Monday, March 10, 2025

ZRA report taken to Cabinet


President Michael Sata

President Michael Sata has directed Minister of Finance Alexander Chikwanda to table the report of the Zambia Revenue Authority Commission of Inquiry before cabinet.

Mr. Sata was however, disappointed that the Chairperson of the ZRA Commission of Inquiry Kingsley Chanda did not give a summary of the report.

The President was speaking at State House, when he received the Report of the ZRA Commission of Inquiry, which was set to look at the operations of the Zambia Revenue Authority.

Mr. Sata instructed Mr. Chikwanda to draw a cabinet memo so that cabinet could look at the document.

The President is also disappointed that a parliamentarian refused to appear before a Commission of Inquiry on the contract for the supply, installation and commissioning of the Zambia Air Traffic Management Surveillance Radar System.

He explained that a parliamentarian refused to appear before the Commission of Inquiry because it is NOT serious.

And Mr. Chanda said he is confident that the Report will help government in tax administration.

President Sata appointed the ZRA Commission of Inquiry to also among other things investigate the awarding of contracts to various firms and establish whether the law was followed.

Over one hundred witnesses appeared before the ZRA Commission of Inquiry, which sat for over a month.



  1. Is it a filing Cabinet or Cabinet of Ministers? Remember, Zamtel saga was also taken to the cabinet and no feedback has come forth.

  2. They should not always cheat us.we do not have “cabinet” .They sending the report to SATA thats is why he is annoyed because he can not go through the whole report and understand anything .thats why he needs a summary so that he arrest those he has already targeted.

  3. He complained that there was no summary for the report. Could it be that this is the reason he reveals half-baked inaccuracies – the fact that he is inimical to reading detailed reports? Very revealing! 

  4. you always make good moves……but you lack giving feedback to the masses..Chellah…would you please take note and teach your shikulu some communication skills….all reports taken to cabinet are still there…when are we going to get feedback kanshi?

  5. There is not one good reason to oppose anything said above. The problem with most bloggers is that they are bitter and grossly so about MMD’s expulsion from power and end up opposing for opposition’s sake.
    Look at where that has gotten the US.

  6. the shame continue and the days are going. next is going to be on headmen and how they solve disputes………..yayaya!

  7. Can we now start seeing machinery moving to build the Lusaka – Chirundu via Leopards Hill road, the Siavonga L`stone Bottom road, the universities etc. Still `carefully` selecting contractors or drafting contracts? Let the `clean up` move in tandem with development.

  8. We are now tired of looking at past. PF it is about time we started looking into the future. We can`t develop by merely looking at past. With all the recommendations gathered from the so called ‘commission of inquiries,’ it is about time the PF started implementing them. We can`t wait any longer we need jobs, better healthcare, improved education system, reduced income taxes and more money in our pockets.

  9. No 10

    I think you need to go and read the budget speech to release that the next few year are going to be hell in Zambia. The budget deficit was going to be funded by donor funding and increase in mineral royalties. Denmark for example has withdrawn aid to Zambia. Number of european countries will follow as europe goes throughout the worse economic crisis. The mining royalties have not been agreed upon meanwhile commodity prices continue to fall. Do read my blogs some of us saw this coming long time ago…
    In short the development you are talking about is not coming any soon…. By the time its all done, the US$2bn reserves Zambia had will have gone to finance the budget deficit and payment of interest on debt especially should the US$700m bond be issues.
    Tighten your belt bwana….

  10. The findings of those commissions of inquiries arethey not meant for tax payers’ consumption?why are we denied the reports we have paid for, always cabinet and there after filed in cabinet and locked. Chellah we need even the summuries of those reports only not to leave us in darkness. WE are not stupid.

  11. LT, this is poor reporting. We need to know what was contained in the ZRA report. Give us the Terms of Reference if you don`t have the details. If you do have that info then don`t publish the story. We need to know whether these guys were looking at past scandals at ZRA, current tax regime or exploiting new tax codes. We are tired of witch-hunting. We voted for a progressive govt and that is what we expect. Not who did what? but what can we do about the current situation to better peoples lives.

