Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Bemba royal establishment warns government not to meddle in it customs


Paramount chief Chitimukulu and his wife Shipikisha

The Bemba royal establishment in Chinsali district has not welcomed government’s decision to elevate Chief Chikwanda of Mpika district to the Senior Chief Nkula throne.

The establishment says it does not welcome the move to elevate the traditional as opposed to the incumbent who has the full support of the traditional authorities.

Senior Chief Nkula who was recently installed by the Shilubemba royal establishment awaiting government recognition says he will oppose every move by government to dethrone him unless with the blessings of the traditional authorities headed by paramount chief Chitimukulu.

Speaking when Acting District Commissioner, Kaweme Mumbi accompanied by council secretary, Kabombo Mutakela and security officials visited the Senior Chief, the visibly annoyed traditional leader accused government of meddling in the traditional affairs saying this will destabilize the chiefdom as people have risen against the decision.

He said the Bemba traditional royal establishment decided to enthrone Kafula Musungu (II) as senior chief Nkula following traditional consultation meetings at which government officials and chief Chikwanda attended.

“ It was agreed that the incumbent ( Chief Chikwanda ) takes over and government was advised accordingly on the matter, “ he said.

The embattled Senior Chief explained that there are a lot of procedures that are performed when installing Chiefs and merely removing the incumbent who is the custodian of the traditional shrines will spell death for both the in-coming and outgoing.

And Chairman of the Ichinga traditional council, Bwembya Tabwe warned of grave consequences and wondered how the republican president whom he said is well versed with the Bemba customs could make such a dangerous move.

“President Sata is very much aware of the decision we made as the shilubemba royal establishment on this matter. Paramount Chief Chitimukulu and his team of advisors made the wisest decision on the matter but now government wants to bring confusion because the incumbent has been on the throne for three months now”.

“Government should not destroy customs of succession and time has come that they leave such procedures to traditional authorities. We will not keep quiet but will engage government on the matter,” said Tabwe

He said the traditional royal establishment will continue to recognize the incumbent while dialogue continues saying a team of five Chiefs from the Bemba land will soon meet the president on the matter.

Addressing over 200 subjects at the palace, the Ichinga traditional council chairman announced that a decision has been made to suspend the current senior chief Nkula from performing all traditional duties that go with the chieftaincy until the matter is resolved.

Both Senior Chief Nkula and his Ichinga traditional council chairman strongly appealed to the subjects for calm and peace saying to every problem there is a solution in the offing adding that anybody who will rise against such a decision will be visited by the law.

Speaking at the same meeting, Acting District Commissioner, Kaweme Mumbi assured the subjects that there is no need to breach peace in the area adding that since the matter has come from the highest office in the land, people should be calm and wait for the resolution of the planned meeting of chiefs and the head of state.

Last week, President Micheal Sata announced the recognition by gazette of Chief Chikwanda of Mpika district as the new Senior Chief Nkula in Muchinga Province.


    • you will wait forever mr starved man.. i have lived in bemba land, unlike any other tribe these kolwestans are united i mean united even in do you think they have managed to produce more presidents than anyother tribe..if there is one thing i have learnt from bembas is the way they embrance and respect each other they do not look down of smaller tribes in there kingdom.unlike the lozis who think that nkoyas are there slaves thus can not even pull the BA64..while all these things are going on these kolwestans are buyse preparing for some bemba man to take over after sata..mark y words..

  1. Our President will make people to start thinking about introducing a degree clause in our constitution. His way of doing things really leaves much to be desired.

  2. The president can not be problem solver for every small and big problems. We need Sata and PF to concentrate of policy formulation, short, medium and long term planning. Sata has a five year project of which he need at least 6 months planning how to translate the PF ‘manifesto’ into economical enmanicipation. At the momement is wondering and stumbling into solutions/problems. This will not take the country nowhere…

  3. imwe . we are now in muching province . we are not subject to chitimukulu . we are subject to chikwala . period. after all chitimukulu never wanted us PF. he has kissed the dust . soon we we be building a palace for chikwanda . remember the president comes from mpika . we can not be under such a chief who exhibited such bias ness .

