Monday, January 13, 2025

Nevers Mumba allegedly flouted regulations in soliciting donations for a culture event


Former High commissioner to Canada Dr.Nevers Mumba

MMD aspiring presidential candidate Nevers Mumba solicited and received more than half a billion Kwacha (US$122,000) from the largest gold digger in the world, Barrick Gold, purporting to fund a Zambian cultural week as High Commissioner to Canada, the Mail can reveal.

However, investigations have revealed that the fire and brimstone preacher could have used the money given to the embassy for purposes other than what the money was meant for.

In a phone interview yesterday, the pastor admitted knowledge of the money but denied any sinister action, saying everything was done above board contrary to documentation in possession of the Daily Mail which places him in a questionable spot.

“I am aware about the money from Barrick Gold but it went to the hosting of Amayenge by the Zambian Canada Cultural Exchange,” Dr. Mumba said without elaborating further.

Investigations, however, show that Dr Mumba could have flouted regulations when he used official Zambian High Commission paper to solicit for the funds including the process he used to open the account for the Barrick Gold donation.

Documentation shows that:

• Dr Mumba opened an account that could not be subjected to a government audit at Toronto’s Domion Bank.
• The account was not declared to the High Commission.
• The opening of the account was not sanctioned by the Zambian government and only one high commission staff member was given the “restricted” role of coordinating and raising payment vouchers subsequently signed by Pastor Mumba
• Questions abound also on how three members of the cultural exchange group were ‘hand-picked’ to be co signatories with Pastor Mumba or why the tender committee at the high commission was left out of the entire sourcing of the funds and the event thereafter. Instead a lady named Edith Dehearne of Oxy gene was hired and paid US$10,000 or K50 million for a service she did not deliver.

According to Government regulations, any monies obtained using the mission abroad needed approval from the permanent secretary, which was not the case in this instance, therefore, further raising questions on Dr Mumba’s dealings.

Further investigations show that Dr Mumba has not presented an account activity report officially to Nedson Nzowa, who has assumed the position of the deputy commissioner in Canada, to detail how the Barrick Gold money was used.

Mr Nathan Chishimba, the Barrick Gold Lumwana Mining Company (LMC) corporate affairs manager, last evening told the Mail he was aware that his company – from the Toronto office – had assisted in the mission cultural event with money but lacked “further details.”

The jury is still out on whether there was any wrong- doing in the manner Dr Mumba handled matters at the mission but so far he stands accused of “impropriety” by President Sata who has embarked on an anti-graft fight he says shall spare no-one.

The President has said no amount of “witch-hunt” or “retribution” accusations from those within and without the ruling PF shall slow him because corruption promotes poverty and erodes governance.

The pastor, who has since handed back his diplomatic passport, has pleaded innocence and says he cannot abuse public funds as a man who fears God but investigations continue.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. we said lets wait and see but others said no its which hunting. now here is a hero begging money using a country’s name but hiding from everyone. lazo

  2. The issue of whitch hunting can not be far from being true. Why not? the PS for northen province has cases in court but due to his affliation his is fit to be in that office. Chungu was fit to be appointed to public office till people showed unhappiness about this appointment. Yes, Nevers must accout for the money so is the case of some of the PF supporters.

  3. Mr.Nevers Mumba wow this man did what was completely wrong he had no business opening Bank accounts without authorization from Lusaka this is a tip of an iceberg there are many skeletons in the closet this is a corrupt preacher.

  4. Here we go! Where is Capitalist, Bootfimofimo and Senior Citizen mwebantu?

    We have always said this Pastor is fake and up to no good. Toot toot toot!

  5. Yes “lest” wait for conclusion of investigations ba Pushi imwe who have been saying it`s witch fimofimo and retribution! Got to love the mods!

    Ke ke ke ke ke ke!

  6. yangu tata nemudlanda…but twalelandile tepano tuli this is a fake pastor like many in zambia, l am not saying all BA are fake, but the majority have a hiden agenda

  7. Obviously PF cadres with their thick heads who commented so far can’t see that this is just fishing in the dark by their Police Constable and Railway station cleaner Michael Sata.

    Failing to follow procedure has now become a headline making issue. What a curse to have Government full of dunderheads. Let me just remind you.

