Monday, March 10, 2025

Mutembo Nchito ratified as DPP amid opposition


Mutembo Nchito

Debated heated up in parliament today over the ratification of the presidential appointment of Mutembo Nchito as Director of Public Prosecutions, with opposition Members of parliament opposed to his appointment.

And parliament has ratified the appointments of Mutembo Nchito and Musa Mwenye as Director of public prosecutions and Solicitor General respectively.

This was as the house was considering the report of the committee appointed to scrutinize the appointments of Mr Nchito as DPP and Musa Mwenye as Solicitor General.

Muchinga Member of parliament who is also former vice President George Kunda indicated from the onset of his debate that opposition MPs were opposed to the appointment of Mr Nchito as DPP stating that there is a negative perception and dark crowd hovering over the character of the nominee.

Mr Kunda wondered how parliament could go ahead and ratify the appointment of Mr Nchito when investigations into the allegations against the defunct Zambian Airways of which he was Chief Executive officer have not been completed.

He said the danger with going ahead with the ratification is that the PF government might in future reopen the inconclusive cases against Mr Nchito to blackmail him as DPP.

Contributing to the debate, UPND Kalomo Member of Parliament Request Mutanga told the house that Mr Nchito has a serious problem and will have to convince the Zambian people that he means well and will not persecute people.

And Chongwe Member of Parliament Sylvia Masebo said it was clear from the report of the committee that all the witnesses that appeared before it on the appointment of Mr Nchito endorsed his appointment and that of Mr Mwenye.

She stated that there could never be someone better for the job than Mr Nchito.

Ms Masebo said the appointment of Mr Nchito shows how serious President Michael Sata is with the fight against corruption.

And the Speaker had to call for a vote to determine the ratification of Mr Mutembo Nchito as Director of public prosecutions.

After the electronic voting, those in favour of the appointment prevailed with 86 votes against the opposition MPs’ 50 votes while five members abstained from voting.



  1. Wapya Munzi. what are they afraid. George Kunda and Levy used Mutembo Nchito to prosecute people who plandered the economy and now they turn around to say he is not capable…what is the fear?

  2. This dude and Mmembe stole with impunity using Zambian Airways. They should pay back. How can you have a DPP who such a tarnished background? Are you serious people? This country deserves better. Let him and his buddies pay back the tax payer’s cash Mwanawasa allowed them to embezzle.

  3. Elyo yakaba nomba! No more fake aquitals followed by refusal to appeal. This is good news; and the combination of Musa Mwenye, Mutembo and Malila gives alot of hope for Zambia under HE MCS. God bless Zambia!!!!!!!!

    • My dear acquittals are by the Courts and not the DPP no wanda u are supporting blindly. The only other dpp who has been put to a vote; what a shame! his appointment is against the constitution and u are there supporting it atase!

    • Basakala Nyongo yakosa. constitution or no constitution; Mutembo na Membe did not steal from Zambia; airlines made loses, simples. If they stole, they could have been in jail by now because RB was keen on that case. Nchito, baza inchito mwana; We love you, we love Mmembe and we love the post. God loves us because through the Post we learn a lot. Yes we cannot warship you, but we adore you guys. Stand up for Zambia.

    • You are spot on. No wonder George Kunda opposed the appointment. He knows the guy is principled and does not waiver easily. When under Task Force, he even went ahead and appealed some cases on his own judgment bcoz it was the right thing to do, despite his boss, the DPP being against appealing. So to me, he is after justice no matter what. We need him as DPP. Thieves now will think twice before they “engineer” and “dribble” Zambia into poverty with their corruption and stealing.

  4. .
    This is all about expanding corruption. Nchito is Dirty, a Thief and a Crook and is now heading the witch hunt. In the Chiluba’s case he was seeking justice. This time, he has been bought by Sata and will buck as the Cobra says.

    Two weeks ago, Sata sent 25 Security men in 6 (4X4) cars from Lusaka to some Ka ma small farm in Kitwe belonging to Thandiwe’s father with a search warrant and found nothing.

    My uncle was among the guys sent looking for stolen government tractors and machinery at her father’s farm. The only thing that they found was a small two room tool-shed where the workers keep the tools such as ploughing holes.
    NO such things as tractors or commercial farming equipment were found at the farm.


