FORMER Minister of Finance Situmbeko Musokotwane’s company, ZamBuild Investments Limited, supplied blocks for the construction of the Pepsi plant in Lusaka, it has been learnt.
Dr Musokotwane, who is also embroiled in the authorisation of a K10 billion tax deferment to Varun Beverages Zambia Limited, the producers of Pepsi Cola, provided all the blocks for the construction of the Pepsi Cola plant on Mungwi Road in the industrial area.
Varun Beverages also got an exemption on paying tax for bringing equipment into the country.
Varun Beverages Zambia Limited holds the franchise for Pepsi Cola in Zambia.
But Dr Musokotwane yesterday said he is only a shareholder in ZamBuild, adding that the company could have supplied blocks to Varun Beverages for a small fraction of the construction of the plant.
He said his company gets a lot of business from different people and industries because it has one of the best technologies in block-making in the country.
“I never at any time went there to solicit for business. I am above board and cannot do such a thing,” said Dr Musokotwane, adding that he is not in the management team of ZamBuild.
“It’s like people who buy Mercedes Benz, they go for those cars because of the good quality and that is what the people who buy blocks from us are looking for,” he said.
Varun Beverages Limited chief executive officer Krishnan Shankar could not be reached for comment but the company financial accountant, a Mr Arun, said he is not aware of the companies that supplied construction materials during the construction of the plant. He said he was not with the company at the time.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
supplied blocks so wat, if allegations laid against musokotwane were really true, then its really a waste of time talking of blocks
Ok and so what?
Were the blocks stolen?
People are reaching now.
Gentlemen that is not government business where you can draw in the tender board,Auditor General.That is a normal business transaction.Please look for serious issues if you want to discredit this man.
These stories on pepsi have nothing really to do with musokotweni but its to do with sabmiler thru zambia breweries using their person called Nick at daily mail to do their figthing in a cola war.
no conflict of interest.give us real issues.
To me this looks like Varun competitors have felt
the competition and wants to discredit them. But again if Dr M dealt with this company depending at what stage he should have declared an interest and should not have been at the centre of the tax approval. Taking into account what I have said there nothing wrong with Zambuild supplying blocks to Varun
There is no conflict of interest to declare in this case. He was not even part of the management. His company is doing business with another company. If they were given tax exemptions then ZRA are the people who should explain how the exemption was granted. We agree that ZamBuild was just doing normal business.
The man is earning a living doing decent business blocks, eggs, chickens etc etc, he knows that he cannot pin his well being and that of his family on politics. Dr Musokotwane needs to be commended and not villified. The DR is slowly being turned into a hero by ignorant kaponyas (including Zambia Daily Mail). Leave him alone, you good for nothing kaponyas, always looking for good things to contaminate, like house flies.
This is really bullshit. What connection is the auther of the story really trying to get at? If Musokotwane stole, let the police arrest him. We have really been fed with so much propaganda staff from this PF govt against Musokotwane; first it was the bycycles, then it was the double salaries. Next was the fake monies, the came the issue of tax evasion and now that his company supplied blocks. We need a conclusion of all these cases. Otherwise we the citens are ment to believe that the government is on a fishing expedition in trying to find faults in Musokotwane.We need tangible development from the government instead of this empty yapping we hear alomst daily. Work and deliver on the promises…
All of you above , the government is trying to show that why Varun company got a tax break is becoz of Musokotwane’s interst in the company which he gave the benifit K10 billion kwacha. the company he has interests in. How you people can not get it is beyond me !!
thank you, is all l can say, some people have selective reasoning, why ? Beats me?
Inu Bantu! You think in small bits! He gave Tax Holidays, + Rebates, + un remittable VAT receivables, + and gets contracts to supply blocks, and you say so what?!
Look a head and you will see Situmbeko’s hold contract to distribute country wide with RB TRUCKS.
This whole thing smells like rotten kwindi. Looks you will accept to see Kambwili’s company supplying goods to all our Missions abroad.
Yes, so what? ………this is what President is against.
Musokotwane was no. 3 and it shows that he is in a glass kraal and should not thro cow dung at others. Yes he is educated but he is corrupt just like Tekere a grade 4.