    1Your president did not follow procedure in over nominating MPs, you did nothing
    2You president appointed a Bankrupt person to cabinet position, you did nothing
    3 Your president abolished positions of treasury to the cabinet without parliament approval, you did nothing
    4 Your president appoint people with court case, like Nchito and e mwamba, you did nothing
    5) Your president renamed vital infrastruture based on his heros and you did nothing

    • Ba Maestro supporter , let me remind you ,
      In all those lapses (1-5) there was no misapropriation or misaplication of funds , so what do u want to investigate?
      we are concerned with public money missing not what you are bubbling about . do not show us your shortsighted please.

  8. Huh? So he allegedly flouted regulations so its a big deal,huh? Well,he just happens to have “flouted’ regulations but that is not his biggest sin.His biggest sin is that he is an opposition man.What happened to those PF hoodlums who broke the law beating and terrorizing employees at William Banda’s house? Nothing-its just double standards.

  9. Whats wrong with using the money you begged for? Arrest the beggars in the street who beg for money to buy medicines and end up buying chips and sausage. Leave the pastor alone!!

    • yaibela iyo they dont work for anyone now this one(the fake pastor) is accountable not only to the govt but to the people of zambia who are taxpayers shaaaa!

  10. In fact the list is endless where your dull president has flouted regulations and now you just want to witch hunt Nevers Mumba for trivial.

    He was the Commissioner and why can’t he use official letter head to raise money for a culture event for Zambia, and besides what is $122 000 to start making a meal about it. No wonder Mushota pukes on some of you bloggers.

    Clearly, the Police has no case against Nevers and now they are picking on trivial and releasing it through their Vuvuzela Daily Mail to just test the waters.

    How do you summon somebody to the Police station to make an appointment. Where have you heard that!!!

    • Maestro he he he Supporter , stop exposing your dullness. in all your points 1-5 there was no suspicion of theft, therefore why waist time on such issues, so what would one investigate in such appointments? You so a dundederheat that you can not see where moneu could have been stolen , in Nevers Mumba’s issues there is money involved no wonder we are concerned as Zambians, may you are not one . I hope you pose and start thinking right as an adult.

  11. the president should know he is not gonig to be in that office forever.Do to others what you want them to do unto you.unless the man is planning to die in statehouse he shall suffer the same fate

  12. Ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke! Or is it Chew chew chew chew Ala Bee nafuti nafuti!

    It`s true we have Nerds on here.

    The president over appoints and gets corrected, he corrects his mistake which doesn`t affect anyone. He makes a few more mistakes which in due course are corrected.

    I see a bitter opposition cadre here. In his world once you make a mistake you should be banished!

    No need for jails then you mug. The president did not steal or hurt any one. Mr Mumba by stealing has hurt a lot of people in Zambia. All we are saying is Mr Mumba spends time in jail for him to reform.

    Toot toot toot!

  13. Ilyashi ili lili clear, I dont even know why they have not locked this Gold digger up yet! Ukutemwa ukulyabwino bashi Ephraim!!!

  14. This is why I say Zambia doesn`t need donors. A Nerd here is saying what is $120 000.

    Try saing that to a Brit or an American!

  15. This fake Pastor said he was going to sue. Why hasn`t he done so? Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Toot toot toot!

  16. #19 Dunderhead,

    The president did not steal or hurt any one. Mr Mumba by stealing has hurt a lot of people in Zambia.

    So Zambians are suffering because Nevers raised $120K for a culture event? So Your uncle and your poor relatives in villages are suffering because of this action? Is that why they will not get money in their pocket in 90 days whose deadline expire this week?

    The Grades Sevens are indeed in charge, I rest my case

  17. #24@Maestro Fimofimo.

    You know who a nerd is by the way they can`t argue sticking to the point. What has this story got to do with 90 days? Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    Nevers raised that money using government headed paper you mug. The guide lines say he should have asked for permission.

    Look at this you nerd!

    You are a coward!

  18. Nevers, don’t reply to this.
    This Post government has started accusing, charging and trying people through the media. The chief spokesperson of The Post Mr Sata starts a rumour, then the rest of the news media pick it up and ramp up to a crescendo, but no one has been brought before a court of law.