  5. .
    Thandiwe’s father retired as a Marketing Director from ( PTC) Post & Telecommunication Corporation before it become ZAMTEL in the 1990’s. He bought himself a farm situated off Kitwe – Ndola road. Its not like he just acquired the farm after she become a First Lady.

    He lives in the nice posh residential neighbourhood of Riverside in Kitwe. – Unlike Sata, Thandiwe’s father was UK Educated in the 1960’s when Sata was cleaning toilets in UK


  6. .
    Which International Law have they used to grab property in foreign countries, since they are saying they are outside Jurisdiction?

    Thandiwe has challenged Sata by suing the Times of Zambia to show the flats that have been grabbed. We wait and see these properties printed in the Post and Government Media.

    Sata please show us the evidence. If it’s true, then we will applaud you.

    This appears like a diversion to cover up for Today’s Expiry Date for 90 Days False Prophesy

    • ba independent observer,you seem to have benefited from the previous govt. Please dont add salt to wounds of people affected by poverty while few selfish individuals like yourself are enjoying. You better shut up you *****!


    • Nachula read art.57 of the Constitution. Mutembo when being used by GK was only a mere public prosecutor and he know junk…time will tell and we shall be laughing….hohoho. Meri xmas

  8. Umwaiche wapa Libala stage one , Mutembo, job ya mwikata. His father used to boast that he was Chief Chimese and drank a lot of Kachasu at DK compound, though he was the owner of that building opposite Jim Gondwes gas station.

  9. I am alegic to corruption???????? Are you Mr Sata? Lets Have it;
    1. You appointed Nchito while cases are b4 the coutt of law. 2. You declared Muchinga as a Province without carbinet approval. 3. You renamed the 2 inte’l airports without carbinet approval 3. You released the Barotse criminals bent on secession from Zambia against the decision of the court. 4.You released Judge..whats his name? yes, we all know him who commited serious case we all watched on tv, 5. You apoined Mpombo whose case are still b4 the cot. You are on the zambian wanted list, its just a matter of time.


  11. independent obverser,no body would rash to tandiwe s father farm without a small crew of what was a the farm,thats why we have spies in our for the properties of tandiwe,their is always a trace weather you use somedody name or not,its a matter of informing the host govt of cooperation and they will help u.bakali mulusi is one such person who i think mighty have helped be patient,its just sad because u mighty some how had benefited.

  12. There questions that need answers which necessitated the opposition’s misgiving for Mr Nchito to be DDP. The sticking question is what position has the PF govt stand on with regards to serious cases involving huge sums of money at the centre of Nchito? PF govt tobe taken serious of their agenda on fight of corruption must come clean on Nchito and others cases. LAZ raised similar concerns and PF govt to be serious have to demonstrate it by way of stating their position without compelling Zambians to take this corruption fight as a smokescreen to hoodwink Zambians in furthering corruption through official subtle means.

    • Iwe those cases were just cooked by Rubbish Bin. This fact you know. Everythin that happened was normal in business. Dont comment on issues you dont understand!!!!!!!!!

  13. I had a lot of respect for Nchito.But after spending 7 years accusing and prosecuting Chiluba of stealing millions of public dollars and only to withdraw the charges and filed for a ka new charge amount to a paltry $500,000,I lost trust in him.Meanwhile within three years of his prosecution(which Sata called persecution of Chiluba),he accumulated K3 billion in legal fees.This is just another stunt where people will be judged from Bwinjmfumu and will fail to secure a conviction.Even the donors could not hide their disappoint in him.

    • You have shot well, Sharp Shooter #18. It is a pity that most zambians are BLIND. Apart from what they are told in the Post newspaper they have no other legs to stand on. All the pipo that are supporting Mutembo will back up their argument based on the Post.

  14. All cases which raised against mutembo and mmembe by RB failed to materialize coz they were raised out malice. apa nomba abena dora,stu and others bakakwa nomba. 

  15. .
    The police may have dropped some cases. This is a Crook who has numerous cases in courts still pending. How does he qualify to be DPP? Among the monies that he and Fred False Prophet Mmembe duped some banks without collateral in US Dollars are:

    .Intermakert Bank $1.5m
    .Bravo Capital $1m
    .Zambia Revenue Authority $2m
    .Finance Bank $4m
    .Investrust Bank $1m
    .Trade Creditor $4.5m

  16. In addition he has unpaid fees and obligations in Zambian Kwacha are.

    .Liability to employees- K3.4 Billion
    .Nation Airports Corporation – K28 Billion

    PF MP’s have no voice because they fear what Sata will do to anyone that goes against him.

