Monday, March 10, 2025

West plotters named … as Linyungandambo dismisses cabinet as fake


Inspector General of Police Martin Malama
Inspector General of Police Martin Malama: To issue Statement on Tuesday

THE Barotse Freedom Movement, also known as the Linyungandambo, has pledged its loyalty to the Patriotic Front government in the wake of President Sata’s revelation that a group in Western Province is plotting to form its own state.

And a document in possession of the Mail has listed people alleged to be plotting to form government in Western Province. According to the list, the administrator general is A. Mombotwa, and the deputy administrator is N. Nyambe. Y. Mukelabai is earmarked for Speaker of the National Assembly, while the Chief Justice role is for L. Mundia.

The full list is: M. Lewanika (Minister of Finance), M. Ilukena (Minister of Justice /Public Order), C. Nalishuwa (Minister of Social Development), and M. Liuwa (Foreign Affairs) to be deputised by M. Mulope.

Others are C. Mulwasikwanda (Minister of Defence), Mr M. Sioma (Minister of Commerce), M. Mooto (Minister of Local Development) and P. Likando (Minister of Agriculture).
The rest are C. Suyumbwa (Minister of Education), to be deputised by I. Mutangelwa, M.Muyangana (Minister of Information), G. Mwala (Minister of Transport) and N. Wanga (Secretary to the Cabinet).

But the Linyungandambo yesterday said the people on the list may not even be aware that their names are being touted for the said cabinet positions in the planned State. In a press release to the Mail Barotse Freedom Movement national secretary Chazele Mulwasikwanda, incidentally mentioned for the Defence portfolio in the proposed cabinet, says he is concerned about developments in Western Province, especially that President Sata said a prime minister has already been appointed.

Mr Mulwasikwanda, in an interview with the Mail, said he was not even aware of his position. “These are just rumours being circulated on the internet. All of us who have been mentioned have never been approached,” he said.

Mr Mulwasikwanda said in Lozi parlance, ‘Prime Minister’ refers to the Ngambela and that he is appointed by the Litunga after a rigorous process of ratification by the royal council. “I am concerned because I don’t know anything about the group.

The Prime Minister refers to the Ngambela in Lozi, and since the death of Mr Maxwell Mututwa we haven’t had a Prime Minister, who is appointed by the Barotse Royal Establishment,” Mr Mulwasikwanda said.

And in a statement he writes: “I would like to assure the President that we the people of Barotseland are particularly waiting for the report of the Commission of Inquiry into what led to the Mongu and Limulunga fracas; and also from Barotse National Council.

“Just like we voted the Patriotic Front into government in September, we extend our gratitude to His Excellency for his fatherly love by constituting a Commission of Inquiry to probe what happened in Mongu and Limulunga.”

On January 14, police killed and maimed people accused of rioting and planning to secede from Zambia.

President Sata on Friday castigated Inspector General of Police Martin Malama saying, “You are fully aware that people within Western Province are calling for the creation of a State within a State, and the Inspector General of Police is smiling.”

Asked about the situation in Western Province, Dr Malama promised to issue a statement on Tuesday.

And Western Province commanding officer Fanwell Siyandenge yesterday said the situation is under control and that if there will be threats from the people mentioned, police will arrest them.
“I will be writing to the IG to advise him to send more investigators,” he said.

And when contacted for a comment, Barotse Royal Establishment spokesperson Oliver Saasa declined to comment.“I have no authority to comment on the matter, maybe the BRE might issue a statement later,” he said.

[Zammbia Daily Mail]


  1. The circus is a joke, The police the government are embrassing us. Coudl someone pass a prayer and let these mediocre headlines go away?

    On what basis does a man become a leader, This man being a doctor means nothing I mean I shall have a PHD soon in like 3 years but I have no leadership traits, However in Zambia if one is fat well known and opens his mouth unnecessarily then he is a leader

    This is a joke


  2. Am I the only one that thinks that the western province tries to play as though they are the most Important of provinces or threaten to?

