Monday, March 10, 2025

Veep Scott to outline PF achievements in 90 days


Republican Vice President Guy Scott
Republican Vice President Guy Scott

Chief Government Spokesman Given Lubinda has revealed that Vice President Guy Scott will this week present a statement to Parliament detailing the achievements of the PF government in the first 90 days of its rule.

Mr. Lubinda in an interview said the new government through the Vice President will outline all the achievements recorded in the first three months of PF administration.

He said government has opted to present a statement in Parliament in order to avoid giving piece meal statements on its 90 days achievements in power.

Mr. Lubinda said the PF government has scored major successes in the last three months which have given it confidence that it will fulfil all its promises to the Zambian people.

The PF marks 90 days in power tomorrow, a timeframe under which they promised to implement certain development programmes.



  1. I cant wait to hear this. Scot will tell us what we cant see. Please Scot mention

    1. Minimum wage 2. Youth employment 3. Fertiliser to farmers being increased 4. Farmers being paid 5. Nepotism 6. Improvement in conditions for the armed forces especially the police 7. NCC within 90 days. 8. Employing corrupt officials eg Nchito etc etc

  2. unfortunately we are yet to see an imrovement in the above. All we will hear are twists using the english language. Please dont under estimate the pipo of zambia. You came to power thru deceit and we shall soon rise against you. Wait and seeeeee!

  3. Guys, don’t be dumb, You very much know that campaign promises are just goals to work towards. PF is there for five years and Zambians are going to judge them for what they are going to achieve in 5 years and not 90days. If you have to judge them in 90 days, you will discover that they have accomplished much more than some of you have achieved in your life time. Be genuine and don’t speak like babies in politics. The greatest achievement is that PF is in power and MMD is gone. Billions of Kwachas hiden underground has been discovered, Gold scandal un earthed and Zambia accepted back by European nations to do business with. I am afraid, many people are blind and cannot see the wind of change blowing in Zambia today because their relatives were involved in stealing from zambians.

  4. This is a joking government what achievement can one write about. Yes Sata has achieved  employeeing his relatives the worst tribalism Zambia has ever seen . Street vendors, fake money in the pocket slogans. I wasted my vote by putting tis trial and error government 

  5. the Augean Banda stables are too dirty to be cleaned within 90 days…
    even Hercules can’t do it…
    so we trust Sata and the PF…
    will and commitment to cleaning are already visible
    carry on ! :-)

  6. If you voted for PF coz of some political statements hoping to have more money in your pocket whilst you are sleeping, expect Zambia to be a paradise in 90 days, then you are foolish and an *****. As for me, the greatest achievement is the removal of the MMD who became drunk with power such that they can even bury billions. Give PF the chance. You so the excitment when Sata got it. It means pipo were slaves

  7. Top on the list of achievements is fanning tribalism. In your belief that every one that speaks bemba is bemba, you will be shocked at the next election because non bembas will cast a “tribal vote” and vote otherwise! There are many non bembas who spoke bemba before (because it has become a “lingua franca”) who have decided not to speak it any more as a result of the blatant way the PF government has fanned tribalism since coming to power. Zambia has become “weaker” as a nation for voting in the PF government because it is not as united today. Where is the nation builder?

  8. # 7 good question. It i because they did promise us all those things and no one forced Sata-n to give himself a period of 90 days to develop this country. I dont understand why some people are saying that he has 5 yrs when they voted for him over the 90 days slogan.

  9. PF have failed to deliver no wonder the street vendors have been allowed to trade. This government is the worst so far. We are actually moving backwards and learning to walk again. Stop fooling us and my analysis is that under this Playing Field (PF) where ministers go late and are absent from parliamentary proceedings is a huge concern. They have got their positions and it is time for them to play. 90 days have proved that PF is a danger to prosperity and national development. Our Zambia is now on carbon monoxide.  Yes. 

  10. Poor white man always used for dirty jobs, Sata was supposed to address the nation pre-x-mas to encourage his people as 2012 dawns, but its history now, there’s nothing to report poor guy has to spin n twist untill he turns “red”. PF lied to the people especially the youth who have been put into a political abyss. Posting inexperienced youth all over the world as diplomats won’t help them or the nation. Our foreign policy since KK has been intact, watch these kids drink their careers to death in foreign lands. The contuition task group has no youth, the same people these laws need to govern. In short the people drafting the new statutes will all die in the next 10 – 20 years leaving the youth still with a law not speaking to them. Shame Zambia Shame!

  11. Sata should be the one to address the nation on TV and radio on what they have achieved in 90 days. The 90 days was not pronounced in Parliament was it? It was pronounced in public rallies. Guy Scot is the wrong guy and Parliament is the wrong place for this.

  12. #8 Them, “You so the excitment when Sata got it. It means pipo were slaves”. Well, not exactly sir, in fact there was an equally if not larger number of people who were disgusted. We did not count both the jubilant and the silent did we?

  13. 16 u must be wealthy ,with the
    kind of poverty ,we cant wait 5 years ,lesson learned politicians
    are all the same , no deffered promises .people have waited in vain

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