Dr Gondwe takes over from, Caleb Fundanga who was BoZ Governor until September this year.
The appointment of Dr Gondwe comes a month after Bwalya Ng’andu was appointed deputy Governor in charge of operations at the Central Bank.
Dr.Gondwe a holds Bachelor of Law Degrees from the University of Zambia and the University of Virginia as well as a Masters in Business Administration.
He is an alumnus of the Advanced Management Programme of the University of Oxford.
He is the president or the equivalent of chief executive officer of the Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank.
The bank has its headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya.
The PTA bank still uses its original name, PTA Bank, created by the initial Preferential Trade Area (PTA) agreement.
The PTA agreement later graduated to Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) regional trade agreement.
[Zanis/Times of Zambia]
good on you, give more cash to liyato, coz it only in Zambia where you can make massive cash withdraw from a bank without poking any eyebrows.
At least the man is learned. Had it been not for parliament, a PF cadre would have been appointed.
but you know what ‘ratify’ means?
Ok fine, this is done. I support. So work had my Friend. I know him from somewhere. He has beautiful daughters. Now parliament, Ok. We know there is a big cash flow benefit for govt by shifting retirement to 65. Zambia is also one of the lowest in the region in terms of retirement age at 55yrs. This came from KK`s `go back to the land` policies of the 70s and 80s so that at least you have some energy when you retire to go farming. It is no longer the case. People still work and farm. Officially life expectancy is at 52yrs. So let`s strike a balance and close this debate by all accepting 60 yrs as retirement age. Shamenda, present my well thought proposal to parliament please. Period!
Dr Gondwe,my appeal to you is don’t allow yourself to be used by the politicians.It’s better to differ with them than stoop to their words which might come in a pleading way then later a command.Sata is your mbuye but don’t allow him into your pocket otherwise you will regret for the rest of your life on earth,period.
Congratulations Dr. Gondwe. It is good to know that many capable Zambians are out there representing us. Thank you. Save the Kwacha from free fall.
#2 Mwisho its the same PF Government that proposed him, so what do you mean. What you should be commenting on is whether the appointment Good or Bad for Zambia.
This is a good appointment like all the rest down,Sata is a man of action and a fearless individual whose above pettiness….Hes giving people Jobs on his sweat of having fought offthe MMD single handledly…….he has the prerogavitive to appoint a cadre or leaned person,and who says only learned people should occupy position?.bravo mr President!
Let’s give the man a chance to work.He knows the demands of the job he has taken, and the the present national consciousness of the need for honest and effective delivery.As mature citizens, our aim is to offer positive support and constructive criticism, where the need arises.Iam pleading with my fellow bloggers that we try as much as possible to avoid posting insults that are negatively affecting other readers’ religious conscience.Of late, this tendency has been on the increase, and I strongly feel it is a grave sin and a moral offence to deliberately post obscene and injurious material meant for public consumption.
Congratulations. Never heard of him before but it is so good to know that we have highly educated Zambians working in high and influential positions in the diaspora. I hope the PF will have no problems paying you market rate wages.
LT how come my contributions not numbered? i.e Ok fine, this is done. I support. So work had my Friend. I know him from somewhere. He has beautiful daughters. Now parliament, Ok. We know there is a big cash flow benefit for govt by shifting retirement to 65. Zambia is also one of the lowest in the region in terms of retirement age at 55yrs. This came from KK`s `go back to the land` policies of the 70s and 80s so that at least you have some energy when you retire to go farming. It is no longer the case. People still work and farm. Officially life expectancy is at 52yrs. So let`s strike a balance and close this debate by all accepting 60 yrs as retirement age. Shamenda, present my well thought proposal to parliament please. Period!
Another Kaponya joining us. Mr Capitalist would have done a better job.
God this Kaponya government will take us down.
u re a cursed fella bro
lawyer kabili?? awe game iyi yakosa
#10 Contd. And, he is Bemba. This Kaponya is dividing this nation. He is only appointing his fellow Kaponyas and the are all Bembas.
Italian Bunga Bunga (oroginal). You are one warped fellow. Since when did Gondwe’s become Bemba?
You are exhibiting ignorance of the highest order by stating that Dr Gondwe is a bemba and a kaponya.For your info, he is a Tumbuka from Eastern Province.If you missed out on primary school education ,you are tought that there are 73 tribes in Zambia and Tumbuka is one of them.
His educational credentials clearly show that he can never be a Kaponya.If you have nothing constructive to say then ….shut your bumba…
Dr Gondwe, congratulations on your well deserved appointment. I say deserved because your CV is rich and hope you are a principled man with high integrity. Please Dr Gondwe one of your top priorities right now is to sort out the Kwacha and its value. It’s disheartening to hear of millions of fake kwacha notes being printed illegaly and in circulation and billions being withdrawn from the BOZ to be buried in back gardens. I wish you well and success in the enormous challenges that await you.