  19. BA SATA way of administering justice is very selective and directed towards future potential presidents. anyway, shi mapapepo wesu may have feared that if he blows the trumpet too much about the ka 122k, bena RB will just grab it and use it as a seeds pa farm ku chipata. Kabili that is the way politics of poverty works.
    Anyway, the point stands: ba PF nabo, there are not clean and should equally be visited by the law. Do not be hypocritical ba Sata about the way your bloom is sweeping. PF, MMD, UNDP all corners of the house should be touched by the sword of justice, without fear and favor.  Anyway, good luck shi mapepo as you wrestle with demons of politics.

  20. # 25 Ba Italian fimofimo, muliishulu batata imwe. How can you compare the issue if Nevers and Liam Fox? While Nevers solicited for money to fund the ‘Zambian cultural event’, Liam used govt facilities to help his best friend. Cant you see the difference? Imagine if he had raised that money using his name, the same pipo would be saying he stole the money. In case you did not know, Nevers is going through this because of his intentions to lead MMD. If he fails to get the top post, the whole case against him will die naturaly. We zedians have a problem in analysing things. We would rather just jump to conclusion and hang someone by the balls only to realise your mistake later. Wait and see.

  21. Why is the PF trying people using the press? Isn’t this the duty of the Courts? I thought that a person is innocent until proven guilty! Only the courts have the power to prove someone guilty.

  22. I have a problem critising a clegyman but look at our humble president “PRESIDENT Michael Sata says it is not easy to adjust to life in State House.

    In an interview with Gemma Ware from The Africa Report, President Sata said there were restrictions on what he eats and who he meets.

    This was after Ware asked him how he was adjusting to life in State House after 10 years in opposition.

    “It’s not easy to adjust here. They restrict what you eat, they restrict whom you talk to, they restrict whom you meet. But all the same, at least we are in the driver’s seat to try and see to it that we can change the rules, that we can apply taxpayers’ money to benefit the poor,” he said in a report carried yesterday.”

  23. Mulekeni,its him who asked for the man ala.those who are interested should also go and ask him for money the canadian embassy is there and lets if they will give u.The money was solicited for mayenge and not zambian goverment.So if mayenge has complained to the police well and good and not the other way its witch hunt.Its already 88days and u ar talking about canadian goverment funds to mayenge not zambian goverment.

  24. as expected, pure undiluted political bully tactics with an equal level of cheap manipulation of the facts and the public (who lucky for them consist of naked dancing, unexposed, illiterates with a vindictiveness and negativity that comes with illiteracy). These fabrications, trials and manipulations through the press are going to reach fever pitch as we get to the famous 90 day mark on friday. Some dunderhead strategist has obviously thought this is ‘the plan’ to blind fold the people that voted for them (sadly it is mostly brothers and sisters with IQs in the single digits who cannot think beyond 24 hour blocks!), the group that bought and continues to buy this crap. The truth is they didnt and still do not have a clue HOW to put money in your pockets SUCKERS

  25. Ba Nevers balitemwa sana indalama. Man of God indeed. These modern preachers are all about money. He is too flashy to be trusted. MMD would do better with Pande or Mutati.

  26. Webo I know you are the same mug who was posting under Maestro fimofimo. Wechipumbu we. Real the Liam Fox stories you tool and you will find he used government headed paper just like ka fake Pastor Mumba.

    I did say you are a Nerd! Mat be you should be looking up the meaning of the word NERD you tool!

  27. @#27 & 28 Webo. I know you are the same mug who was posting under Maestro fimofimo. Wechipumbu we. Read the Liam Fox stories you tool and you will find he used government headed paper just like ka fake Pastor Mumba.

    I did say you are a Nerd! Mat be you should be looking up the meaning of the word NERD you tool!

  28. @#27 & 28 Webo. I know you are the same mug who was posting under Maestro fimofimo. Wechipumbu we. Read the Liam Fox stories you tool and you will find he used government headed paper just like ka fake Pastor Mumba.

    I did say you are a Nerd! May be you should be looking up the meaning of the word NERD you tool!


  30. Once again an example of this tribe’s lust for stealing and crooking. Its a shame there wasn.t international awards for stealing as you would get so many Gold medals. Its time for Southerner’s/Westerner’s to make their own country

  31. The PF promised more money in Zambians pockets but it seems to be providing more revelations in the ears of hungry people. Ba shikulu Sata Zambians need kajo not mulomolomo. Soon they will be uncontrolable. Anyway, it’s like the Presdo is above the law and knows how to get along the ordinary masses – feed them on kachepa and let them continue on kapenta.