    I have never liked the western province, It has never produced great leaders. The province is poor and the people there look foreign I would like to foresee a situation where they are cut and demarcated to their neighboring country next to them which is Malawi

    Someone say something am I making sense? 


    • No, you’re not making any sense at all. Western Province borders Angola, Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe. Do your geography. Malawi borders the productive Eastern Province.

    • :-?
      They are drilling for oil in the western province and are likely to find something as that area adjoin Angola.
      Kenya has just discovered the biggest oil and gas deposit in sub-saharan Africa; how quick were the USA to get troops on the ground there.
      I expect that there is something behind this.
      Methinks that some first world powers wish Africa to return to the dictator era – in Libyas case, they are the dictators. I smell trouble ahead….

  3. W province has its own cabinet and Sata cheated that he was going to honour the BRE. We will see how he is going to handle this issue.

  4. Zambians must know that Regardless of race or creed, economic prosperity is directly related to the degree of trust and respect. Any community where there is a lot of bullying, corrupt economy, mendacity  and abuse of power instead of real cooperation, very different from cliquing, is bound to be poor and will remain backwards.

    I am afraid I am describing Zambia 


  5. Sata scared some Lozi people when he instructed the army to be on alert since some people in western province want a state of their own. As in many other cases, the police have been put in motion to start arresting people after Sata’s assertions that the police are failing to deal with people who what separation of Zambia into two countries. One would wonder though, why the police seem to be investigating cases and arresting people after Sata’s allegations. Does it mean that the whole police cannot notice crimes before the presidents instructs them to act.

  6. Now i know why kaunda had vigilante all over the country..these lozi people are really getting out of hand ” sata please i beg bring back the vigilante and deploy them to western provice asap..some people need to be put in there place..

  7. @Mushota:

    Western province is not next to Malawi. Eastern and probably Northern provinces are the ones next to Malawi! Some about to get their PhD surely should have the Zambian geography (your mother land) pinned down already!!!!!

  8. He promised muchinga province and he delivered
    He promised to honor the Barotse agreement and he is not delivering.  Is it tribal. Action man tell us

  9. Where is “@Barotse Army” and his outlandish rants? To the “Lozi extremists,” we patiently await your mobilization of the armies of Angola, Namibia, Zim, Botswana, and RSA to come and rescue you, since you claim to be so loved and highly regarded by these countries such that if the Zambian govt tried to deal with your nonsense the armies of these countries will never stand by and simply watch!

    Do you realize that the president’s statement is equivalent to instructing law enforcement wings to deal with “treasonous” behavior? And I am sure you do recognize the seriousness and consequences of such a charge. The police and military intelligence officers have now been given a green light and a freehand to squeeze some “nuts”—-now let ‘NDENDEULE’ begin!

  10. Traumatized Sata was merely crying wolf when there was none sight. We need to hear the outcome of the Roger Chongwe led commission on this issue. Otherwise, the president must desist from being such an alarmist.

  11. The media is basically an effective tool for propanganda especially to those who are in power. I have never and will never believe these bullshit stories published in the media.  Simply  read to entertain yourself and get to laugh.The only true thing in the media is sports news..thats all..politics and the rest is fake, they write in order to get you believe their side of the story..ask america the masters of media

  12. yawning be real guys, let us know when u are ready we send our troops in we have to defend and protect every inch of our country : Zambia is a republic hence GRZ so this nonsense has to be nipped in the bud, before these guys become too drunk. this time shot to kill take a whole clan.

  13. For those of us who know most of those listed Ministers for Barotseland, we can tell you that those people are far much better than Chishimba Kabwili, GBM, Sakeni and more who have not even made it in the Times of Zambia yet.

  14. mushota,please you are embarrassing yourself check the geography of zambia before you happy to note that the way you commented on Dr malama is a very correct description of yourself except you are so thin.not all Dr have PhD some are medical practitioners am sure you know.i doubt the type of Dr you will make.By the way its interesting you have stopped making uncalled for attacks on blacks and boasting of your white husband the age of your granny
    I however agree with you,westerners are so sick in their heads and very tribalistic,i would be very happy to hear from a westerner  outlining what they have seen wrong with the current Zambia and what benefits are in their cessation.:

  15. That Police woman behind Malama looks like there is something between the 2. Body shows, such smiles need investigated too.