    As for those PF MP’s & MMD nominated cabinet deputy ministers, who are now sending us SMS / Text messages that Nchito is the WRONG PERSON, why the hell did you give him the vote.? It showS you are cowards and no different from JUDAS ESCARIOT.

  17. Even if it is to let MMD hang themselves should be like this. Nchito is addicted to MMD, thus qualify to be PF’s DPP.
    This shows that there is no need to use education in Zambia, there are so many qualified prosecutors in Zambia. That thug Mutomba Nchito failed to do anything about Chiluba & the likes.

  18. Dear brothers and sisters suffering in the US and Europe,u are now welcome 2 join us back home. Street vending is now so easy as we are free to move with our mechandise from one end of cairo road 2 another and also move from one office to the other. Who knows the president may just appoint some of us 2 run a vendors ministry

  19. Criminals and their beneficiaries stop hallucinating. Let them be fixed. This time no stone should be left unturned . Ka kunda is crying like a spoiled brat.

  20. If this guy has been implicated in any criminal activity then he should not be appointed. The position of DPP is too sensitive to be compromised by a known gampler with the Law.

  21. Sata is now playing politics of vindictiveness. One day he will cry foul. What goes around comes around. We have seen so many examples…FTJ was one such an example.

  22. Like others have said, if Mutembo has uncleared issues against him, then he should not have been appointed to that position. I strongly believe that there are other Zambians with legal education and experience who can equally do a good job as DPP. The practice of giving employment opportunities to the few recognizable individuals who had chances to work for the government in the past has to come to an end. Let’s give the young ones a chance to hold some of these positions. This is another way of sharing wealth.

  23. Well done parley. Congrats Mutembo. Those with tonnes of accusations are just malicious. When you accuse someone prosecute and conclude the case within six months. Its not fair to lump accusations on someone and then use them as a trump card to hold an individual to ransom forever. George and team must just shut. The Post had always challenged them to arrest them if they did something wrong, why did they fail when they had the entire GRZ machinery? Mutembo please move on and do a good job don’t listen to these arm chair critics, we have a lot of trust in you. Bravo!!!!!

  24. Nonsense comments. Mutembo never stole money . He owes money like any other business – is that a crime ?. How come RB and co never convicted him ? There is no law which says if your business fails you commit a crime !

  25. Mr.President Michael Sata this appointment of Mr.Nchito is problematic it is a slap in the face to the Zambia people to the common eye all what we are seeing is a payback or corruption involved by appointing people who supported yr political campaign, Zambia has not run out of independent competent attorneys to take this high office.Mr.Nchito is a poor judgement just like Mr.Chungu and the other Gentleman it show the corrupt side of Mr.Sata.Come clean Mr.Sata and show leadership.I stood with you and I am standing with you but I will always point out the wrongs because I care for the Zambian people.

  26. RB pretended to uphold Mwanawasa’s Legacy but Sata seems to fulfill it. RB sidelined those Mwanawasa had put in place to fight corruption, the likes of Mumba Malila, Max Nkole and Mutembo Nchito. Life is like a rotating wheel which makes those on top come down. George Kunda is very disappointed to see all those they had dealt with by bringing down, suddenly featuring in government. If late Mwanawasa had to ressurect, he would rather work with Sata than with George Kunda, who manifested his true colours hidden from Mwanawasa.

  27. Kunda you were the Justice Minister, why didn’t you investigate Nchito over the allegations against the defunct Zambian Airways? Fear not the unknown. Idioot.

  28. GK is a lawyer & if there are cases for Mutembo to answer he should have concluded them during the 3 years he was VP and Justice Minister Period, so he should just zip it.

  29. it seems this is now ‘ celebrity politricks’. There are many clean and capable individuals who can take up the post and do an excellent job. Why must it always be recycled people in high posts. We need people who are interested in public service- that is the real definition of politics

  30. Congratulation Mutembo! The Lord God we have worshipped together since our youth at Lusaka Baptist and Kabwata Baptist is on your side. George and his alies are afraid that you will not compromise the office. if the state had a case for you how come Rupiah left office without prosecuting you? with the amount of smear campaign thrown on you I just wondered! I pray that you will apply yourself to the job with honor and integrity to the glory of the Lord God Almighty. Who knows may be you have come to such position at a time such as this.

