THE State has seized properties worth billions of Kwacha, including a hotel in neighbouring Malawi and some apartments in Tanzania allegedly belonging to former first lady Thandiwe Banda.
This comes in the wake of the on-going probe into suspected plunder of national resources by some former leaders in the MMD administration.
Sources told the Times of Zambia in Lusaka yesterday that the luxurious apartments linked to Mpundu Trust Limited in Lusaka and other properties within the country were also lined up for seizure from the embattled first family which has been under investigations over allegations of acquisition of property using public funds. [pullquote]if it was proved that the properties were properly acquired after the investigations, they would be handed back[/pullquote]
Impeccable sources said investigative wings had seized a hotel in Malawi and some flats in Tanzania allegedly linked to Mrs Banda.
“The Mpundu Trust flats in Lusaka have also been seized. This is part of the on-going investigations into suspicions that the former first family could have acquired property using public funds.
“The probe on allegations of using public funds to acquire personal properties by the former first family has intensified. And it’s not only them that are being investigated. Anyone who is suspected to be involved in corruption will be investigated,” the sources said.
They said if it was proved that the properties were properly acquired after the investigations, they would be handed back to the owners.
“But if the opposite is discovered, then the law will take its course against the culprits.”
The source said the Government investigative wings were working in liaison with authorities in the host governments for properties suspected to have been plundered and were outside Zambia’s jurisdiction.
Inspector General of Police, Martin Malama remained mute on the matter.
Former president, Rupiah Banda’s administrative secretary, Mikatazo Wakumelo expressed ignorance over the development.
President Michael Sata recently instructed law enforcement agencies to investigate how a private bank account belonging to Mpundu Trust Limited held a colossal sum of US$ 1 million.
The president gave the directive in the wake of revelations that Mpundu Trust had unexplained funds in one of the commercial banks in the country.
On the basis of the colossal amounts involved, the president felt that it would only be fair and prudent for the Drug Enforcement Commission, in liaison with other law enforcement agencies, to investigate the matter.
Recent media reports revealed that Mpundu Trust was linked to the former president, Mr Banda.
Mr Sata said the decision to probe Mpundu Trust Limited was without malice or ill-motive but to simply set the record straight.
He said the action was in line with the promise the Patriotic Front made to the people that accountability, transparency and fairness before the law would be the bedrock of his administration.
[Times of Zambia]
Witch hunting as usual by the King cobra!!
Sometimes it is wise to keep silent and watch than criticize for the seek of it.
this family kwena had only item on the agendum of green fever “get rich before it gets dark.” let the mighty law of zed pounce on them and confiscate all the assets they have acquired illegally. even the sons of rb must also be investigated. who’s next?
will need to get ride of this type of leadership, sure a house in lusaka costs five billion and you want to question a former presiedent about 5 billion.
If you yourself is working in Zambia you can not get that kind of money in 3 years. Hopefully even where you are. Where we are in Europe or USA how much does a house cost? agood one for that mater between £200,000 to £500,000. This amount is difficult to raise. Usally you would need a mortage.
If the source of the money is not well explained, it has to be questioned. Any amount of money must be well explained even 10,000 kwacha. Levy stated it and Sata will go through it also. people should not take advantage of the poor people in Zambia. I will support any leader will allow transparency in the way we get our money.
A basic school teacher can aquire a hotel in a foreign country? Interesting.
its possible when she is a head of state’s wife though through corrupt practices
Ba Julius, where you sleeping the whole 3 years not to know that she was the first lady?
Don’t forget that the basic school teacher turned first lady!
and which law are they using to grab the properties?
Especially the sons!!! They must pay for impunity. Then investigate the father for looting!!!
caeser its a former first lady
Yeah, and how much is the first lady paid for her to afford these things? Is there even a gazetted First-Ladies salary, I doubt? The office of the first lady may get a bit of funding, but I am not sure the first lady draws a govt salary, I may be wrong!!