  16. I always wonder why we never hear anything from the Litunga or his chiefdom about this nonsense…why the silence? Is he interested in the confusion? At this rate they may aswell kiss goodbye to the BRE agreement coz it wont happen…Sata cheated them to get their votes and he should apologise for using cheap means to get ones vote. KK is also still alive and he should help resolve this impasse…he signed the deal so he may aswell get involved.

  17. What about  granting us an autonomous government within Zambia,  it may sound crazy  but this is an agreement which was made in 1964 and it should be respected by everybody.   Breaking off from ZED won’t make sense but this can work like Federal government depending on the agreements they will make.  Somehow maybe this will help development in the area.  This is my opinion and i’am entitled to it, no looser should disrespect me.I’am a proud Lozi and i love my country and i like my new President. Go Sata.

  18. If I were Sata I would do the same (even much more) for the simple reason that at the minute Western Province is still part of the lager Zambia. No agreement or discussion has commenced for the creation of an autonomous WP, and as such anyone going against what the law currently is, is committing treason. Its simple as that.

  19. They have got beautiful girls there. Just kick ifyaume into Namibia and Angola. Leave those girls and let us marry the,. Done!

  20. Our Lozi friends should exercise a bit more patience. Let’s wait for the Commission results before any misguided agitation. Yours is complex and you have to be careful. I think you are selfish. Your education is from copper but you want to enjoy diamonds alone… sha. Northwestern has never said they will cesede after the signs of oil in there. We have these resources all over. By the way, what is the boundary? Surrender all your Zambian identities now since you have formed a govt. Hey, there are informers amongst yourselves.

  21. I guess even Namibia, Botswana, Angola will just look at you as unstable people. What we understand is that the President is commited to granting you some powers to govern yourselves in the spirit of decentralisation and devolution of powers. But you are running to fast for your own good. All those ministries? For what? A full government?

  22. @mpho:

    Yours in essence sounds like “DECENTRALIZATION” of our central govt. And I mean “real decentralization”, not the current artificial status quo. I agree, local govts (councils, chiefs, or whatever) are closer to the problems and challenges people face in our country and they are better placed to deal with these issues than the bureaucrats based in Lusaka. And believe you me, if these “Lozi extremists” were to advocate for something like that, plenty of Zambians would join them in the cause. But not the current nonsense of secession they seem to be drunk on! It is a none starter to many Zambians, most peace loving Lozis included.

  23. let them go ahead. coz when they tried it under RB in the MMD regime people were codeming. so lets see what the dear God Sata will do now.
    we are tired of being steped on by these so called bembas and we need our own fredom.

  24. Welcome to the homepage of or ‘B com’ for short! B com is dedicated to the sustainable development of the land and peoples of the Upper Zambezi Valley, largely located in western Zambia. After Zambian independence in November 1964, the heart of this land was known briefly as Barotse Province and, from 1968, as Western Province. Before 1964, however, Western Province was known as Barotseland, home of the Lozi nation, whose influence spreads north from Botswana and Caprivi to the present day border betweeen Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and from south-eastern Angola west to the Kafue. The Lozi nation today comprises over 25 different peoples united by culture and ecosystems.

  25. let them go ahead. rb was condem for this . so we want to see what sata will do. probly he will send scott or kaunda to go and negotiate lol

  26. These guys want to be separated from the rest of the country ,because of the diamonds in W/P .if they can be diamonds in namibia ,angola botswana and the Drc ,what about the western part of zambia

  27. Just a question to my Lozi friends. In case the BA64 doesn’t matrialise, isn’t there an alternative way of attracting investment to western province?
    And it’s shame on the likes of sikota wina, sakwiba,former finance mnstr situmbeko musokotwane e.t.c for not taking devlpmnt to their province. They just hope to be buried there as heroes (Heroes for nothing). Just the other day a senior chief from southern province complained of living in a run-down palace when he has a rich subject in the name of HH.