If one has share in coca cola and he is also a buyer in a certain company, regardless of what one may do, the probability that the company where the shareholder of coca cola is will buy beverages from Coca Cola company is 10/10. This will happen whether the buyer is a shareholder, part owner of coca cola or not. The fact is that there are certain companies that are household names, they do not need bribes to function. The same goes for Misokotwani’s alleged company. Most of us buy Manzi water, despite other waters on the shelf, we buy Colgate toothpaste despite other tooth pastes around.
Zambuild is not a Renown brand. There is a mile between your example and what musokotwane did.
The buyer’s company shouldnt have contracts to supply anything to coca cola. Never heard of INSIDERR TRADING?
Wat we r not been told is the fact that since the time of Chiluba a lot of companies coming into the country ve been given tax holidays. The best that should ve been done would ve been to compare the tax relief given to pepsi with others given thus far. Failure to do so makes this whole story sound like a witch hunt against hon. Situmbeko
Here is someone who engaged in business activity to supplement his income, rather than steal being vilified. Can you chase the real thieves or better still report on new Government achievements if you are going to engage in propaganda better it be positive and building than destructive for nothing. We wont be distracted we want results!
witch hunt
It is not witch hunt. A Company want to invest in Zambia. Ok Dr MS you can do so as long as I can supply bricks. But what else can Pespi benefit. I will give you tax holiday and will be a share holder. In that time Govt will loose millions because Pespi will be cheaper and most Zambians will buying Pespi instead of Cocacola or Tarino which ever is taxed heavily and would call normal business transaction. Where are you going to get the money to pay for medical supplies? Where is the money going to come from for free education? Tax Holiday?? You think so? Dr and his friends balatubweshesha kunuma. We have to move at a sneils pace because of such decsions. Too selfish thats the problem. In real world Minister would not even get involved in such business transaction because of conflict
The good Dr some of us who know you well and what you have achieved both academically and business wish you all the good blessings as you try to build your political career. Keep up the good work..the Kaponya’s are scared.
We need a leadership with brains and you can contribute alot to Zambia now that people have released that a police constable can not run a country.
We are behind you Dr
You monkey thieves just develop zed stop this witch hunt
The brains are a disapointementt. didn’t they run off the mines and UBZ? A crocodile in water is the same in sea
Lubinda we need a road and water in jack compound pliz we will appreciate so much. Waiting for action
Results, results results! We all want them and should recognise them when they comeby. Otherwise, we shall be blind to the obvious.
Mind you, Sata promised to show us the THIEVES if voted into office (rich, businessmen, educated, leaders, chinese, any tribe). Now, the result is here and you want to play blindlady!
Pipo don’t under play what’s at stake. World over political leaders are not encourage to do such business. How sure are that the tax holidays are not for the contract to supply blocks? And whats the unit cost of the same blocks(it could be that the price was inflated when you compare with market values). how do you expect other block suppliers to compete with the MP when hez allegedly giving Pepsi abnormal tax breaks? I also feel for ZB coz how do they compete with Pepsi? lets be objective nd not jst hallucinate.
Very sensible arguments. I wonder why people can’t see this! Are they happy with corruption?
hello people. the govt has not done anything. its only the LT journalists who are reporting this and informing the public. in short they are trying to fuel matters. they have just exposed who is who and their deeds. blame LT for this discussing.
A Company want to invest in Zambia. Dr MS you can do so as long as I can supply bricks. But what else can Pespi benefit. I will give you tax holiday and will be a share holder. In that time Govt will loose millions because Pespi will be cheaper and most Zambians will buying Pespi instead of Cocacola or Tarino which ever is taxed to benefit zambians . Where are you going to get the money to pay for medical supplies? Where is the money going to come from for free education? Tax Holiday?? You think so? Dr and his friends balatubweshesha kunuma. We have to move at a sneils pace because of such decsions. Too selfish thats the problem. In real world Minister would not even get involved in such business transaction because of conflict of interest??
The dr is a good man.leave him alone.he has made us proud!
So what’s the problem exactly ba LT?? We have written rules and regulations, so the question should be what law(s) has Dr Musokotwane contravened? Bring those out!. If there is none, then this is article borders on deformation of character on his part, and he can and might actually sue you ba LT for running this article. Don’t just follow Zambia Daily mail blindly!
This Doctor (Musokotwane) is is a crook… This is definately conflict of interest.. He has NOT at any point declared his interest. This may look small but to have ten crooks like this Doctor in GRZ headed by RB the Mafia, the country can Never develop.
Let us be fair on the dr.what has he done?at least he is better than Liato!