  32. Politics are dirty in Zambia. Nevers Mumba is being persecuted for his interest in MMD presidency. period. Just like Musokotwane is being persecuted.

    Yesterday Sata said he did not want to deplete the opposition. Why then is he persecuting the opposition, especially at this point in time when PF has just won an election and is enjoying much support.

    If Nevers has done wrong, let the law enforcement wings work on him. It should not be politicised. Especially these dirty politics. We should be a country of laws.

  33. Every time this trickster ‘pastor’ is placed in a tight corner he is swift to blasphem the name of God. Now he is saying ‘he cannot abuse public funds as a man who fears God’. This is typical of all crooks, Chiluba did the same. Someone better advise this plunderer to stop taking the name of the Lord in vain. Let him be bold enough and address the specific issues detailed in this report.

  34. #36 Southern Bull

    You could be a bitter tribalist. Its not worth it dear, life is too short. Dont spend it hating people and living in hatred.

    Tribalism does not add value to your life. And in teh end, hatred will send you to hell, according to the Bible.

  35. Italian Bunga Bunga(Original) There’s no relevance with Liam Fox stories here. Dr Neners Mumba was representing Zambia, Adam Werrity never represented UK nor any arrangements existed of any sort about his representation except to his friend Liam Fox. That is not what obtained in Canada with Dr Mumba. Non the less, you being a Bemba and PF carder as confessed before, you are with a mind set that Sata has never stolen money ( eg.caudgt with $30,000 dollars at South African air port,list is long). Some of you believe Sata is an all wise man Zambia has never received to change national delimitations single handedly to add Muchinga province. Recipe for a despot in state house.


    You are such a twit and sh!thead!  How come you got yourself into the UK?  Did you inherit Chief Kaponya’s job as a porter at Portland Street? You fecking troll, iwe musukualaho.

    • Yeah just like Sata! How do you like it you scumbag? I will be your president one day!

      What does musukualaho mean? Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Can`t get it. Is it Chinese?

  37. I do not understand why some of you are cheering and can not see what is going on here. Sata is practicing the scorched earth policy .  we are all zambians here lets be honest with ourselves we know that people who hold and  have held public office have done certain things that are not above board. but then again its important look at the bigger picture and appericiate  and acknowledge the need for strong opposition in the country, who honestly believes mr Sata record when he served in MMD is cleaner than nevers Mumba? the only reason the MMd did not go after him and  prescute him when he was in opposition is because they could have implicated themselves, 
    if this government is serious about investigating corruption let it investigate the whole 20 years of MMD governance.

  38. Davies Phiri, Hillary Makasa, Mordon Malitoli, Harry Chongo, Elija Litana, Vincent Mutale, Johnson Bwalya, Ternant Chilumba, Dennis Lota, Kalusha Bwalya, Keneth Malitoli. And away we go Morrocco leading by a go to nil. 8 minutes remaining before the end of the game. Remember Morrocco being the number 1 in FIFA Africa rankings eliminated Zambia in the world cup qualifiers. Zambia picks up a loose ball through Mutale, he passes it to no other than one man commandor, commandor all the way to bubble, crossing the centre circle into our opponents yard, Salim is beaten on the ground to Lusha, Lusha to Bwalya Johnson no relationsgip to Kalusha Bwalya, Zambia building an attack from the western side, a back pass to Lota who takes bck to Kalusha, Kalu dribbles Mustafa Abudulai, Shaef Musa tackles

  39. He is also beaten and Kalu is within firing range its a goalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Chilumba, Chilumba Chilumba. What a goalllll. Lernard, yah yah Dennis a goal coming from Ternant was so brilliant, the goal keeper was expecting Kalu to hit the ball, as he dribbled their number 5 Shaef Musa and preparing to unleash a cracker Ternant came fron nowhere and un leashed a thunder bolt. What a goal. One one. Um sure Buggard Zisse will be happy with Chilumba who came in as a super sub

  40. Leave the man of God alone , that money is too little half a billion kwacha only to sponsor Amayenge, iam sure it was not even enough to host them , pastor must have added some cash from his pocket even. The money is too little gentlemen us$122,OOO ONLY COME ON

  41. Now the mouth will be shut.We thought they’d not trap us on other activities.This happens everywhere.Kubeba nomba.Twalivota kale

  42. continued………… the problem we have as zambians is that we forget easily. during the 20 years that MMD was in power the most plunder did not happen during the Mwanawasa or Banda presidency. it was during  the chiluba period. and who was in the engine room of that presidency, if not mr  sata himself?
    zambians did not vote for sata because he is a man with the cleanest track record in politics, no. we voted for him because he is the best option available to us at the moment, now he is trying to paint a squeaky clean image of himself  by going after the opposition without impunity,making sure to restrict his investigations only to the past 10 years (when he  was conveniently in opposition) .
    zambians watch out even Hitler was elected into power.