Ba Njombwinjo muli bapuba, ask yourself how a simple primary school teacher who marries a broke, down on his luck old man that stumbles upon a very poor country’s presidency, could own property worth millions of dollars and still have billions of kwacha in her accounts, all this in just three years!!! Barack Obama declared income of of just over a million dollars, despite having authored best sellers and being President of the richest nation on the planet!!! Think before you spew your nonsense…..I say investigate them and then prosecute them and then hang them!!
Can’t agree more with you man!
Is Omaba now president of China?
you sound like education and knowledge is not with you.people in power can borrow money using their positions.while we do not support embazzlements, it is the height of folly to suggest a person who is president for three years cannot multiply his earnings doing all kinds of busines ventures especially at a higher level and have $1million.so lets avoid using words like simple teacher.even this sata will supprise you after five years.i hope we are not growing faster than *****s
Goldiggers! Dig dem down kinggkongbra!
yaba..i wonder where we are heading to as a country..!why all this kind of witch hunting..let them be..
Firstly I wish to know, how much is the annual Gross Pay of a First Lady and a President? X 3 years. Secondly, I would like to know the total value of all the assets owned between them and lastly the value of their liabilitities such as loans with instititions like banks. Surely these should reconcile if all was done with honesty and in good faith!
elo lwanya….3 yrs is it not enough to acquire a house. pliz leave the former first family alone….
There is nothing wrong in doing an investigation you muppets! The only issue I have got with the PF is the president HE MCS announcing stuff before law enforcers make a move. Let him keep quiet and refer all questions to DEc, ACC and the Police.
Why are people touchy if they are innocent?
Italian Bunga Read through the article again and you will get it clearly. Sources leaked the information and the police officers remained mute over the development. Ask LT where they got the information.
Because it is clear that their is strong targeted witch-hunting, it seems only the MMD is corrupt and we are all squeaky clean.
These pf chaps do not know whether they are moving or sinking the once mighty boat. Its no rocket science they have nothing, zilch no evidence going by this “They said if it was proved that the properties were properly acquired after the investigations, they would be handed back to the owners.
“But if the opposite is discovered, then the law will take its course against the culprits.”
@12 Chi Love. You can`t aquire all that in 3 years wemb.ushi we! We know your dozzy president was clocking all those air miles for a living in terms of allowances but even what he did is not enough to pay for all that.
It is very immoral for our leaders to be investing in other countries (unless they want to hide something) we are busy trying to attract invetors and she goes to create Jobs for Malawans and Tanzania- Ukutumpa!
what was the outcome of investigations carried out on ESU nursing college situated in Roma that was linked to the current First lady believe do have been funded with the K10billion scam from ministry of healthy
she was just a teacher b4 her hub became presido, where did she get all this??
It is always suspicious if the first lady did not have such properties before the husband became President. PF is thus right to find out how such wealth was created. Further, why get so much wealth when President once leaves office is taken care of by the state until death. Greedy at its best. Poverty will never be elliminated becuase of greedy. If you want to make money, better be done outside politics like other business people who have made their money without actually being politicians. USA politics is thus better. Make money first and join politics and not the other way round.
Why acquire so much wealth you ask? To leave an inheritance for the twin children who are under 10yrs I suppose. You Monze should equally start thinking of securing your children’s future!
Iwe nkonkomalimba, wake up! it starts from small things to big things. These people we hear stealing started small fro stealing one ngwee, 10 ngwee, ok its small then 5 pin eventually they steal big. So 5 Billion here is not an issue if worked for, but if acquired dubiously then the law must take action. So if she we say its nothing someone will now go for 20 billlion then….
Witch hunting……instead of dealing with unemployment,creating jobs,improving infrastructure,diversifying the economy we are busy chasing tuma apartments owned by the former first Lady yaba….It would be better so tell us Thandiwe stole X billion Kwacha from the ministry of X meant for X project.
I think this investigation point to one thing; The President and Ministers must declare assets before taking office. While all these probes all over the place are welcome, PF must also know that the law will visit them should they be found wanting after 5/10/15/20 years. So those saying witch hunt, hold your breath, time for PF will def come..
