Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Sata offers Malawian President Bingu Wa Mutharika an olive branch


FLASHBACK: President Rupiah Banda embraces his Malawian counterpart Bingu Wa Mutarika at Lusaka international airport

President Michael Sata has agreed to reconcile with his Malawian counterpart Bingu Wa Mutharika. QFM News reports that President Sata told journalists at State house this morning that there is need for him and his Malawian counterpart to put their differences aside in the interest of Zambia and Malawi.

The President said he has since sent a message to President Bingu Wa Mutharika through that country’s former head of State Bakili Muluzi who is in Zambia for a private visit indicating his willingness to reconcile their differences.

President Sata was On March 15, 2007, deported from Malawi upon his arrival at Chileka International Airport in Blantyre and was driven back to Zambia through Mwami Border in Chipata.

The Malawian government has up to date not explained why it deported Mr. Sata from that country.

Earlier President Sata held a closed door meeting with the former Malawian Bakili Muluzi which lasted about 40 minutes.

After the meeting, the President saw-off Dr. Muluzi who has been in the country for the past two days.



  1. Ba puba kabili. If you are in opposition in Africa, to them ifipuba, they think you are a devil, a moron who does not deserve to live. Lets face it, democracy is not real in Africa. The Chief mentality is still deep rooted. Ni mfumu kabili, kumunzi. We just had chiefs all the time. Mbingu is a total disgrace. His education did nothing to him. He is education-proof.

  2. Jacob, are you serious? If you are Malawian, then your statement holds if not, awe bwana, you are not serious. The Zambian President was absolutely right. Someone had to apologise for that serious oversight by Mbingu. How could he pretend all was right after being deported for nothing? So, iwe apo if you are Zambian, we should have been saying “A Malawian deportee is our President”? Awe nakana sana. Tefyo yiya bola boyi.

  3. All that noise, who did he think he was?

    Mutharika just kept lent on the issue and he looks far much wiser.

    Mutharika 3;0 Sata

  4. Starting a war of words, then offering an olive branch and you oponent is just ignoring you through and through. What a Moron Zambia has for a president!

  5. Zinthu zakoma achimwene. takondwera kwambiri zimene a ngwazi a Sata alankhula. Koma a Mbingu ndithu muyenela mupepetse zimene munachita. Chichewa chimati… ‘eko usulile ekopa noko’….aaah ndi chiWemba pepani!

  6. @GK Governments do not communicate as though they are at Kamwala Market. There are protocols and procedure for ironing out issues. What I saw from our man was disregard for such rules. Even though he had been wronged (which is questionable), the manner in which he tried to bully the Malawian govt to give apologies was unacceptable, to say the least. In the rules of diplomacy, all countries are equal. For example if the Angolan and US presidents arrived at the same time at the airpot, the Angolan president needs to be attended to first. It is a whole different world and far from Kaponya mentality. I hope we do not fall into more of these diplomatic traps as our new leaders learn the job.

    • Jacob. You do not make sense. I think it is time you stopped blogging. What you are seeing happening in Zambia is that the journalists now have inside info and they are reporting every move. Sata did not go to the paper to ask for an apology. He talked to the Malawan High Commissioner, but the press was there. Sata’s deportation was a personal matter that was politicised by MMD to disgrace Sata. We read about deportation news everyday in papers. Sata is puting the country above his personal fights with the Malawan government. This case is between Sata and the Malawan government and not Zambia Vs Malawi. It is nothing to do with diplomatic relations..get a clue.

  7. yes Mr President well done, the haters will come up with more excuses, Haters just remember he is zambian president love him or hate , its water off a ducks back

  8. Again hulla baloo news. If only Mr Sata was extending his peace intent face to face with Malawian president Mbingu WaMutharika. Bakili Muluzi is facing corruption charges in Malawi and is in opposition to Mutharika’s rule. How does Sata extend an olive branch through Bakili to Wa Mutharika? Sata doesn’t just get this protocol. Wa Mutharika will simply ignore it as done before. Mbingu hosted a regional SADIC conference and Sata snubbed it. Sata invited VP of Malawi and now former president of Malawi. Why not invite actual president of Malawi?What will Sata expect from his conduct towards fellow head of state? That’s my Fumbo?

  9. Again Chilufya’s supporters will try and dress this up as a triumph for their baffoon at state house. Fact is this is a climb down and how anyone who is ‘allergic’ to corruption can be so friendly to someone who is facing corruption allegations in his home country is beyond me! He should have attended the meeting but he chose to put his own personal interests above those of the people who elected him into high office. Now this is another climb down to add to his u-turn on the Chinese ‘infestors’.

    • Like a child? Thank God for that. Jesus says unless we be like little children, we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Forgiving is righteous. Praise God.

  10. #18 Thetoric Mug Zambian. Forgive and move on you tool! That is what the bible says.

    But this doesn`t mean we have to forgive your uncle Ala Bee because the bible says thy shall not steal! You tool!

    • Continue defending your clamsy president. He made such a fuss about the whole thing even deciding to boycot a regional meeting in Malawi. And you are calling me a Tool and at the same time quoting the bible??? I am not the one supporting the worst president Zambia has ever had. Who’s the tool now??? You father should have used a condom.

  11. The number of u-turns are now reaching a lunatic level. This satanic baffoon should learn to think before he opens his urgly mouth or else ours will be a continous dousage of embarrassing flip flopping government acrobatics by this fool going by the title of republican president.

  12. Jocob webe tole!!! You are a disgrace like Bingu wa Talika. The President had a reason and it deserved a serous attention. Nomba Iwe chikala Jacob what are you saying. Wabapuli X 100

    • The fact that you can only communicate through insults speaks volumes about you. Learn to be civil and appreciate different views. It is unfortunate we are now exporting people like you to SA.