  31. “Ms Masebo said the appointment of Mr Nchito shows how serious President Michael Sata is with the fight against corruption.” are you sure ?

  32. At least the world now knows what sort of person Mutembo is. The deceptive veil has been removed! And if Mutembo thinks he has managed to dribble his way through, time will tell because you can fool people but not God.

  33. ‘After the electronic voting, those in favour of the appointment prevailed with 86 votes against the opposition MPs’ 50 votes while five members abstained from voting”. Wrong reporting by QFM, in educated and civilised journalism this would be called “voting across party lines” as PF does not have 86 MPs.

  34. Zambians, I have a simple question- You say Mwanawasa was a champion of the corruption fight right? Do you know that Mutembo Nchito held the position of DPP then? Do you understand the notion of ‘limited liability’ as regards company law (a person’s identity is seperate from the company’s)?
    How can you possibly call Mutembo corrupt? Atleast have the courage to call Mwanawasa corrupt aswell!!! If you cannot, then you get my point!!!

  35. Musa Mwenye as PF’s Solicitor General, so LAZ now know that he was and has always been a PF cadre all along masquerading as a legal professional serving the best interests of the legal profession.

  36. @INDEPENDENT OBSERVER- I am an auditor and you must know that when a bank gives you a loan without collateral, it is the bank to blame, not the customer. They are the body with regulation, not Zambian Airways.
    If you call Mwanawasa a champion of corruption, Nchito deserves the same regard!

  37. The report of the committee cleared Mutembo. MPs endorsed him. A clique of MMD MPs with serious plunder cases are uncomfortable. UPND MPs are known to hate M’membe for his strong stance against HH’s poor style of politics. Hence their hatred against Mutembo, perceived to be M’membe’s ally. ALL the same, Mutembo will definitely be a useful tool by MCS and PF in their fight against corruption. Bravo Mutembo.

  38. and let sata and the pf be, they are in government now, the best we can do is support them, and the worst we can do is insult and disrespect them. I’m non-partisan and life has never been better. To me politics is a game for small minded folk who think there is just not enough of everything to go around. Soon we will have a universal government governed by priests and God.

  39. How much is the government gonna pay Mr Nchito? Not that I mind the pay, the man is a highly sought after and accomplished lawyer, all I am saying is that to lure him from his legal practice and his high earnings, we may go the Dr Musokotwane way whose salary unsettled HE Dr Sata. The same Dr Sata now doesn’t seem to question Mr Nchito’s very high earnings from public funds while he headed the Task Force prosecution team! Unless of course, a civil service low salary will be offered and compensated by “some form” of payment in kind as in donchi kubeba.

    • #52, Nchito fought for the post, what pay are you talking about? If he had his way he would have killed for it…ooooooooooops sorry he actually did ( Mukelabai RIP)

  40. If Mchenga could be appointed Judge what of Nchito? Mchenga was useby Kunda and his boss RB to circumvert the law and ordered no appeal against Chiluba’s aquital,Nchito tried to appeal but was refused by Mnchenga. Among the two who is a better appointee?

  41. What matters these days is having the right last name. What is the explanation for the civil servants working in these ministries? Are they not good enough to be promoted to this civiv service jobs? We are surely creating a frastrated work for in the name of civil service. How do we expect them to be royal to a govt which is always appointing on tribal lines and outsiders.

  42. uko its now clear were Sata stands with the Chintos and the Airline scandals now. You are busy prosecuting RB(if its just not window dressing) but you are just one and the same moron. Some of these things rather you do them behind closed doors and leave them there, rather than smear them right into our faces. Ifya mumatako fyeka fyeka fye. Sies!

  43. 15 PLAZO

    Like I said, I know the fact they My uncle works for the DEC & INTELLIGENCE, he was among the guys who drove from Lusaka to go and look search Thandiwe’s father’s place. Most of the chaps that were sent knew that it was a waste of time & money but rather a witch-hunt, but they had to follow orders.

    SORRY – I have nothing to benefit from this RB Saga and I don’t know RB personally. I don’t believe in Free Rides and I have worked hard for what I have achieved in life.


  44. Like any other Zambian, I can see clearly where things are going wrong in the country. You are correct, we have spies, but our spies are not doing their work but rather being instructed based on false assumptions.