  28. Who has elected these chaps? To me the Lozis have failed to excel in Zambian politics. They have failed to produce a candidate who can win a presidential election hence trying to find solace in the BA64. If democracy is the type of govt that will be in WP believe me very few of those extremist will get a vote hence they are resorting to appointing each other. On what basis? Otherwise we should respect our chiefs including HRH the Litunga and let’s keep him away from politics.

  29. Within your home you are creating new provinces and new districts, others are watching you. Let me advise the PF govt, the mines in North Western province should start paying royalties to that province and let the govt offer technical assistance on developmental issues. When that is done then let other provinces benefit. So Western province likewise shud benefit from their diamond and fuel. Give them their BA 1964. The British is almost behind that who knows?

  30. the govement of zambia must pay back the barotseland credit they stole from the barotse it with intrest so that works earmarked for the university of barotseland can start.students in barotse schools score so high points and barotse have some of the best proffesors dotted around the world from balovale and tongaland regions.nkoyas,mbundas,chokwes,luchazis are so great lozi speakers including the tokaleya and bantu botatwe.chakuzunda chazundile mbambi.

  31. And so if they are professors where they not educated by the sweat of every Zambian? Which tribe has not produced professors? Too concious of tribe. What is the grievance really? This appears funny. Universities will be built and are being built.

  32. Lock these ‘lozis’ who are bringing anarchy and confusion in mother zambia. Again I know GRZ does this to scare potential trouble makers. Remember the black mamba, this ‘group’ plotting a coup.. this will scare Saasa and co the crap out their skin…

  33. But Why did Mr Sata in the first place cheated the people of western province that he will restore the Barosteland agreement in 90 days. 90 days are over and these are the consequences of telling lies.

  34. #29 ba Mutale labeniko nefya ka campagn..Campaign is like a boy promising marriage to this girl..after wedding adjustment or reality sink in…So even ba Sata has to come to reality what him and PF can do in 90 renaming airstrips, firing ACC, DEC and Army Generals ..and also setting commissions of enquiries..and also naming a cabnet..which as you know with 72 tribe is a mean achievement… Happy Holidays..& Stay Blessed

  35. The Barotseland issue will never be resolved to the full satisfaction of all concerned. There appears to be too many parties willing to muddy the waters. One has to wonder why even the KK government, which included some very eminent people from the Western Province could not find a formula to resolve it. In my opinion, here lie the problems, firstly the basis of the Litunga signing the BA, without consultation with other relevant parties, secondly, the appearance that Lozis drive the BA issue in order to achieve dominance, third, the intolerant and in your face position of the advocates, fourth, the constant threats of breaking away from Zambia. With these `thorns’, how would one expect objectivity and trust from all concerned? I can’t see investment either, from non-Lozis. Merry Xmas!

  36. HHMMhhhmmm Zambians lets be serious with PFgovt before we become a laughing scam of the world replacing Zimbabwe. PF have named a list of names, a parallel government structure within Zambia. This is either a government in waiting or an altenative government in existence. This is animical to the Zambian constitution. It is a TREASONABLE act in our law. Sata PF can not feed the nation with this information and expects Zambians to be comfortable with this state of affairs. He must immediately arrest those involved as a treasonable offence merits arrest or he must be telling an owesome LIE to the nation.

  37. This act of forming an altenative government while there is a sitting government has far reaching serious implications in the international circles. To begin with, it errodes confidence from the global status placed on Zambia and its peoples. We become a joke to the ethos of world democracy and all we stand for as a nation is seen as mediocre. It is for this reason that a treasoble case exist and needs to be dealt with. The other option is to examine Mr Sata assertion with its intent and apply a due process of taking him to task, or impeachment law consulted to restore confidence in our rule of law before the world.

  38. When the presdo appoints Bembas cabinet you Bembas are happy when others feel left out and voice out it’s now are so stupid lozis will give you the best push ever in the history of zed.Let them go alone since you don’t like them. They are not greed because they are not getting anything from muchinga let them be period. Keep your Zambia let them try something for themselves ,they will be happy poor without some one shouting “Ba fikala”.

