United Party for National Development UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema has charged that foreign investment is threatened under the leadership of the Patriotic Front.
Mr. Hichilema says President Sata has since coming to power not given confidence to foreign investors.
He adds that the recent statement the President made on the alleged fake money in circulation further heightened the concerns of investors.
Mr. Hichilema has advised President Sata not to be careless in making statements that border on the economy of the country.
The opposition leader says his party is concerned with such statements coming from the head of state.
Meanwhile, Alliance for Democracy and Development ADD leader Charles Milupi has said that President Michael Sata was wrong when he referred to Barotseland agreement advocates as being in a weaker position.
Mr. Milupi said that though the call for dialogue is welcome, the Republican President was rather sarcastic when he stated that those trying to be confrontational on the Barotseland agreement were in a weaker position.
He said that Barotseland agreement advocates have a right to ask what they asked for, stating that the language the President used was a bit hard.
Republican president Michael Sata this week urged the people of western province not to resort to confrontation in dealing with issues surrounding the Barotseland agreement.
But Mr. Milupi has urged the president not to use perceived bad words in trying to resolve challenges that have been facing western province.
[pullquote]Mr. Milupi said that though the call for dialogue is welcome, the Republican President was rather sarcastic when he stated that those trying to be confrontational on the Barotseland agreement were in a weaker position.[/pullquote]
And The Foundation for Democratic Process FODEP has called on first republican president Dr. Kenneth Kaunda to intervene in resolving the Barotseland agreement of 1964.
FODEP executive director MacDonald Chipenzi says now that republican President Michael Sata has opened dialogue on the same, it is important that the first republican president intervenes.
Mr. Chipenzi says Dr. Kaunda being a signatory to the agreement should come forward and offer advice on how the issue of the Barotseland agreement should be resolved.
In an interview with QFM radio, Mr Chipenzi has welcomed government’s stance to promote dialogue in resolving issues surrounding the controversy in Western Province.
He adds that there is need for unity in the country in view of the many developmental challenges being faced.
The FODEP executive director further says that there is need for government to ensure that all the issues surrounding the Barotseland agreement are resolved in the shortest period of time.
This is article has three sub-headings. I choise to comment on none.
Ba HH ubupuba bwachilamo. Sometimes people will peceive you to be wise by merely keeping your mouth shut.
Can this under 5 give us just tell us one investor who has indicated to him that they are threatened?
Mr Capitalist and Boot Fimo fimo used to say-prove it! This boy has to wait for 2041. He stands a chance then.
Can this under 5 give us just one investor who has indicated to him that they are threatened?
Mr Capitalist and Boot Fimo fimo used to say-prove it! This boy has to wait for 2041. He stands a chance then.
polo yanu a bunga bunga
Twatotela ba Mike Tyson mwechinangwa mwe. Bushe naba wiso efyo baletukana mwa? Like father like son! I see!
Hichilema is still a bitter person and will never accept that HE-MCS is the Republican President until he dies. How come he is always negative about the PF Government even if they do what other opposition groups perceive to be positive? No wonder he campaigned for the MMD and Rupiah so that should Sata loses, and RB wins, he was rest assured that he was going to be the next President of Zambia, little did he not realize that even RB also only wanted to use him 4 his party to continue in power and thereafter, George or any other MMD member will have been anointed by RB to take over so that he could have been protected for the so much wealthy they were going to amass in the 8 years in power. So Hichilema grow up and accept the truth that its PF and Sata’s time until after 20 years or so.
Blogers have you taken leave of your senses. You are freely expressing your wisdom,intelect,insults and vulga lingua. In your imagination Mr HH doesn’t deserve to be heard, then relocate to Mars.
HH has failed UPND for far too long! If they do not get rid of him, the party risks being useless on the Zambian political landscape.
Sad development where investors confidence is under threat. As a responsible opposition party Mr Hichilema may have solutions to pitfalls PF is lacking to enthuse investor confidence. My appeal to him and MMD is to advise or implore PF govt to call a press conference and reassure them of the stability of our Kwacha and political situation in the country.
Hakainde is smart, and a good man, there is something about him I have always admired, and don’t take this lightly I am not into black men but I have a soft spot for him for some reason
Saying that my fiance is the best thing that ever happened to me ever. Without him I am lost
Mushota the LT entertain.. How much are u given to keep us readers laughing??