RB never wanted to get back to poverty after bumping into some Presidency on a silver platter. so he and his sons were busy ammassing wealth so fast knowing it was possible to lose power after three years. they were careless and at some point they thought they would outrightly win the elections at all costs. the Mmd ELECTION CAMPAIGNS were so extravagant and one wonders were MMD got all those funds to run such an expensive campaign this nation has ever seen. thank God they lost power coz I shudder to imagine what could have happenned if they had another 5years to run down this nation. they need to be investigated esp his sons.
its important to set the record straight.let the mess be cleaned up. pliz extend it to junouir officers too.they are the worst corrupt chaps.
Why are people quick to mention “WITCH HUNTING” when we PF supporters did numerous times state we all bring to book all that has or have stolen that was our cry now that it is happen its witch hunting……… HELL NO…bloggers we did say RB stole, MMD chaps stole…. we are proving they stole PERIOD….please do the same to us when kick out of power….VIVA to the POOR ZAMBIANS…….. intellectuals are the most selfish and corrupt class of people ignoring real Zambians who cannot even acquire land….
RB was vice-president for two years before he became president, so people should not be talking about just three years. They may have acquired the properties over five years.
ZWD is down
hmmm bushe can you seize property that is not within your jurisdiction?
This gvnmnt is too slow in arresting people found wanting. The policing agents should work fast without any intimidation before these guys wipe all the evidence. The levels of thieving in the Banda Gvnmt was incredible.
Sata’a son is suddenly driving expensive cars from the ka Spacio he was driving. This is within 90 days of the bali coming into power. Their time will come also.
Do you not realize that your judgment is biased? From the following quote in the statement:
‘They said if it was proved that the properties were properly acquired after the investigations, they would be handed back to the owners.
“But if the opposite is discovered, then the law will take its course against the culprits.”’
Don’t you see that nothing conclusive can be deducted?
@Booty. No it`s not down. They have just banned all those people who have said anything negative about their Ha Ha! They are still on if you can get round it!
They have got Zambia goes up in democracy ranking as headline with a picture of HE MCS with the other one who had an office in the Presidential Challenger!
Who care if ZWD is down. My worry is our money gone to Malawi. Why iwe Thandiwe Mwaice you will remain suffering if you are not care. Bakote abo
Whats happening ZWD?
its not witch hunting but taking back what has been stolen from the poor zambians
Check him properly, there is much more!!!!!!!!!!!!
This has come this week to hood wink us on the 90 days that are due on this Friday. Atase, stop the witch hunting and get to business. Credit to RB for peaceful elections and transition of power. Sata, remember the saying, what goes round comes round. Your son has started on a good note with the posh cars
this couple naba palana amatobo!
Here we go again with the 90 days rubbish!
@Kambocho, why is Ireen Kunda not as rich as Tandiwe ? RB and is maggot family became so careless with there corruption, am surprised same dogs can even support them
thus the problem of marrying unqualified wifes.
Better than having an unqualified head of …………
”if it was proved that the properties were properly acquired after the investigations, they would be handed back”
Pay back time. RB started a war but trying to scandalise Sata so much and he used everything at his disposal even if it meant doing so illegally. You are paying for you sins. What could Chiluba advise Banda. How to make money while you can.
Very speedily, with public passive participation, the justice system is being eroded by ‘decree’, and there is every reason to suspect that this is happening purely out of ignorance on the part of the issuer.
History has sufficient evidence how many a society has birthed monsters with full passive participation and when eventually the monster bursts the confines they imagined it to have, they react in shocking disbelief (shocking in itself).
Often, if the monster ( system) is not curtailed eventually becomes uncontrollable and the ruler out of frustration begins, using the same thing, to suppress the masses.
Once again this is just nonsense. Our Hospitals have erratic power, hindering the well being of our sick people. We have more homeless people in the streets than before. We need investment in schools and housing but all this government can think of is witch hunting former leaders and people from the previous Government. My request please, just hurry up and arrest the lot of them and put them in jail if that’s what you desire. the sooner this vendetta is closed off the sooner concentration and focus can be put on the real issues.
