Wednesday, March 12, 2025

FODEP wants the appointment of ACC director not be left to the President


FODEP Executive Director, McDonald Chipenzi
FODEP Executive Director, McDonald Chipenzi

The Foundation for Democratic Process has called on the Technical Committee on the constitution to ensure that submissions on the independence of the Anti-Corruption commission are upheld.

FODEP Executive Director McDonald Chipenza told the media in Lusaka yesterday that the committee should ensure that the independence of the ACC is guaranteed by the new constitution.

Mr Chipenza added that even the appointment of the ACC Director General should not be left to the President but that it should be given to an independent committee.

And commenting party on funding, Mr Chipenzi says the new constitution should also provide for party funding as a way of avoiding an uneven political playing field.

The Opposition United National Independence Party has also backed calls for the introduction of party funding.

UNIP Vice President Njekwa Anamela said that state funding of political parties will level the playing field and also give legitimacy to political parties.

Mr AAnamela noted that the current scenario is says it is not only his party which shares that viewed by many politicians as one that favours the ruling party only.


  1. we need an independent ACC so that even those corrupt individuals who currently enjoys favorable relationship with those in power can be prosecuted as well,and that can be done by allowing for instance the public service commission or parly appoint the DG and other senior staff

  2. I do not agree with funding political parties – we are a poor country and cannot afford to waste money on funding political parties – I suggest the ” limiting of political parties to only to three” if they have to be funded – but funding the countles number of political parties we have at present will only result in more of them there by wasting tax payers money – at the moment having only upnd, mmd and pf is enough for zambia.


  4. Why waste our little resoures on political parties instead of building a university in every province.Politicians are selfish and shame on you.

  5. Mr chimpanzi hw many political parties do we hv in zambia? Are u crazy? Fundng political parties which have no chance of ever rulng zambia. Not even in the nxt century. If the party presidents dont have the money dnt allow them 2 form the party. Let them get the financial support frm their supportes

  6. fully support the independent operation of ACC director but disagree on the notion that the president should not appoint the ACC but an independent committee should. I’m for the idea that the President still appoints the ACC director but the parliament confirms him or rejects him. Setting up committees is a waste of tax payers’ money.

  7. You guys you really want HE MCS to be a powerless president. Why all of a sudden there are too many demands? I am puzzled

  8. Chipenzi, political parties in Zambia do not perform to the expectations of the people. We cannot allow tax payers’ money to flow to unproductive political activities at the expense of the poor!!!!!!!!!! However, I do agree with you on the constitutional change that will allow the Independence of the ACC and other quasi govt institutions.

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