  12. @The Poacher, that’s the reason he needed a summary. It is a catalogue of findings and conclusions in ralation to the terms of reference. The report comprises details of submissions and other such details, inclusive of details of persons and institutions that submitted or testified during the sittings of the commission. Tabling it before the cabinet is meant to allow for a collective decision. Cabinet’s position on the issue will make the Policy, which government shall pursue. If the chairperson of the commission had given a summary, the president would have commented. For now, we will all wait until there’s a press release by either the secretary to the cabinet or the president’s press assistant or through a leak.

  13. if not complete why shud the president submit the same to the cabinet. I would have expected him to tell kingsley to complete the report before accepting the same.This simply exposes the president as well. WHY COME TO THE PUBLIC WITH A REPORT THAT IS NOT COMPLETE…. ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS LUCKING HERE…..???????????/.We need seriousness in matters of national affairs….

  14. # 9. Zambians are in full support of fighting corruption in the country. However, ineptitudeness of president Sata to inform the nation correct facts without hulabaloo attitude is iritating Zambians. For example, nothing wrong in opening an account for official business activities stated clearlly by the custodian of the account and the bank is aware of it. This Sata claims was a secret ZRA scam account. That is rubbish from the president. # 12 It is a disappointment in waiting for most Zambians as we have moved 2 steps backwards in terms of development. Signs of development can be noticed within a month of any new government with a purposeful agenda of development and that is absent with PF govt.

  15. The fatigue of hulabaloo news will be the bedrock of this govt without corresponding with development that Zambians need like yesterday. President Sata is now complaining the format of reports presented to him. He is not an expert in report writing, may be he needs to be briefed before he can comment on it. He has expert advisors in political, economic, international and tribal issues for him to be well appreciated by Zambians.

  16. I am a manger a and currently a PhD Candidate. I understand the importance of Executive summaries. You dont expect HE to rread the whole maybe 670 pages report.

  17. @Chalo Ni Bantu- You mentioning that you are a PhD candidate is grossly irrelevant. You are right about the summaries but I have some questions for you, unless you can prove that you are a PhD candidate, we cannot believe you, you need not mention that. There are many people doing PhDs who are not saying a word about it on the blog. You are fast becoming the irrelevant few, most PhD holders are not even significantly wealthy.
    Back your tongue little man before I assassinate your character.

  18. Ba Sata please be president for the whole zambia. You tell the pipo of N/western that cos they did not support you, they shud go to Lupiya for appointments and bcos Chitimukulu did not support, you create Nuchinga province to reduce his power and start making appointments of chiefs. wats up with you? Naushipa? Chiefs are custodians of ubwanga, tamuletina batata? Mwapya umwenso? Concentrate of fighting currupting, unitying zambia and bringing development to all corners of the nation. If i were you, i shud be concentrating on pooling donors investment cos our tax base is too low for meaningful development while supervising corruption fight

  19. The summary he meant was for Kingsly Chanda to categorically state that ”the final finding is that so and so did steal money and they need to be prosecuted”. He wanted to see the statement of clearly linking a person or persons to an immoral act.
    Come on Zambians upto now you cant understand the mind of our MCS!

  20. I saw this on the news yesterday where the president was reprimanding his own minister on public television; as if to saw his team is incompetent. I think he should asked for further clarification, or more details rather than blasting the man in front of everyone.
    Cabinet, over to you. 

  21. Needless to say we need not know that the report had no summary. The Presido wasn’t supposed to mention that becoz that is for him to tell Kingsley in private. And the public admonishing of ministers and police chief is really undiplomatic, uncourteous and very demoralising. I don’t know how Nkandu Luo is feeling after fighting a losing battle.Reminds me of that lusaka police chief who was fired for allowing Buzuani (gold scam) a ‘wanted person’ to enter Zambia and go back. Like so many accusations we have been now accustomed to in the last 3 months, the rest is history.

  22. oh, on Nkandu Luo, its supposed to read ” i don’t know how Nkandu Luo is now feeling after fighting a losing battle (she gave a directive for vendors to move out of streets in town, only for the Presido to redirect that vendors should stick to the streets).

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