Allow me to say something bloggers. Let us show maturity when we post comments on issues that affect our country. Let the record be set straight, those that join politics to enrich themselves should think twice. Politics is about service and not stealing from the poor. We are setting the correct precedent that anyone who steals from the poor people must think carefully before committing these heinous crimes.The government is on the right track to seize these properties and investigate the culprits involved, in fact they should extend the probe to his sons as well. They turned this country into a looters paradise and they should pay for their actions. If they are found innocent they should be returned back to them.
Ha, Ha. Catch me if you can. I was educated by the master. He might have been a shorty, but upstairs he had lots of knowledge
History has again and again proved that such populist steps as has began to happen have overturned democracies into totalitarian regimes.
It is a basic tenet in a democracy to presume a suspect innocent until the suspect is proven beyond every reasonable doubt to be guilty.
Chipping at such basic democratic tenets under populist pressures will only prove fatal eventually.
Isn’t it supposed to be the other way round? Aren’t people innocent until proven guilty?
“They said if it was proved that the properties were properly acquired after the investigations, they would be handed back to the owners”
To those who wondered why RBwanted to forgive FTJ now you know. He knew he was stealling and did not want Chiluba’s fate to befalll him. Come on Sata! Recoverr all OUR money! as one blogger says above the President of the World’s riichest country has only made a million dolllars in 4 years An HIPC President? Sitingakambe!
Its only with the help/approval of the govts in Malawi & TZ that our govt can be allowed to seize the properties and more in these countries. For that to happen means RB/wifey were found wanting;;;;;;;;;;;;;l very much agree with Italian Bunga Bunga our President should not be making these things things public till the police have done all the investigating, if anything these things should be left to OP officiers to follow up;;;having said that maybe the people cannot be trusted as they could still have some loyatly to RB or even stolen themselves it is tricky
Good work by PF, this signal should be read to mean that any one including the PF will have to be investigated and cleared when they leave office. This is a good precedence for future Governments and good for the management of the country’s resources.
I like the way Zambians are quick to learn new words. The word of the moment is witch hunt. and pipo saying Sata is yapping, is this information coming from Sata?
The moment we let pipo like Liato walk the streets without being jailed like we did Chiluba and we are about to do with RB and Family, corruption in this country will never end.
Grab em all.a lesson needs to come out of all this rare type of greed which befell our country
It is 90 days of witch hunting! So far no meaningful development has occurred. Young men are still eager to get jobs and more money in their pockets! Where are we heading to now?
The right heading should have been: State FREEZES former Zambian first Lady Thandiwe Banda’s properties.
Eagle Eagle, you ehibit symptoms of jelousness. You need help, seriously. Go and get some help. Where did you see a country develop in 90 days?
@52 kci. I couldn`t agree with you more. Stealing in Zambia is actually normal. Don Chichi set the precedence. Ala Bee made it worse. The only mugs in this are the people of Zambia who the MMD and UPND members of parliament are taking for granted.
Eagle-Eagle the people of Zambia who wanted HE MCS have said they are happy to wait 5 years. If you get in a corner and cry, you will feel better and yes it works!
Number 8 nkonkomalimba my father once had a workmate by that name ku Zambia Railways in Kabwe. Any relation?
Please don’t steal so that when caught you claim it’s a witch hunt. Fight arrest only when you’re innocent. It’s interesting how dynamic language can be: these days the meaning of the term “witch-hunt” has changed to “I am guilty, but please it’s unfair to expose me and seize my stolen assets”.
It is unreasonable for a first family to acquire substantial assets whilst in power. If France can probe Jacques Chiraq, who is Banda. We have the right to know and all those against the probing must know that they are portraying ignorance to their rights. Public figures must not be feared but must be held accountable, after all, look at the jobs ordinary citizens do? We work hard on computer screens and farms and all these politicians do is host meetings and travel to appear in papers.