“no conflict of interest.give us real issues.” Some people can be dull! how can some one with five sense say there is no conflict of interest? when Hon. Musokotwane corruptly authorized a tax rebate and then his company start to supply blocks. Is that not an interest? Please don’t display your ignorance in the public just because you a Lozi. The interest can either be direct or indirect period and Hon Musokotwane has an interest in the company and by him purportedly to give tax rebate to the company which he latter starts to supply blocks is not only unethical but also illegal please seek legal advice on this matter.
What about Chikwanda the current finance minister ,he’s busy renovating plot 1 without following any tender procedures sing GRZ money.Morever he’s a cousin to Satana .No costing was done the K45 Billion Kwacha was arrived at between the two finished men over a meal.Dr SM did not steal from anyone you fools,kopanyas.
In Zambia corruption is rife regardless of who’s in power. ALL are hypocrites……..Everyone is doing deals whether legit, semi legit or illegal. However, if you are in office you are at an advantage…
more witch hunting. There is nothing wrong with owning a business, unless they are saying Dr. M gave PepsiCo a tax break in order get them to buy his blocks.
If that is the case, then proof should be given, and this should be explicitly stated.
At this rate, the more we hear about Dr. M, the more we tend to like him.
90 days is gone PF get to work, what has blocks got to do with, Sata lied that paties need 3sets of linen when he was health minister 2 days later his cousin supplied linen . Banking Merzaf flats fund in your personal account is more criminal than supplying blocks by a legitimate company. Bafikolour ba PF get serious
When Antiny Mukwita went to Daily Mail, I was convinced that this paper will be transformed. I have followed Muwita for some time and have ready his stories in many international publications like Reuters, bloomberg News and the like, but alas, it seems there is an invisible spirit that guides our public officers. The cadrerism and lack of proffessionalism by the reportage of our public media, regardless who is at the helm is now scaring. I will not be suprised to see supposedly independent thinking proffessionals like musa Mwenye, Patrick matibini getting compromised by poitics.
Lets not get carried please investigate any crook, if this man is found to have broken the law, give him a stiff jail term . PF please doctor or not doctor, educated or uneducated, tonga or bemba jail them all if they break the law of our land, please remember we are a Republic, every inch of land is govt property, hence GRZ
Sooty I meants patients needed linen at the hospit
Sorry this mac laptop keeps bringing spelling suggestion I never intended to typpe
Good afternoon
Some people need to read the report again and get the facts straight: the main issue here is not why a block-making company allegedly belonging to the former minister supplied the blocks. The question is why Varun Beverages was awarded a K10 billion tax deferment and a further exemption for bringing equipment into the country.
Do you need to be reminded that the government imposes strict and serious penalties for tax evasion? Tax evasion is an even more serious offence than tax avoidance, which is making use of legal methods to minimize a tax burden. Tax offences have nothing to do with witch-hunting!
Simple equation gentlemen , Block Making Contract = Tax Exemptions(loss of government revenue) , this one i support Sata, it should be pursued.
The problem in Africa is that everything is so normal. You may be late 1 hour late for a meeting- that is normal.Attend a funeral without official leave-normal. Supply goods and services in return for a favor or two- that is normal. In a true democratic society, when you are in a political office, even gifts must be declared. No wonder Fredrick Chiluba was claiming that $8 million was a gift from well wishers, and Zambians being what they are believed the shi t. This guy was Minister of Finance, even in business he knows what he allegedly did was wrong. Why his company? Did he have special building blocks for PEPSI? Even with his education and experience he made a serious error in judgement. Investigate him? Yes Assumption is the mother of all fu ckups!!!
Witch hunting mu chalo will never stop. Do u people need Samuel Eto to come and teach u how to invest whole heartedly in your own country???? How can we be discussing ama blocks. Ba LT bring us real news and stop mucking around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
imwe fakikamba,there is a definite conflict of interest here.He gave the hefty tax breaks on the
understanding that the company in which he has interest whether in management or just a share
holder could supply the building blocks to Varun Beverages using his government position as Finance Minister.No wonder our peaple will continue wallowing in perpetual poverty because of a few selfish individuals.
