Monday, March 10, 2025

Constitution Committee adopts a programme to ensure inclusive process


Citizens Forum Executive Secretary Simon Kabanda

The Technical Committee on the drafting of the Zambian constitution has observed that a constitution-making process that lacks the acceptance of the people cannot produce a constitution that can stand a test of time.

Spokesperson Simon Kabanda says the committee has since adopted a programme of work that will ensure an all inclusive process.

In a statement to ZANIS in Lusaka, Mr. Kabanda explained that the programme of work takes into account the need to expedite the Constitution-making process as well as ensuring that all cross-sections of society are accorded an opportunity to contribute to the process.

He also said the committee has also identified local and international experts to contribute to the process.

He named those identified and already written to as Lusaka lawyer John Sangwa, Eness Chiyenge, Justice Matthew Ngulube, Justice Frederick Chomba, Gladys Mutukwa and Professor Muna Ndulo.

Other are Dr. Choolwe Beyani, Professor Chuma Himonga, Professor Michelo Hansungule and retired Chief Justice of the Republic of South Africa, Justice Chalskerson.

Mr. Kabanda was reacting to concerns raised by the Oasis Forum in a story that appeared in the Post Newspaper of Saturday December 17, 2011 entitled ‘Oasis Forum Questions Committee on Constitution.’

And with regard to the forum’s concern that submission of a report to the Republican President in form of a recommendation was inimical to the principle of a people-driven constitution, Mr. Kabanda said the committee had earlier indicated that it will submit the final draft constitution, the report and the constitution of Zambia Bill 2012.

He said the documents will be submitted to the President, stakeholders and the public.

He called on all Zambians to actively participate in the constitution-making process saying this was the only way Zambians will be assured of a constitution that reflects their long held aspirations.

According to the roadmap, the committee will produce the first draft constitution by the end of February, 2012 while in March and April the same year, the committee is expected to prepare and adopt guidelines for provincial conventions and facilitate provincial and sector groups conventions.

The committee is then expected to produce the final draft constitution after taking into account the comments of the National Convention and constitutional law experts by the third week of May, 2012.



  1. They dont seem to have addressed concerns that people raised when Sata picked who should be on the Commmittee. E.g a representative composition of committee members. And the imbalance, like 3 Catholic Bishops but none from the Evangelicals.

  2. This is the best news Zambia can have. We need a constitution which stops the circus which has gone on in our country for the last 20 yrs. A constitution which gives the people of Zambia the Bill of Rights. A constitution which limits the powers of the president from being the head of everything and authority on everything. A constitution which will enable the independent functioning of the pillars of democracy i.e judiciary, police etc.  A constitution which gives every Zambia regardless of tribe education, health, water, social justice etc. Any party which comes in power will therefore be held constitutionally accountable. Lastly we need a constitutional court. The court will be the custodian of the constitution on all matters relating to infringement of the constitution by anyone.

  3. Well done the committee, now where are all those people that were crying about not including the same people now INCLUDED!!!


  5. Those international and local experts should have been included in the committee to allow them to contribute fully on any item on the agenda.What is the use of including PF cadres like their spokesman what contribution can he make let alone the catholic bishops?

  6. # 2 The Engineer (Australia) We can’t agree more what you allude to. Recentry, we have experienced actions and statehoue statements that are an affront to democracy. The sheer veneer of one man dictating national matters to the exclusion of the citizenry consesus and the law itself can no longer justify the current constitution. We require a robust constitution that hinges on democratic accountability. The unaccoutable hords of power and presidency influence as a ‘closed institution’ undermines the Zambian democratic open values that we envoked upon ourselves as a country to pursue. The powers of the president need to be well measured and not be seen as a ‘Cut above the rest’.

  7. I hope we can secure a solid gegree of cross-party consensus on this without a group championing to this noble cause. For mr Kabanda’s team the main thrust already exist forming the back bone of this constituotion making: 1- Comments of the recent National Convention forms the bulk of out come of all Commissions held in Zambia and that is what will constitute your committee’s ‘Modus Operandi’. 2- Constitutional Law experts opinion something which Zambians agitated for, vis-as-vis singlely hand picked committee members by Sata. Let there be no doubt that a wide national consensus is what will bring about a lasting constitution of Zambia. Unirateral agenda approach failed the last govt’s attempt to achieve it.

  8. Going round circles in circles is what I us doing. The trick is just to just belong to the clique, and everything goes on. In the meantime, the same laws we are supposed to be enshrining are being broken by the same people who are supposed to be upholding them.

    No street vending, yes street vending and someone is still surprised that we have cholera in our mess. Confucius certainly did not mean this confusion we have in Zambia.

  9. Weren’t all concerned asked to contribute to the process? Are we reinventing the wheel, and beginning again, thereby going over what we have already covered?

  10. Waste of time and money! This constitution will never be adopted, just like the Mvunga and Mungomba drafts. Next topic please.

  11. I hope there are no duplication in the mandates or functions of some these organisations: There’s the Committee of Citizens of which Chifire is a member, then the Citizen’s Forum for which this Simon Kabanda is Secretary. What exactly is the difference between them? Are we all members by virtue of being Zambian citizens (I mean proud and loyal citizens of the Republic of Zambia and not those like one mentally impoverished Mushota)?

  12. This group will be disbanded by Sata, he is quite happy to have the constitution exclusively written by 3 cathiolic bishop.

    But it seems there are people with some brains among the current Sata appointees who know that such a contitution will NOT be adopted. Hopefully they are happy to tell him that in his face without worry about jeopardizing their fat sitting allowances.

  13. Okay, I get this! These unqualified people that the president has picked want to get ideas from the real experts when they (Sata’s people) are being paid for that. How do you expect proper input into the constitution when people are doing it “after-hours”? This commitee should be dissolved with immediate effect!

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