  43. Buaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke!

    Got to laugh at these opposition cadres!

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ke ke ke ke ke ke ke keke.

    No substance in what they are saying.
    For the plonker who said this can not be compared to Liam Fox, he got government headed paper and gave it to his friend to use so it made it look legitimate.. Reason I said you are a NERD! Read the Liam Fox scandal again.

    Aha haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!

  44. #50 Magent mug. So the most plunder happened in Chiluba`s tenure. Seems you know a lot then. Who was the captain of the ship? Don Chichi. Who aquited him Ala Bee. Which party was ruling then? MDD!

    How old are you?

    Bua aha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha! Ke ke ke ke ke ke!

    • @ mr bunga bunga  i am old enough to know that mr chiluba’s cases where during the Mwanawasa tenure, and he was acqquited during the Banda years, during his trail mr sata stood by chiluba and made some controversial statements, suggesting he would acquit chiluba if voted into power, mr cihiluba was even seen in public waving the pf symbol a few times if you remember, don’t be blindsided when it comes to zambian politics its the same shit just different toilets!

    • Same shit different days! But Don Chichi moved goal posts and shifed his allegiance to RB when LPM died. RB turns round and supports Kafupi. He even goes to the extent of aquitting him despite all the evidence which was there before him.

  45. BUNGA BUNGA, you need to stop doing night shifts. Its making you an embercile and cant apply your intelligence carefully. I supported PF and i want them to govern by the laws of the country. I dont just support foolishly like you do. Alot of pipo are attacking your stupidity and question why such zed fools exist in UK. You should exhibit maturity and intelligence in your blogging. If you can not distinguish the difference between Liam Fox and Nevers Mumba’s case, you need to start worrying about your visible signs of dementia. If there was no romour of Nevers standing for MMD, this issue would not have been known. Both used headed paper but Nevers was helping to promote Zambian culture while Liam was using it to promote his friends personal interest. Understand Now? If not, go to your GP!

    • Batata mulichipuba imwe. More like Suarez saying “we use this term in Uruguay everyday and it`s not racist” when he is in the UK. Just bacause he used the money to promote Amayenge doesn`t mean he has to cut corners you scumbag. How old are you?

      Any chance you are a certain 19 year old whose father was minsiter in RB`s government or you are a certain Mr Jere?

  46. We told you that this fake pasror is a thug and he only hide in the name of church, Ba Pente abenge nibakabwalala. I have never trusted them, especially this one, do not give him the
    Graduate, let him forfietit. Katolica olo aiba, filamuneka ifyo abomba, Pente useless.

  47. @Webo. Ulichipuba webo ngeshina lyobe. How does promiting ba Mayenge become legitimate wembushi we. It`s like saying I stole but I donated the money to charity. Why are you so thick?

    Read the article again! Or carry on being miserable hating all the time. I find your argument ludicrous. Are you normal?

  48. @Webo- I like your reference to Liam Fox. However, I really think Mumba represents exactly the kind of politician Zambia needs to get rid of.
    Mumba has got a strong history with ‘questionable cases’. I cannot call it corruption as it has never been effectively proven on him.

  49. What I suspect is that this is a “wikileaks” from the Auditor General’s report. “So we cannot say at this juncture that anyone was cleared because we are not releasing those findings until the report is issued to Parliament. And the way I see it these are not even things to do with government accounts; it’s extra activities that he was in,” Chifungula said. But what has changed? Millions of people have been cited in the Auditor General’s report and have gone scot free n the past.


  51. @Webo.

    Batata mulichipuba imwe. More like Suarez saying “we use this term in Uruguay everyday and it`s not racist” when he is in the UK. Just bacause he used the money to promote Amayenge doesn`t mean he has to cut corners you scumbag. How old are you?

    Any chance you are a certain 19 year old whose father was minsiter in RB`s government or you are a certain Mr Jere?