  13. It is not about wining or losing. Our president on this occasion has done a right thing, this is what we advocated for as we need Malawi and Malawi needs Zambia. Diplomacy requires tact and tenacity and I hope our president has learnt something positive from this experience. We shall criticize him constructively and this is healthy for our Zambia. We cannot agree to everything it will be illogical and undemocratic. To oppose does not entail that we hate the president. Yes.   

  14. bingu has neither apologised nor explained why sata was deported unceromoniously, so why should sata be the one extending the olive branch? thought our president had iron balls but it seems he’s giving in, next we’ll hear him apologising over his earlier behaviour toward bingu…am offended

  15. Italian Bunga Bunga. Continue defending your clamsy president. He made such a fuss about the whole thing even deciding to boycot a regional meeting in Malawi. And you are calling me a Tool and at the same time quoting the bible??? I am not the one supporting the worst president Zambia has ever had. Who’s the tool now??? You father should have used a condom

  16. ba bunga bunga ubupuba bwenu, i hope you are getting paid but even then your blood money will not take you anywhere bwana.

  17. ala fimo ifintu tafifwaikwa nokucita argue, u forgive fyonse fibi u habor resentment fyonse fibi kanshi mwebantu mufwaya awe mwee. Thats y umuntu mubi awamafye nganafwa pantu nganalala kuti abuka.

  18. Well, our old man needs advice again, is senility catching up? Handle it diplomatically. The matter is not for public attention, well not until all loose ends are tied up.

  19. Ukusupuka, so what were all the tantrums all about? Did he think that other presidents would come down on their knees to plead with him? He is president of Zambia, the constitution of Zambia gives him powers over his citizens and NOT other presidents and citizens in their own countries. Here he can appoint commissions of inquiry, kick the IG around and generally boss everybody around and even abuse his powers, but Zambia’s boundaries define the extent of his powers. Good diplomatic lesson.

  20. If I was mbingu I would through that olive branch in the face of Sata which fool would accept such a useless apology to be delivered by his enemy. Why didn’t he send KK if he meant well than this rubbish

  21. The truth is that Sata is being sacarstic to Bingu. Obviously Muluzi won’t deliver the message, but the media, such as LT and Nyasa Times. This is just to show Bingu the level to which Sata’s assistance to Bingu’s political enemies has advanced.

  22. That’s the way to go as a Christian Mr. President! Sata was declared PI by the Malawian Gvmnt. How did u expect Sata to go to Malawi before being cleared? Sata asked for an appology from Bingu but he ignored it. Now he has offered reconciliation in written, if Bingu ignore it again even the bible says it, leave him and don’t even be bothered. What is it that Zambia will lose from Malawi? Close the Zambian diplomat in Lilongwe and ask the Malawian diplomat to Zambia to leave within 48 hours. period. You did it with Levy, the same pipo said it was not good. Levy died with a peaceful mind with you. You have played your part if Bingu feels it is not important to reconcile then leave him. It will remain with him and your concious will be clear! 

  23. The moment Zambians wake up and accept that they have a clown in state house the better. The man is a clown and soon we will wake up to that fact. Just think of this, Commission of enquiry on ZANACO and not Finance Banck which I thought needed that. Then send Olive branch through Muluzi when he knows well that Mululuzi is in bad books with Mbingu and he is facing corruption charges and our clown Sata is allegic to corruption. I think the man is immuned to corruption not allergic. Sorry we have a clown and baffoon for a president.

  24. President Wamutarika has taught the cobra a lesson that he is no push over. sata was wrong to behave the way he did by wanting to dictate to a president for the things he genuinely suffered whe he was an opposition leader. Wamutarika refused to apologize and i give him respect because if he did the cobra would have been a champion but now he is the looser. This reptile thinks he can push his way even in foreign countries the way he does in Zambia of firing and hiring people? A tribalist and an avenger on those he hates. very soon what he is doing to others will be done to him. The so called fight against corruption is flawed with plunder as too many commision of inquiries where members are paid K10 million per 2 siitings daily are simply ammassing wealth in a legalized way. Sata and Marzif

  25. What corruption can the cobra fight when he himself is a thief. Is he not the one who stacked billion of government kwachas in his personal account and took away all interest before returning the principle and this only after he was exposed; is this not the man who stole together with little Fred and sata was fying with trunks full of billions of Kwachas during the mmd convention in Chiluba’s time? How can he today be the champion to fight corruption? He is just woodwinking the unsuspecting Zambians. It is Sata who in Chiluba’s time claimed that people of north western province were lack “butocks” on a human body and that they will never develop. He hates all other tribes and his way of doing things will create problems for us Bembas and it is folly for bembas to support him.

  26. Ask Malawians about President Wamutarika. His ambassadors and diplomats are now payign for their accomodations and airplane tickets. Their immediate family members are not included in the budget and have to pay even for children’s school fees. This is all because the president has said and he is stubborn and inconsiderate of his own people. If you think he has a heart for humanity and you think he is quite about the Sata issue because he is wise, you got something else coming. Wamutarika has no social graces and is least among the people who would think about the plight of others. Sata has closed the case with Wamutarika. He has forgiven Wamutarika not for the sake of Wamutarika but for his own peace of mind. When you cannot reason with a fool, just say “Yes”.

  27. Those here who are pleased with President Wamutarika’s handling of the Sata Deportation case should know that President Sata said “Yes” to please a fool. He has nothing to loose by forgiving Wamutarika. Todate the white suprematists in South Africa have not apologised to the black folks they oppressed under apartheid. But before they even thought about words to say Mandela forgave them. Sata is learning from elders like Mandela. You may complain, but at the end forgive the oppressors.

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