Monday, March 10, 2025



In order to lose weight you don’t have to get on a crazy diet or starve yourself . You just have to eat healthy and cut down on how much you eat.  You will also have to stop eating junk food and look for healthier alternatives.

Here is a daily healthy eating plan that everyone can try



Omelette with 3 whole eggs, 2 egg whites, a handful of spinach, 20g reduced-fat cheese (grated) and coconut oil

The secret is coconut oil, which is completely cholesterol-free and a great source of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), transformed by your liver into energy rather than fat. MCTs also have a satiating effect, keeping you feeling full.

Mid-morning snack


Fruits such as orange , tangarine ,apples etc

Too much bad-cholesterol is not good for our bodies and fruit doesn’t contain bad-cholesterol. Fruits have fiber and a diet with plenty of fibers helps against corpulence, high blood pressure, and other factors that increase the chance for a heart disease.



Grilled beef mince and steamed broccoli and cauliflower, mixed with green salad, olive oil and some guacamole

Substitute high-fructose sauces like ketchup for guacamole( mashed avocado mixed with salt) . The avocado makes this a great source of essential fatty acids. These not only help you feel fuller for longer but actually act as fat-burning agents to keep you lean.

Afternoon snack


Protein not only fills you up, but also regulates blood-sugar. A high-protein snack such as biltong will help to stabilise blood-sugar levels for the rest of the day, and reduce sugary cravings in the afternoon.



Fish (preferably Tuna ) salad with lettuce and tomato slices with vinaigrette (vinegar mixed with spices) dressing

Seafoods are a great source of chromium, an essential mineral that plays a fundamental role in controlling blood-sugar levels.Boil the fish do not fry it . The salad is high in fibre, low in calories and nutrient-dense, so you only need 200kcal of salad to fill you up as much as 500kcal of a carb such as chocolate.




  1. Strange that my fellow bloggers do not like eating health foods.
    For Most it is the usual suspect of too much fatty foods and Carbohydrates.

  2. That is a diet for those that stole our money as for me in Nyakulenga i have to depend only on Nshima and kakeya and i do not have any health problems

  3. 80% of Zambians dont need to read this, now the 20% or so who would benefit from this information choose to neglect it as looking ‘fat’ is a glamourous thing.

    In the west they are shocked when i tell them back hoem if you are rich you deliberately become fat to look good.

  4. This diet looks like it’s from overseas — guacamole? Kotapela? Avocado?
    Kiwis and strawberries? 
    Perhaps if this can be re-written with Zambian food instead of these hard-to-find, expensive foods. Can I see some mbuzi on this list? Perhaps some kalembula and impwa. These are non-fattening affordable and readily available.

  5. Ba LT, who is the beneficiary of this article? It”s a non starter for most Zambians and with this recession here, its a no go area. Here is an affordable diet in the west:

    1. Morning: – 2 slices of toasted bread with either jam or butter and a cup of tea with no sugar, just black tea.

    2. Lunch: Buttered bread role with a cup of lentil soup. or buy deal foods from boots consisting of sandwich, bottled water or fizzy drink and a packet of crisps.

    3. Evening: Boiled rice, with a cup of tea and a few chips and a slice of lemon.

    After this, kutasha lesa.

  6. Kutasha lesa pa fyakulya atupela and wait for another shift mailo. Elo nokulanda ichisungu kwati twafyelwe kubasungu.Ponk ass Zambians!!

  7. Ya, I agree, this article could have been relevant if the foods mentioned were replaced with zambian equivalents. Mr KAPPA, dont jst copy and paste, do some small searches. Also, if u copy and paste, curtesy requires that you cite the source,

  8. Just brain-washing each other. Where is Cassava, sweet potato, Okra, Rape, Chinese, Village chicken, Ifisashi? These are very good for your health and not just those foods you have put there. And mind you you only need one egg per week. Three egizeee?

  9. Kandolo yakusashila, nomulembwe apali nga pimpa ,katali,pupwe chulu no lumanda plus no bwali bwa mugaiwa.Wanwenapo na menshi ya mu josaka.THIS ARE THE MOST HEALTH MEALS.NICE BLOG KEEP IT UP

  10. I came here looking for healthy Zambian dishes/recipes but I’m shock to see tuna for a Zambia audience. I’ve lost weight before on a western meal plan but its unrealistic. I want to eat local dishes not just for the cost but also for the taste. I can’t live off Zambian dishes for more than 2 months especially than I’m in the country and they are also way cheaper. I’m pretty sure there are healthy alternatives to the typical Zambian dishes that we currently eat.

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