90 days of nothingness but a chain of divisive actions without weighing the consequences. cry my beloved country.
rather bezar when some think stealing of billions in a counrty were 70% of the citizens live in poverty is ok. It is also shallow thinking to think the whole GRZ is investigating the astounding accumilation of wealth in 3 yrs of the bandas.
Recall the strange thinking of some on this blog when it was reveled that RB bought new limos for state hse when state hse already had limos, some thought that money was nothing. It is like saying every time an american president is elected he should order a new Airforce one presidential boeing. By economies of scale this is comparable to Zambia odering new presido cars after elections. The Americans are not that dumb. Until we realise that we are a poor country and GRZ starts spending like we are a poor counrty, every morning poverty will greet us
am not following the augument from some bloggers.govt should take the case to court and let the court decide how and when to grab propertysuspected to have ill gotten.if this is the debate then the govt should hand back the 2.1 billion to liato until its proved that he stole.pls eduecate me.
Liberal democrat, join Eagle Eagle. He’s watching a movie in which he is part of entitled “Fantasies of the Stans”
When property is under investigation, it has to be seized, just as bank accounts are frozen when the holder is under police investigation. In case you do not know, the charge against Mrs. Banda is alleged money laundering because she is suspected to have converted illegal money into another form to make it appear legal.
Do not mention the notion of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ because that’s a misapplication. Assets under investigation are always seized, it’s common practice!
#63 as part of investigation, evidence is ceased and held by the state or the investigation wing. Otherwise it gets tempered with. What can stop Liato from spending or burning the loot if it is left with him until investigations are over?
This past 90 days is indicative of what we’ll see in the foreseeable future. Little or no development will come because we are craving blood and “justice”.
It would profit us and GRZ to let the law enforcers do their job, leaving GRZ’s hands free to move the country forward. It seems to me this witch hunt will not end until MMD disappears — since that won’t happen, this circus will never end.
Corruption is deeply rooted in public institutions and since we think that only the previous administration was corrupt, and we, squeaky clean, we will never see any kind of change.
Can GRZ get serious and do something, anything — improve water sanitation, build schools, create jobs. Anything. We gave them 90 days and nothing. Now the ball is in their court.
What next?
Maikalange, so what are you saying?
My Uncle was a teacher. He had to work for 40 years to eventually buy a K15m two bedroom house, on the other hand, Ba Tandiwe as young as she is has all the property…Ok I get it, she married Mr ‘rugs to riches’ Lupiya (money) banda…but still the numbers dont balance even if you a creative accountant. So GRZ pls do the needful. Ba Chiluba was stealing shoes and jackets, RB has taken stealing to all new levels.. Infact is not stealing but Embezzling
@ 1Njombwinjo probably you dont know what it mean for thousands of civill servants who have worked for many years even aquired degrees and yet cant even afford a decent car let alone acces to loans, not to talk about things like settling allowances, funeral grants, uniforms for prison/police offiers etc, yet people become leaders and in 36 months they are owning flats , hotels, its only fair that they are investigated, this is what peolple tell us outside Africa . selfishness, greedy, corruption, UNFAIR DEUISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH. GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
Thandiwe will say, Iyayi Ninali kamufana pamene bana nikwatila. (I was a young Girl the time he married me). I know nothing. I was just given these properties by awisi Mpundu (RB).
Remember what happened to Chiluba (MHRP), his assets were seized including shirts,shoes,even pants etc and we all remember how MCS once came out in support of the fallen former head of state and made pronouncements that he would stop his cases once elected into power. Its ironic how things change, now that its Banda’s turn and issues of enmity plying a major role, remember Banda is suspected to be foreigner so they want to get at him at all costs. However the gist of the matter is that; let the law enforcement agencies do their work professionally and take these culprits to court if they have concrete evidence unlike turning state house into a law enforcing agency and a government mouth piece of attacking would be competitors in the political arena.
Can some of these beneficiaries on this blog who cry ‘witch-hunt’ explain why this plunder should not be investigated? Thandiwe is probably a grade 9 by qualifacation and let her explain the source of her sudden wealth. It makes Chiluba’s plunder look like child’s play. I think Zambians are now sick and tired of criminals occupying the state house.