  52. It is called being resourceful – That is the kind of leadership we need.. Barrik Gold money is not Zambia’s money and is therefore not public funds….. Therefore this will not stand as abuse of public funds..

  53. what if he had never solicited the money and there had never been an amayenge show in canada, would that have affected the zambian economy, cos people act as if it was their money, he used his stationary so what, do you think the company would have given to anybody who used zed stationary or letterhead…. thats why we tongas dont like bembas, here you have a smart bemba and the dull ones want to crucify him….. fishermen will never prosper

  54. You dont US$122K to host the Amayenge. Amayenge were paid $20 per day. Nevers used the Zambian Association in Ottawa to make a Zamtrop type account. Only him and some members of this association were signatories. This association must also exonerate themselves.

  55. Common people aren’t there any serious cases to deal with? Are we really going to spend all our time trying to convince ourselves that people did something wrong?

  56. Sad that people who claim to be God fearing are the first ones to be very tricky. This is not witch hunting but to straighten people who think they are clever than anyone else, thats why the rule of law exists. Investigations should go on!!

  57. Do Amayenge share their proceeds? Are they a governemnt charity? Even then Nevers should have followed the law!

  58. Daily Mail really trying to be a PF vuvuzela, they have been given a chance to be professional and move from the MMD tendecies but NO, it has even become worse. All these things are because Nevers is in opposition and the presido wants to prove a point. Its funny how people that left MMD right before the elections are now clean. Honestly, Mulongoti looted while he was at Ministry of works, Masebo with all her shady manda manda dealings. If SATA goes after people like these then we will really be fighting corruption, not this rhetoric and appeasement talk. But PF members will not say anything about this because they feel its great. to build a great democracy and nation of Zambia, we need leadership that is not vindictive and will have interests of the people first. GOD help our nation!

  59. The pastor operates in the stealth of the night.he has thrown integrity out the window. He has gone over to the dark side, is it possible that he was there all the time? ignorance is the ultimate evil.

  60. Now wrong did Nevers Mumba commit? Did he get that money come from GRZ? That is why you Zambians are poor, because you fail to use your initiative. Just hosting a party, you need Cabinet approval to raise funds. As long as we have those dull Kaponya`s running the show, you will never see our smart faces that side. 

  61. FLASH!!!!!

  62. Why is PF using the media and not the courts? That goes to show how deceitful these people are. If they have evidence in whatever accusations they are making, let them take the matters to court. So far, all the accusations have been baseless, based on character assassinations. We need development in the country. PF has nothing to offer but witch-hunt. We are not interested in politics of vindictiveness. We voted for a government that promised jobs, good healthcare, decent education to all citizens and more money in our pockets. Let us call for a vote of no confidence. 90 days is over and PF has achieved nothing on its list of promises. 

  63. What is 122 pin dollar if the event hosted ba Mayenge for more than 10 days in Canada covering their local transport, accommodation in Ottawa and Toronto, their flights and appearance fees.Too many simple minds on this blog bane. Lets think a bit logical when articulating issues.

  64. Its very disheartening to read that most bloggers here do not see how wrong this is; here is a private firm that makes a donation to fund a Zambian event in Canada and the High Commissioner deposits the funds in a separate personal account. Why? These funds were donated to the Embassy not Mr. Mumba. When are we going to lose this mentality and mindset that encourages and promotes the garden boy to help himself freely to the orchard just because he works in there. 
    Have you asked yourselves why they funded the event??

  65. I lost trust in him when he abondend Zambia shall be saved, joined politics, lost teribly, sold his party to then rulling MMD. He went beyond borders as vice president and misinformed congo govt.he lost his veep.
    May be he goes back to the pulpit before he campaigns for the sale of MMD at 3 billion to PF govt. Man repent God is same today and tomorow .

  66. I hope you are also aware that the selfsame company Barrick Gold Corp. (ABX)’s purchased of the Lumwana copper mine as part of a $7.5 b takeover of Equinox Minerals Ltd. (EQN) early this year in May 2011 the selfsame mine where we the Zambians have a mere pantry 2.2% stake. 

    You F00LS here are liken to captured slaves on a slaveship who are arguing about who has shiniest sickest chain on…you think the white man just gives things for free look at the BIGGER picture you were short-changed again, I bet you Nevers had influence in the negotiations with the gov’t over that Lumwana copper mine deal. 

    WAKE UP!!!!