I thought Gondwes were Ngonis or Tumbukas
@ No 10, you must be a serious tribalist such that you cannot tell that Gondwes come from the East.Be a Patriot Zambian for once and just congratulate the learned man.
is he a kolwestan?
hair transplant boss its never too late
Asibweni, Ciuta amudangilileni mu nchito iyi ku BOZ, na khongono zonse amupaninge sibweni. Calo cino chinono sibweni nzeru kwa Adada ku canya. AMEN!
Is this man a zambian or malawian? Am I mixing him with another Dr Gondwe who is a malawian?Â
Let us see how things work. I think this is a good pick and choice on the side of bwana Sata.
Comments 10 &11 cannot find anything sensible to comment.
#10 and 11.With a flag like that one would have hoped that all your backwardness would have been left at border control…You must be the most miserable person on the blog.
What exactly will it take for this site to officially ban tribalism? An official complaint? Okay I officially complain :) Freedom of speech does not equate to the right to make derogoratory or deliberately inflammatory remarks. I object to the new online Zambian paradigm. While I’m at it I must however commend all on engaging online. Wishing you a merry Xmas and blessed new year regardless of your thought processes and affiliations :)
@#17 Hola & #13. It`s called irony you mugboys! Jesus some of you are just too dull to comprehend. Read my posts again! Plebs!
@18 A Phiri ana bwe………..I stronly agree with you, this blog gonna go down soon, the tribal thing is not at all any good to this country……Please please clean-up the tribal comments so that we debate progressively…………….
LT Listen and make analysis
Ok, he has some background in the Banking industry but i don`t see any strength in the field of economics. To me, the man is a lawyer period! Maybe i should ask, in what discipline did he get his doctorate degree? We need someone with a solid background in the field of economics, and from the resume that LT has put up, he does not appear to be qualified for the position. Give us more info on the other qualifications that this man possesses with respect to Central Banking. If i were selecting candidates for that position, his resume would not have impressed me. Thanks!
@ #19 EXACTLY!!!!! keep it nice and simple for Dongo na Sundu- are these Bemba names by the way??
Is he a honorary doctor or not? How come there’s no mention of his doctorate? Anyway, congrats Mr Governor.
@#22 Sela Malimba.
lol! Yes Dongo na sunda once lived in Kasama! That is why they were called Dongo na Sundu. The “na” in between meaning “and” in Bemba. lol!
But hey thought people on here were exposed/learned!
Any person with a brain cell surely should have seen I was being ironic!
Is he a honorary doctor or not? How come there’s no mention of his doctorate? Someone help me here. Anyway, congrats Mr Governor.
Its amazing to see that every appointment the president makes is seen to be on tribal grounds mainly by LT bloggers. i think some people just have an in born hatred for Bembas. A good managers always manages his brain well and HE MCS has decided to assemble a working team of technocrats and because of that if things dont get for the better in Zambia then i think no one will ever do it. Just think of his appointment: Mumba Malila, Mutembo Nchito, Musa Mwenye, Rosewin Wandi.
Dr. Martin Malama. ZAMBIA SHALL SURELY BE SAVED!!! except its not Nevers Mumba to deliver that.lol
Michael Gondwe is Tumbuka
Sata likes the Tumbuka Tribe who are either from Muyombe, Isoka East, now called Mafinga or Lundanzi in Eastern Province. Mind you, Sata’s first wife was a Tumbuka. His daughter is married to Bob Sichanga’s son who is Tumbuka as well. Sata also pregnanted another Tumbuka woman from Kabwata when he was a Governor.
Gondwe’s are principally from Malawi. Do your reseach. Many benefitted from the Zambian educational system. I am speaking from experience.
hate or anger reduce one to less objectivity if not non. For what u cant change, u will cry, cry, cry, until no tears naymore. MCS is your president. Kaponyas, tho low in your eyes, are humans and sensible evident from their business skills. MCS hard earned presidency cannot be disputed. the man is simply a fighter. He is bound 2make mistakes – he is just an earthlin. takers of bitter pills, their tone on blogs shall reveal them. Reveal ye bitter pill taker. lol! MCS is Your President!!! **==
He deserves it.
So there could be connections? Anyway congratulations Dr Gondwe, but since you are the piper we hope that you will not play donchi kubeba otherwise your CV will be dented forever.
Congrats Mwana wa Kwitu……
I agree fully with #2 MWISHO, but let us not lower our guard, there are too many mafias in our country who say what the public wants to hear anti-corruption etc etc but behind closed doors they are accomplished mafioso.
Bob Sichinga is NOT Tumbuka. He is from Isoka and is Na Mwanga.
There is Isoka East and Isoka West.Tumbuka’s settled in Isoka East and that is where Mr Sichinga comes from.Namwanga’s are in Isoka West.