  39. satais cruel. even the newly appointed deplomats in the missions are allbembas and he thinks people can be happythat way. i personally support the move by the lozis. i can confess that at one timei touchedwith my own hand red mecury fron shangombo, silver mecury and diamonds. if we all follow the activities of our country , you may recall that spirit of the river a german company was gettig diamods in the zambezi day and nite and gave jobs to so many just giving an example of what u can find kwa bulozi.trucuks get beef every day to lusaka and also fish. so inshort industriescan be there. what we dont want is the goverments that havebeen cheeting us for so long. sata so far has appointedhis sister as deputy high commission to canada were nevers mumba was and people are quite.

  40. Mufumbwe who are the Lozis? there are 30 tribes in western province.There is no tribe called Lozi.The Litunga who is there is not a Lozi.But he is one of the tribes in Barotseland.Mbunda or lui or nyengo or nkoya are all the same.during Kuomboka ceremony the women who sing to call the Litunga to come out of the are Mbunda women.In fact Kuomboko ceremony is controlled by the Mbundas.Here is the song which they sing(Mbumbwe tumbuka tukomone litangwa linayi) Meaning king come out we see you the sun is gone.The drums they beat during Kuomboka are nkoya drums.So where are the called Lozi.Lozi is just a languange spoken by every one in Barotseland.Plz stop mesleading the pipo.In Mongu they speak different languages including Nyanja and bembas.So who is a triblist here.Leave all the tribes there.

  41. “No one is trying to form a state within a state” The Nkoyas have said no, the Tongas have said no, the Mbundas have said no, the Kachokwes have said no, the Lambas have said no, perhaps the lalas have also said no Since our colleagues seem to indicate that Barotseland includes these and many more tribes mentioned above.

  42. The arguments sound so petty to me. What exactly did Bembas do to the Lozis? The example of those trucks which carry Lozi fish and the Germany Spirit of the River company taking diamonds, how are they related to Bembas? Were those companies owned by Bembas? Ulupato pa Zed.

  43. Zambia, unite your brothers and sisters in Western and North-Western provinces have been turned into state enemies.

    Our current political design is so flawed, so let us take everything and fill the gaps with fearless patriotism.

    Sata has broken our faith with one another and the sea will soon engulf us and then the light will go out. Evil days are around the corner, wake up Zambia!

    To our brothers and sisters in the Western and North-Western provinces remember that ‘sticks in a bundle are unbreakable’ even at the hands of a dictator like Sata,by Milimo UNZA

  44. Hello Bulozi, in a hunting assignment, the hunter goes for large animals, no one leaves his home to go and rabbits and hares! You bulozi are big and heavy to carry. No wonder every president of Zambia panics about the term malozi. You have no apology to make. Bulozi is for Malozi and Zambia is for Zambians. The philosophy of making bulozi part of Zambia has failed and in the Zambian constitution, BA64 is unattainable. So, go the Canada way with French speaking Quebec. The problem with black Africa is self-centeredness and holding on to cum-old approaches. Be original Zambia and show the way. This army that, police this, is nosense.

  45. All those wan.king themselves on this blogsite by thinking that if Western Province was separated from the rest of Zambia it would remain poor. Western province was the richest region in Zambia at the time of independence going by per capita income, was the most educated, was the most exposed globally, was the most civilised – followed by Southern province. Things started to go wrong, when the province joined monkeys to form one country called Zambia. Even now Western province produces nearly half of all fish and meat products supplied to the rest of the country. Try and separate western province you will see what will happen to your Kafue Gorge and Kariba electric generation plants! Don’t forget that three-quarters of the Zambezi river is in Barotse. Some of you speak using fisushi!!

  46. The photo postures by IG Malama and his Police Spokeswoman speak volumes. However, the statement by Linyungandambo is merely a tactical retreat in military terms. There is no smoke without fire. This Barotseland saga was closely linked to lamentations that were wrapped-up in religious sermons that Bishop Duffy persistently trumpented from his pulpit. We can only speculate the complexity of God’s work. Duffy and Miha are no more; whereas a Vatican Representative to Zambia has been re-located to West Indies. Interensting developments.

