Wednesday, March 12, 2025

“Recruit more to strengthen the party”, Wina implores PF in Western Province


 Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Inonge Wina
Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Inonge Wina

Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Minister Inonge Wina says it is vital for the Patriotic Front (PF) in Western Province to acknowledge the amount of work in the province as that party celebrates it victory.

AND Provincial Minister Nathanial Mubukwanu has appealed to the PF membership to emulate President Michael Sata in the fight against corruption.

Mrs. Wina said the party should apply more effort in ensuring that it grows in the region hence the need to strengthen its mass recruitment.

“You are therefore called to duty to yet again to ensure that we strengthen the party by mass recruitment. To achieve this we need to be a disciplined party all the time,” she emphasized.

She was speaking in Mongu last night when she graced the official opening of the Patriotic Front Christmas and New Year party that was organized by the District Committee and held at Mongu Trades Training Institute main campus.

Mrs. Wina who is also PF National Chairperson and Nalolo Member of Parliament noted that as a new party in government, there lies a huge responsibility to develop the country based on equitable distribution of power and resources.

The Minister pointed out that the challenge of developing the Western Province and country at large calls for resources, huge commitment, strong dedication, hard work and tolerance from all Zambians irrespective of their Political affiliation and social culture position including class and gender.

“In this regard, we must lead by example. Let us ask ourselves of what we can do for the party rather than what the party can do for us,” Wina added.

She commended the district committee for organizing the Christmas and New Year part whose aim was to promote social interaction and party unity saying it is a bed rock for recruitment.

Mr. Mubukwanu noted that the PF party has formed government at a time when people have great expectations in the province.

He said the development of the province will depend on the party’s good conduct, governance, hard work as well as a spirited commitment towards the fight against corruption.

“The development of this province depends on our conduct as a party therefore we ourselves should be the seen to be the drivers in the fight against corruption,” Mubukwanu stated.

The Minister has since called on all PF members to team up with the Provincial Administration in order to stay steady fast in developing the province.

Earlier, Mongu District Chairperson Tembo Mulenga thanked the district fundraising committee for working hard in ensuring that the part come to pass.

Mr. Mulenga said through fundraising the party was able to donate foodstuff and other materials to Lewanika General Hospital last week.


  1. Am very suprised,i expected alot of comments on this one especially from western province pf critics but non has said anything because its their tribesmen talking in support of the party and hence forced to conclude that these westerners are just a bunch of uncultured individuals aimed at distabilising the country and the province because of their greedy and selfishness.
    Zambia is one nation and shall forever remain so,please take your time to understand the meaning of ‘one zambia,one nation’am sure it will help.lets work together as a nation to create a better zambia for our children,their children and thir children’s children.the barotse issue is taking most of our government and people’s time.we shall not eat the barotse issue,why bring it up now since 1964?

    • So if Zambia is as you describe it; how come your first comment is a diatribe against Lozis? Inonge can go to hell with her silly portfolio for Nyau and Makishi dancers! PF cancelled only one road project in Zambia………the Mongu-Kalabo Rd. Every other road in Zambia was given a go ahead! And honestly you think we the Barotse give a damn about Inonge’s rantings! There is no PF now in Western Province. It only exists in Inonge and Mubukwanu ; the PF doormats into Western Province!
      All she is doing is keeping up appearences..deep down in her heart she knows her people have been short changed. Honestly, how do you cancel a road project whose funds have already been sourced on grounds as flimsy as it being a political project? So go to hell PF supporter and your traitor Inonge!

  2. you are a serious let down,go to nalolo.we voted for satas promises for a univesrsity for namushakende not are a wrong woman.stop buying kachipembe for youths in nalolo.

  3. “In this regard, we must lead by example. Let us ask ourselves of what we can do for the party rather than what the party can do for us,” Wina added. Well spoken. Very very well spoken. Woring towards honouring your promises and gettng people to participate along the way is the way to go.

  4. Inonge Wina was used by Sata to cheat the people of Western Province on many unworkable promises relating to the Barotseland saga. Inonge got a Ministerial post but the people of Western Province and the rest of the country know that they have been “FOOLED” through the fake 90-days promises. Inonge is a traitor of the worst kind.

  5. Yes Hon Wina we are right behind you,Let us not give any chance to a very tiny minority trying to cause havoc in the province. Just ignore their rantings the have no leg to stand on, as they really are on the weak side

  6. Its time you Lozis stopped arguing your case using tribe. If you are to produce a national leader WP need to inhabited by various tribes and races not current scenario where “foreigners” are not allowed or frustrated to invest in the province

  7. Lol! There go the usual cabal trying to create theories and myths about Lozis. First there were 9 Provinces in Zambia. And now ther are 10. In the last 47 years we saw Roads, new Districts, hospitals etc been built in the other 8 provinces. Western Province was at a standstill. Now Lozis are questioning why? If you cant do it leave us alone then they say! PF’s first act of betrayal cancel the Mongu-Kalabo Rd because it is political. Surprise, Surprise all other roads in other Provinces are given a go ahead even though they are political projects also started by RB! Is this the one Zambia One nation nonsense you want me to buy in? The biggest Province happens to have only 7 districts and meantime new districts are being created in provinces more than two times smaller than WestPro!

  8. Great! progressive mind take over PF mama Inonge and lets shame those who preach secession and tribalism.

    The tribalism orchestrated by Southerners is headed for doom IN JESUS NAME. Being educated but without wisdom, think tribalism will give them Presidency or Inciting people on BA64 will give them presidency? forget it, its the vote.