    If RB & Wife stole money – they have to be answerable but we should not play to the gallery to score points with witch-hunting


    I am with you. Banks give loans based on Risk Assessments. I deal with Risk Management & Liquidity Management every single day when investors pump hundreds millions of $ Dollars & £ Stirlings into my Portfolio Management for investments in Shares, Derivatives, Futures, Bonds, Treasuries etc.

    However, if a Person or a Business takes a loan using inflated or cooked up books to show that they can repay the monies – then that’s constitutes obtaining loans on Fraudulent Acts. This happens to be the case with Nchito & Mmembe.

    As an Auditor, you should know this as people go to jail all the time for such miss-conducts.

    With regards to your question, of course Mwanawasa & Nchito had practiced corruption together, while fighting corruption.

  46. Those ambassadorial staff and high commissioners accredited to Zambia, especially those from Europe should not lend support to Zambia’s criminal justice where criminals are now in charge. The UK has had a justice system for the last 800 years; they should not lend credence or help to Zambia’s justice system where criminals and failed businessmen are now in the fore front. Mutembo Nchito has been brought in to serve the interests of criminals in pin stripped suits.

  47. Ncito was accused,tried and found guity by the then MMD mouthpiece.
    It seems they succeeded to convince simple minds.
    What was he charged with,running an airline which failed?Many airlines are in trouble among them Air Malawi and Air Zimbabwe($100 m in debt),should their executives face law for that?
    Ncito never even got a salary a salary from Zambian Airways,never got a penny from profits as the airline never made a profit

  48. @ INDEPENDENT OBSERVER- Firstly, thanks for the responsible response. Am happy that you have the courage, unlike other bloggers, to point out that Mwanawasa was no angel. He actually dispatched his enemies in an effectively brutal fashion.
    On the way forward, I think there is so much dogma amongst Zambian governments thinking that they cannot appoint people from elsewhere. The political arena is polluted with recycled leaders with parties that derive their policies from the mistakes of past regimes and not from ideology. We need to get rid of these pre 1964 politicians.

  49. Ba mwenye no wonder ma seer. Bull shutting with crap that we advising government quietly. Good luck now you integrity is under test with the no plan president

  50. Mr. Mutembo,

    Why you fit particularly well into their choice is the weight of ‘criminal charges and allegations’ that hang over you. You are well suited for an attack dog, not that you merit the appointment – I am sure that you are intelligent enough to know this.

    Of course you have no choice as soon as you accept the ratification. How easily we fail the test.

    Acceptance has implications as to who your true allegiance is, surely you can’t ignore this fact?

  51. Imwe these bantus are all from the same animal called “Politics”. Do not support nor condemn them, but sleep(fck) with them (if you know what i mean). Awe sure!

  52. Dear Bloggers:
    I know you all have the right to express yourselves and say whatever you have in your mind but I know that none of you knows Mutembo very well-you are all depending on kachepa.The issue of the money at Zambian airways doesn’t mean that Mutembo is a thief but it was a business transaction.Mutembo never ever received a salary from Zambian airways and never even received any money from the company.He instead used to give his money to the company in order for the company to continue running. I remember one day,there was no money for fuel and catering,Mutembo before even becoming the CEO gave the company money to continue operating.All the money coming from the banks as loans were sent to the Zambian airways account where he never received any ngwee. Rupiah shut down Q3.


    Agreed – Mwanawasa and Banda too were no Angels so is Chiluba. The problem with most bloggers is that they are arguing on Party Political Lines.

    We must debate outside Party Political Affiliations by using Intellect based on Facts, Good Judgement and Wisdom, because we all want what is best for Zambia. There will never be a perfect government as longs as human being are involved, just like its impossible to find a perfect family any where on this planet.

  54. I dont understand some people. Any one who has done some simple Business Law or Commerce in secondary school will understand that Mutembo nchito and Zambian Airways are two different people- I mean in law Zambia airways is a private limited company and therefore a seperate legal entity meaning that it can be sue as company without affecting Mutembo as a shareholder. and it can also sue other business partners without mutembo involvement. Understand you that. Dont confuse yourselves Mutembo has no problem.Jealous will kill you. Bravo mutembo!!!