  4. Who regulates the conduct of these traditional leaders (Headmen and Chiefs)? Slavery still exists there, adultery, rape or defilement committed by a traditional leader is considered normal.Extorsion is rampant, cattle rustling is prevalent, illegal land sale is the order of the day, displacement of innocent villagers goes unchecked, ubuloshi is a given, assault by a traditional leader is considered discipline etc. Let them be checked. If existing institutions can not cope the govt better create some structures to combant a lot of evil going on.

    • True traditional chiefs should be subject to a democratically elected authority other than let them act with impunity on there people.Checks and balances should always be in place to regulate their actions to safe guard there people as these are zambian citizens first and foremost.

  5. big warnig to all traditional leaders who want to meddle into politics or threat our national unity, it is treason , if we can dethrone a bemba, we can simply eradicate you all and chase out of Zambia be very warned.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@Starved & Mushala you can insult the bembas all you like, truth be told PF is in charge and shall be for another 3 terms. GET USED TO IT

  6. #8 Iwe ka Fumbi, so you mean all issues of Muchinga province are a way of punishing Chitimukulu? I see, You are a vengeafull party then. Chitimukulu was just trying to express his freedom of choice, just like the pipo of western province sata told that afterall you did not campaign for me, go to RB to appoint you! Zambia has never experienced this kind division ever. So its divide,intimidate and rule? Careful, you are standing on sinking sand.

  7. #6 Sata does have a degree……. the problem in Zambia is that we think a person with ka Certificate is not learnered person compared to a diploma holder even worse so call degree holders…personally anyone with a grade 12 ceritificate should be respected. Yes we very much acknowledge and respect they that have furthered in their education….education should not elude us from our humility….that why intellectuals are becoming more corrupt today taking advantage of the poor or so call uneducated…”One Zambia..One Nation”

  8. Tubemba nato! Once you have a President in State House a democratic institution, he starts interfering in undemocratic institutions such as his tribal chiefdom Just to promote his uncles. Ati kupusa focus On democracy iwe ka Sata!

  9. The same chief Chikwanda being recognised by force by HEMCS is an ill man suffering from dementia. The mwine lubemba, Paramount chief Chitimukulu & chief Chikwanda meet and agreed that due to poor health by chief Chikwanda his cousin from his mothers’ last born sister should go ahead and be throned as SENIOR chief Nkula. Secondly, the guy being pushed to go and succeed his uncle as senior chief Nkula never reconciled with his late uncle Victor Ng’andu and if he goes and looks at the bones of his late uncle which have been sworn by the mwine lubemba, death will be the consequence. I really doubt if HEMCS is aware also that the currently traditionally throned senior chief Nkula Kafula Musungu (II) has already looked at the borns of his late uncle. PLEASE STOP CONFUSING OUR FAMILY!

  10. The same chief Chikwanda being recognised by force by HEMCS is an ill man suffering from dementia. The mwine lubemba, Paramount chief Chitimukulu & chief Chikwanda meet and agreed that due to poor health by chief Chikwanda his cousin from his mothers’ last born sister should go ahead and be throned as chief Nkula. Secondly, the guy being pushed to go and succeed his uncle as senior chief Nkula never reconciled with his late uncle Victor Ng’andu and if he goes and looks at the bones of his late uncle which have been sworn by the mwine lubemba, death will be the consequence. I really doubt if HEMCS is aware also that the currently traditionally throned senior chief Nkula Kafula Musungu (II) has already looked at the borns of his late uncle. PLEASE STOP CONFUSING OUR FAMILY!

  11. lol, kanabesa nga cessation, tamwatontokanyapo?

    Do it before Sata appoints himself Chitimukulu, he has started slowly by appointing junior chiefs on your behalf without your authority. The chiefs he appoints will be loyal to Sata not you, so imwe get ideas from Litunga and start calling for the Kingdom of Kolwestan

  12. iwe #8 ukwakanya ichitungu cha northern province tachapilibula ukuti abena mpika bafumako kumukowa walubemba. Natukonke intambi shakupwanika infumu.

  13. i just have to laugh. Now that you have power, its all infighting and squabbling amongst yourselves. All with your hands wide open hoping to catch the crumb’s that may now fall your way from the top table.