I agree with you HH makes sense in zambian politics but stop worshipping your fience he may dump you and you may have a heart attack be carefull
It was fake currency first, then yesterday he was at it again with the Kwacha being the weakest currency in the world. I do not know whether this lumpen’s economic advisors are real economists or sangomas from Nabwalya to a be saying such things about a country he is governing. I for one doubt Sata’s sanity, the man is mad in the head.
and president of ZAMBIA!
Dear Mr. President, I want congratulate you as president OF Zambia and the efforts you are making towards the fight against corruption. We hope that you are not alone in this crusade. I would like to express my disappointment with the operation at the ministry of Labour and immigration dept. These two intuitions needs complete over haul and needs close monitoring by OP, DEC, ACC and the Police. The labour commission is a very corrupt man since Rupiah Banda administration. At least his deputy is principled. MTN and AIRTEL have no reason to offload its technical staff to contractors in the name of cost cutting. Apart from oil, telecoms is second in terms of revenue generation that’s why Libya took the path of owning telecoms companies.
Some things that HH says are sensible. Dontjust criticise, he has raised an issue of substance here. Sometimes Sata bursts with immaturity. Why does he criticise his own currency in public. If your wife commits adultery you shouldnt be the one to carry a placard letting the whole world know. If anything it also exposes weaknesses on you as the hubby and in this case Sata himself as president.
PF cadres can not comprehend this advice just like their constable. ‘like father, like son’
Cont…..These two companies have offloaded its entire technical staff from our universities to Chinese HUAWEI Company and HUAWEI offloads them to its contractor managing transport business. In this case MTN/Airtel makes their money, pass it to Huawei, then the contractor. By the time it reaches our Engineers it is a peanut. This is a Mockery Mr. President after govt suspend so much money on these engineers thru govt bursaries. MTN AND AIRTEL HAS FAILED TO DO THIS IN THEIR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN SOUTH AFRICA AND INDIA RESPECTIVELY. They take advantage of our system and previous regime’s corrupt practices. These institutions are among companies bank loaded Liato at the expense of masses of Zambians.
Being a Zambian citezen “nikufela muvipuba chabe”. Looking at the flags of the postings so far I can tell they in developed countries despite the fact that the location indicated by the flag can be miss-represented at times depending on the technicalities of internet service providers. I wonder what they are doing there and what they have learnt as regards national development. Geting back to analyze them further they are the same people claiming to be analytical. Here comes a man (HH) with words of wisdom, but the self acclaimed analytic s are in the forefront of trashing his words aside. IS SATA A god WHO SHOULD NEVER BE ADVISED BY THE OPPOSITION? Some, on this blog are saying HH is opposing what some opposition leaders have supported. Kindly outline that & the pipo who supported it.
Cont……..This trend of labour out sourcing must be reversed and stopped.
It can only take your word Sir and lives of people will be improved. Why should companies bid for business and they can’t employ and run away from responsibility of having staff?
Most of the time you speak sense, but people can’t see through your jokes because because to tend to be irritating. I’m not here to wage war against you, but to encourage you to be positive with your mother land. Gudnite “madam” mushota.
Dont mind Mushota- she is an imposter, probably a man working with LT. Her job is to post sensantional blogs to create traffic which good for advertising power
Solo that boy/man just makes general comments even my white friends who have never set foot in Africa can post such comments. Tell me of any woman/ female out there who likes to mention her boyfriend in their posts. Here is the website where IT got that picture.
HH for once I agree with you
Bembas are angry at being told the truth. Tell that monkey in state house to guard his language.
this man is around?
this man so called HH ha notjhing talk about it everything is to be against, u will never be a leader , infarct no matter how things can be i can’t give you my vote.SATA goes to toilet u complain, SATA goes , for important issue u complain what kind of a person u are .eee u can’t just work together and if it is made that 1 day u will become a leader yes u will but not attack but not every time to be against, who is going to support u in ur TONGA leader?
HH has a point. Sata needs to be cautious and sensors with his comments with regards to dealing with Markets, Indices & Foreign Investments
A) It matters what you say as Head of State because it affects Investor’s confidence.
There is a reason why China does not talk too much about its currency when the world has been busy accusing it of currency manipulation. China does this to have an upper hand over major leading exporters
B) It matters want you say when you are attending a Job Interview, else the employer will look at you as a candidate that would NOT be worth investing in – to contribute to the growth of the organisation/company/Institution.