  55. Sampa Mulenga

    Very sketchy, skeletal and simplistic way of looking at things.
    In-tray Zambian Airways file
    DPP(Mutembo): ‘Who are the people behind this case? Mutembo asks.
    REPLY: ‘No one sir, it’s a company.’
    MUTEMBO: ‘OK, case dismissed’

  56. Independent observer tandiwe chilongo use to leave in chimwemwe so how did her parents find themselves in river side? The answer is simple they where moved there after RB become president and provided with state security. so dont lie that the father was rich before RB become president. If he was rich what was tandiwe doing being a village teacher before RB impregnated her?

  57. There is media war in zbia!! the Post says, “WOOOOOOOOOO, Mutembo is DPP.” and ba WD says, “Parley rubber stamps Mutembo as DPP.” the later weeps while the first celebrates – this is media war! – when will the media report objectively and spare as the trouble of guessing what the truth really is? Do we have to visit a thousand blogs and read lots of papers for us to find out a simple truth? Lusaka times and wd did not report exactly what Masebo said about a “daily nation paper whose owner is Richard Sakala who after being prosecuted by Mutembo spent three years in prison – why report half truths pliz twapata!!!!!

  58. Musa Mwenye, Mutembo, Malila, Dr Malama, Nkole etc backed by The Post. What a Team!! Sounds like a Brazialian Football Team. Keep going MCS. Ba no. 5 (Zed Zed) don’t remain in the RB syndrome. If RB had the slightest evidence on Mutembo/Meembe, they could have bn Rotin in Mukobeko by now.

  59. Reading through today’s Postnewspaper editorial, saddened me to see how naive Mmember and company are about African politics to which (in the all entire Zambia political history ) President Sata and late President Chiluba are masters.

    If for one second, this guys think they’ll behave in the same manner they did during the Mwanawasa regime, they have a rude shock coming. Nchito is simply hired to be a scare crow in the navigation scheme out of the 90 days pledge

    Sata is not Mwanawasa.

  60. #8 @ Independent observer, Sata has achieved much more than you , your father and thandiwe’s father. Mind you to be president of a country is far much an achievement than being a director in a parastatal i don’t have to educate you, dull …

  61. Parli has ratified the appointment of Incito and Musa. As a matter of fact this parli have never gone aganist any recommendation by Sata. So if you aganist the appointment, don’t point your dirt finger at Sata, you re barking the wrong tree, rather ‘blame’ the pipo we elected to represent us. Mind you PF has less seat compared to the combined opposition. This is simple logical. Parli is there to provide counter-balance in GRZ governance. If there re happy, who the hell are you to judge otherwise.

  62. INDEPENDENT OBERSERVER – Ok man *****/Mambala, former Kabulonga boys secondary **** we know your name, you live in Hampstead in London.
    fine you made your ndalama /money/benjamins in the DotCom period when you started an e-Trade ecommerce business and sold it for £75 million in 2003 after it floated on the stock market with your other 2 jewish business partners in 1998. though i have followed your comments and some are very objective and you have a good story to tell those aspiring to succeed but often you do miss the points. it would be better for you if you were in zambia. so sell your mansion, sports cars and stop screwing that girlfriend of yours and come and enjoy our sisters in zambia.
    remote critics are normally very loud. do you want me to review more..

  63. “Wooooo, Mutembo is DPP” was the editorial title in the Post on the appointed of Mmembe’s buddy as the DPP. Mmembe is happy because he has been saved from any form of prosecution over the money he stole with the Nchito brothers.

  64. I can believe this, this is an editorial comment of a newspaper: “And we can only say woooooo to them! Mwailasha! Mwaikata panshi! Mwashala nobufi bwenu!”

  65. All crooked fellows should be warned because Mutembo can not be corrupted or intimidated. The man just stands his ground for what is right.

    People must learn to distinguish between individuals and companies. A bit of reading on company law will help. No one can prove to the world that Mr Nchito got even a ngwee for himself. It is a well deserved appointment. Bravo Mr Nchito !



    This is the best prosecutors zambia ha ever had in terms of prosecutions. His combination with Mumba Malila and Musa Mweenya is sending shievers in most people. He did not fail in the chiluba case but Banda Rupiah acquitted him. The Doras and team must be very worried to have the likes of Mutembo and Malila occupy those offices. These are guys who defiled even their president’s order not appeal but they went ahead. He prosecuted very dangerous criminals without fear or any government protection. It is like Mr. Sata has brought back the task force in a different form. The combination is back in the government ranks such as Mutemboa, Nkole, Mumba Malila and Wandi at ACC is something to smile at. This is a true LEVY”S LEGACY

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