THE Lusaka High Court has ordered Lusaka businessman Carl Frieslaar to pay over K16 million to his wife, Karen Van Boxtel, a British consular officer, for rentals and monthly up-keep for the children.
This is in a case in which Ms Van Boxtel had petitioned the High Court to ask her husband to provide maintenance for rentals and daily provisions for his children and the wife, pending the suit.
Ms Van Boxtel wanted the court to order her husband to pay monthly maintenance of K120 million, while the couple was on separation.
Deputy director of High Court operations Chilombo Phiri said Frieslaar will pay the money through the court every month as fees for maintenance for rentals and daily provisions for his children and wife, while waiting for the petition to be disposed of.
“The respondent (Mr Frieslaar) should pay the sum of K4, 341, 144.53 for the lease. This brings the total monthly payment for maintenance pending suit to K16,341,144.53.
“This amount should be paid in court at the end of each month until the petition is disposed of,” Mrs Phiri said in a ruling delivered recently.
She said considering that Mr Frieslaar would pay school fees, buy clothes, pay medicals for the three children, K120 million would be sufficient maintenance to provide for rentals and daily provisions for her and the children.
Ms Van Boxtel also wanted her husband to provide the family with other requirements such as medical fees, groceries, fuel and motor vehicle maintenance.
She stated that her husband used to provide for the family before and nothing should stop him from doing so now that the couple was on separation.
But Mr Frieslaar said it would not be practical to make the provisions from his current income.
He called upon the court to take into account the reasonableness of the amount claimed by Ms Van Boxtel and his ability to pay.
Mr Frieslaar asked the court to take into account the fact that he had earlier accused his wife of committing adultery.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
K16 million is not enough!
yes men should be child support according to their earnings not just coming up with little cash for upkeep.do we have child support enforcement in zambia?what happens to those who fail to take care of their outside kids(while them are married),can the pf govt look into this issue seriously because its one way where men will limit their mass production.12million is too much foe zambia.
too quick in sending,wanted to be on 1,
120million is only 15000pounds and very reasonable.
This should not only apply to her but many more stupid men that ubandon there chikdemren and family. If such laws were enforced we should have the problem of street children.
That woman was found at a club seating on the laps of a white farmer of Mazabuka. Do you think she deserves that kind of support? Support can only be given to the children and not her. To make matters worse, the man was even assaulted by the farmer after he inquired on what the wife was doing on his laps.
The claimant is unrealistic. That is too much money per month especially in Zambia. She should ask the Mazabuka farmer who contributed to her seperation to pay for her bills.
We don’t know the real facts as to why this woman left the husband so it’s pointless to judge.Naturally the ex appears to be bitter in his conduct.My advise to all men esp Zambian men,never ever take a woman for granted.You must never prescribe what would make her happy.Women are very complex but very easy to please if you get it right ,by the way.The Zambian attitude of I am the man in this house should be buried and instead study your woman,discover what she likes,spend money on her(yes women like being spoilt) even if she earns more.
If she is a cheater and she committed adultely please don’t give her nothing
She may be a cheater, but that doesn’t negate the fact that those are his kids and he needs to continue to provide for them. As for the woman – Madam you made your bed and now you will have to revise your standards lower in order for you to lie in it. 16m is too much.
Gold diggers should get jobs
is the man unable to move the kids with him and leave this money thirsty ***
One thousand pounds will be enough since this ****caused her separation because of her adultery. The farmer should be asked to pay some money which she was after. Or was she just after sex?
so no tu sungu twa buchende pa zed. te sodoma na gomora fye pa zambia iyi
15000 pounds per month? Must be a misprint sure
This is a jezebel of a woman, vixen who with her boyfriend and brother beat up Carl black and blue – to within inches of death when she was found in a compromising situation!! She is a gold digger and shameless adulteress. She could have been stoned to death in a muslim country practicing sharia law, she must count her blessings this happened in Zambia. K120 million per month in maintenance?? She must live in the world of her own!!
#14 Would they stone a man as well?
good question… I have never heard of a man stoned despite of commiting adultery or raping. The world is cruel to women in the Muslim world.. Women not allowed to drive like in Saudi Arabia, forced marriages, defaced if refused etc…
She must really know how to work it to have an affair and still manage to milk A LOT of money from her man. zmk 120 mil is a small company every month.
No woman is worth this much. This is a joke.
If this woman committeed adultery they should give the children to the father otherwise what will she teach them except to be greedy. this type of maintenance will encourage even the baby mamas to be making riduculous demands. What will she be contributing towards the upkeep of the children? Nothing obviously!
I understand that she want to turn his life into HELL by collapsing, pulling down his businness
Efyo nshakopile ifi fine.
That’s a white woman for you, they will take you to the cleaners and make your life a living hell!!
We know them some of us these type of women form England.
this is quite a joke
shame on her this is a real joke. Why can’t the so called farmer pay for all these expenses since he was involved in marriage interference…..
Iam waiting for the courts to dissolve the marriage so that i marry her. I can manage 120mil per month plus sex everyday
# 24..
She is too old for day after sex. You will end up lossing your money. Go for a Zam lady who can keep you sweating all night. Only sleeping during lunch break at home .. go ..go guy:((
I wonder where some of you guys are getting the information that Mr Frieslaar is a farmer i thought the headline reads businessman..may be there is something i missed.
#25 farming is a form of business are you lost, wake up
I agree with # 21. Ala abasungu tebekupenenako balitumpa. I am glad she is doing it to a fellow white, i am not being racist, but it were a Zambian fellow i would have said akuchenjesha. They have nothing to offer after all!!!
#25 the farmer is the Zimbwabwean Mazabuka boyfriend.
This woman is a golddigger, just like other women in Zambia. Warning to men: dont reveal all your monetary issues to your wife/girlfriend. This women must have information. Why cant women work hard on their. i, for one, admire women who have made it big on their own, without using the “behind power”. If SATA created a trust for his assets, gentlemen, that is the way to go. We need to hedge and ringfence our hard-earned assets and properties from these women who think with their legs and breasts and ……..you know what i mean
Ka Gold digger
Do they pay rentals every month? K16 m is way too much to be spending on your cheating ex-wife regardless of the business you are doing.Have things become that expensive in Zambia?
Awe pantu amusangile balemutomba kuli bambi
at long last we r shown how its done. Zambian men avoid paying child maintenance especially for the children they produce outside marriage. this sort of judgement should be done more often so that the mass production can stop. i think this has contributed to the lack of street children in western countries because once u father a child u r in for it in terms of maintenance. here here mama show us how its done!!! Zambia as a nation will truly benefit from such moves. its like the fifty cent song “have a baby by me be a millionaire”