Monday, March 10, 2025

Nevers Mumba and Kabinga Pande call for unity in MMD


TWO MMD presidential aspirants Kabinga Pande and Nevers Mumba have called for unity after the extra-ordinary convention due to take place in two months.

Mr Pande said the election for the top-most position should not divide the party but should instead strengthen the former ruling party.

He said party leader, Rupiah Banda’s assurance that he would not support any candidate was commendable and rested fear in some quarters.

Speaking to journalists in Lusaka yesterday, he said preparations for the MMD convention were going on well.

Mr Pande, who is deputy national chairperson, said the party would continue to mobilise resources towards hosting of the convention.

He was confident the former ruling party would find the required funds to hold the convention.

“There will be a lot of participation by members at the convention. I am hopeful that whoever emerges victorious will unite and work with all party members,” he said.

And Dr Mumba said the party needed a dignified and honest leader to reorganise it.

Speaking during the Assignment programme on Muvi TV on Sunday night, Dr Mumba said the MMD needed a leader who should be able to correct the past mistakes and focus on the way forward.

He was optimistic that the MMD would bounce back to power in the 2016 tripartite elections and called for unity among members.

He said he was the right man to lead the MMD because he possessed the attributes to rebrand it into a formidable opposition party.

Having been a Republican vice-president and diplomat, he said he was in a better position to lead the party as he understood the dynamics of governance better.

“I want to give an example of President Michael Sata who was not in Parliament and was on the ground campaigning throughout his opposition days,” he said.

When asked how he felt about the other MMD presidential competitors, Dr Mumba said he was encouraged with the participants as all of them were distinguished personalities.


  1. Tomorrow this fake ka pastor will say I never made reference to HE MCS.

    There will be people resigning from MMD after the mini convention. If Nevers doesn`t win it, I wouldn`t bet against him joining PF. He is confident simply because he has support from Ala Bee.

    Lets wait and see how this unfolds. Kapaso! More popcorns please and a Mosi!

  2. “When asked how he felt about the other MMD presidential competitors, Dr Mumba said he was encouraged with the participants as all of them were distinguished personalities” ????????????????????????????????? Any Comment??

    • I agree with Pastor Nevers. What party in Zambia has the calibre of contestants like the MMD has? None! I just wish Magande could have been in the picture.

  3. #2,what has lt done? My understanding is,they are calling for unity AFTER the convention because thats when the party is at risk of being divided.well i dont blame you,nikusiana kwama sukulu.

  4. Some people said Sata wont be president, here he is. Some people are saying MMD wont bounce back, well, wait for 2016. Just let the political parties compete on the basis of issues over the next five years and see who wins. In UK and USA, losing parties always bounce back. Always.

  5. pf must start putting in place the succession plans and modalities to avoid these problems when old and tired michael retires. UNIP died coz of lack of this and MMD is almost going into oblivion due to lack of this. they dont even have a Vice President to make matters worse. lets start planning for 2016 ba PF now.

  6. The first thing any Zambian has in mind just the mere mention of MMD is:-CORRUPTION, MISSQUANDERING OF PUBLIC FUNDS, ARROGANCE and UNEMPLOYMENT………..that MMD is dreaming of bouncing back to power in 2016 is wishing thinking……MMD is heading the UNIP way…..sad that they still cant see the mood of the Zambian people. Done is done!! next new party please!!

  7. I think the only reason why the MMD is not falling apart as at now is because many individuals vying for the position of party president are MPs and as a result, they do not want to risk losing their pay.
    The MMD is likely to disintergrate into two to three factions when a new leader is chosen.

  8. Let MMD the people’s party elect their leader by the people for the people to the shame of one man party. MMD has to ride over this storm to qualify for continuity. this has already been demonstrated after the demise of one leader where elections were successfully held. To cnteplate what will happen to other parties when a leader goes is agony. Go on MMD 2016 awaits for you.

  9. “Dr.” Mumba is reported to have said MMD needs a more dignified and honest leader. Remember how the opposition made Nevers its spokesperson and how he used this position to get himself the position of Vice President from Levy. How honest is Nevers, if we may ask?

  10. Nevers Mumba has no dignified record whatsoever. It’s hard to imagine how a man who once claimed to be God’s spokesperson could fall so low. He simply can’t be the image bearer of a well-meaning political party. He is a hypocrite.

  11. I love/like Nevers Mumba very much. No amount of insults/false information leveled against him will stop me from liking him and supporting him. HE IS A GREAT MAN. JEALOUS DOWN.

  12. Someone who supported thieves cannot tell us about being dignified or not Zedians are not dull as some politicians may think, if one was really dignified he could have distanced himself like george Mpombo and Mike Mulongoti from a rotten leadership. For him to have kept close to that regime he was beneficiary in one way or the other and cannot talk about being dignified today.

  13. MMD must have a life and FORGET NEVERS MUMBA, he’s not good for your health, and is very unpredictable! If you’re still searching and have come across Nevers, PLEASE TRY NEXT DOOR, THERE’S SOME LIGHT ON THE HORIZON.


  15. This time, if Zambians have got ears to hear and eyes to see, I would say Nevers is fine, but is not the best at this season of the political year. On merits, i would go for Honourable Pande for a change of leardership in the Country. If people will make a mistake of voting in the pastor, many will just go to UNIP and some will go for the other small parties making the ruling to continue. Which is fine for Sata to have a way forward in the nation as well. People will not vote out Sata and replace him with another bemba, sorry to say. Too much insults from the fellow Zambian from that region representative insulting other tribes.

  16. Mutati is the man for the Job! Nevers Mumba should instead position himself to take over from Kachingwe or Dora Siliya either as National Secretary or MMD Party Spokesperson.

    Mutati, Mutati, Mutati!!!!!!!!!!!! Wapya Muzi……!
    Mutati, Mutati, Mutati!!!!!!!!!!!! Wapya Muzi……!
    Mutati, Mutati, Mutati!!!!!!!!!!!! Wapya Muzi……!
    Mutati, Mutati, Mutati!!!!!!!!!!!! Wapya Muzi……!

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