( Cont…)
C) It matters what you say to people when you meet them for the first time on the Business Meeting or On-a-Date with some you have asked out, because First Impressions do NOT give you a Second Chance.
D) It matters what you say when the Police round you up, cause what you say can be held against you in the court of Law.
¦¦¦ All the above points have a Common Denominator per say…….
HH know what he is talking about.He is schooled in Economics.The statement Sata made regarding fake money in circulation was the worst ever a President on earth can make.Its explains why Dr.Musokotwane chose to scold him and put him where he belongs.The statement can be directly attributed to the current depreciation of our Currency by almost 10%(1,000 BPS) and ofcourse which investor wants to put his money in a country being run on auto-pilot(high political risk).
The Chinese are there till we run out of minerals.. Sata is putting right what those Mad Dogs messed up.
Which investor has indicated that his investment is threatened? Speak with facts you i.d.i.o.t. On the contrary the international community, foreign investors and NGO’s have expressed confidence in this govt. Just yestarday Lumwana Mine announced its commitment to increase investment and fund the upgrade of Solwezi Airport. Milyashi Mine just started its operations 2day and promised to increase its investment. Each time this witless HH speaks only trash comes out of his mouth. He should just go to Tongaland and fight to become a chief. He cant be a republican president.
FODEP, let PF resolve their own problems. Leave the old man KK out of this, haven’t you seen that the man has aged. How else can you explain him accepting to be sent as an emissary of Mr Sata to Angola to apologise over nothing? Those are signs of senility setting in, which all of us will go through. Have you heard Zuma and ANC use Mandela publicly to solve their own problems? Please let our old great grand father man enjoy his pension.
HH is right here people. you need to analyse the economic threat that the issue a statement like that of fake money in circulation has on the national economy. even thoough i do not agree with HH on other points but on the fake money i do and the issue that MCS should not issue negative economic statements which are bordered on false rumors is true
at amayama statement
Now for my first time I believe that Hh is an underfive politician, how can he say that after so much confidence from western countries in the PF? Who ever is adivicing him is not sincere. HH be careful with RB `s advisers Otherwise you are tripple doomed.
HH ndakomba kondi gwasha the zambian voters have rejected you and your tribalism , not once, not twice but three (3) times Just leave it now, no one apart from a small hardcore minority tribal voters will ever vote for you. We are one zambia one nation, even your back handed tricks you tried in NW & W provinces have backfired on you, give it up before its too late, Sata is President accept it and stop trying to cause havoc, high treason is not a joke
HH is right about Sata’s fake kwacha. Sata should apologise to the nation for that.
Not so sure about investors’ fears though. But hey, HH is a politician, spinned this one on Sata’s head. LOL.
I do want to believe though that the old man is waging a fantastic war against corruption. VIVA HEMCS!
Have you heard the latest ZNBC TV news? Vice President Guy Scott, Agriculture Minister Chenda, and Silvia Masebo lamenting the poor rains which would badly affect this season’s maize harvest. But the thing that amused me most was, yes you guessed right, the three officials all said that RB’s bumper harvests would come to our rescue. Well they said it grudgingly but they DID SAY IT. At long last PF will appreciate RB’s economic magic.
RB does not control the rain fall fo=ool !!!!
RB is a rainmaker now *shaking my Head*
Yeah just heard since he got booted out, Ala Bee has become a Greek god of Rain. He is now called Alarubbishiounous!
Honestly, I like the display of humour and seriousness of discussion on LT. Yes let us help our brothers and sisters to write well researched journalistic papers if they want to positively contribute to our beloved country. I have personally stopped reading and responding on ZWD. All critical analysis of their postings have not been posted on their site. Worse than the people they condemn. “If you live in a glass house don’t through stones……”
WISHING A HAPPY AND PROPEROUS NEW 2012 TO ALL LT CONTRIBUTORS AND READERS. Let us all work hard for Mother Zambia. We only have one country to call HOME. Wherever we may be is not home. I personally know this very well….
Personally i dont see anything wrong with what HH was saying but fellow bloggers are attacking him without thinking
Which law did Litunga Lewanika break? Cite the Statutes. According to the Laws of … Chapter … is that the jargon used. Natural law I hear some one breath in. Land has been conquered by well equiped people, as it was also conquered from them by still far more equiped nation states, from time immemorial. The British colnised us. Tell us which law they broke. Are the Ngonis in Eastern Province illegally? The Bemba in the Northern! The Lunda in Luapula! Are they in those places illegally? To me a layman something illegal is that which is done outside existing laws and statutes. It is the creation of the Zulu nation state that brought order to the chaos that was Nguniland. Moshesh occupied land belonging to others and created the modern state of Lesotho, as did the Swazis.