Hey guys, this is a fishing expedition and government should not be allowed to operate in that manner. The police have no right to confiscate people`s assets unless they have facts that those items are stolen. Let us not embarass ourselves by the being unprofessional and latter changing positions. A case in point is the seizure of sata vehicles. Where did that case go. This government must focus on developing zambia and not the baseless witchhunt that they have embarked on. n, way, you were warned but you never listened. we have a wasted 5 years before a savior comes to our rescue.
Some sympathisers are completely clueless, or are perhaps patrons of the corruption we are trying so hard to fight in order to restore our nation’s worth.
And are you the one with the clues?
#72 Sata provided information on where he got the money to buy the vehicles and because of this the vehicles were given back. Let Tandiwe chilongo tell the police and DEC where she got the money to build the Mpundu appartments, the one million in the account and the various properties in TZ and malawi. After this she can have them.
DEC can you also come here in RSA and investigate how Dollar Silya and Tandiwe managed to buy appartments in Sandton.
@Amocache- During any investigation regarding misappropriation of assets, assets are confiscated just as is the case with bank accounts, frozen.
Do not decorate the page with subjective views supporting the former government. The bottom line is that we, the people, want to know facts.
I have to commend the president for continuing the corruption fight regardless people like you who want to defend ‘fatcats’.
@RB # 76- I wish many people were as knowledgeable and vigilant as you are. You know, in the UK they investigate expenses claims of about 20,000 pounds and suck the culprits but here people get away with more than that and some fools are audacious enough to support them? It’s disappointing.
He who lives in a glass house shouldn’t throw stones at others!
People people, let investigations be exhausted, I strongly feel
there’s no witch hunt. Bushe you can’t question irregularities even in your own house? No wonder Zambia remains poor, too many blind sympathizers.
Some mugs here think you can’t bring development at the same time go after plunderers, well just because you can’t chew bubble-gum and be able to think at the same time does not mean this applies to everyone else, pea-brains!!
“Impeccable sources…….” what impeccable sources, you mean the state house rumour machine George Chellah?
“They said if it was proved that the properties were properly acquired after the investigations, they would be handed back to the owners”, you mean that the law changed to guilty until proven innocent?
“He said the action was in line with the promise the Patriotic Front made to the people that accountability, transparency and fairness before the law would be the bedrock of his administration”, why doesn’t the investigation extend to how you acquired your own properties?
“The source said the Government investigative wings were working in liaison with authorities in the host governments for properties suspected to have been plundered and were outside Zambia’s jurisdiction”, so they have not even seized the properties, in a hurry to spread rumours, eh Times of Zambia?
@Kaponya’s Village- You are clearly not aware of the laws in every country on the planet. When assets are the subject of an investigation, they are seized until the entire legal process is over and at that point a decision is reached on their future.
Take a look at why bank accounts of alleged offenders are frozen.
Now, I dare you to talk about ‘innocent until proven guilty notion’. That notion applies to freedom to person. Thandiwe has all her other rights until a court reaches a conclusion. The only time some rights might not apply will be the first 24 hours of arrest should the investigation not go in her favour.
Amangeni amambala! Bwezani had more time to spin deal than rule during his short tenure in State House.Little wonder that the country was in perpetual “auto pilot mode”. Stitch him up for stealing from the people of Zambia. The arrogant sons who thought Zambia was their pockets and the corrupt minister who were part of his largesse should not be spared either. Vimangeni vakuya.
Former First Lady Thandiwe Banda has instructed her lawyers to sue the Times of Zambia newspapers for defaming her that she owns hotels and other stolen properties in neighbouring countries, the Watchdog has been informed.
And Thandiwe’s lawyers are also expected to challenge government to prove that she owns property in Malawi and Tanzania. They want these properties to be shown on national TV.
we have not yet seen any action taken against those pipo that have been so far exposed, why take too long to punish them? and they should not even complain cos they stole at the expense of the masses truly Vimangeni and fast.