Ba LT, can you do something about this tribal hatred that is showing up here? It is unbelievable how low the blogging has gotten here.
SATA even though he appoints educated people, his leadership is questionable.
SATA has not understood the meaning of presidency.
His whole political life has been about combining commedy and insults to make many disgrantled people lough.
SATA ia never serious about many things, and never cares the outcome of anything.
Nkandu Luo is now wondering whether she is a REMOTE of a minister.
Luo is still questioning whether she is a rubber-stamp or a dicission-maker.
Right now, anyone can camp in any corridor or street, or set up a carwash on any place on any road – it will matter nothing.
Are those Nkandu Luo’s values or she will sell her values for a Salary??
It is now becoming clear that the imput of ministers and other government leaders is uncertian.
39# HH
( FACTS) Bob Sichinga is Tumbuka from Isoka East, just like Catherine Namugala is Tumbuka from Isoka East. As a matter of fact when Bob joined UPND Party, he had given an interview to the press and said it himself that he is Tumbuka both from the mother and father’s side.. Isoka East is also known as Muyombe (Now changed to Mafinga)
Just because his name rhymes like SICHONE, SINKALA, SIMWANZA, SIMUMBA and so on, does not make him Namwanga.
This is stupid. This man has no fundamental understanding of economics! How do you put him in charge of the central bank? No wonder the Kwacha keeps depreciating!
MAHTANI your money and acting have put all the people you want in power. Mark my words you fkd with the wrong people. Even if you become President we will still nail your big fat ass.
Finaly a wise man from the east. Â But come to think of it Sata could not find a suitable Bemba chap . Maybe that’s why he took so long. Just saying
It is funny how some bloggers just write any bull-sh$$#t.’Sichinga is tumbuka, Gondwe is bemba’,…Sata had a tumbuka girl friend..can u imagine if some of these folks were in parli to ratify Gondwe appointment… it would be like ‘UBZ’ station…U know what u re real Kaponyas..
And he is a doctor in what? Is that a PhD or honorary, article does not say.
No. 45 and the rest that are saying Gondwe is a Bemba are just sick in there brains. How can a na called Gondwe be a Bemba. You should take time to know Bemba names. Have you ever heard any Bemba name that starts with G? You are just margotes, go to school and learn more. Some of these bloogers called Zambians abroad are just there by mistake I wonder how they even managed to be abroad.
In addition, even that kind of the heard does not really belong to Bembas. try to make a research if you can.
Son: Dad,what do I give my girlfriend as a gift?Dad: How does she look?Son: She looks sweet, pretty, fun to be with and of course very sexy.Dad: Give her my number. hehehehehehe!
Gondwes are both Bembas and from the east. It’s like Mwale or Mumba which comes frm both Northern and Eastern provinces.Â
Some people are suffering from tribalisim infections. In anything they see tribe.Lets learn to accept all people bcoz we all came from Adam and Eve.To me tribe is nothing for as long as that is my fellow human being, I wiil respect and love him.Tribalists,please learn from this principle and stop commenting on tribal lines. Dr Gondwe,congratulations for being appointed to that very important position in our land. Serve the poor masses and not the politicians.
# 25,
Please do a bit of research before you blog and make a fool of yourself. First ask yourself what the qualifications of the IMF boss are. She is a lawyer by profession but served as one of the best Finance Ministers in Europe before taking up the job at IMF. Mrs Thatcher was well known for her economic qualities and vision and yet she was a qualified as a Chemist by profession.History is littered with similar cases. All Chinese Premiers have a strong Engineering backgrounds but are still able to steer their Economy better than what you call “Hard Core Economists”
Mwanawakwitu good appointment Mr President
You should all know that Dr.Gondwe was President of PTA Bank for many years any during his years as President PTA Bank has been considered not a development bank but a house of Loan Sharks, for his own greed he did so many wrong doings and due to this just a few months ago PTA Bank lost a case in the Tanzania Supreme Court and has to now pay out USD 800 million in damages………
I therefore wonder what this man will be capable of doing at BOZ…… Maybe he is just a puppet needed to carryout dirty jobs on behalf of someone!!!!!!!
Let not forget that this man has also been involved in various scandals with Mahtani(Indian crook) and surely Mahtani will try to use Gondwe for his own needs at BOZ!!!!!!
I just hope that MCS will manage to keep Mahtani far from Gondwe and BOZÂ
This guy is learned… for the first time as PTA bank presdo………. the bank gave more loans than never before… by the way… the PTA bank looks at economies of 16 nations and Zambia s one of them… so for DR.Michael Mikayeli Gondwe the economy of Zed is a small issue…
Ok let us not look at issues from the tribal point of view. Dr. Gondwe is well educated and has the experience in Banking and Finance in fact international experience. HE HAS WORKED FOR THE PTA BANK FOR MANY MANY YEARS. SATA HAS DONE IT. CONGRATS DOC.