  14. Mwine lubemba has warned of grave consquences…So to Muchinga province be prepare for battle, Northern Province is coming

  15. In the recent past, the issues of becoming a chief in our Bemba land is becoming verdictive and a painful one. The current Paramount chitimukulu ( Ackson Mwamba) fought with the late Chief Mwamba ( Chileshe Chepela Wansongo). Senior Chief Mwamba ( Sosala Chanda) had to fight to become Chief Mwamba and spent alot of his time in Kunku village . Usually when someone is about to be appointed as a chief the stay in the chiefdom near the place they will be put on the throne a place know as ukulolela or the incoming chief will use a name that reminds the people of that chiefdom that they are still waiting for the chief. The succession of this kind historically have made many chiefs unpopular. As examples given where courts are becoming places to settle disputes. Read imilandu ya ba Bemba Book .

  16. Zambia is becoming a chiefdom. When did all this chiefdom rot begin. We used to be a republic, but that does not seem to be the case anymore. We run the risk of ruin if we keep talking about tribe everyday. The way forward is to strengthen democratic institutions and recognize that all Zambians are equal before the law of the land.

  17. Namwe abemba kwanu kwavuta! Mupayane. Bwana president you have an irate senior chief with whom you should peace over the Nkula chieftainship. That there will be negative consequences of this decision only remains to be seen. Uyu wawelapo ni “kavundula”.

  18. Hello Bembas. I am Kaonde and have no idea of how Bembas appoint their chiefs but what the Pf Government is doing is very wrong.Traditional matters should be left to competent people and not politicians.The problem with Sata is that he wants to be at everyones throat especially those that did not support him.He understands the Bemba traditions better than some of us and should be the first person to respect it,but he is the one in the forefront trying to disturblise his Kingdom.I am even surprised to note that there are even some people supporting these moves by their beloved Presido.I have warned people on this blog several times that once their honey moon with their president is over,they will remember this but by then it will be too late because Sata will be at their door step.

  19. # 21 Punch Drunk Cobra
    All you think about is secession with your Litunga, i am sure you are enyoing this. You want to capitalise where you did not saw. Forget it, us bembas will iron out our problems and this has no bearing on your tribal corpulation! Zambia will remain one nation, in Jesus’s name!!

  20. I am now beating the war drums: -Umondo-
    Nkole Wa mapembwe unfwe Milandu; Chiti Chiti chamutunga mulinso; Chamulenga umono Kupompa; Kwenda Kushintuka menso mumbali; Panshi apa pali imikuba yatata umwanda.

  21. leka ichunsali chibe…leave chindali alone….do let the Lishina blood shed repeat itself…play around else were but leave ichinsali cheka…ala tuli ma shilu..mwe tu bala…leke infumu yesu

  22. This should be Condemed by all Royal Establishiments.Chiftainship should not be Politised.Due to this Let me remind the leaders of this Blog,when the president denounced Chiefs in North western,I urged all Traditional Leaders to Support their Collegues in North western.As some body brought up in a Royal Family,Not at any time shall I allow Politicians to desrespect any Royal Establishment.President Sata should remember that he is our Subject no matter where he comes from and he should Know that one day he we will need the Chiefs again.I thought he Knew what he was doing by Introducing the Ministry for Chiefs Affairs.No Govt has the authority to Enthrone or dethrone any Chief,unless a recommendation is made by authorised Establishment.I burg for respect from all Politicians.

  23. The president is so tribal to an extent that he sees things from a localized point of thinking. He main issue is that a Mpika person, his relative or the closer he is to home the better, just forget about the procedures. This is not right, it does not matter where it is taking place be in the Bemba land or Lozi land. Look at the issue of Sampa, after insulting Tongas he is given them to rule over their affairs. How does PF expect Tongas to support PF, this is highest level of disrespect people can get from a national leader. Pls Sata slow down with your nepotism

  24. I am getting confused! Is it the Bemba Royal Establishment or Highest Office in the land (State House) who should appoint Snr Chief Nkula??? Flash Back, “They should also tell me what their jurisdiction is because I don’t fall under them but under Chief Chikwanda.” He said the Establishment is aware that Mr Sata is from Mpika and falls under Chief Chikwanda. Air force One is engulfed with the “Appointments Syndrome” Now nepotism goes into palaces!! Eventually His Chief will be Chitimukulu. Ha Ha Haaaa!!

  25. Can someone from the royal establishment write something about Ngoshe Mukote, chief chimbuka (also buried at mwalule when they die) and chief Chewe. Are they part of the bemba royal family or they are from a neihbouring tribe?

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