Can we then say these countries are illegal? Are Europeans in America there illegal. To safeguard his borders, Lewanika had to bring other tribes under his umbrella. He united the region to offer strong protection to marauding people, thus his Luvale – given praise name or title – Liwanyika lya mafuci (loosely ‘uniter’ of the worlds). Then all of history is ellegal. MCS is in state house illegally. He is not indigenous to this country. We must look for a Mukwengo (Bushman) from South Western Barotseland or better still import one from Botswana or South Africa to eneter Plot 1, After all they are the true owners of this land. Let us not rewrite history because of hatred for a people.
. The other day, it was the Barotse; the following day Southerners are Bantustans, yesterday the North Western Chiefs are uncouth, and today the Barotse people are illegal. Where will all this hate speech lead this country, already breaking at the seams.
Can you please shut up HH, and stop barking. there is nothing you can offer as you know very well the you come from Ingombe illede. You will never rule.
No vote from Muchinga province you condemned its formation.
Ba Mushota mulichipuba sana, katwishi uko Scottland ifyo mwikala, very imature / childish
So wrong. I’m investing *more* in Zambia because of the PF government and their anti-corruption witch hunt.
HH is very right on this one.Sata needs to learn to control his mouth or better yet learn from the former Fed chief Allan Greenspan the art of obfuscation in order not to send jitters to investors.Sata also needs to leave the bank of zambia governor to do his job.He cannot be taking orders from Sata as he is an independent actor.Sata,running the economy is a delicate balancing act unlike running a party of extremists.
HH Hakadancer Hakanaka!!
What investors is HH talking about? We had investors who never paid taxes and paid slave wages under MMD and many of them were protected by the people who were in power. *****s like Liato were busy burying billions in the ground when the workers were crying for a decent wage and he was the Minister of labour. We needs genuine investors not the kind HH brought in when he was in charge of Privatisation. Zambians are suffering because people like HH connived to sell govt companies cheap so that they can be striped off their expensive equipment and machinery, a good example is Luanshya mine and Mwinilunga cannery.
My Zambia, any intelligent man/woman can see that Muchinga province is just a way for PF to allocate more funds to Bembas. What HH has said is good advice but as usual you PF cadres with your grade 7 dropout leader are always going to insult him.
It’s only true. The world is watching…
You Zambians vote blindly. You need leaders who can philosophize. Go and learn from your northern neighbors in Tanzania and why they are leaving Zambia in the distance. We used to be ahead only 10 years ago. Even Rwanda was a more smart government that is attracting plum investment. You’re instead fascinated by vulgar charlatans that you elect. We are in the 21st Century, for crying out.
HH; Haka Hivotela Heka!!!
Is their another word for WEAK which don’t mean weak. Stating facts as they stand is very important, the people from Western province are not dull and Sata is stating the facts as they stand, lying anyhow is not the best option. People like Milupi want confrontations with people, when dialogue can work.
HH is right and this is a sensible advise but as usual senseless stupid non exposed bembas who think Sata is a ka small god or Satan devil who should never be advised or questioned of some of his waki decisions or hallucination and reckless statements he has made so far
I`m not an economist but compelled to comment on economics because it appears economist bloggers are failing to give us a lucid narrative. It`s true that negative comments can result in negative perception of a country, causing revulsion and therefore erode investor confidence. This is exemplified in the western world where perception if unfavorable has driven the markets down. In the same vein it has to be appreciated that being a global village, nations are basically chasing the same investors who are sensitive to negative perceptions. Am curious,so there`s fake money awash despite hearing that, back home, people are cash strapped. Who`s gut the hoard? Anyhow, it`s BOZ`s duty to regulate the currency in circulation
” Mr. Hichilema says President Sata has since coming to power not given confidence to foreign investors. He adds that the recent statement the President made on the alleged fake money in circulation further heightened the concerns of investors. ”
HH is a neoliberal who tried to make a deal with the MMD. Good riddance. Good riddance to neoliberal economics too, because their deregulation of the financial markets is destroying the global economy and handing control of what remains (through debt) to a couple of trillionairs.