  67. @Kopa. Why would Amayenge go to Canada for $120 pin? And, yeah how much do they make when they are in Zed? Do they donate the money to the government? You tool!

    @#82 Peacelovingz. Don`t bet against Mr Mumba selling MMD to PF if he got the presidency. The man is a con!

  68. I was listening to Nevers Mumba’s interview on Zambia Blogtalkradio, and walked away pretty disgusted.

    When a female caller asked him what the MMD had done in it’s 20 years in power to increase the democratic content of state institutions, he didn’t even answer her directly.

    He went straigth to talking about God…

    Now if that’s not a conman, using people’s faith to get ahead, I don’t know what is.

  69. Bane we have heard all opinions from diferent sides. Lets wait for the law to take its course and if Dr Nevers is found guilty, let him take time in jail to reflect on his wrong dealings. From what i see, this guy will not get even close to the truck transporting convicts to kamwala. I hope pipo like BUNGA BUNGA will be available to comment that time. I will watch this space. I knock off, merry Xmass and happy new year!!!

  70. # 57 Bunga Bunga (Original) We are well vested in British politics/current affairs. There was no headed paper Werrity used in all his dealings purpoting as UK govt representative. Werrity used personal cards that were printed in liason with Liam Fox Defence secretary then. Huge difference between the two. Go to school as advised before and discover that diffence, hard lack un able to put it in Bemba.

  71. When you are appointed and sent to any country as an Ambassador you are now a subject of the President and the country that means all you do must be approved.The money raised became public property and needed to be accounted for, The issue here is not the amount but the principle of transparency and accountability.Follow the track record of Nevers Mumba even in his Church and Ministry there is no accountability with money finally this mess is catching up with him.You can not make public funds into a personal piggy bank.

  72. #88 Muna. Go and read the Liam Fox scandal you tool. Liam let his friend use the government headed paper you tool!

    I like Nerds like you who lie to Zedians out there making themselves look good obviously.

  73. Unfortunately, this what happens when you decide to earn a living thru donations, tax payers etc. No honor! The best for Nevers Mumba is to step aside and concentrate on building his economic capability. We hear he has no house and yet he is aspiring for MMD president. Nevers cannot continue earning his livelihood through hand outs, donantions and tax payers, its an embarrassment!

  74. My God! Some Zambians are dirty in their heads. How do you justify someone on account of the funds being small? This is being hypocritical. Going by Zambian standards that can go a long way. I don’t know a country that can let you go free that way. That ‘s why you people with plastic minds must stop purporting that Sata was corrupt when their is no court that found him guilt . Mr Sata couldn’t have survived during Mwanawasa’s and Rb’s time if he was what you say falsely. It is a shame to have pastors like this. A majorit are like this. THE GOVERNMENT MUST ENSURE THAT NO STONE IS LEFT UNTURNED. NO SACRED COWS PLEASE! @Menstro how does it feel to be a loser in all fronts? What has happened with you Matt 6:36? Pf,GO ON?

  75. $125,000 is what i make every 3  months, and if i find a worthy charitable cause would be willing to donate to ….. whats the big deal indeed?

  76. Nev ers Mu mba is a money laun dering ma chine.

    He abu ses tax payers mo ney and fires anyone who gets in his way. He and Mr Nzo ya (the dep uty at the high comm ission here in Otta wa) have been stealing mo ney to buy luxury cars for them selv es in Otta wa;they travel around the globe for pers onal reas ons then finan ce them thro ugh the mis sion.

    Th ey fired Mr Tem bo because he was against this and sent him back to Za mbia. they also have an offi ce slut ( caro lina rodri guez ) work ing for them and she abuses the Zam bian miss ion’s money by offeri ng her phys ical body to dipl omats.

    this is such a shame; ab using hard earned tax pa yers money

  77. Its only 125 staks , can be made by me in Canada less than a month . Forgive the chap , he is only a baby boy – we doing big things …

  78. @100 Godfather – MTL s,
    You are a typical Zed villager Its not the sum that matters you halfwit, its the principle that matters, if you make that type of money can you afford to donate it? Accountants get fired for misappropriating $500.

  79. @ I truly know that nevers is a fake, but if he sent that $ 120, 000 to Zambia and it has filtered into the system let him go on this one. Intact let him rule MMD because he is good at destroying parties. Now on to developing Zambia and the next Mumba case.

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