It seems the new cliche in Zambia now is `witch-hunt`
Witchhunt? are u so slow in thinking (fools)? so when u steal and police arrest you that is witchhunt? give me a break…….This Dozzie RB and this kama young one are outright thieves. They planned it all !!! to steal and steal and steal… Mr Dozzy saw how Kafupi stole and called him “damn good president”. Then he connived with Geoge the Red lipped thief Kunda to remove the abuse close so they can get away with the loot after vacating office…Can’t you guys get it?? are u so dull sure. That is why some of you repeated grate 7 three times ba makaka…!
People who think this is a witch hunt need their heads examining. As others have said above, how can a humble teacher acquire such wealth in three years? Also why hide the money in other countries?
Good, and I quote “property worth billions of kwacha.” Where would Thandiwe have acquired such huge sums of money. This Kaponya mentality of stealing until there is nothing to steal must come to an end.
We were making fun of Rupiah’s trips abroad. All the time he was busy secreting money around the world.
Ine banipase chabe ka Thandiwe….Hehehehehe. The things I can do to her in that G-string….screwing her non stop til brains out!!!
\:d/ kukonda kukwatila tubana, I am sure RB sakafikisa kamufana aka…amakasiya nanjota:d
Thandiwe has refused. She says she does not own any property outside Zambia and is challenging who ever it is that is accusing her to name those hotels and apartments and show them on national TV. She is also suing Times of Zambia for this story. Whom is telling the truth on this matter?
if u think this is a which hunt,then suck my dick
I cannot wait to see the State produce evidence such as title deeds and the like. That will excite everyone won’t it?
#100, what thief ever agreed that he or in this case she stole and is sorry and will pay back everything???If you believe that then you are the epitome of naivity, almost being a foo.l!!! You expect her to say what, that she’s sorry……….let investigations be concluded but between you and me we both know that RB and his cohorts were stinking corrupt, just look at Liato and you know what I’m talking about!!!
The fact that they have jumped to the conclusion that she owns those properties while the investigations are on-going does not make sense.
All this seems like ‘directed investigations’.
There is no prima facie and so she has not been charged. If this is not a witch-hunt, let them charge her, otherwise all this points to political retribution.
This is nothing but a fishing expedition. If it is exposing criminal activity of the previous regime they want to do, why can’t they at least do it the right way?
UWAKWISANO, I think what you are exhibiting on this blog is either ignorance of the law or its plain foolishness. Times of Zambia has not mentioned their source of information, making it earsay. That is the reason Thandiwe is challenging them, so that the truth can be known. Iam neither siding with Thandiwe nor with the Times of Zambia. Deliberately iam not mentioning PF or the Police, because the paper has not mentioned them. I despise thieves as much as i despise liars.
Stellar job, let the authorities probe all those around BUFF00N RB as he has immunity, only drug-dealers and thieves can amass that type of wealth in a space of 3 years. Only in Zambia can some people cry witch-hunt in the face of overwhelming evidence, in the west they will probe you (MP) for just driving a flashy car. If this is witch-hunting then they will soon catch the witch just follow the paper trail. Sit down for a minute, and think of where the funds may have come from; they may be bribes, kickbacks to RB for the government to give tax breaks and relax labour laws at YOUR expense. NO wonder we were not getting the best deals from foreign investors as corrupt politicians were only thinking short-term.
Let that BUFF00N RB prove that he properly acquired those assets.
Imwe ba kolokombwa leave people commited to improving the country do their jobs.We all know that in Zambia people get into politics not to help develop the country ,but to steal.This happens on a smaller scale in Europe, look at the former French President who has been found guilty of corruption and the many MPs in the U.K. who have been named ,shamed and made to pay back, while a few have been jailed.Most of you have run away from that country and you are foolish enough to think tamwakengilemo nafuti mu Zambia.You have siblings and relatives there and they are suffering.The hospitals have no drugs.There are no ambulances to transport patients while giving emergency medical attention, even accident victims have to be bundled like sacks in the next available vehicle to hospital.So shut up.