No selfrespecting politician should live trembling in fear of the market, or ‘foreign investors’.
Zambia can only get off ‘donor aid’ when it starts taxing the mines.
Number 48,Mrk, Zambia can only get out off ‘donor aid’ when they start taxing everyone and not just the mines.
55 JUA JUA ” Number 48,Mrk, Zambia can only get out off ‘donor aid’ when they start taxing everyone and not just the mines. ”
They don’t need to tax everyonee. Right now, they are not taxing the mines.
Taxation is not good for the economy when it is aimed at the only people who can be relied upon to spend all their disposable income in Zambia.
So when people talk of ‘broadening the tax base’ and mean tax the poor, they are just deflecting attention away from taxing the mines.
The Rhetoric Zambian; What’s wrong to have more resources in Northern Zambia? Greed.
#2 Amayama munungwa hau, what perpots u to utter such a fake statement gainst HH ? U yoself what wisdom can u demonstrate as a failed chap ? Just the language and hate u exhibit is abundant proof of yo absolute folly. Stop issuing statements and comments out of tribalism and hate but learn to be issue based. U r a primitive chap with primitive thinking which belong to the dustbin and I don’ t consider u to have a place in modern society. The fact that u r a Bemba does not warrant u to consider yoself worth than others. Bear in mind that each and every Zambian has got rights and responsibilities so u shud learn to balance up things. Sata is not a God in the same way he came, one day he shall go and the presidency shall remain.
gud advice frm yhose 2 barotse nationals
HH has lost his marbles. MMD were the party that was geared to ensure that foreign investment is not beneficial to Zambians. PF and Sata are beter balanced because they want to ensure that no one is above the law. HH is definitely useless to the needs of Zambia and its citizens.
Rubbish.. so this tribalist is still round, i thought he was deported to barotseland…HAkalanda HAkanaka according to the barotseland map you are not zambian soo please stop what ever you are doing. you will never be president in zambia try barotseland may be the litunga will step down for you.
The Kaponya govt has announced another commission of inquiry to investigate how ZANACO was privatised by the Mwanawasa govt. As an investor in ZANACO; I am worried about my little investment in this well run bank! I am selling off my shares before the share price goes down because of the actions of these economic illiterates!
Why is HH never the first person to speak about a matter of national concern. Eg fake money in seculation was uttered more than a month ago, has HH just been told? The fact that he takes so long to comment tells me he waits to hear what others say on a matter then try to be their vuvuzelas. Dont you people agree that he always seems to be behind with current affairs???? Perplexing….!!!
@Child of the sky——————What has the Zambian foreign investment got to do with your terrorist nonsense, you are just one useless mouth piece just like this Hakadancer Hakanaka, yours is a non-starter mate, we have people in place to send you where you won,t talk matey.GRZ owns every bit of land in Zambia, just you wait for the new laws to come in, every ruler who cannot control his subjects loses that privilage to be in power…
A Young Mind’s short sight Politics
HH keep them awake…. they are really scared now that this old monkey is really loosing it.
Its better to be condemned than to be ignored.
They are obviously feeling the heat.
some chaps can never differenciate between trash and sense
you HH should be ashemed of being MMDs prostitute. PF is making sure Zambians come first and Zambias wealth is first accounted for, not your pimp MMD who made Zambia a global free for all dipping pot. Some of us have been crying about the non accountability of our emarelds and othher stones were MMDs GRZ knew nothing of what was being produced. When the foriegne owened mines herd PF were not happy with the situation ,they hurridly published a report about how much sales they had made. While that industry alone is worth billons Zambians have gained nothing. I would rather have a unregulated Zambianisation that produces hundreds of zambian millioners than a unregulated foriegne plundder. PF are now talking of putting gaurds at the mines.
This is a very good advice from the incoming President of zambia. Any sane zambian should welcome this advice.
@37 to 39 Child of the sky… you are on the wrong blog mate… Go spew your trash theories with you fellow and very few ill informed tribalists on ZWD… on other thing for you and your Milupi… start by defining your border before you can even discuss the so called agreement.. Do not include non lozi speaking regions and provinces.. And dont dare include my village , ZAMBEZI in NORTHWESTERN PROVINCE where my father comes from.. we don not speak your language our our Senior Chief Ndungu has never and will never report to or come under the control of Litunga/ BRE or anyone else apart from GRZ… You think you can steal the mineral wealth of the North western province??? no chance. the wealth belongs to ZAMBIA for all zambians.
hit all the bemba intrests very hard.they dont think properly. of late they like pretending to be other tribes.we will smock you out of your hole.Please we await the election of prime miniter to seat at the crown of the barotse governing council.Congatulations prince.