    What will happen if Sata chooses a Westerner to be next Head of State?

    Think will HH win an election?

  9. All you PF cadres are just wasting your breath. Your guy in State House has messed up big time. The nonsense coming from Inonge wont help your party in Western Province. You should ask yourselves what development projects you have for the province. At the moment it is nada…noto….nothing! In support of the PF what does the Province get? Did Inonge elaborate? To my knowledge she didnt. We want the same goodies promised to Muchinga, Luapula and Northern Province like the two universities, the roads etc. Lozis are tired of being backing singers and escortees!

  10. We expected inonge to be vice to sata but because of sata’s deep rooted tribalism, a ministry for likishi affairs was created for her to head. Embarrasing!

  11. I wish people would learn to speak for themselves as individuals rather than drag the whole collective into their own personal opinions. I really don’t like it when a fellow Zambian expresses a shallow opinion and says “Zambians this or that” when it is infact that individual’s own petty sentiments. Likewise those who say Lozis this or Tongas that or Bembas the other. Some of us are hoping to build, not to destroy, and we hope that other fellow Zambians will objectively and constructively work with us against negative forces from every source. We are non-partisan, non-tribal… We support all good contributions from all quarters and denounce all negativity from all quarters.

  12. PF ahapi ahapi, PF alimwi alimwi PF nafuti nafuti @9 Musiwa Likota—————-you are wasting your time, Lozi people are just ordinary Zambian like all zambian, maybe we should bring a barracks to WP filled with bemba and ngoni commandos help with massive breeding by the bemba/ngoni superior rulers of zambia–We are here to stay

  13. We hope that every ethnic grouping gets the respect and dignity it deserves, and we hope every individual gets equal access to resources and opportunities. We will work for that, and fight where necessary, and we will also fight for the rights of those who irritate us with irrationality. Well meaning christians, well meaning muslims, well meaning hindus, well meaning non-believers, all are welcome. Those who are not wellmeaning, whether christian or muslim or hindu or atheist, we hope they will learn that divisiveness based on matters of opinion, faith and ethnic grouping is counter-productive.

  14. Bo winner shld be last to antagonise us esp that we want what belongs to us. Pf shal never grow in western province. This time around we r delinking our land and we explore our rich land in oil and diamonds.

    • you are going back to the namib desert Shaka chased you with spears, we shall you with proper arms,but keep the lozi women

  15. Thank God iam abroad. The primitive tribal nonsense being spewed by archaic natives on this blog is absent where Iam and Rwanda wouldn’t happen here. But from what I can see there a trainn smash could happen anytime in this highly tribalistic community of yours

  16. i see no sense in what wina said in that speach. christmas is not development you stupid people.
    we are talking of good colleges, roads, jobs, infrastracture and money in the pocket. what is nwe year party for what, is that development ki masipa fele, bukuba.

  17. ku bukuba bo mubukwani ni boinong wina. mulu bona bukuba.
    talk about colleges, and jobs for the people. invite more people to join your party and also stop pushing poeple around nalapela.

  18. mbuya just shut up…mass recruitment does not mean job creation, mass recruitment for what. As your tribal cousin i am disappointed that you are telling people to ask what they can do for the party just after an election. The party needs to creat jobs for the people first… Your speech was empty… you should have just gone their to drink like a fish, because thats what you lozis are known for. let me stop before my blood pressure becomes elevated.

  19. lozis you are just too selfish,your chief sold this land to the British in return for protection.much of the then northern Rhodesia suffered too much while your land remained a protectorate.the underdevelopment seen in the rest of Zambia was a result of your selfish acts, Zambians bled while you enjoyed as barotseland.its just fair that you pay back for the misery the british brought upon our people. Rhodesian men and women were being sold while you were rejoicing.its just fair that you apologize to the Zambians instead of uttering nonsense.if you can find a better way of fighting for development it will be better than what you are currently will cry and no one will hear your voice this way my brothers.just sit down and find a better way.

  20. @20 The Don; Please give us the documents that show that Lubosi Lewanika sold land to the British! Are you people so warped up in your heads that you are able to manufacture your own myths and end up believing them yourselves? This is a pure symptom of madness!. Is this myth of yours a direct quote from Mr Michael Chilufya Sata’s distinguished scholarly research work at Matero University?. My boy get it into that thick skull of yours. Lewanika only sought British protection for Barotseland. The colonization of land beyond Barotseland was Cecil Rhodes own business. How can the British be so stu.pi.d as to buy land from a chief who didnt control it?. No colonial power ever bought land in Africa. They just grabbed it! What a sick idea you have in that thick skull of yours!

  21. @20 The Don; Wena you are the ones who are too selfish! Why dont you tell us the distribution of votes in your ‘unselfish’ province? I am quite sure it was on tribal lines. For your own information you bigot Western Province is the only province that voted for a plurality of parties! RB’s MMD got 10 seats, HH’s UPND 4 seats, Sata’s PF 2 seats, Milupi’s ADD despite him being a Lozi got 1 seat only. Do selfish people vote like this? My dear you are the one with issues. You will only be satisfied if all Lozi rallied behind PF. Democracy is not like that you We are not sheep to be shepherded in one direction. Grow up and get lost you bigot. Your first contribution is a complaint about Lozis and the last one is a complaint about Lozis. You are a Tribalist. Go to hell!

  22. Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Minister? What is her job description? Doe it include the promotion of the dancing of ching’ande, siyemboka, funkutu, kachacha, dendeule, shonongo, kalela, etc.?

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