it looks some people cannot accept that a tonga Dr can ever commit an offence, but if it were a ngoni or bemba doctor these tribalists would call them all sorts of names. Now imagin if we had put under5 in plot 1, mo tonga would be accountable for their crimes cos the fools feel they can do as they like and support each other even when its plan this guy is a criminal doctor who should get a stiff jail sentence. This man and HH are just human like you and shit smelly dung just like the rest of you
This shudnt b a tribe issue,if there was an interest Dr shud b prosecuted, bt then we r seen same wit Chikwanda on renovations wich cud make it luk lyk a witch hunt
I think # 1-7 and etc above are just passing comments without taking everything into consideration. You can’t support Dr. M for whatever reason because it is wrong for Dr. M to even open his mouth to defend himself on this. We want investors to benefit all Zambians and not people like Dr. M alone. The questions that may be asked are; Why did he give taxbreaks to the company he claims to be a share holder? How many companies did he give those taxbreaks? Something was going on between Dr. M and the mentioned company. He must be investigated until found innocent. Those of you supporting Dr. M should rethink again and analyze the issues before you pass a comment.
Just because Dr SM was questioning how things are been done by the PF, so PF has to witch hunt him, Ba PF just show that you can perform as per your promises. period.
@36 Nine Chale and @41 IDACHI in the UK. Please desist from making unfounded insunuations based on speculation and innuendo. It does seem that the whole cabal of the PF govt and its Northern psychophants are very quick to economise on truth ( refer to weakleaks on Sata). I would advise you to go to the Zambian Development Agency website and acquaint yourselves with the INCENTIVES that are given to particular sectors. Mining and Manufacturing investors are all exempted from paying duty on their machinery. Varum (Pepsi was not a special case). Nine Chale the so called DEFFERED Tax is an oxy.mo.ron because VAT is charged on the consumer. Please focus on your campaign promises! Take Musokotwane to court if you have a case if you have a case or JUST SHUT UP!
No wonder this country will never get rid of corruption! how can we not see that it is not normal for a company director to supply stationery to the company he is leading without declaring interest. how is it normal to supply blocks to a company you just awarded a hefty tax break as finance Minister without declaring interest? either we are corrupt or burrying heads in deep sand; neither of which will help us. the man Musokotwane must own up nor matyter his tribal origins
If your govt has all this evidence abou Musokotwane’s evil deeds arent you BUFFLED that he has not been charged with anything…….let him have his day in court. If not JUST SHUT UP! 90 days is gone and you have delivered nothing! To think that we will have this nonsense for 5 years is ver frightening!
which company is renovating state house?whio is the ministor behind this leave Dr Musokotwane alone.
You give a company a tax break and you supply them with your goods so that they do not fall short of payments to you?
I think any person can identify the conflict of interest there.
PF diehards please stop trying people in your foo.lis.h and cheap newspapers. Tell your failed 90 days miracle PF govt to charge the Musokotwane guy with an offenceso that he can have his day in court. You daily diet of accusations is now sickening and BORING! There is a huge difference between PROSECUTION and PERSECUTION. My God 5 years of this RUBBISH will be too much for sane people. Charge the Guy or just GO TO HELL!
Some people can’t see it even if it’s written on their faces…everything is a witch-hunt to them yet its us who lost out in tax revenue…why ain’t they arresting these corrupt people??
jay jay@49 ”””””” No my brother they know this man has committed a serious offences but have selective way of seeing things, in that their Brains tell them to ignore crimes committed by their tribe folk. Its a well known fact this man was helping with tax evasion, accepting bribes.. PF does not choose who to investigate but will do the same with whoever stole public money be it a bemba,Lozi, tonga lenge, tumbuka ,etc all should be accountable for their deeds, we don,t want another Chiluba excuse of claiming $8 million was a gift. We are a civilised democracy this tribalist mentality has sprung up very suddenly, the zambia l grew up in knew no such crap, that my friends why l have mates from every corner of zambia,we are all inter-married among all zambian tribes
You guys arguing stoopidly here you mean there s no code of ethics for pollitical leadership in your country? Today I give tax exemption to someone and tommorow he supplies me with a contract to provide him bricks and this is perfectly normal for you? It must be a crap country. No wonder police and Customs DEMAND bribes in Z
Is he the only one? Any of these things mentioned involve a lot of people. Why the f*** can’t you mention the others? This is all si**ly and not even worth bringing to our attention. Stop worsting people’s time and focus on development issues, PF.
Take the Dr to court if you have a case or shut up…..
