Chief government spokesperson Given Lubinda has said that that the government will ensure that it meets the promises it made to the Zambians.
Mr. Lubinda said that government was aware of the many challenges that citizens face such as poverty and unemployment levels.
Mr. Lubinda stated in the Patriotic Front will always be a people’s party stating that it is the reason why it is still in power.
The information, broadcasting and tourism minister adds that the party will ensure that it does not disappoint the majority that voted for it in power.
He has however noted that the country is facing a lot of challenges which needs ever stakeholder to participate in.
He says that in order for the country to ensure that most challenges are addressed; ever stakeholder needs to participate in the governance system of the country.
Yes, Mr Minister, for some of us patriotic Zambian, we know that we have given you 5 years to prove yourselves, however, we are goint to have a mid-term review after 2 and half years to see if you are in tendem with development (not what you promised cos beig a spectator and a player are 2 different things) and then, shud we find that you are off tengent, then we will start talking, and talking real hard. Just one point: I am of the view that the decision to let everyone getting K2million tax free was a big mistake, thats where most workers fall, you needed that money to make a difference.How many schools would you have built? Desks? Civil servant arrears? A bird in the hand is better than 2 flying all over.Have a nice ride as you steer zambia to development
Well spoken
Merry Christmas from the high stands here to the low standards there in Zambia
It is ridiculous for one to bring done their own country and I am not happy to do so but I have been left with no option I am afraid
Zambia, a country made from Colonial exploitation and current bad governments and poor resource management has not help the wounds that are their for one to see. I have said this and I will say this again, Zambians as Individuals are nice people, but collectively 97% Zambians are backwards and a little ignorant. Here we are talking of a country as ‘a christian nation’ who cares? 90% of that populations are Christians anyway. Should Pakistan say they are a Muslim country.
People from home do not reason strategically like some of us educated people and that is quiet frankly beyond me, common sense.Â
You are embarrassing us grow up!
Aficionados will also agree with me that the kryptonite  and this by the way goes for all Africans countries, as the west here, Africa is perceived as undeveloped and a no no for most of them, It is that The Western world was built on the foundation of the greco/roman and judeo/christian values, traditions and culture…those are what formed the basis for our society ( notice the ‘us’ as I intend to marry my fiance)…sub sahara africa had none of those…their culture and values were built on a foundation of living as tribesmen.
The only way to go forward is to forgo the Headsmen,Chiefs and all that nonsense and model Zambia on the basis of Scotland perhaps. Unless we do something Zambia will be extinct from around 30th century I am afraid.Â
Good evening
Yes, Minister, PF have no other choice but to deliver because this is what they were voted for. HE Mr. Michael Sata has the people’s mandate to govern and there are so many issues to address during his term but the people certainly expect to see a change for the better.
When infrastructure, social & economic conditions improve, jobs, wealth and opportunity start to be in the hands of many, not a few, then everyone, including the haters will know that this government is the right government for Zambia.
Meanwhile, let us all put our shoulders to the wheel, support our president and his team and wish them success. God bless our nation!
Nine Chale you a pro PFÂ supporter?
I do not affiliate myself with any political party as I am too good to. Please restrain from defending this party and government because you and I are in the same dilemma in that we can see what the less elite people cant see that this regime is already befitting of a man on a train not no knowing where they are heading to
To praise this government is like slicing my eyes and squeezing lemon in them. Please tell me you  just made a mistake. I thought you stand for what I stand for? ie the truth and Justice. The execution of partiality through calling a spade a spade, the president, PF, and the government are nothing to be proud of, certainly not the way the have started. There is a trend there for all to see
Merry Christmas
Mushota nyoko leka sata ateke
@Mushota, I am a patriot and there is nothing partisan about that. I will support every pragmatic leadership that is working to improve the standard of life in my country and that is not a mistake. It is a call of duty.
Mwabantu bushe Baluchistan edit ama articles balemba aba Bantu?
Do they edit these articles before publishing them? I keep finding errors in their article.Â
Do they edit these articles before publishing them?Â
Ba Lusaka times please take time to read through your article before we are given the news
does he know 90 days has elapsed?
Apparently he is not LOL!
zambia is a young democracy, they will never make the mistake of 2011 again, given the choices were all wrong, PF has no agenda for the country. please put an age limit on presidential candidates, it is also important to be highly educated and retain a certain amount of integrity. all presidents so far, where at one time unip members and then some mmd members, the same dogs that ruined the country. i weep daily
‘Mr. Lubinda stated in the Patriotic Front will always be a people’s party stating that it is the reason why it is still in power”. Really Mr Minister??? I thought that you are still in power only because you were voted in for up to five years? And don’t get too comfortable, at the rate you are going, we the people could change our minds and review you at 180 days.
Pf wat programe do u have for zed coz all i can see is witch hunt and on salaries no one expects an increment of less than 2000000 across the board tipezeko ka relief naise mr presido
Mr Lubinda we want drainages and good roads in Kabwata, you are now in government while in opposition you used to say you were in opposition.
It is common sense that to attract goodwill and support from stakeholders you need to ‘Do What You Say and Say What You Do’. And seriously try and be truthful (at times even self critic) in your comments to earn stakeholder’s trust and confidence. This is a no brainer. It’s barely 3 months down the road, and to start saying that ‘Patriotic Front is still in power’ due to other reasons other than just the obvious 5 year mandate the Zambians gave PF Govt, is at best childish and does not earn stakeholders’ confidence and trust. Lubinda grow up, we want you to succeed for the Country’s sake.
Wow! This is like saying the sky is blue — doesn’t make sense in saying it. They were voted in to do a job … and now they are telling us that they will do the job.
Hon. Given Lubinda is NOISE MAKER who has been programmed to pronounce SWEET TALK to protect his CEO of LIES. PF failed to find a formular on the “WINDFALL TAX” After failing to deliver some vital promises in 90-days, what else will Zambians expect from this gang of terrorists. His Vice-President even started mocking Parliament to the effect that the PF Govt has lined up of a series of 90-days programs. Yes, PF intertained audiences during campaigns, but the people are no longer smiling any more. They want Govt to deliver development quietly. We are fed up of lies. Shut up Lubinda.
” He says that in order for the country to ensure that most challenges are addressed; ever stakeholder needs to participate in the governance system of the country. ”
I think that is an excellent idea.
And this stakeholder would want to know why the PF unilaterally declared effective tax collection (which is all the Windfall Tax is – effective means of collecting the taxes that are owed right now and are not paid) from the mining industry off limits.
If the PF sees an alternative source of income for the state, which does not cost the Zambian taxpayer and citizen in interest payments, and does not hand over even more of the Zambian people’s resources to the private sector, please let us know.