Am Sorry For You
Am so surprise with some bloggers who are justifying this kind of nonsense by the previous regime, honestly where did the ‘thirst’ lady get that kind of money in three years, Zedians, this is our country lets protect every ngwee
rb has been a vice predent and he got his dues. he has been a president who was on salary and he will get his dues. so have the government seized satas sons’s property too
its a shame how pipo can be saying its witch hunting when 90 percent of the population is living in poverty.you cant just let pipo steal from the poor and then bury your heads in the sand and expect the country to move forward?hell no,no wonder we are among the poorest of the poor and its a shame.
She has apartments in kuala Lumpur Malaysia as well, fish her out and let them return zambia’s tax payers money. every selfish family RB and his sons, they made RSA a player’s ground .
Hmm the big man married a ka very young girl fit for me, i can’t wait when he responds to the loads natural call for me to take over. The army uniform looks nice on RB , why not just join the army now that u are out of employment? I can’t wait to see king COBRA in same attire .
Ifyo ndandila nati you chaps that want to parrot what you hear are very dangerous ignoramuses so mwalisambilila from our sick and fickle minded thugs called politicians “witchHunting” you do not need a rocket scientist to prove someones wealth,first you look at what they have earned from their employment,if they got any loans from any financial institutions, if not then they should be reason to investigate them so they can prove the source of the money!
RB and Thadi look good. RB looks 30 years younger. Yes Thadi needs fresh and vigourous blood like mine to make her moan a bit. By the way is the big man going to jail so that I can take over. I end here!
Were was DEC, the Police and other so called Investigative Wings of Government when Thandiwe and Rupiah were amasing such wealth? The top executives in these investigative wings must be answerable as well. And then Why leave out Regina and Chiluba?
It is pathetic and it is descriminatory; Tribal to say the least. Witch Hunting YES, but do not leave any stone unturned.
I think # 1,3,4,5 and etc are out of touch with reality. A man in his rightful thinking cannot question the reason behind this. please, if you don’t know what is going on in the country, ask than showing your ignorance here. We are sick and tired of reading baseless arguments just for the sake of it. If your relatives are involved, just know that, your days of happiness in plundered resources are numbered. Keep it up guys. Sweep, and sweep the corrupt minds out of leadership. We need developments in the country.
The man must face the law…he had no hurt for the people.he must payback…please PF let him pay back
Also investgate Chatola of maritime transport who was used by RB and sons
Sakala ni pakuboko, show us the deeds please.
Guilty until proven innocent?
“Catholic priest! Milingo” No. 116, I’m convinced beyond doubt that nawamba ukulya amafi.
Nothing against the investigations. If the Bandas are innocent, then they should have nothing to worry about. I’m just interested in knowing how Zambia’s Investigative wings were able to seize properties that are in another country. Someone enlighten me please!
they need to finish investigations first,now this makes the whole process
fishy ,exhaust the process otherwise a judge or next president will give him all his stuff back,i luv the president he needs to change his focus because
5 years goes by very quick
Mutembo Nchito should quickly prosecute RB and let him prove his innocence – else CHIMBOZI Prison Njikata.
Mutembo Nchito is the man who can legally bring down RB and his people, trust me, someone will flee the country!!!
This is pure witch hunt and a desparate move by this government to sway people’s attention to the promised more money in our pockets within 90 days! If this man and his advisers think they are doing this on behalf of the people of Zambia then they are sick!
It is a good development and the work of investigations must be professional and be concluded in a fast manner, to reduce on lossing track to develop this nation as this is the basis the govt was put in place. In the mean time we need sound policies around the agri, education, health and other areas which will reduce poverty in this country. HE President Sata must now concentrate his efforts around issues which will bring cash to the poor Zed people.
venom of the cobra is surely deadly..go on then, set the record straight and put a stop to get rich schemes in govt..
Ouch!!! Yaba ee
Ikateni ba mukukulu. Baliba. Why defender plunderers.
Di x ruler,was nutten but di intruder ina di sti-et house ,reeson him stole plenty tings him saw his way.RATTID TIEF.Arrest di raasclat bad man bwaay.