Its just a sad state of affairs, 1st world developed governments only give tax breaks or holidays in very exceptional circumstances so as to stimulate growth or encourage job creation in a particular sector of the economy..but looking at this stance here by this former minister reeks of utter greed…what annoys me even more are those very small African minds on this comments thread who think that a man of Musokotwane’s background is unable to dip into the till; the worst thieves are they so called educated ones. When are we are going to learn, how many companies has this man given tax breaks; please please I hope he didn’t award golden tax parachutes to the mine owners as well.
We entrusted this man with the treasury and you defend him that’s your money; it’s really disgusting; what society are we bringing up; this man should be behind bars by now no questions. If you don’t see any wrong in this then you are a big fo0l as this man was stealing from you and your children.
it was a bussiness as ussual arrangement,sure his company cannot conduct any bussness in this country?but again this obviosly motivated him in giving them tax concessions it will be better to probe him.is a thief and a corrupt learned economist
So the company that supplied blocks may not be his after all.
Why not just take Musokotwane, Mumba, RB and his sons, Thandiwe and her twins, Siliya, whoever printed the fake kwachas, Maxwell Mwale and anybody who is alleged to have misappropriated public funds to court? After all Mutembo Nchito is the DPP now. Whilst you are at it, make sure that all those pf councillors involved in shady land deals in Lusaka are charged so so that we know that Chilufya is not selective in his fight against corruption. In fact Chilufya can show us how ‘allergic’ he is against corruption by giving a very detailed outline of how he managed to acquire all the properties he has put in trust for his children in Avondale and Chilenje.
so what?Musokotwane s company supplied blocks to Pepsi company, Chikwandas company renovated State House. Who chewed tax money?
fool no wonder you support a losing horse, how can u honestly be so shallow minded
People you surprise me. so what? Thats very limited thinking. It might not look like corruption to some of you or conflict of interest. Let me explain it to you in simple terms. “Give us tax breaks and we ll give you business”. For both parties its a win win situation. For poor Zambia and its tax payers means they get nothing. No hospital supplies, bad roads low wages you name it. Please think outside the box.
LEAVE THE HONOURABLE GENTLEMan alone. If his company supplied blocks what is that to anyone to discredit? Witchunting has gone to far and this rot must be brought to an end. PF should concentrate with creating jobs, restoring barotse agreement, developing Zambia in 90 days as opposed to unending wasteful errands of fault finding. MMD is out and possibly out forever, which makes them a spent force to keep fighting. Ám sure now Sata and pf have come to understanding that ruling a country is not as easy as they thought. That is why the man is busy poaching MMD mps for portifolios in his government leaving a horde of his own people assuming this will help but the bet is going the wrong way.
Long live Zambia. God is seeing and hearing everything being said and done for He can not be mocked.
In order for one to make a logical argument,one needs to know the order of the two events: If the tax waiver occured first then the selling of the blocks is of little significance and one that is irrelevant for the debate. It may, however, be of interest to Pepsi (i.e. tender\bid procedures and other issues of governanxce).
If,on the other hand, the selling of the blocks occured first, then it was imperative for Dr Musokwatane to declare interest in the granting of the tax waiver. His obligation may not be legal but certainly moral
What is wrong when Situmbeko Musokotwane’s company, ZamBuild Investments Limited, supplied blocks for the construction of the Pepsi plant in Lusaka, which a strictly private enterprise? This is a kind of business transcation that is commonly arrived at at Golf Clubs. The Auditor General Officers have no business pocking their noses on private matters. Yet we have a real live case that warrants the attention of the Auditor General in a case where a Minister of Finance dubiously renovated State House without following Tender Regulations. It appears the whole theme of this news item is to divert issues from Govt confusion and the PF poor management skills. Not all Zambians have Kaponya mentalities.
Conflict of interest. The block issue is not so much of a problem but the problem is “The shareholder” who happens to be a minister of finance. The quality of blocks and the “best” technology that Situmbeko is talking about are immaterial. The exemptions, the tax relief are the major issues. Clearly there is a conflict of interest.
#63 How are you going to create jobs with tax holidays? Money makes money without money the Govt would not otherwise will borrow at a cost. Rather instead of the tax from Pespi paying for you, you pay for having a granted tax holiday.
Dr. Musokotwane owns shares in a company that received a contract from Pepsi. In his capacity as the Finance Minister, he gives Pepsi a tax holiday – the difference to be made up with your tax money, need I add.