  47. let them go!.thereis no thing like western province,westrn province is simply foolish KKs nickname of barotseland.these guys are scared becoz once we go,they have to find a new name for their poor to be country becoz zambia is from the barotse`s zambezi river.actually there in no need for any dicussion over the barotse issue becoz the barotse legal bench will simply seek1.the return of the barotse tresury stolen by kaunda,we actual hav photo of the landrover used.2.unequittable treatment of the barotse pipo contrary to the aggreement.should their be any un fairness,the london court will deliver the judgement followed by the deployment of a strong internal force to guard the boarders of barotse.then barotse will export power to zed.infact what the pipo now hate is anything to do with bemba.

  48. Bo Gibertlubinda, let’s not debate irrelevancies. We know the submissions of various ‘ethnic’ groups from Western Province. Lozi may be a language it is also a grouping of a people. Semantics will not help the serious problem in Western Province. Rationality and realism is needed.

  49. It is not right to heap blame on a tribe. It is the systems that have done you bad.

  50. I know the LORD, creator of the heavens lives. This matter, will not divide the nation. This nation shall remain as one. We all will live together as one people without regard to tribe or dialect. In the name of Jesus, the prince of peace, this country shall continue to be a beacon of peace as ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION.



  52. Mushota you are not making sense at all.

    About the Lozi’s, they are trying to break away from the stronghold of Bembas on Zambia, which is impossible.Bembas are destined to rule Zambia for generations to come. Kaunda was bemba, Chiluba was bemba. Mwanawasa had to be nominated by a bemba to lead Zambia. Banda who is not a bemba got into State House by virtual of Mwanawasa dying, That is why has led for 3 years only and he is out, a Bemba has taken over again. If MMD don’t choose a Bemba to lead then forget coming back into power any time soon. All other tribes are either inferior or stupid not to understand that only bembas can rule because they are ‘smarter’. This is a fact. Forget Prof Ndulo, Prof. Mukelebai and all that nonsense.

  53. Don’t tell me about Professors from all sorts of tribes in Zambia, that is irrelevant. Kaunda did n’t have a degree but he ruled Zambia because he was bemba. Chiluba toppled Kaunda because he was bemba. Mwanawasa who was a Lamba (supposed to be cleaning toilets at State House) chosen by a bemba died prematurely because it was n’t right for a Lamba to rule over bembas, even if he was chosen by a bemba to take over. Chiluba was only a bus conductor , remember? Banda came in by chance and did better than expected, to rule for 3 yrs. State House which is the rightful place for a bemba has been rightfully taken over by Sata, a bemba. MMD need to choose a Bemba to assume power any time soon. Forget HH, he is a wrong tribe.

  54. Have you all grown cold feet at my correct analysis of the situation. Are you all bloggers from inferior tribes of Zambia or what?

  55. Analysis, its just a coincindence that KK, Chiluba and Sata are Bembas. The nation is still very young and more leaders are yet to emerge. But analysis, could it be that because of your well research Bemba hegemony, that things are not going well for Zambia. You see how flawed your argument can get? That should suffice as a taste of your own parochial medicine for now!

  56. Guru, a coincidence is when two events happen with an interesting outcome. Taking Banda out of the equation,for obvious reasons, 3 out of 4 outcomes cannot be termed a coincidence especially if the other 1 out of 4 outcome was influenced or directly chosen by the one of the three in the former outcomes. To be honest with you when I made this observation it wasn ‘t like I had done a lot of research or have some kind of beliefs in these lines, I was just making an innocent and sincere but bitter observation which is factual. Crucify me if you want it also ‘coincidentally’ happens to be that I am Bemba.

  57. Guru, One thing we will never know is how well things could have been going if Zambia had in the past been ruled or led by non bembas. Or is it just best to forget all this and just embrace the ‘ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION’ a motto, initiated by our first president who also happens to be a bemba!

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