Why didnt they hold the workshop at parliament. Takung these workshops out of town is a way of syphonong money through allowances. There is a night allowance, out of pocket allowance , sitting allowance, fuel allowance and others that are created whenever there is a workshop.Dont forget taking other peoples wives as personal secretariesand end up serving them in bed.

  6. MP’s talking about fighting corruption is a joke.95% of all these MP’s had very little before they became Politicians after getting in politics because of access they got the wealth an average MP has three plots and two houses they cant account for how they acquired their money and properties.Zambians needs to fire all the MP’s and hire leaders with morals

  7. Ladies and Gentlemen in the next election replace parliament with all independent MP’s and an independent President to get rid of corruption

  8. Bo Lubinda, I concurr with you but you should start with the courts, especially the Local Courts in Zambia because the way they handle cases has got a lot to be desired. There are a lot of corruption practices going on and believe you me, if the situation remain unchecked, the fight against corruption is just going to end a lipmouth issue. Just start with Chililabombwe Local, investigate thoroughly from the local people with the aid of the AAC and get the truth from there. The guys have stopped following cases accordingly and they just there for bribes which has made them so rich in the process. There are a lot of mine employees who have lost their assets to their misbehaving spouses through the bribes which they are busy rendering to these court officials. Don’ t just talk but act.

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