Now does anyone believe that this does not advantage the Finance Minister over ordinary business people who are not in government? Who are not in a position to award tax holidays to the businesses whose contracts they seek?
So the minister pretends that it was just the quality of the cement blocks that made Pepsi decide to award the contract to his company.
I think he should try and convince a judge of that.
This is exactly why politicians should not be in business while they are holding elected or appointed office. At one time in US history, before the Bush Administration, top level politicians put their shares and other equities in a blind fund, that could not be touched as long as they were in office.
Musokotwane used his position in government and that what some illiterate people on this blog need to understand. It is unacceptable for people like him or any leader in government to use unfair means to grab business. It’s a prosecutable offence to give Pepsi all the favours in return for a multi-million Kwacha business of the supply of blocks. It shows business is not conducted on level playing field. Not every Zambia will be a Minister of Finance to be able to get contracts to supply whatever. That’s the reason government needs to stop people like Musokotwane from getting over other businesses that are in the business of blockmaking. Musokotwane also talks like an illiterate when he says his company makes the best blocks, typical non-technical person’s talking without understanding.
Several companies starting in Zed are given tax holidays — this is ti encourage more FDI and more investors. You as a citizen can also get a tax break.
If he is guilty, then charge him.
This is just more smoke screen, where is the development? When will the witch hunt end?
take him to court if he found guilty , stiff jail term, l don,t give a f.u.c.k what tribe he is , abuse of power is not a tribal offence, but the zambia law broken by people in power has become a common thing make an example of this man, any one any tribe degree or no degree,phd or no phd jail them. Boma ni Boma this is the 1st soft govt zambia has ever had, Sata you are disappopinting us ,show the what a man of action you are, we need a Jerry Rawlings in zambia even for just a year to clear this mess left by mmd
what a day!!!!!!!!! what a day!!!!!! Stories of this kind we ought not to comment. There is no breath in so doing yet I am doing it. Dr. mileage is on the ride day and nite. this is what is called free publicity. Great comments and suggestions like #46 will always be ignored. Lets read other pipo’s comments and reread the story before one comments.
#69 MrK, so what do you say about the company that has been contracted to renovate state house? No interest was declared by those in positions of authority. So corruption is only what former leaders did wrong and not what current leaders do wrong? Can you imagine IG Malama investigating that contract, no way! That is my bone of contention, otherwise I have no issue with offenders, the law may run its course for all I care.
BA LLOYD HIMABO, it is not aboutmaking examples ,but arrest all those that break the law. If you stick to giving examples you will be leaving behind the actual culprits. Instead presendences can be set. If Musokotwane is arrested for not declaring interest, then Chikwanda should be arrested for the same. George Mpombo was arrested for bouncing a check, the law should visit Lucy Changwe for the same and many other Zambians who commit this offence. If RB is condenmed for making unilatiral decisions, then Sata should also be condenmed. Ask around about the guy who is supplying the most mealie meal to government institutions now, without declaring interest.
75 goodluck rawlings,
” #69 MrK, so what do you say about the company that has been contracted to renovate state house? No interest was declared by those in positions of authority. ”
We’ll see about the details on that one. However, even President Sata’s son was not shielded from scrutiny – which is a big difference from the previous administration, I’m sure you will agree.
” That is my bone of contention, otherwise I have no issue with offenders, the law may run its course for all I care. ”
I completely agree with that. And sometimes it takes a new administration for the law to take it’s course.
I don’t care whatever tribe or province anyone is from either, what matters is that the government and the law work for every single citizen.
60 Dont Kutina,
” Why not just take Musokotwane, Mumba, RB and his sons, Thandiwe and her twins, Siliya, whoever printed the fake kwachas, Maxwell Mwale and anybody who is alleged to have misappropriated public funds to court? ”
I’m sure that will happen. However, let them first build some solid cases. They may even find grounds to overturn the Development Agreements, when they find evidence or high level testimony that bribes were paid by the corporations. Which, if they are US or Canadian, is a go-to-jail felony.
In the US, it is illegal to bribe foreign officials under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). In Canada, it is illegal under the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (CFPOA).
No62> I support you 100%. It might have also been ” Give us business and we will arrange for Tax Breaks for you”. People fail to look at things critically. This guy was a Minister of Finance. Who does not know the influence he would wield with business people in the country? Let us be real and look at things objectively regardless of who is in Government now. This deal is questionable my fellow Zambians. Board member or not, the investors new his influence.