@54,MrK. Am cynical at how savvy you are with economics. You seem to have your facts mixed up. E.g. in the US, still the biggest economy in the world, as opposed to your assertion, financial regulation is back. It was re-introduced by the democrats through Obama, to the dismay of the republicans who favor deregulation which did contributed to the recession. Foreign investment and donor aid are two different aspects. The economic boom evidenced in the so called BRIC countries is a consequence of foreign investment, and lastly but not the least, The mines you mention as the pillar for Zambia revenue in taxes are owned in real sense by foreign investors
There are several excellent books by prof. Ha-Joon Chang, for instance Bad Samaritans, and Reclaiming Development.
These pages are too short to go into great detail as to what is happening in the BRICS countries, or Greece and Iceland for that matter.
There is nothing magical about money that comes from abroad vs Zambian money, and Zambia is losing at leat $1.3 billion a year in unclaimed taxes from the mining industry, money that is not re-invested in Zambia and is lost to the economy, because the mines are foreign owned and no longer state owned. And that is neglecting at least $3 billion a year in profits leaving the country.
Foreign investment also means foreign ownership, and if they ‘bring’ $1 billion, it is only because they can take away $10 billion.
HH, a bitter man where is your counterpart, RUPIA? Sata, you are doing a commendable job. HH is just scared because PF will backdate the inquiries which will affect him.
The problem with Under-5 is that he overates himself. In PF we have better economists that HH such as Bob, Minister of Commerce but ba HH wants to portray it as though he is a heavyweight in economics. HH is just an ordinary economist like many others around. It’s the same attitude (overating himself) that made him think he’s popular and left the PACT thinking Sata wouldnt win without him. Now he’s chocking day and nite with ENVY. My humble advise to HH is that when your supporters lay a Red Carpet for you in Monze, it doesnt mean you are popular countrywide
@ 71 MrK. Nationalism is a form of Protectionism and is a recipe for economic malaise. We experimented with it under Kaunda and the results were dismal as our economy went belly-up. Borderline, China, just like other BRIC countries opened up to the outside world and is now the industrial capital of the world as seen by the influx of foreign manufacturing companies. China is now a communist state on paper only. Candidly, I don’t think we have the capacity, in terms of Financial, Expertise, experience etc to wholly own and run the mines. Regulation of capital flight is a policy matter and can be achieved as long as the gov is on top of it`s game. One thing we can learn form China is to compel foreign investors to partner with locals.
Dildo you are the man.
” @ 71 MrK. Nationalism is a form of Protectionism and is a recipe for economic malaise. ”
Counter evidence – China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. All of them are not only nationalistic, they are protectionist to their core industries. You cannot go to Japan and set up a car factory. They go to the USA and set up plants, but it is impossible for the reverse to happen.
If you say that this is unfair, then I would say – welcome to the game of capitalism, where you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate, and you can only keep what you can protect.
Nearly all businesses in China are Chinese owned. The majority of businesses in China and Taiwan are state owned.
Time to start learning lessons from the Tigers, and let go of neoliberal economics.
It is time to head to the library or Amazon, and get Bad Samaritans or Reclaiming Development by prof. Ha-Joon Chang. He is a South Korean economics professor in Cambridge.
More importantly, he does what too few economists actually do, and that is look at economic history, instead of economic theory.
Including Thomas Friedman, who when writing The Lexus And The Olive Tree, neglected to do some research on the Lexus, which would have shown him that there would have been no Lexus without a bailout from the Japanese government. So much for free market economics.
Not surprised with the response, just because of tribal voting going on in zambia, Sata still has praise singers meanwhile the man is breaking down the hard work that past leaders have put in place. Investors create jobs, improve tax collections, through social responsibility programs uplift communities, etc and all you hear on this blog is insults on HH. Well, Zambia has never thrived with leaders from the north. Zambia is going thro the same cycle as chiluba’s era right now. Careless talk comes from state house of all places, we have more calmer heads from the opposition and zambia dance …. you know when poverty is your blood, there nothing that gets your attention. Watch people lose their jobs, Lusaka will stink with filth again, so who in a right mind would invest there.