It seems like most bloggers dont really know how ministries operate. Giving Tax breaks are not issues you discuss with would be investors at Break point or Insaka. It takes the entire department to come up with such decisions. The permanent Secretary, Directors, Secretaries and those chaps from the Department of National planning who are the main advisors on such matters, should all be arrested. Such meetings are usually attended by people I have mentioned and those from other entities such as , The Chamber of commerce, Bural of Standards,ZRA,Manufacturers Association, BOZ and many other interested parties. But, most of you write like you are not educated. Iam beginning to agree with Mushota, though painfully.
Yes arrest him after all he is Tonga may be lozi !
1) Some one print a copy of Zambian laws against insider trading.
2) Coca cola is laughing at Pepsi at this blunder lol.
3) Minister Chikwanda should start preparing his legal team and tender agreements.
Leave it to the courts and the security wings thats why we voted these chaps out, we saw corruption all that is needed now is to proove it in court. Just wait more is being revealed. God bless PF government and the President. GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
Its such a shame that this medium lets comments with little or no grasp of the article.This is just
a classic example of corruption with glaring characteristics right before our eyes;tax incentives to a favored beverage firm,scratch my back concept and the saying goes’ there’s nothing like free lunch.
And of course, a privileged individual or position which entails ability to influence questionable acts and amounting to abuse of office.
Regardless of political affiliation the corruption should be condoned and allow the wheels of justice to prevail.
I think there must be somekind of PACT between Situmbeko and Michael Sata. Otherwise why are they busy raising Situmbeko’s profile????? Right now, it is as if Situmbeko is the most feared opposition politician in the country. They have continuously thrown mud at him but it never sticks. The more this happens, the more they are publicising Situmbeko’s image. The problem for PF is that they have someone called George Chellah in State House, who has just won the uneviable award of being The Dullest Presidential Public Relations Advisor in Africa.
Apart from the quality of blocks, the other reason why ZamBuild could have been selected by Pepsi is proximity. They are all on Old Mungwi road in Lusaka West. I do not see any influence by Musokotwane here nor any link to the tax holiday. This is just another baseless sequel to the witch hunt.
We need to direct our energies where we need them most – development!
Get over it people. This is what Daily Mail should have been reporting when RB was in power. Instead they were too scared. Unfortunately, the report is now stale and looks like it is just a vendetta against another MMD thief. The truth is Musokotwane personally benefitted from this. Indian are just as corrupt as Zambians. That is why India’s public services are so bad despite the country boasting so many billionaires. They do not pay taxes! The Indian owners of the Pepsi franchise obviously had to give inducements to our equally corrupt politicians to get all those tax excemptions.
The MMD started with the word “GOOD RIDDANCE” and now they are ending the year with “WITCH-HUNT” while the PF have maintained the word “CORRUPTION”
Anyways whatever the case it will be good riddance to have corrupt free zed.
The other way of looking at it is that perhaps Pepsi found it cheaper to buy blocks from lusaka west near the factory than from Oriental quarries in Makeni or elsewhere.
Did the Dr SM give this tax break using his discretion as Minister of Finance or was it done by cabinet collectively? Common sense tells me that a minister cannot give a tax holiday on his own without cabinet approval.
# 89,i was about to ask that.Can a minister of Finance single handedly give out tax incentives in Zambia? If the answer is NO then shut up.
So what? Why not? Even Alexander Chikwanda’s company renovated State House!
Obviously Pepsi was not involved in constructing the factory; it was done by a contractor who is at liberty to source materials from any supplier. I really do not see any connection between the blocks and the tax exemption. The author of allegations should have found out about construction practices before exposing his/her ignorance.
musokotwanes big gaff was to try and humiliate the president over the kwacha printing saga. thats where he went wrong and thats why the spotlight is on him . it seems he forgot that he is i now in opposition.
” musokotwanes big gaff was to try and humiliate the president over the kwacha printing saga. thats where he went wrong and thats why the spotlight is on him . ”
The spotlight is on him, because as Finance Minister he oversaw more corruption than even the President. Zambia has lost hundreds of millions if not billions, because of what he has done. He was behind the ending of the Windfall Tax. That alone cost the ZRA billions of US dollars in uncollected taxes.
Rubbish stuff from an ignorant government, confused with wild promises it made.